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#1LA BANQUE POSTALE INVESTOR PRESENTATION DECEMBER 2021#2DISCLAIMER LA BANQUE POSTALE This presentation has been prepared by La Banque Postale solely for use in investor meetings. This document is confidential and is not to be reproduced by any person, nor be distributed to any person other than its original recipient. La Banque Postale takes no responsibility for the use of these materials by any person. This presentation does not constitute a prospectus or other offering document of securities, in whole or in part. This presentation does not constitute or form part of any offer or invitation to sell or issue or any solicitation of any offer to buy or subscribe for any security nor shall it (or any part of it) form the basis of (or be relied on in connection with) any contract or investment decision in relation thereto. Recipients should conduct their own investigation, evaluation and analysis of the information set out in this document and should rely solely on their own judgment, investigation, evaluation and analysis in evaluating La Banque Postale, its business and affairs. The figures included in this presentation are unaudited. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by or on behalf of La Banque Postale, or any of its directors, officers, employees, advisers, agents, affiliates or any other person as to (a) the accuracy, fairness or completeness of the information or (b) the opinions contained in this document, and, save in the case of fraud, no liability whatsoever is accepted for any such information or opinions. The information contained in this presentation as it relates to parties other than La Banque Postale or derived from external sources has not been independently verified and no representation or warranty expressed or implied is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information or opinions contained herein. The information and opinions contained in this presentation are provided as at the date of this document and are subject to change without notice although neither La Banque Postale nor any other person assumes any responsibility or obligation to provide the recipients with access to any additional information or update or revise any such statements, regardless of whether those statements are affected by the results of new information, future events or otherwise. All liability (including, without limitation, liability for indirect, economic or loss) is hereby excluded to the fullest extent permissible by law. Investor presentation / December 2021 Certain statements included in this presentation are "forward-looking". Such forward-looking statements speak only at the date of this document, involve substantial uncertainties and actual results and developments may differ materially from future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements in particular in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Neither La Banque Postale nor any other person undertakes any obligation to update or revise any forward- looking statements. All written, oral and electronic forward-looking statements attributable to La Banque Postale, or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. - This document may contain a number of forecasts and comments relating to the targets and strategies of the La Banque Postale group. These forecasts are based on a series of assumptions, both general and specific, notably unless specified otherwise - the application of accounting principles and methods in accordance with IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) as adopted in the European Union, as well as the application of existing prudential regulations. This information was developed from scenarios based on a number of economic assumptions for a given competitive and regulatory environment. The La Banque Postale group may be unable: to anticipate all the risks, uncertainties or other factors likely to affect its business and to appraise their potential consequences; to evaluate precisely the extent to which the occurrence of a risk or a combination of risks could cause actual results to differ materially from those provided in this presentation. There is a risk that these projections will not be met. More detailed information on the potential risks that could affect La Banque Postale's financial results can be found in the section Risk Factors of the Universal Registration Document filed with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers. Investors are advised to take into account factors of uncertainty and risk likely to impact the operations of La Banque Postale group when basing their investment decisions on information provided in this document. Unless otherwise specified, the sources for the rankings are internal. 