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#1Tenda Corporate Presentation Bradesco BBI 13th CEO Forum November 2023#2Tenda at a Glance Tenda is the fifth largest developer of low-income housing in Brazil and operates in nine metropolitan regions of the country 9,845 Launches R$ million, 3Q23 LTM 7,560 4,363 4,140 3,089 2,366 2,020 1,157 1,102 710 47% CYRE3 MRVE3* DIRR3 CURY3 TEND3 PLPL3 EVEN3 EZTC3 TRIS3 15,545 units launched in the last 12 months Source: Reference Form - Tenda, Reports of the Mentioned Companies *MRV Brazil HBOR3 Operating regions % of gross sales (PSV) in 3Q23 Regions of operation - PSV by region 17% 9% 8% 7% 5% 4% 1% 1% São Paulo (SP) Salvador (BA) Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Porto Alegre (RS) Fortaleza (CE) Goiânia (GO) Recife (PE) Curitiba Campinas (PR) (SP) 2#3History With more than 50 years of history, Tenda presented a successful strategic repositioning in 2012 and now begins a new phase Gafisa incorporated Tenda to access the popular housing market, with shared management Strategic repositioning of Tenda, with the creation of a business model focused on the construction of buildings with aluminum shapes in metropolitan regions Tenda is spun off from Gafisa, returns to B3 and enters the Novo Mercado (New Market) 2018 Tenda starts project to develop business model based on offsite construction, aiming to expand to all cities in Brazil 2020 2022 The company carried out its first follow-on, issuing 18,7 shares at a price of R$12.50 for a total of R$234.4. 2023+ ၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀ 1969 2008 2011 2012 2013 the founding of Tenda Engenharia 2017 continues its offsite construction project, inaugurating The origins of Tenda dates back to First launches in the business model. Tenda launches its first Tenda In 2011, Tenda once again In 2013, Tenda launched projects in 3 e Comércio in 1969 (currently with no ties to Tenda) had a dedicated board of directors developments with taller towers, neighborhoods that accessing metropolitan regions. From there, it began to grow at the pace of 1 new region per year are ever closer to the center of Brazil's large cities the Alea plant in the city of Jaguariúna. Source: Company / Reference Form#4Industrial approach The continued strong demand from the low-income segment has enabled the company to adopt an innovative industrial approach Conventional model of the construction industry Product Without standardization Tenda Only 2 SKUs GDP 2022 - BRAZIL¹ Scale Small players with limited scale +12.1 thousand units launched in 2022 Organization Lack of coordination Totally integrated Demand Cyclical demand Constant demand Only 2 SKUs buildings T+4 without an elevator Source: Company / Reference Form Buildings with 1 or more elevators up to 16 floors In 6.9% 2.9% % Civil Construction % total GDP Civil Construction was the | precursor of GDP growth in Brazil in 2022. 4#5Industrial approach Industrial approach that allows great cost efficiency Reduce unit costs and minimum project scale Г Affordable prices on good land with a wide variety of locations Tenda Explore the potential of the industrial approach Achieve a local scale that allows constructive continuity 200 180 Increased PSV 160 Robust business model with a strategy focused on scale and operational efficiency Source: Company / Reference Form 140 120 100 80 60 Tenda's Construction Cost Evolution Dec 2013 = 100 40 Dec/13 Dec/14 Dec/15 Dec/16 Dec/17 Dec/18 Dec/19 Dec/20 Dec/21 Dec/22 - Tenda (in Nominal Terms) INCC 191.3 173.1 сл 5#6Highlights Our sales prices are the lever with the highest speed of result response in Tenda's business model Tenda +49.0% We are constantly evolving our sales prices, maintaining competitive levels; This price evolution positively impacts the gross margin of new sales, which reached 33.0% in 3Q23; Gross sales reached R$ 1.070 million in the quarter of 2023, and 