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#1गेल G GAIL GAIL (India) Ltd. Investors' & Analysts' Meet 2023 May 19, 2023, Mumbai#2Safe Harbor Statement This presentation has been prepared by GAIL (India) Ltd (Company or GAIL) solely for providing information about the Company. The information contained in this presentation is only current as of its date. Certain statements made in this presentation may not be based on historical information or facts and may be "forward-looking statements", including those relating to the Company's general business plans and strategy, its future financial condition and growth prospects, and future developments in its industry and its competitive and regulatory environment. Actual results may differ materially from these forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including future changes or developments in the Company's business, its competitive environment, information technology and political, economic, legal and social conditions in India. This communication is for general information purposes only, without regard to specific objectives, financial situations and needs of any particular person. Company do not accept any liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, that may arise from the use of the information herein. The Company may alter, modify or otherwise change in any manner the content of this presentation, without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes 2#3Enhancing quality of life through clean energy and beyond Company Mission & Vision Mission Vision in Be the leader natural gas value- chain and beyond, with global presence, creating value for stakeholders environmental responsibility with#4Table of Contents 1 Company Overview 2 Performance Highlights. 3 Industry Outlook & Strategy#5Company Overview#6Major Business Portfolio Gas Transmission & Marketing ☐ ☐ ~ 15,400 KM of Gas Network Long Term Portfolio of ~14 MMTPA Petrochemicals Capacity of 810 KTA at Pata & 280 KTA at BCPL ■ ~18% PE Capacity share LPG & Liquid Hydrocarbons ■ 5 Processing Plants ■ 1.4 MMTPA of Capacity ■ 4.55 MMTPA of LPG Trans. Capacity E&P ■ Participation in 13 Blocks ■ Presence in US & Myanmar Renewables ■ 118 MW of Wind Power Capacity ■ 13.8 MW of Solar Power Capacity City Gas ■ 67 GAS Out of total 295 GAS Subsidiary - GAIL Gas Ltd., Bengal Gas & TNGCL +8 CGD JVs BANANAGAR GAS LIMITED#7Global Presence • USA GGUI GGULL GAIL-Sabine Pass EGYPT Equity in 2 Retail Gas Companies RUSSIA •Bharat Energy Office SINGAPORE • GAIL Global • CHINA China Gas MYANMAR A1 & A3 E&P Blocks Myanmar - China Gas Pipeline Singapore Pte Ltd#8Sustainable Development GAIL has set a target to achieve Net-Zero (scope 1 and scope 2) status by 2040 while reducing scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 100% and Scope 3 emissions by 35% (from the baseline year of 2020-2021) by 2040. GAIL was accorded 'Green Ribbon Champions' by CNBC, Network 18 Media & Investments Limited. Shri R K Singh Hon'ble Minister of Power and New & Renewable Energy, congratulated the GAIL team for the decarbonization Initiatives taken by the organisation. The award recognizes GAIL's initiatives and projects across sustainability, afforestation, waste management, renewable energy, and more. □ GAIL (India) got A grade rating India's Most Sustainable Companies 2022 by Business world Magazine. GAIL (India) stands first among other PSUS (Public Sector Undertakings) that got A rating. GAIL ranks 1st among other PSUs in the Climate Leadership Report-2022 by Futurescape and Economic Times (ET) Edge. □ GAIL embarked upon the journey of adoption of Sustainable Factory GreenCo Rating. In last 3 years, six GAIL sites have achieved GreenCo Gandhar, Jhabua and VSPL Rating: Jhabua, Vaghodia, Vijaipur, Pipeline have attained the GreenCo silver rating CERTIFICATE OF MEMBERSHIP This is to certify that Gail India is a constituent company in the FTSE4Good Index Series FTSE4Good June 2022 The FTSE4Good Index Series is designed