2#3LA BANQUE POSTALE CONTENTS Investor presentation / December 2021 01 LA BANQUE POSTALE AT A GLANCE 50 04 02 2030 STRATEGIC PLAN 14 03 H1 2021 BUSINESS & FINANCIAL PERFORMANCES 19 04 LIQUIDITY & SOLVENCY 39 05 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 50 06 APPENDICES 63#401 LA BANQUE POSTALE AT A GLANCE LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021#5LA BANQUE POSTALE: INVESTMENT CASE A LARGE AND DIVERSIFIED BANCASSURER 11th largest bank in the Eurozone with total assets of €754bn and NBI of €4.0bn 100% owned by Groupe La Poste (in turn 66%-owned by Caisse des Dépôts and 34% by the French state) 10.2 million active retail customers in France (1) An international footprint through CNP Assurances (2) A balanced mix of businesses: Bancassurance France: 60% (3) International Bancassurance: 12 % Wealth and Asset Management: 6% Corporate and Investment Banking: 22% 2030 STRATEGIC PLAN: 2025 TARGETS NBI >3% (2020-2025 CAGR) 20% generated internationally C/I RATIO -10 points RWA Controlled growth at 3.5% (2020-2025 CAGR) RONE of 8% in 2023 (4) LA BANQUE POSTALE H1 2021: STRONG BUSINESS MOMENTUM IN A STILL UNCERTAIN ENVIRONMENT Higher profit: Attributable net profit: +7% at €499m (5) Very robust balance sheet structure: - - NBI: +9% to €3,956 million Improved C/I ratio at 69.1% (-3.9 pts) RONE of 8.2% Cost of risk at a low 13 bps in an environment shaped by a gradual recovery from the crisis Investor presentation / December 2021 Solid CET1 ratio of 20.2% Solvency II ratio of 219% for CNP Assurances Very strong liquidity position: LCR of 220% - Robust NSFR at 146% JUST TRANSITION: A HEIGHTENED CSR COMMITMENT Customers Successful community consultation promoted through a new advertising campaign Innovative community offers Community - Broader access to positive-impact finance The European Commission approved in principle the payment to La Banque Postale of €1.77bn in consideration of its public service mission for 2021-2026 Co-workers Launch of an internal participative consultation process to increase La Banque Postale's community engagement Data as of 30 June 2021 unless specified (1) Core customers whose income is paid into their La Banque Postale account and who have purchased one or more products (2) 62.84%-owned; On 28 October 2021, La Banque Postale announced its intention to acquire CNP Assurances' shares held by Groupe BPCE and to file a simplified public tender offer with the AMF for CNP Assurances' minority shareholders at the price of €21.90 per share with the intention of ultimately implementing a squeeze-out if conditions are met (3) As a % of Attributable net profit generated by business segments (4) Excluding Basel IV impact (5) Excluding first-time consolidation entries and PPA adjustments 5#6A LARGE PUBLIC BANCASSURER Wholly owned by LE GROUPE LA POSTE 34% ↓ Banking and insurance services distributed by THE POST OFFICE NETWORK LE GROUPE LA POSTE A strategic public service mission: BANKING ACCESSIBILITY 100% LA BANQUE POSTALE OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE L| RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE Liberté Égalité Fraternité 66% 62.84%(2) Caisse des Dépôts GROUPE CNP assurances (1) LA BANQUE POSTALE (1) Caisse des Dépôts and its subsidiaries constitute a State-owned group serving the public interest and the country's economic development. The Group fulfils public interest missions in support of public policies implemented by the State and local authorities and may engage in open market activities. (Article L. 518-2 of the French Monetary & Financial Code) for CNP Assurances' minority shareholders at the price of €21.90 per share with the intention of ultimately implementing a squeeze-out if conditions are met Investor presentation / December 2021 (2) On 28 October 2021, La Banque Postale announced its intention to acquire CNP Assurances' shares held by Groupe BPCE and to file a simplified public tender offer with the AMF 6#7A DIVERSIFIED