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#1СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 ПОЛИТЕХ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University Department of <<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING >>> ЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ BEPCHTET Compressors design experience of the department <<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> JL ПОЛИТЕХ Head of department Kozhukhov Yuri#2СТВЕННЫЙ JL ПОЛИТЕХ 1899 Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ BEPCHTET Department od <<Compressor vacuum and refrigeration engineering» (founded: 21th August 1930) Strakhovich Konstantin Ivanovich was the founder and the first head of department 1968, (1904, Saint-Petersburg Leningrad) expert in the field of thermodynamics, compressor design, hydrodynamics and ballistics. He also was the professor at some another universities in Leningrad. He worked for the Rybinsk plant at the time of the Great Patriotic War. 2#3СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 ПОЛИТЕХ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> ЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕ JL ПОЛИТЕХ Main academic programs (full-time and distance education): <<Power Engineering»>, <<Technological machines and equipment>>> 2. PhD and Doctoral studies by scientific major 05.04.06 <<Vacuum compressor engineering and pneumatics>> 3. Scientific and research laboratory of the department: Laboratory of <<Computer simulation modeling and strength calculations>> 4. Students design engineering center <<Compressor>>. Supervisor - A.M. Danilishin. 3#4СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 ПОЛИТЕХ JL ПОЛИТЕХ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> ЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ BEPCHTET DIRECTIONS OF THE RESEARCH&DEVELOPMENT WORK CH&PEY Compressors design of different types Engineering computer simulation 811 Bud A Караваны фини 6111 Velocity 380 ANSYS 4#5СТВЕННЫЙ JL ПОЛИТЕХ 1899 ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ладираа Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>> Serious experimentation facility and CFD-modeling results verification There are 7 test rigs with about 3,5 MW total capacity, including the closed circuit test rig for presser up to 100 atm. Throughout its long history the department has saved up a great experimentation results facility of real-life experiments (more than 500 БЛД PK Входной патрубок OHA Лабиринтные уплотнения experiments) Extensive work on turbocompressors CFD calculations validation and verification with the results of real experiments is constantly conducted * * nП 1 (2-2) (3-3) (0"-0') 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.05 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0 0 + 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 • эксперимент e 211 секTор "stage" Φ Φ 5#6JL ПОЛИТЕХ СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 Лалибан ПОЛИТЕХ ЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>> Department's modularized stages A huge database has been created during the long-term designing and experimental work: More than 300 real-life experiments of centrifugal compressors stages; More than 150 experiments of compressors flow passage parts; More than 50 real-life research results of unsteady processes in centrifugal compressors. 92075 = NICA 1601 #584.5 ዐርነቱ 1187 $219 362 2307 236 288 10 $2075 $2894 6 46521#7СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>> Department's test rigs In order to develop the theory and design problems solution it is necessary to carry out experimental researches of compressors models at the specific test rigs. ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ JL ПОЛИТЕХ BEPCHTET Test rig for centrifugal compressors models test run (capacity up to 800 kW, variable number of revolutions 18000 rpm) Test rig for centrifugal compressors models with pressure up to 100 atm 7#8СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ JL ПОЛИТЕХ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> COMPRESSORS DESIGN AND COMPUTER SIMULATION CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS The department has its own gasdynamic flow passage design methods of centrifugal compressors, including its own design methods of high efficiency axial-radial impellers. BEPCHTET The axial-radial impeller by the project of <<RK-6>>, П=1,74, polytropyc efficiency by total parameters at the design mode: n*p st =0,915 8#9СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> COMPRESSORS DESIGN AND COMPUTER SIMULATION CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS Temperature 312 BEPCHTET 44 Velocity 360 Im s-1] 304 297 289 281 274 266 258 251 ANSYS F JL Modern and prospective natural gas centrifugal compressors (chargers) ПОЛИТЕХ 9#10СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> COMPRESSORS DESIGN AND COMPUTER SIMULATION CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS BEPCHTET JL ПОЛИТЕХ Modern and perspective centrifugal compressors for aviation f 1221 RQ75 A R360 8368 12 дополск 2 10#11СТВЕННЫЙ JL ПОЛИТЕХ 1899 Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ BEPCHTET Modern and perspective centrifugal compressors of COMPRESSORS DESIGN AND COMPUTER SIMULATION CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS general purpose 464 + km ° + 0. ° о ° о о 0 ° о о °° O 0 Ө O e 11#12СТВЕННЫЙ JL ПОЛИТЕХ 1899 Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ BEPCHTET COMPRESSORS DESIGN AND COMPUTER SIMULATION CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS 4 3 5 9 स्थान 1 2 6 8 Inlet Outlet 1.000 1,00 Μπ 0,90 0.80 G 0,70 0,60 0,50 0,40 0.30 0.20 0.10 250,0 55,00 1.60 II* 1,50 1,40 ☑ 1,30 AT* 50,00 = 45,00 40,00 35,00 30,00 1.20 25,00 20,00 1,10 15,00 1,00 10,00 250,0 350,0 450,0 550,0 250,0 -k-w - Эксперимент Q, M³/MHH 450,0 550,0 Q, M³/MИH 350.0 k-wзксперимент 350,0 450,0 550,0 k-w зксперимент Q, M³/MHH 0 0.500 1.500 2.000 (m) Verification results of CFD- simulation with the real-life experimental data for multi- stage centrifugal compressor of ZAO NZL (ZAO REPX) 12#13СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> COMPRESSORS DESIGN AND COMPUTER SIMULATION AXIAL COMPRESSORS ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ BEPCHTET JL ПОЛИТЕХ 0 Modernization project in order to efficiency increase and mass-dimensional parameters decrease of the aviation engine GTE D-36. Velocity Streamine 1 2.620e+002 2.191e+0021 Axial compressor project of natural gas for long distance pipeline 14620+002 7.332e+00 4280- m s-1] H ANSYS Ti 13#14СТВЕННЫЙ JL 1899 Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ BEPCHTET COMPRESSORS DESIGN AND COMPUTER SIMULATION AXIAL COMPRESSORS Three dimensional viscous flow research of the K-100-2Л stage. P[Pa] 110000 100000 90000 m=0% 80000 70000 ПОЛИТЕХ m;=1% 60000 0,95 3 0,90 2 0,85 0,80 0,75 0,70 0,65 0,60 0,35 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,55 0,60 Example of numerical investigation of active flow control at the high-speed four-stage aviation axial compressor 14#15СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 JL ПОЛИТЕХ ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> COMPRESSORS DESIGN AND COMPUTER SIMULATION COMPRESSOR UNITS AND INSTALLATIONS O O ○ ○ ° ° 6 0 0 O O O O Compressor installation for associated petroleum gas utilization with rotary plated compressor BEPCHTET ° О 0 Leak proof part of gas-compressor unit with capacity of N=16 MW. This is an underwater compressor, situated at the hole top of Shtokmanovskoe mine. M 15#16СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 JL ПОЛИТЕХ ПОЛИТЕХ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> VIRTUAL PROTOTYPING ЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ BEPCHTET Dynamics and strength Interdisciplinary approach 004 01080 0080 am Ternaka M900 10017 Conjugate CFD and FEA Imported PressurE Importad tady Temparature M Max- AN 130 Pressure force distribution The distribution of fields of temperature Strength calculation 16#17СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 ПОЛИТЕХ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> SOFTWARE