to identify companies that demonstrate strong environmental, social and governance practices measured against globally recognised standards. FTSE Russell v30 GAIL is included in FTSE4Good Index Series for the 6th time in a row, affirming the Company's strong commitment towards Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices in the Oil & Gas Sector#9LIC, 7.86% IOC), 7.45% Oil Psu (ONGC, Shareholding Pattern 120.00 100.00 Market Capitalization as on 31st Mar'23: `69,203 crore MUTUAL FUNDS/ UTI, 8.38% Paid up Equity `6,575.10 crore PRESIDENT OF INDIA, 51.52% OTHERS (Incl.BANKS), 8.50% FPI's, 16.28% Year FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Dividend Pay-out 35.05 30.01 43.60 45.76 42.84 49.61 Ratio (%)* *Dividend Pay-out Ratio calculated on accrual basis. Price (in Rs/Share) 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 Volume Share Price LO + 3 2 Share volume (in Millions) ~ GAIL completed buyback of 5.70 crore shares at price of Rs. 190/share aggregating to ~ Rs. 1,083 crores in June'22 □ GAIL issued bonus shares in the ratio of 1:2 during Sep'22 ☐ During FY 2022-23, GAIL paid Final Dividend - 2021-22 @10% (Rs. 438.34 crore) of paid-up capital Interim Dividend -2022-23 @40% (2630.04 crore) of paid-up capital Source: BSE Website; Note: Shareholding pattern & other data as on 31st Mar 2023 as per BSE website;#10GAIL Hriday - CSR Initiatives UNNATI Rs. 1.83 crore SAKSHAM Rs. 4.03 crore Mi Saksham (Care for Elderly & Differently Abled) Unnati (Rural Development) AROGYA Rs. 27.61 crore Arogya Ujjawal (Health) (Education) *** Sashakt (Women Empowerment) Harit (Environment Projects) Kaushal (Skill Development) HARIT Rs. 7.57 crore KAUSHAL Rs. 5.98 crore Hriday UJJWAL Rs. 12.47 crore GAIL's CSR Philosophy Others Rs. 7.82 crore SASHAKT Rs. 31.79 crore GAIL spends 2.10% i.e. ~ Rs. 174 crore (including set off) under CSR initiatives for FY 2022-23#11Performance Highlights#12Major Highlights for FY 2022-23 GAIL turnover surpassed Rs. 1 Trillion first time in history of the company Implementation of "SPARSH"- a new digital solution for Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) Received "NIL" Comments from CAG for the Accounts of FY 2021-22 (13th year in a row) GAIL Awarded Bronze Shield by SAFA under Power & Energy Category for best presented Annual Report GAIL has been declared Winner for Gold Trophy under the "Non Deemed Corporate above Rs. 5,000 Crore Turnover” category in TIOL National Taxation Awards 2022 ~ GAIL paid interim dividend @ 40% of paid up capital for FY'23 (Rs. 2,630 crore) and completed buyback of 5.7 Crore shares @ Rs.190 /share (Rs. 1,082 crore). Company also issued bonus shares of 1 for every 2 held (1:2) GAIL raised INR Bond of Rs. 1,575 crore on 20 Dec 2022 at very competitive rate @ 7.34% p.a.#13Major Highlights for FY 2022-23 Hon'ble Supreme Court dismissed SLP filed by Gujarat Sales Tax Dept. against demand of sales tax & interest thereon Rs. 5,000 crore for treating NG transfer as inter-state instead of branch transfer Signing of Unilateral Advance Pricing Agreement @ 8.5% with CBDT for LNG import from GGULL, USA for the period 2017 -22 GAIL acquired 26% equity in 'LNG Japonica' vessel of Mitsui OSK Lines, Japan NCLT approved resolution plan for acquisition of JBF Petrochemicals Limited Credit Rating - Domestic 'AAA' with stable outlook, International 'Baa3' with Stable outlook (Moody's), BBB- with Stable outlook (Fitch)- Equivalent to sovereign rating of India#14Gas Volume Trend Physical Performance (MMSCMD) 107 108 111 104 107 97 96 96 95 89 FY19 FY20 Gas Transmission FY21 FY22 Gas Marketing FY23 Petrochemicals Sales 871 790 735 737 399 Gas Marketing Mix Gas Transmission Mix 12% 2% 17% 35% 5% 42% 19% FY23 FY23 6% 41% 19% ■APM/NAPM RLNG Spot Mid Term Overseas Sales ■RIL & BP MDP Liquid Hydrocarbons Sales LPG Transmission (TMT) 1,329 1,263 4,335 1,138 1,004 929 4,163 4,199 3,975 3,909 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23#1536% Natural Gas Sector Wise