35.0 Gross SoS; 176 185 189 194 203 206 138 139 143 141 142 147 155 158 162 1Q20 2020 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21 1Q22 2Q22 3Q22 4Q22 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 Average price per unit - Consolidated (R$ thousand) Net SoS of 30.2%, an increase of 9.1 p.p. compared to the previous year. Source: Company. Base date considers 3Q22 Σ Σ Higher SoS among low-income construction companies in Brazil 31% (Net SoS; %) 26% 26% 24% 22% 21% 20% -20% 19% 19% 18% 17% 17% 17% 16% 14% 15% 14% 13% 12% 3Q22 4Q22 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 Tenda Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 6#7Portfólio Launch highlights Tenda • • • • . VIVA LIMÃO F2 - SP Launches: Jul/23 397 Units launched Bracket 2 PSV - R$ 93.4 million Average price R$ 235.3 thousand Source: Company. In the third quarter of 2023, the company's launches totaled R$ 880.6 million. • • PORTAL PARQUE - SP Launches: Sep/23 828 Units launched Bracket 2 PSV - R$ 177.7 million Average price R$ 214.6 thousand Tenda Alea casa com seus sonhos CASAPATIO SANTA CRUZ DO RIO PARDO - SP Launches: Sep/23 152 Units launched Bracket 2 PSV - R$ $ 26.4 million Average price R$ 173.8 thousand ALEA CAÇAPAVA - SP Launches: Aug/23 143 Units launched Bracket 2 PSV – R$ 29.3 million Average price R$ 205.2 thousand Casapatio 7#8Housing Program Minha Casa Minha Vida#9Affordable Housing Market in Brazil The return of the MCMV Program has brought transformational changes that will benefit the Brazilian market and developers focused on the low-income segment Affordable Housing Market in Brazil In February 2023, the housing program Minha Casa Minha Vida was officially reconstituted through Provisional Measure no. 1162/23 Highlights of Minha Casa Minha Vida +2 mm new units by 2026 R$725 bi ° 0° in credit granted with The program offers low-income families access to financing for home acquisition Minha Casa Minha Vida O Significant changes in the program come into effect in 2023, bringing a sea of opportunities for developers focused on the low-income segment Sponsored and financed by the FGTS with a robust budget for the next 3 years One of Brazil's main tools to address the national housing deficit of ~6 million inhabitants, which represents a significant opportunity for the low-income segment." Principais mudanças no programa FGTS resources since 2009 +6 mm units delivered since 2009 Até R$55 mil otential subsidy for MCVM beneficiaries ~R$109 bi budgeted by the FGTS in 2023, the largest volume since 2009 R$369 bi total FGTS budget between 2023 and 2026 Income bracket Interest rates (without FGTS deposit) Interest rates (with FGTS deposit) Bracket Income range (current) Income range (new) S, SE, CO N, NE S, SE, CO N, NE Up to R$2,000 4.75% 4.50% 4.25% 4.00% Bracket 1 Up to R$2,000 Up to R$2,640 5.00% 4.75% 4.50% 4.25% Up to R$3,000 Up to R$3,200 5.50% 5.25% 5.00% 4.75% Bracket 2 Up to R$3,700 Up to R$3,800 6.00% 5.50% Up to R$4,400 Up to R$4.400 7.00% 6.50% Bracket 3 Up to R$8,000 Up to R$8,000 8.16% 7.66% Source: Provisional Measure N° 1.162/2023 / Minha Casa Minha Vida Program ( 9#10• ON WAS 10 30 20 0-200 -0 200 - 400 600 - 800 800 - 1000 8 1200-1400| Source: ABRAINC / Ministério das Cidades -- 1 SM FGTS Contracting 2022 어 HO 2 SM Affordable Housing Market in Brazil The Affordable Housing Market and Housing Needs in Brazil Subsidized promotion - track 1 Income Distribution 50 0.25% 926 units 46.00% 170,689 units 27.00% 100,447 units 40 1400-1600 1600 - 1800 יוווו 1800 - 2000 2000 - 2200 2200 - 2400 2400 - 2600 2600 - 2800 --- 2800 - 3000 3000 - 3200 3200 - 3400 3400 - 3600 3600 - 3800 2.44 million 41% 1.93 million 33% 800 thousand 14% 700 thousand -12% (above 3 SM) 3800 4000 -- 4000 - 4200 4200 4400 4400 - 4600 4600 - 4800 3 SM 4 SM 5 SM Financed Promotions- track 1, 2 e 3 27.00% 98,747 units QQ 100 thousand 370,809 Total contracted units 6400 6600 