PACKAGES USED ЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ BEPCHTET JL ПОЛИТЕХ There are 15 programs, which are made by the department staff V NUMECA INTERNATIONAL ioso technology COMSOL ANSYS MATLAB SIMULINK 17#18СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 JL ПОЛИТЕХ ПОЛИТЕХ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>> MULTIVARIABLE OPTIMIZATION using the department's and university's supercomputers It is a powerful tool to increase flow passage operation efficiency ЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ BEPCHTET Velocity Vector 1 145.0 108.8 72.5 36.3 [ms] ANSYS R14.5 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.80 0.78 Wa 0.68 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.60 0.58 0.56 0.54 0.52 by 10 0 0 0 4 4 4 88 X, mm Y, mm 480 480 4 488 0 0 0 4 4 4 8 8 0 0 0 4 4 4 8 8 8 040420 'n (Impeller outlet) (Difusser outlet) *****y (Impeller outlet) y (Diffuser outlet) II* Φ =0,105 р.опт. (2-2) 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 Φο As a result of made multistage optimization it was managed to increase the design efficiency of the NZL model stage by 1,58% 18#19СТВЕННЫЙ JL ПОЛИТЕХ 1899 ПОЛИТЕХ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> ЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ладираа Total-to-total polytrophic efficiency coefficient 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.84 MULTIVARIABLE OPTIMIZATION Statement of the problem multiobjective and multivariable optimization 1. Increased efficiency 2. Eliminating gas-dynamic characteristics 3. The calculation of the compensation of the axial forces A R665 193 R1363 R18 R1125 Б 427 0.85 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Number of design variants RQ5 RO 76 R46,2 73 5(5:1) R935 R373 R453 A(1:1) B R2009 R106,8 R108.1 R603 B(5:1) RO5 RO 74 A=0.25 B=0.18 A-0,25 B-0,25 R1405 R78,2 19#20СТВЕННЫЙ JL ПОЛИТЕХ 1899 ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ BEPCHTET Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>> UNSTEADY FLOW PROCESSES INVESTIGATION IN CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS Development of the turbocompressor surge protection system PPα P2.Pα2 PPα 1200 Po 400 Pzop 0.5 zb=0,06 zb-0.94 Pzp LES zb-0,5 0.5 04 02 0.1 45 90 135 180 225 276 315 Pan 06 zb-0,94 zb=0.5 zb=0,06 500p 3500," 1. обр 20 обр op 20 sop обу до обр P2 LES 180 225 Op 270 315 360 0, Т. обр 2000p op 20 odp Solp 20 op Po To 0144 Department's test rig for investigation of unsteady flow phenomenon in the flow passage including pre-stall, flaw separation and surge 20#21СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>> UNSTEADY FLOW PROCESSES INVESTIGATION IN CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS The turbocompressor surge protection system benefits ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ BEPCHTET II K Am 12 JL ПОЛИТЕХ 1. Determination of authentic board of surge beginning according to current exploitation conditions. 2. Expanding of stable operation region not less than 5% to the surge side. 3. Real time monitoring of operation gasdynamic parameters. stable -Am max МАГИСТРАЛЬ Пном n<n -С РЕЦИРКУЛЯЦИЕЙ n>n. HOM HOM Parameter: centrifugal compressor characteristic for natural gas with the surge region indication. 21 m#22СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 JL ПОЛИТЕХ ПОЛИТЕХ ЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> WORK EXAMPLES: The CVRE department actively uses modern software packages like: Ansys, Ansys VISTA CCD (centrifugal compressor design), AFD (axial compressor design), NUMECA, COMSOL, NREC, IOSO, and also its own software packages which are designed at the department. Multistage centrifugal compressor 8-staged centrifugal compressor BEPCHTET «Сектор» - 23 млн. элементов II 0.80 0.60 0.40 250.0 350.0 450.0 ηП* CFD n* Exp 01500 1000 02:00 550.0 Q, m3/min «Сектор» - 32 млн. элементов 0.200 0.400 0.800 (m) 0.600#23СТВЕННЫЙ JL ПОЛИТЕХ 1899 ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ BEPCHTET Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> WORK