Supply - FY22 Vs. FY23 (Total 96.24 MMSCMD, % share) (Total 94.91 MMSCMD, % share) 9.69 MMSCMD 44.70 MMSCMD 10% 43% 46% 41.85 MMSCMD 38% 41.56 MMSCMD 11.88 MMSCMD 12% 44% 41.47 MMSCMD 44% 25% 20% 19% 15% 15% 10% 10% 28.79 4.66 12% 27.06 3.34 4.17 10.13 16.04 10.60 9.69 7.10 Fertilisers Power CGD for CNG & Overseas Sales Others* PNG 19.35 8.11 6.87 1.79 7.76 Fertilisers Power CGD for CNG & PNG Overseas Sales Others* 6.32 11.88 7.49 Domestic RLNG Overseas Imported Gas primarily consists of Long Term RLNG and Spot Major sources for domestic gas are ONGC (APM & MDP), Ravva, Ravva satellite, CBM etc. Highest demand of Natural Gas from Fertilizer, Power & CGD companies * Others include Steel, Refineries, Sponge Iron, Petrochemicals, GAIL Internal consumption etc. 15#16Financial Performance (Standalone) Turnover (Gross) Gross Margin (PBDIT) 1,43,976 10,774 9,887 91,426 8,450 74,808 71,730 56,529 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Profit Before Tax (PBT) 13,590 FY19 15,876 9,384 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Profit After Tax (PAT) 9,085 7,943 6,386 6,584 6,621 6,026 4,890 10,364 5,302 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 (in Rs. crore)#17One Off Transactions - FY 22-23 Particular ✰ Gas Transmission Segment Deallocation of Domestic Gas for Compressor Fuel Refund of Transmission Charges to M/s IPCL Gas Handling Loss & Maintenance Usage Gas Provision for KKMBPL Total Impact in Gas Transmission Segment (A) Gas Marketing Segment Inventory Loss Booked in Q3 FY23 Inventory Loss Booked in Q4 FY23 Total Impact in Gas Marketing Segment (B) Others Segment - Unallocated Provision for TAPI Pipeline Total Impact: Others (C) ❖ Positive: Amount (Rs. in crores) 800 70 150 110 1,130 1,100 230 1,330 55 55 Total Negative Impact (A+B+C) 2,515 Refund of CST from Gujrat Sales Tax - PLL (Petrochemical) Reversal of provision in E&P Mahar Block A 3 Net Impact Total Positive Impact 70 50 120 2,395#18Non Current Assets 77,378 Assets 96,132 Current Assets PPE 39,414 CWIP 13,662 Investments 12,789 Others 11,513 18,754 Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2023 Equity 55,654 Equity & Liabilities 96,132 Liabilities 40,478 (`in crore) Equity Share Capital 6,575 Other Equity 49,079 Non Current Liabilities 20,108 Current Liabilities 20,370 Retained Earnings General Reserves, CRR etc. Transition Reserve & OCI 44,158 127 4,794 Capital Employed 71,544 crore Net Worth* ' 50,860 crore * as per companies' Act, $- excluding Lease Liability Loan Outstanding$ ` 9,807 crore#1915 PAT to Net Worth (in %) Key Financial Ratios Return on Capital Employed (in %) Debt to Equity Ratio 16 11 21 21 0.22 20 18 0.14 0.15 15 11 10 10 0.09 0.03 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 116 Share Price (in Rs./Share)$ Earning Per Share$ (in Rs./Share) 104 105 88 9 10 51 7 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 16 8 Market Capitalization (in Rs./crore) 76,271 68,381 69,203 57,861 33,533 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 $ Share Price & EPS for past periods are adjusted for Bonus issue in the ratio of 1:2#20Financial Performance (Consolidated Basis) Turnover (Gross) Gross Margin (PBDIT) 18,086 92,636 75,912 72,414 57,208 1,45,531 12,818 11,657 10,079 10,325 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Profit Before Tax Profit after Tax 9,831 10,429 7,725 15,464 9,422 6,546 6,136 7,256 12,256 5,616 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 (in crore)#21Revenue Reconciliation on Consolidated Basis - FY23 (in crore) GAIL GGSPL GGUI TNGCL Revenue Consolidated Entity Elimination (Gross) Revenue 1,44,302 (14,535) 1,29,767 13,568 (8,356) 5,212 9,809 (9,711) 98 264 GAIL GAS BGCL 10,524 11 264 10,524 11 KLL 401 (401) Consolidated Revenue 1,78,878 (33,003) 1,45,875 ང་ 21#22GAIL Subsidiaries GAIL GAS PAT Reconciliation on Consolidated Basis - FY23 Particulars % Share holding as Investment (Net) (in crore) FY23 GGSPL GGUI Bengal Gas Company Limited Konkan LNG Limited