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#1OREGON DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION OREGON DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION Board Meeting: October 5, 2023 (503)378-4880 3040 25TH STREET, SALEM, OR 97302 WWW.OREGON.GOV/AVIATION fOORAVIATION#2OREGON DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION Director's Update October 5, 2023 Welcome New Board Members Bill Graupp Jim Knight Jeff Pricher#3OREGON DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION Director's Update October 5, 2023 Planning and Programs Manager Congratulations Alex Thomas! as#4OREGON DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION US DOT Smart Grant Electrification Flight Schools Director's Update What is proposed? Allowing for multimodal charging Creating infrastructure for advanced aviation Benefits • Reduced green house emissions Reduction in lead Change in noise characteristics#5OREGON DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION Regional Connections Director's Update What is the long play? Leveraging existing infrastructure for advanced aviation. National Park Seattle Glympic Bremerton National Forest 91 Tac ma Olympia Benefits GA Benefits new entrants Benefits surrounding communities • • Workforce Economic development Connecting communities Port and Beay Lincoln City Sam Newbort valli Suslaw National Forest Florence Mt. Hood National Forest VAMA INDIAN RESERVATION WARM SPRING: RESERVATION WASHINGTON Moses Lake 90 50 12 shland Kennewick Walla Walla Hermiston Penyeton National Sockane Forests Coeur d'Alene 90 COEUR D'ALENER RESERVATION Peleon FLATHEAD RESERVATION Lolo National Forest Missoula Great Falls Pullman Moscow Lewiston NEZ PERCE RESERVATION Grangevile Stevensville Deer Lodge Anacond Butte Hamilton Se Wildene ot man Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest Helena Townsend -Deerlodge National Forest Dillon Three Forks Bozeman Living Big Sky Umatilla Nationa Forest Wallowa Whitman National Forest McCall Baker City Salmon Challis National Forest John Day Remond -Prinevilla Eugine Hamette National Forest Ben Maheut National Ecrest Ontario Boise National Fatest OREGON Coombay Bandor Roseburg Umpqua National Forest * Princeton Caldwel Nampa Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National. IDAHO Jerome Craters of the Moon National Monument & Preserve Twin Falls Burley h Garts Passa ford Fremont National Forest Klamath Fals rookings Ashland Lakeview Jackpot McDermitt escent City Sheldon Yreka National DUCK VALLEY RESERVATION Antelope Klamath National Fores Refuge Weed Alturas Six Rivers National Forest Mt Shasta Black Rock Shasta Trinity Nitonal Forest Desert High Rock Canyon Emigrant.. Eureka Fortune Trinity Nat Forest Redding Lassen National Forest PYRAMID Island Park Yello Nati Rexburg Idaho Falls 15 Blackfoot Pocatello gan Wells Winnemucca Elko West Salke City Wendover Park City Mill City Battle Mountain Carling Spring Creek Provo#6OREGON DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION Director's Update UAS Task Force Reboot UAS Task Force relaunching as NW Advanced Aviation Task Force Why? Need for group consisting of public and private sector entities. Creation of clearinghouse for information. Creating opportunities for collaboration. Workforce Economic development Providing expertise on legislation#7OREGON DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION Director's Update Workforce Development Workforce Development Opportunities ■ Working with AOPA Foundation and Aerium to bring curriculums to schools. ■ Hosting an Aviation Education ■ Symposium in 2024 or 2025. Creating inventory of programs, aligning them, and sharing best practices. BOUT WH YOU CAN FLY AOPA FOUNDATION AOPA Credit Card Donate FLYING CLUBS RUSTY PILOTS FLIGHT TRAINING HIC AOPA FOUNDATION HIGH SCHOOL STEM CURRICULUM Questions? Contact us at [email protected]. ABOUT By 2041, 602,000 new pilots and 610,000 technicians will be needed worldwide, according to Boeing's Pilo and Technician Outlook. Ironically, the number of airline transport pilot certificates issued by the Federal Aviation Administration in 2021 is 21% less than in 2012. This mismatch of supply and demand presents a tremendous opportunity for students to pursue aviation careers that they may not have previously conside The AOPA Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the world's largest aviation community, AOPA, has created aviation STEM curriculum for high schools across the U.S. The AOPA Foundation High School Aviation STEM Curriculum is the first of its kind, offering students comprehensive four-year aviation study options aligned Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and FAA Airman Certification Standarc (ACS).#8OREGON DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION Director's Update How about Oakridge? Looking at an Economic Development Administration, US Department of Commerce Disaster Grant Runway rehab- $3 million Funding of up to $30 million available Opportunities construction or upgrading of public infrastructure, including broadband infrastructure; workforce development, including the design and implementation of sectoral partnerships ...EDA encourages the submission of applications based on long-term, regionally oriented, coordinated and collaborative economic development or redevelopment strategies that foster economic growth and resilience. Coordination with USDOT OST, NASA, USFS, BLM#9OREGON DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION Director's Update NASAO Meeting Now the NW Regional Representative Met with colleagues from across the United States. Thinking about mobility on a regional level. Made connections with people that can help with initiatives in our state. Met with FAA Regional Administrators. Represented Oregon on an Advanced Air Mobility Panel on Community Acceptance.#10OREGON AVIATION DEPARTMENT OF QUESTIONS? (503)378-4880 3040 25TH STREET, SALEM, OR 97302 WWW.OREGON.GOV/AVIATION fOORAVIATION

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