6800 - 7000 7000 - 7200 7200 - 7400 7400 - 7600 7600 - 7800 7800 - 8000 Minimum wage 2023 = R$ 1,320.00 10 6 SM Urban Housing Deficit 2019 5,877 millions of units#11Affordable Housing Market in Brazil New proposals in the resumption of the program Minha Casa Minha Vida Price ceiling review +50% R$264k Track 1 e 2 R$160k Maximum unit price (current) New Minha Casa Minha Vida Update of the bands Higher price ceiling for all bands Reduction of interest rates. Maximum unit price (new) +33% R$350k R$264k Track 3 Maximum unit price (current) Maximum unit price (new) Extended maturities Increase in subsidies Reduction in tax burden Subsidy Cap R$ (Thousand) The subsidy is the portion of the financing paid by the Union through the housing program for families that fall within income bands 1 and 2. With the aim of reducing the down payment for financing and expanding their purchasing capacity, a new subsidy ceiling was approved by the FGTS Board of Trustees in June 2023, increasing from R$ 47,500 to up to R$ 55,000. +16% Source: ABRAINC / Ministério das Cidades 55.0 47.5 Actual Proposed 11#12FGTS ~80% of the FGTS budget is earmarked for Housing, constituting the main source of resources for low-income housing in Brazil Main events of net collection and net profit FGTS Flowchart 8% of wage Workers FGTS FUNDO DE GARANTIA DO TEMPO DE SERVICO TR + 3% + 50% payout Net Collection (+) Workers' Deposits (-) Withdrawals Net Income (+) Revenues from Loans (Public Policies) (+) Revenues from Marketable Securities (-) Deposits Remuneration Expenses (-) Administration Fee Withdrawals Cash and cash equivalents ex-Liquidity Fund R$ billion - According to FGTS Budget Public Policies 120.8 Marketable Securities The FGTS budget has R$369 billion earmarked for the real estate market over the next 3 years (FGTS housing budget; R$ bi) R$ billion R$369 billion 97.0 72.6 73.7 73.8 2015 2016 2017 2018 Source: FGTS. Diário Oficial da União (955/2020). Cash in accordance with the FGTS Budget (Resolution 903/2018). 116.8 113.2 105.7 25.5 18.0 18.0 18.0 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Plurianual 2023-2026 Plurianual 2022-2025 FGTS Budget Execution - Housing 109.0 62.9 54.0 47.9 46.9 50.5 53.3 53.5 56.2 72.2 42.2 42.7 47.2 50.0 50.1 50.2 58.7 49.3 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Budget Atual* 12#13Highlights 1444 SEX The majority of our revenue comes from Band 1 of the program, reaching levels of 59% in the 3rd quarter of 2023 LTM (Last Twelve Months). The increase in price ceilings within bands 1 and 2 of the program, combined with the changes that will come into effect in the second half of 2023, represents significant potential for value generation. Gross VGV by income bracket in 3Q23 Implementation deadline New parameters MCMV July 2023 Price 420 August 2023 FGTS Future FGTS Approved by Law. Implementation in December 2023. R.E.T. 1 1Q24 Operational impact Increase in average affordability of R$7k in Band 1 through higher subsidies and lower interest rates. Average increase of R$6k in financing capacity due to the possibility of extending the financing from 360 to 420 months. Average increase of R$6k in families' financing capacity through the increase in income commitment from the current 28% to up to 30%. Full potential 2.1p.p. of margin 1.9p.p. of margin 2.0p.p. of margin Focused operation on bands 1 and 2 of the Minha Casa Minha Vida program, with 89% of the Gross Sales Value (VGV) generated by properties in bands 1 and 2. 59% 59% 50% 30% 31% Average increase in gross margin of R$2k through a reduction in the RET (Real Estate Transfer Tax) rate, decreasing from 4% to 1% of monthly revenue for Band 1 projects. 