TNGCL Less: Minority Interest Associates MGL PLL BCPL IGL Opal China Gas Fayum Gas Ramagundam Fertilizer ONGC Tripura Power Company Ltd LLC Bharat Energy Office Joint Ventures (JVs) CGD JVs & Others (BGL, CUGL, GGL, MNGL, AGL, VGL, TAPI,IGGL) Adjustments Add: Elimination of Dividend Add: Elimination Profit/Loss recognized from investments Less: Others Consolidated on 31st Mar 23 on 31st Mar 23 3,605 5,301..51 -128 100% 2,034 283 100% 45 3 100% 186 5 88% 439 (11) 93% 886 (448) 49% 15 20 20 2,845 33% 32 1,352 369 13% 99 257 70% 992 0 23% 32 0 49% 995 89 3% 97 416 19% 8 166 15% 270 0 26% 319 1 20% 1 54 1,143 171 1,143 171 (1032) 6 54 5,616#23FY 2022-23 ~ 9,100 Cr. Capital Expenditure Profile FY 2023-24E ~ 10,200 Cr. ■1,361, 15% ■1065, 12% 307,3% 1366, 15% ■215, 2% Pipeline 4785, 53% 3,250, 32% ■900, 9% (in crore) ■ 4,100, 40% ■90,1% ■ 100, 1% 1800, 17% City Gas Distribution (Equity) Petrochemical E&P Equity Investments # * capital expenditure include plan, non-plan and operational capex # Includes Investment amount by GAIL in JBF in FY 2023-24 Operational Capex & Others#24Commissioned length (Km) 750 750 Actual Capex & Capital Commitment in Major Projects Name of Projects Phulpur Dobhi P/L (JHBDPL 1) Lengths of Pipelines (Km)/Capacity (in Rs./crore) Actual Capex Expected Completion Approved Cost Date Capital Commitment up to 31.03.2023 Commissioned 3,306 3,207 3,109 Dhamra-Angul P/L (JHBDPL 2A) 413 326 30th Jun'2023 2,106 2,311 2,099 Dobhi-Durgapur P/L (JHBDPL 2B) 482 482 Commissioned 2,433 2,395 2,258 Bokaro-Angul P/L (JHBDPL 3A) 624 538 Commissioned^ 3,048 2,776 2,552 Durgapur-Haldia P/L (JHBDPL 3B)* 294 30th Jun 2024 1,740 1,861 1,376 Barauni Guwahati P/L (BGPL) 729 282 31st Oct 2023 3,060 3,876 3,362 Dhamra-Haldia P/L* 253 30th Jun 2024 1,031 859 562 KKBMPL-II P/L* 891 579 30th Nov 2024 5,909 3,883 3,507 Srikakulam-Angul P/L 744 31st Dec 2024 2,658 2,065 1,334 Mumbai-Nagpur-Jharsuguda P/L 1,755 31st Oct' 2024 7,844 6,332 4,350 Major PC Projects: Propane Dehydrogenation & 500 KTA NA Polypropylene Project (PDH-PP), Usar Polypropylene Project (PP), PATA 60 KTA NA April 2025 (Mech Completion) July 2024 (Mech Completion) 7,823 6,566 1,307 1,299 970 358 *Subject to availability of hindrance free RoU ^ Bokaro Angul Mainline & CGS Ranchi spurline commissioned. Spurlines to be completed in sync with readiness of consumers.#25Industry Outlook Natural Gas Segment#26. • Global Energy Scenario - Evolving Narrative Global energy scenario during 2022-2023 was shaped by several factors: • COVID-19 pandemic & Geopolitical tensions . Looming threat of recession • Supply chain challenges • Continuing shift towards renewable energy sources The energy transition has continued commodities - many governments seek alternatives to volatile energy The economic competitiveness of key clean energy technologies improves against fossil fuels Global renewable energy capacity increased by 9.6% last year - almost half of the new capacity was added in Asia • Wind and solar power accounted for 90% of the net additions Oil rose well above USD 100 per barrel in mid-2022 • Coal prices also hit record levels • Gas markets were at the epi-center of global energy turmoil as Russia cut down gas supply to Europe . Global prices for spot purchases of natural gas touched 70 $/MMBtu In 2022, the LNG market saw a great deal of term contracting activity Total 52 LNG SPAs signed with tenures of 10 years or longer (> 65 MTPA vis-a vis 41 MTPA in 2021)#27Global Energy Scenario - Demand Growth • • • Though developed countries will become more efficient, developing countries, which represent 80% of the world's population, will use more energy as they pursue better living standards • Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico and South Africa together consume more than one third of the world's energy. expected to rise to 40% #. • With demand growing as energy needs expand, Asia presents the opportunity to grow the LNG market as natural gas can be used to replace coal