EXAMPLES: All numerical works which are made at the department CVRE are based on our own model experiments (more than 350). Calculation in software packages are being made with achieved results validation. WALL INTERFACE INLET ** 0.025 0.050 0075 0.100 (m) OUTLET Velocity 2020+002 PERIODIC INTERFACE 2191e+002 14620+002 7332+02 4200-00 ANSYS#24СТВЕННЫЙ JL ПОЛИТЕХ 1899 Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> WORK EXAMPLES: ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ BEPCHTET D 14001 Velocity Velocity ANSYS A[11] B B(2.511 AZ 512.5 10 Gas movement at the gap between the top disk of the impeller and the stator and also at the lab seal. Flow structure at the axial-radial impeller: streamlines and speed values at relative motion. Automatic multivariable optimization of the impeller form 24#25СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 ПОЛИТЕХ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> WORK EXAMPLES: Unsteady tasks solving URANS SST and LES ЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ 110 102 JL ПОЛИТЕХ <<2> simulation 30,2 mln elements for numerical model of the impeller and the diffuser 3D static pleasure field at the stall mode (MT:LES) P Velocity streamlines (MT:LES) Stall calculations duration - LES and SST - 8-11 days AMD OPTERON 280 LES, SST: 24 cores; 24 Gb. RAM 25#26JL ПОЛИТЕХ СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>> ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ BEPCHTET FURTHER EDUCATION COURSES WITH THE CERTIFICATE WITHDRAWAL IN THE FIELD OF COMPRESSOR ENGINEERING AND PNEUMOSYSTEMS Program examples: - Compressor engineering general and advanced modules; - Turbocompressors, general and advanced modules; - Plate-rotational compressors, general and advanced modules And otherts 14 designed programes It is possible to make the program according to the customer's specificity. Удостоверение валятся док yomostowcas ofpays о по халификаци Регистрациинний номер 0036/НЭН/ЭМЭ УДОСТОВЕРЕНИЕ О ПОВЫШЕНИИ КВАЛИФИКАЦИИ 782400002809 Кожухову Настоящее удостоверение дан прошел(а) краткосрочное обучение в (на), Юрию Владимировичу в том, что а) с 18 ноября 2013 г. по - 29 ноября 2013 г. ФГБОУ ВПО «Санкт-Петербургский государственный политехнический уни университет программе «Энергетический менеджмент 72 часов Pyxom Cexpenaps Lay ma 2013 Topon Санкт-Петербург 26#27JL ПОЛИТЕХ СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 ПОЛИТЕХ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> ЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ NEW POWER OF SPbPU New cluster-based complex "Polytekhnik" started up in 2015, Top №3 CIS: УНИВЕРСИТЕТ 1) Top №3 CIS: Linpack: 658.11 Tflop/s; 19 936 cores. Units: 712 (2 x Xeon E5-2697v3 2.6 GHz 64 MB RAM). 2) Top №8 CIS: Linpack: 165 Tflop/s; 17 280 cores. Units: 288 (Acc: Xeon Phi 5120D 1.053 GHz 8 GB RAM). Started up in 2014. 27#28СТВЕННЫЙ 1899 JL ПОЛИТЕХ ПОЛИТЕХ Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «<COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> TWINS FROM INDUSTRIAL NETWORKS TO SPECIFIC UNITS ЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Мат Модель Файл Расчет Параметры Справка BE O 55 Tanon ㅁ widge 53 51 MO 49 45 Qualidge 43 39 Роса данных PTH <+1> P E Font Combo Int ล A E De Dul Sont Be UPORA Sec Pu Tech Горячая пленка Трит Pen Tot Browser Консоль C Copen Терит Velocity Strea 240.00 18750 135.00 12.50 30.00 Colcis Policy A ANSYS Velocity 2820-002 AXIAL OUTLET TUBE VOLUTE MIT M 3D-IMPELLER AXIAL INLET TUBE INLET 2.1910+002 14626-002 OUTLET 7332e+00 280-00 28#29РСТВЕННЫЙ 1899 Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Department of «COMPRESSOR VACUUM AND REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING>>> ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ Лалибаня Thank you for your attention! Department of "Compressor vacuum and refrigeration engineering" Kozhukhov Yuriy Vladimirovich, tel. +7 (921) 5678-4-91 Kartashov Sergei Vladimirovich, tel. +7 (950) 005-98-90 JL ПОЛИТЕХ WWW.KVIHT.RU 29

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