0.7p.p. 1.6p.p. of gross margin 4Q22 of net margin Source: Company, FGTS.1 Base date considers 3Q23 59% 37% 30% 13% 11% 11% 10% Bracket 1 0-2.460 1Q23 2Q23 Bracket 22.460-4.400 3Q23 Bracket 3-4.400-8.000 13#14Highlights Great market opportunity with regional housing programs Pode Entrar Housing program of the city of São Paulo First stage of the program approved in April with significant participation from Tenda More than 3,510 units granted to the company, representing a total VGV (Sales Value) of R$712.6 million Other Regional Programs Various opportunities in Tenda's operational regions through housing programs targeted at the low-income segment Tenda Project Estação Tolstoi 216 number of units Value per property R$209.9k R$45.3 million Total PSV Program Name Target audience / State/Municipality Benefit per unit Size of the program Income bracket Casa Fácil Paraná Up to 4 minimum wages R$20,000 R$200 million year Guarapiranga¹ 1,310 R$206.9k R$271.1 million 2 Compra Compartilhada Porto Alegre Up to 3 minimum wages R$15,000 R$12 million in 2023 Citta Vila Prudente 1,984 R$199.7k R$396.2 million 3 De Portas Abertas Rio Grande do Sul Up to 4 minimum wages R$20,000 in definition TOTAL 3,510¹ R$712.6 million 4 Habita+ RJ Rio de Janeiro Up to R$4.4k² R$25,000 R$350 million in 2023 Pra ter onde morar Goiás 1,468 additional units from Tenda Eligible to be included in the program if other projects are rejected during document verification ~R$21 thousand per unit at a premium in pricing compared to the main competitors participating in the program Casa Paulista São Paulo Up to 4 minimum wages Up to 3 minimum wages R$45,800 n.a. Between R$11,000 and R$16,000 R$4 billion Morar Bem Pernambuco Up to 2 minimum wages Up to R$20,000 R$200 million year / Current Source: Company. Note: (1) Values @ 100%. The company holds a 50% interest in Guarapiranga; (2) Up to R$7k per server. 14#15Highlights New Proposals in the Resumption of the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program - Family Perspective São Paulo - SP PROPOSED CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONDITIONS Family with a gross income of R$ 1,650. CURRENT CONDITIONS Down R$ 69,000 Down R$ 59,100 Down payment payment A= -10,000 payment R$ 34,900 A= -34,200 Supplemental Discount R$ 47,500 Supplemental R$ 55,000 Supplemental R$ 55,00 Discount A= +7,500 Discount A= +7,500 Financing R$ 81,400 Financing R$ 83,900 Financing R$ 108,100 A= +2,500 A= +26,700 Installment CURRENT CONDITIONS CR 25% + 360 months Rate R$ 408.00 CR 25% + 360 Rate months Installment PROPOSED CONDITIONS R$ 409.00 Installment CR 30% +420 months R$ 490.00 PROPOSED CONDITIONS Down payment R$ 25,300 Property value of R$ 198,000 Rate Family with a gross income of R$ 1,980. Data from 4,426 properties acquired in São Paulo/SP by families with an income of up to R$ 2,400.00 in 2022, under the Assistance program: Average value: R$ 189,000 • Minimum value: R$ 98,000 • Maximum value: R$ 264,000 Source: ABRAINC / Ministério das Cidades Down payment R$ 58,200 Down R$ 54,400 payment A= -3,800 Supplemental Discount R$ 42,100 Supplemental R$ 42,900 Discount A=+0,8 Thousand Financing R$ 97,700 Financing R$ 100,600 Supplemental Discount Financing A= +2,900 Rate CR 25% + 360 months Rate Installment R$ 490.00 CR 25% + 360 months Installment R$ 490.00 Rate A= -23,900 R$ 42,900 A= +0,8 thousand R$ 129,700 A= +32,000 CR 30% +420 months Installment R$ 588.00 15#16Highlights New Proposals in the Resumption of the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program Family Perspective Salvador - BA PROPOSED CONDITIONS CURRENT CONDITIONS Family with a gross income of R$ 1,650 Down R$ 35,700 Down payment payment Supplemental Discount Financing R$ 47,500 R$ 83,800 Property value of R$ 167,000 Rate Installment Supplemental Discount R$ 25,600 A= -10,100 PROPOSED CONDITIONS Down payment Supplemental Discount R$ 0,2 thousand A= -35,400 R$ 55,000 A= +7,500 Financing R$ 111,800 R$ 55,000 A= +7,500 Financing R$ 86,400 A= +2,600 CR 25% + 360 Rate months R$ 409 CR 25% + 360 months Rate R$ 409.00 CURRENT CONDITIONS Installment PROPOSED CONDITIONS Installment A= +27,900 CR 30% +420 