and wood to reduce the emissions. Share of gas in developed market may decline as these countries scramble to meet net zero goals It is going to increase in developing world as their net zero targets are bit far in terms of timeline While lower-emission sources play important roles, natural gas will remain a significant part of the energy mix for decades, reinforcing the need for continued investment ☐ Key to gas growth: maintaining an affordable, resilient supply that's sustainable for the planet (Source: BP Energy Outlook 2023, ExxonMobil Outlook for Energy 2022, Shell LNG Outlook 2023, Energy Consumption - Comparison Region Oil Natural Gas Coal Nuclear Energy Hydro electric World 30.95% 24.42% 26.90% 4.25% Figures rounded off Renewables 6.76% 6.71% Asia Pacific 25.93% 12.13% 46.85% 2.37% 6.40% 6.32% China 19.41% 8.65% 54.66% 2.33% 7.77% 7.18% India 26.56% 6.32% 56.70% 1.13% 4.26% 5.05% India & China are in the process of diversifying the primary energy mix and increasing share of cleaner natural gas & renewables (Source: BP Statistical World Energy Review, 2022)#29To reduce emission intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030 from 2005 level Indian Energy Scenario Import Dependency in FY 23* Crude Oil Natural Gas 44.2% Net Zero by 2070 87.3% • Energy demand in India is growing rapidly with major implications for the global energy market • India has seen its energy demand increasing rapidly • • . the country continues to urbanize • development of manufacturing sector India has made remarkable progress in providing access to electricity and clean cooking fuel Implemented a range of energy market reforms and integrating a high share of renewable energy sources into the grid India's continued reliance on imported fuels creates vulnerabilities • price cycles and volatility, • possible disruptions to supply } Long term contracts provide a stable solution Source: IEA - India Report, IEA Press Release 9.2.21, * PPAC | Snapshot of India's Oil & Gas data - Mar, 2023#30India is among the top 14 gas consuming countries globally 1 BCM = 2.74 MMSCMD Top 15 Gas consuming countries globally in 2021 2021 1 US 826.7 Gas Consumption (in BCM) Share of gas in Primary Energy 2021 (%) 32.01% 2 Russian Federation 474.6 54.60% 3 China 378.7 8.65% 4 Iran 241.1 71.21% 5 Canada 119.2 30.77% 6 Saudi Arabia 117.3 39% 7 Japan 103.6 21.03% 8 Germany 90.5 25.79% 9 Mexico 88.2 46.83% 10 United Kingdom 76.9 38.58% 11 Italy 72.5 41.04% 12 United Arab Emirates 69.4 55.19% 13 South Korea 62.5 17.89% 14 India 62.2 6.32% 15 Egypt 61.9 58.84% Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2022#31Natural Gas Consumption - Historical Natural Gas Consumption in India (in MMSCMD) 200 175 178 162 167 166 165 153 143 141 143 150 49 52 51 58 68 75 75 79 93 90 00 100 Others - 36.31 23% 88 73 Sectoral Break-up Petrochemical - 5.37 3% FY 2022-23 (in MMSCMD) 50 50 95 90 85 85 87 88 83 91 92 76 Refinery 10.71 7% 0 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 Net Domestic Production LNG Imports Total Consumption Fertilizers 53.15 33% Power 22.34 CGD-32.95 20% 14% Currently, Fertilizer sector accounts for the major share of consumption in the country. However, growing at a CGAR of > 12%, consumption of CGD sector is expected to increase significantly in coming years. Source: PPAC | Snapshot of India's Oil & Gas data - Mar 2023, PPAC | Monthly report - March 2023#32Natural Gas Consumption - Outlook • Indian GDP is estimated to reach ~USD 7 Trillion by 2030 . Govt. of India targets to take natural gas to 15% of the PE mix } Natural gas has potential to grow at CAGR of ~25% India's current policies focus on fuel switching through promotion of Natural Gas • Implementation of Unified Tariff will expand India's gas penetration, especially in East India, which is far from gas sources - as pipeline transportation costs reduced significantly India recently linked Domestic Natural Gas pricing with crude oil prices - Significant decrease in prices of PNG for