months R$ 490.00 PROPOSED CONDITIONS Family with a gross income of R$ 1,980. Data from 1,673 properties acquired in Salvador/BA by families with an income of up to R$ 2,400.00 in 2022, under the Assistance program: • Average value: R$ 159,000 • Minimum value: R$ 98,000 • Maximum value: R$ 209,000 Source: ABRAINC / Ministério das Cidades Down payment R$ 32,000 Down payment R$ 24,000 A= -8,000 Down payment Supplemental Discount R$ 34,400 Supplemental R$ 39,300 Discount Supplemental R$ 39,300 A= +4,900 Discount A= +7,300 Financing R$ 100,600 Financing R$ 103,700 A= +3,100 Financing R$ 127,700 A= +27,100 Rate CR 25% + 360 months Rate Installment R$ 490.00 CR 25% + 360 months Rate Installment R$ 491.00 Installment CR 30% +420 months R$ 560.00 16#17Tenda in Numbers#18Operational Highlights Track record comprovado com resultados operacionais robustos Consistent and disciplined growth of Tenda's main operational indicators ensuring the company's positioning among the leading real estate developers in the country Landbank R$ million and amount of land (in thousand) 20.0 28.9 34.4 32.7-45.8- 60.1 72.2 73.3-78.5 -92.9 89.2-98.1 2014 2,428 3,955 4,733 2013 2015 4,462 2016 6,695 8,894 10,619 10,975 12,392 16,332 14,778 17,949 2017 2018 Landbank 2019 2020 2021 2022 3Q22 3Q23 Units Launches R$ million and number of launches (in thousand) 2.5 4.3 7.7 9.6 11.8 13.6 17.9 18.1 20.9 12.2 1.8 4.5 339 2013 613 2014 1,089 1,342 1,695 1,913 2,575 2,665 3,129 2,380 1,626 2,335 2015 2016 2017 2018 Launches 2019 2020 2021 2022 3Q22 3Q23 Units Net Pre-Sales and Net Pre-Sales Over Supply (SOS) (R$ mn) 30.7. 23.8 22.8 -25.5 28.1 30.0 -33.0 24.0 26.2 30.2 14.8 11.3 1,015 1,141 1,545 1,855 2,040 2,553 3,141 2,363 490 2013 396 2014 2015 2016 2017 Net Pre-Sales 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 759 3Q22 3Q23 924 Net SoS Inventory at Market Value R$ million (PSV) and inventory turnover (in months of net pre-sales) 25.1 15.1 10.6 11.4-9.2-7.4-9.3 7.8 6.5-9.9 9.3 8.6 618 2013 829 2014 900 2015 1,085 2016 1,180 2017 1,144 2018 1,582 1,649 1,707 1,954 1,920 2,130 2019 2020 2021 2022 3Q22 3Q23 Inventory at Market Value Inventory Turnover Source: Company. Consolidated numbers. Extensive land bank ready to be accessed for the development of profitable projects Sustainable launch speed with several successful projects delivered over the last 10 years Strong sales growth with recovery observed in 2023 one of the smallest inventories among public companies, demonstrating strong absorption of our units TENDA ENDA D 18#19Financial Highlights The company is regaining good financial results, bringing optimism and confidence for the future Net Revenues and Adjusted Gross Margin¹ (R$ mn) 26.9-30.633.3-36.7—36.3—35.0-32.2. 15.0 19.2 24.1 14.0. 5.6 Net Revenue 817 2013 570 2014 851 1,053 1,358 1,681 1,950 2,282 2,540 2,413 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 573 3T22 786 3T23 Adjusted Gross Margin G&A Expenses and G&A / Gross Sales (R$ mn) 11.9 15.3 9.9 8.5- 7.0 7.4 6.0 6.8 7.4-8.6 9.4 7.1 G&A expenses G&A / Net Revenue 97 87 2013 2014 84 2015 90 95 2016 2017 2018 2019 S&M Expenses S&M / Gross Sales R$ million (VGV) and inventory turnover (in months of net sales) 124 117 154 188 208 2020 2021 2022 54 3T22 56 3T23 S&M Expenses 7.1- 5.8 5.4 6.4 7.6 7.1 7.3- 6.9 -6.8. 8.4 9.8. 5.8 S&M Gross Sales 78 2013 53 65 90 137 145 163 201 246 241 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 59 3Q22 62 3Q23 Net Income and Net Margin (R$ mn) 3.6- 5.4 7.9 11.9 13.5 8.8 -7.5 -3.0 -14.5 -19.2 -22.7 Net Revenue 200 264 200 -36.7 30 57 107 Adjusted Gross Margin -24 -118 -109 -191 -210 -547 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 3T22 3T23 Source: Company. Consolidated numbers.1. Adjusted for capitalized interest. TENDA ENDA D 19#20Cash Generator Model#21Cash, Leverage and Capital Distribution Controlled indebtedness with improvement through new issuances in 2023 Debt