households and CNG for transport • Such reforms will help expand the consumption of natural gas and contribute to achievement of target of emission reduction and net zero Increased availability of domestic gas including HPHT has aided in import reduction India's Import Dependency in Natural Gas has decreased to 44.2% in FY 2022-23 as compared to 48.4% in FY 2021-22 Source: UNFCCC | LTLEDS_India Nov 2022, PIB release dated 06.04.2023#33Gas infrastructure in India - "One Nation-One Grid" BJSPL Rajas MBPL HVJ Int Mundra Chhara Jafrabad Hazira Laddakh Jammu & K Himachal Prades DBNPL Uttaranchal Hary JHBDPL BGPL im Arunachal Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Bihar Jharkha Pradesh Dahej DVPL Dabhol JMPL Jaigarh DBPL KKMBPL Maharashtra Kochi Telanga Andhra Pradesh سحر Meghalaya Odis Dhamra SAGL MBBPL MNJPL Ennore EWPL ETPL agaland Manipur Mizoram DHPL Andaman & N IGGL Natural Gas Pipelines (Km) Authorized pipelines Operational pipelines 33,527 KM 21,888 KM Fig: PNGRB Natural Gas Pipelines Network in India - as on 31st December, 2022 ■ Operational Pipelines: 21,888 Km; GAIL: ~15,400 Km ■ Under Construction Pipelines: 12,776 Km; GAIL: ~4,000 Km Tami Major Gas producing areas LNG Terminals & Pipelines (Existing) New Terminals & Pipelines (Upcoming) Envisaged NGG length of ~35,000+ Km in next 4-5 years#34- City Gas Distribution – Making gas accessible to public CNG Stations DPNG 5,283 10,000 1,07,56,514 *Till Feb 2023 2030 500,00,000 CGD up to 11th round (295 GAs) Yet to be authorized CGD Growth: Potential to cover ~88% of country's area, ~98% of country's population, more than 600+ districts countrywide With increased focus of Govt on CGD sector, it is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 12% in coming years Source: *PPAC/Snapshot of Oil and Gas Data#35Petrochemical Business Outlook India's per capita consumption of plastics is just 12 kg vs. China per capita consumption of 82 kg. World average per capita consumption of Plastics is ~38 Kg with US consuming as high as 93 kg per capita India's per capita consumption is one of the lowest in Asia Future Polymer demand growth is estimated ~6-7% p.a: Upside for Plastics in general and GAIL in particular Future demand drivers Major Highlights of GAIL's Petrochemical Business in FY 2022-23 Sold 645 KTA of polymers (399 KTA - GAIL & 246 KTA - BCPL) PC capacity enhancement under progress; 500 KTA PDH-PP plant at Usar & 60 KTA PP plant at Pata SAS based Mobile APP implemented to analyze different key performance metrices of PC Marketing. Packaging Industry Ecommerce driving packaging Automobile /Construction Industry Agriculture Industry G-Lex Growth drivers coupled with capacity addition will result in growth in Top line as well as Bottom line for GAIL Source: CPMA & internal data G-Lene#36New Initiatives -0000 Net Zero • GAIL - Net Zero by 2040 - 3 GW RE by 2030 . 100% reduction of Scope 1 and Scope 2 by 2040 • 35% emission reduction of Scope 3 by 2040 Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) • GAIL to support 400 CBG plants • • . • . • 334 LOIs for 1835 TPD of CBG issued GAIL's pilot 5 TPD CBG plant in Ranchi is under construction CBG project in Bengaluru is under approval Hydrogen Blending of Green Hydrogen for PNG/CNG/ Industrial customers in Indore (MP) Study by EIL on impact of H2 blending Setting up 10 MW electrolyser for production of Hydrogen in Vijaipur • Acquisition GAIL resolution plan has been approved by NCLT vide order dated 13.03.2023 for acquisition of JBFPL. GAIL acquired 26% equity in 'LNG Japonica' vessel of Mitsui OSK Lines, Japan#37For Institutional Investors & Analysts Our Touch Points Shri Sashi Menon, Executive Director (Finance & Accounts) E-mail ID: [email protected] गेल For Retail Investors Shri Mahesh Kumar Agarwal, Company Secretary E-mail ID: [email protected] GAIL GAIL (India) Ltd. 16, Bhikaiji Cama Place, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066 37 32

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