overview (R$ mn) Amortization schedule (R$ mn) Gross debt 1,200.9 388 Cash and cash equivalents¹ (748.2) 266 Net debt 452.8 230 165 Net Debt/Equity (SE+MS)2 50.3% Average cost of debt (R$ mn) Average cost: IPCA + 7.23% 255% CDI ■ TR IPCA Average overall cost of 13.78% y.y.3 48.5% 153 Average cost: 25.9% TR + 8.74% Corporate Net Debt/ Shareholders' Equity 13.0% 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 + Covenant tracking (Net Corporate Debt/Equity; Covenant) 85% 85% 80% 80% 80% 80% 75% 15% Average cost: CDI +3.50% 50% 50% 30% 30% 15% 66% 67% 55% 15% 15% 15% 15% 42% 32% 33% 3% 10% 11% 10% 13% 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21 1Q22 2Q22 3Q22 Net Corporate Debt/Equity - Reported 4Q22 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24 4Q24 25+ - Covenants Source: Press Release 3Q23 21 21#22Cash, Leverage and Capital Distribution The company has already gone through its most challenging period and remains strategically well-positioned in the affordable housing segment in Brazil. Cash-Generating Business Model Transfer after sales Construction execution speed Cash flow acceleration Minimum Cash Policy Minimum cash equivalent to: : 3 months of operational outflows Short-term debts Land (short term) Capital Allocation Share buyback Dividend payment Generation/Consumption of Operating Cash 2021 1Q22 2Q22 3Q22 4Q22 1Q23* 2Q23* 3Q23 141 98 (0) 169 5 118 129 18 45 32 (13) (20). [(28)] (62) (52) (18) (166) (160) (123) (125) (28) (250) (226) (3) (16) (368) (77) (73) (126) (8)- (239) (234) Quarterly updates 1 Operational generation of 5 million; Total cash Alea Operating Cash Tenda Operating Cash 2 By including the benefit of the Follow on, we experienced a reduction in net debt of R$ 172.9 million; 3 The gross margin of new sales also continued to evolve, with an increase of 130 basis points in 3Q23 compared to 2Q23. Source: Press Release 2Q23 / Note: *includes assignment of receivables portfolio Pro-Soluto; 22#23Click here to check Earnings Release 3Q23#24Strategy The segment and our business model enable a resumption of growth, in addition, Tenda has developed an innovative business model, based on offsite construction, to reach new markets#25Tenda enters this market creating a competitive differential through off-site industrialization, with the adoption of wood frame technology Alea houses are produced with a high-tech construction method, created in the United States and used in several countries around the world. Resistant, with thermal comfort and acoustic insulation, offering a new way of living.#262022 was a year of evolution and many learnings for Alea's sustainable Growth Strategy growth, we focused on stabilizing the operation at pilot scale to accelerate growth in 2023 Operational Pilot scale and learning Casapatio (Beginning of the project) Ramp-up (Acceleration) Full Potential of Factory 1 (10 thousand units) 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026+ Capex (plant) Investment period (cash consumption and loss) Financial Source: Company Profit and cash (positive) Stabilization (economics)#27Growth Strategy Significant milestones were achieved in the first year of alea's operation, and solid strategic foundations were defined to ensure the platform's long-term sustainability 1 2 Foundation of Alea's strategy and main results so far Alea 3 Aleat 4 5 Product Market Fit The sales performance throughout the year confirmed Alea's product market fit, reinforcing the acceptance of the value proposition by customers ✓ Average VSO of 53.8% per quarter in 2022 ✓ Average price gain of 14.3% Supply Chain ✓ Significant evolution in the supply chain security, especially in the wood-frame chain. ✓ Verticalization of the timber chain, with strategic negotiations for the supply of key inputs. ✓ Reduction of risks associated with other items by a significant decrease in single-source and imported items. Fields of Play ✓ Expansion of the addressable market, by incorporating smaller cities into the Fields of Play. ✓ Sales performance in Iperó and Cerquilho led to considering the inclusion of cities starting from 20,000 inhabitants. ✓ Evolution in realizing Alea's differential in operating with a low local minimum scale, difficult to replicate by traditional players Post-Occupancy ✓ Differentiation in post- occupation. ✓ Belief in high value perception brought by the condominium. ✓ Low incidence of technical assistance requests so far ✓ Landbank Formation Landbank in formation with significant developments carried out in 2022. Prospecting pipeline allowed interaction with various municipalities, creating technical knowledge of legislations and administrative approval processes. ✓ Validation of Alea's value proposition for key stakeholders. Advancements in 2023 Source: Company Increase in the minimum price per unit for compliance with the MCVM (Minimum Capital Value for Mortgage) New CASAPATIO model with construction in 3 months ALAQ Expansion of prospecting with smaller cities in the Fields of Play 27#28Growth Strategy In 2023, Alea launched the 'Casapatio Project': a brand focused on products in open lots. Custom patio homes model with 100% POC delivery in 3 months arrives to accelerate Alea's growth in Off-Site construction. CASAPATIO: Key highlights Alea launches Negotiation timeframe of 1-2 months (vs. Alea's 3-5 months) Approval timeframe of 2-3 months (vs. Alea's 2-3 years) Greater speed in launches made possible by Casapatio Infrastructure already executed (vs. Alea's 4-5 months construction period) 743 462 600 315 299 147 143 26.0% ୧୩୨ Currently, Casapatio represents 75.9% of Alea's 104 launches in 2023 74.0% 1H22 2H22 Casa Pátio Alea Source: Release 3Q23 1H23 Casapatio Alea 3Q23 28#29Growth Strategy Massive growth avenue in Off-site construction with Alea Houses represent a significant portion of the potential residential construction market in Brazil, and almost no major player is focused on the segmentno Houses represent the majority of the potential for residential construction in Brazil Alea secures Tenda's exposure to a blue ocean of opportunities represented by an addressable market of nearly R$250 billion Brazilians' desire for housing 70% 30% ■Casa Apartamento Composition of housing finance Total PSV potential $ 70% 30% ■Casa ■ Apartamento Cash Consumption 2020 to 2024(R$ million) R$248 bi Potential annual PSV R$64 bi R$96 bi R$88 bi Families formed per year (thousand) Alea 460 220 R$250 bi R$498 bi 500 1.580 400 400 300 300 250 By 2023 Alea should total a launch volume of between 1,500 and 2,000 units a year! projects Natural product Houses Houses Houses Apartments Total Monthly income R$2k - R$4k R$4k - R$9k +9k Platform Alea Alea Alea Tenda Base Premium Ville Expectations Previous ExpectationsActual Source: Company 29#30Single storey houses#31ESG#32ESG ESG Pillars Social inclusion Respect for clients and employees Commitment to ethics and governance Properties affordable by Low-income families B3 COMPANY FULLY DEDICATED TO PROJECTS IN CASA VERDE E AMARELA PROGRAM AVERAGE MONTHLY FAMILY INCOME Closer to the floor value than bracket (R$, Jul/23 to Sep/231) 2 of PCVA 3,072 2,000 4,000 AVERAGE PRICE PER UNIT SOLD (R$ thousand, 3Q232) 205 Tenda 256 PCVA Clients receive the housing units within schedule 100% OF PROJECTS LAUNCHED AFTER 2013 WERE DELIVERED WITHIN SCHEDULE Most employees directed hired 5,701 EMPLOYEES ... of which 71% ARE DIRECTLY HIRED BY TENDA Own employees in ~100% of the tower's activities SAFE ENVIRONMENT: INDUSTRIAL RISK MONITORING STANDARDS Culture focused on ethical conduct Ethics Committee coordinated by the CEO Ethics Code for employees and suppliers Preliminary Assessment og suppliers ✓ Independent Reporting Hotline 90% Reference Governance COMPLIANT WITH IBGC'S BEST PRACTICES IN 20193 ✓ A Novo Mercado Company All board members are independente All the directors are statutory officers, with 20% of compensation linked to long term incentives4 Source: (1) Based on gross sales between Jul/23 and Sep/23; (2) Weighted average price between MRV (100%), Directional (only PCVA 2 and 3), Plano & Plano and Cury; (3) Based on Tenda's CVM 586 form; (4) According to the management proposal approved at the AGM for the year 2022 32 22#33Corporate Governance Tenda adopts the best Corporate Governance practices, holding a prominent position among the companies in the New Market, B3's highest level Board composed of 6 highly experienced and independent members Advisory Committees Antonoaldo Neves Independent Member TP Azul⭑* AIRPORTUGAL McKinsey UST & Company Maurício Luchetti Independent Member YDUQS AGROGALAXY PUC-SP Michelle Rober Independent Member UF FLORIDA UNIVERSITY of Stericycle Cláudio de Andrade Chairman POLO copital management 1 Audit Committee CASA VIDEO FGV 2 Executive Investment Committee Flávio Menezes Independent Member 3 Ethics Executive Committee PATRIA MUNDOmedia 4 People Committee¹ CHICAGO BOOTH ТП Семена Сакская Boot Schat ut Выспен Tenda NOVO MERCADO BM&FBOVESPA Marcos Duarte Independent Member POLO TIM copital morogement Independent Board 100% 45% No family relations 0% 43% UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO DE JANEIRO VIVER Individual performance evaluation Yes 69% First-rate corporate governance: 100% independent board combined with a management team with extensive experience in the sector and at Tenda Source: Company.. 1 Previously referred to as 'Remuneration, Nomination, and Corporate Governance Committee 33#34Corporate Governance Management with extensive experience in the sector 14 fengi próxima co 1 Luiz Mauricio CFO Claro AGafisa >>VELT Tenda Executive Board 10 Renan Sanches COO Cristina Marques MUDAR >>> HR Officer cia Hеring 11 15 12 Fabrício Quesiti Operations Officer AGafisa ambev Alexandre de Oliveira Operations Officer AGafisa Daniela de Britto Operations Officer AGafisa SECOVISP 14+ Alexandre Millen Operations Officer AGafisa Weliton Junior Operations Officer amil Source: Company 14+ 14 11 Rodrigo Osmo CEO BAIN & COMPANY AGafisa alphaville urbanismo GP Rodrigo Hissa Operations Officer AGafisa Caltech 9 Alex Hmada Operations Officer Tenda AGafisa Walmart GOUVEA experience Amanda Bezerra Operations Officer BENEDITO ABBUD arquitetura paisagistica André Padilha Operations Officer AGafisa # Years of company Alea Executive Board 5 Luis Martini COO Tenda amazon O&CO 3 Andre Massote Operations Officer A Tenda Precon bts 11 Marcelo Melo Operations Officer Tenda Gafisa Management team with extensive experience in the sector and at Tenda 34#3529/12 Shareholders and Stock Performance Stock Performance and Share Structure 4.2 4.8 4.7 4.7 31/01 28/02 31/03 Stock Performance +211.1% 30 Days 90 Days 180 Days ADTV1 R$ 26.0 mi R$ 26.6 mi R$ 23.4 mi POLO PATRIA capital management Performance 41.1% 144.7% 172.5% 28/04 11.5 12.0 12.8 13.1 8.2 5.8 TEND3 31/05 30/06 31/07 31/08 29/09 24.10% 7.42% Share Structure Total Return Investment LLC Type of Tenda Investors 13.2% 21.8% 0.5% ASSETS/FUNDS FOUNDATIONS AND INSURANCE COMPA FOUNDATIONS AND INSURANCE COMPANIES FOREIGNERS INDIVIDUAL 60.5% OTHERS 4.1% Small dice SMLL Indice Imobiliário IMOB indice de Ações com Governança Corporativa Diferenciada IGC Source: Formulário de Referência - Tenda; B3; Material Fact- Tenda Notes: (1) ADTV: Average Daily Trading Volume; Base 09/29/2023. Indice de Indice de Governança Corporativa IGC-NM Ações com Tag Along ITAG Indice de Consumo Ticker Listed segment Number of shares Share price* Market value * Position as of 09/29/2023 ICON Indice de Governança Corporativa 1 IGCT ☐ TEND3 [B]³ NOVO MERCADO 123,094,246 R$ 13.13 R$ 1,616,227,449.98 Indice Brasil Amplo BM&FBOVESPA IBRA Indice do Setor Industria INDX 35 Tenda Other 5.74% 62.74%#36Tenda

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