PROFILE AND A STRONG CAPITAL BASE NBI (€m) Cost/income ratio (%) Operating profit (€m) Attributable net profit (Єm) +4.8% 3,793 3,974 73.0% -3.9 pts 69.1% 855 4,001 +6.6% 733 468 H1 2020 H1 2021 H1 2020 underlying H1 2021 underlying H1 2020 H1 2021 H1 2020 Attributable net profit by business segment (1) 22% 6% 60% 12% Bancassurance France International Bancassurance Cost of risk (€m) 228 98 88 499 H1 2020 H1 2021 (excl. first-time consolidation entries in 2020 and PPA adjustments) Regulatory own funds (€bn) CET1 ratio (%) 21.0 +1.4% -0.2 pts 21.3 20.4% 20.2% H1 2020 H1 2021 30/06/2020 30/06/2021 31/12/2020 30/06/2021 Wealth and Asset Management Corporate and Investment Banking LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 (1) As a % of Attributable net profit generated by business segments#8A YOUNG BANK LA BANQUE POSTALE 2006 La Banque Postale created as the vehicle for La Poste's savings, deposit and lending businesses (Livret A, postal checking accounts) 2010 P&C insurance business created in partnership with Groupama 2012 Local authority lending business launched 2017 KissKissBankBank acquired Kiss Kiss Bank Bank 2019 La Banque Postale becomes sole shareholder of LBP Consumer Finance 2021 La Banque Postale announces its intention to acquire CNP Assurances' shares it doesn't already own CNP assurances 2009 Consumer finance 2011 2013 BPE acquired Corporate lending business launched BPE 2015 LA BANQUE POSTALE business created in partnership with Société Générale Investor presentation / December 2021 LA BANQUE POSTALE Asset management partnership with Aegon AM and with Malakoff-Médéric 2019 Ma French Bank launched MA 2020 La Banque Postale becomes majority shareholder of CNP Assurances I 2020 La Banque Postale becomes sole shareholder of LBP Assurances IARD FRENCH BANK CNP assurances 80#9A FULL SERVICE BANK Commercial banking and CIB 3 Retail Banking brands Specialised financing Life insurance Non-life insurance Asset management MA LA BANQUE FRENCH POSTALE BANK BPEI LA GROUPE LA BANQUE POSTALE BANQUE Developing banking services for corporates and the local public sector since 2011 France's leading lender to local authorities and public hospitals (in partnership with SFIL) SFIL Au service des territoires et des exportations POSTALE CONSUMER FINANCE (100%-owned by La Banque Postale) Consumer finance (launched in 2009): consumer finance, revolving credit facilities, etc. CNP assurances LA BANQUE POSTALE 62.84% (1) LA BANQUE POSTALE ASSURANCES IARD (100%-owned by La Banque Postale) AEGON LA BANQUE POSTALE PRÉVOYANCE (100%-owned by La Banque Postale) LA BANQUE POSTALE CONSEIL EN ASSURANCES (100%-owned by La Banque Postale) LA BANQUE POSTALE ASSET MANAGEMENT Asset Management 25% LA BANQUE POSTALE 70% Ostrum ASSET MANAGEMENT malakoff humanis 5% Corporate and Investment Bank (CIB) launched in 2018 to: Enable the commercial banking business to finish extending its range and secure customer loyalty Build business with outside customers, particularly among financial institutions LA BANQUE POSTALE LEASING & FACTORING (100%-owned by La Banque Postale) Leasing & Factoring (launched in 2012) Life insurance & Pension products with an extended presence: 19 countries in Europe and Latin America More than 36 million personal risk/protection insureds worldwide and more than 12 million savings/pensions policyholders LA MUTUELLE générale LA BANQUE POSTALE ASSURANCE SANTÉ malakoff humanis 35% LA BANQUE POSTALE 14% 51% LA BANQUE NATIXIS BEYOND BANKING POSTALE 45% (2) 55% (via LBP AM) (via Natixis IM) A new asset management model capable of seizing growth opportunities in insurance asset management, in partnership with Ostrum, impelled by LBP AM's refocusing on multi-specialist SRI conviction management (1) On 28 October 2021, La Banque Postale announced its intention to acquire CNP Assurances' shares held by Groupe BPCE and to file a simplified public tender offer with the AMF for CNP Assurances' minority shareholders at the price of €21.90 per share with the intention of ultimately implementing a squeeze-out if conditions are met (2) On 28 October 2021, Groupe BPCE and LBP announced entering into exclusive negotiations for the potential acquisition by Natixis Investment Managers of 40% of AEW's capital and 45% of Ostrum Asset Management's capital LA Investor presentation / December 2021 BANQUE POSTALE 9#10A LEADING BANCASSURANCE GROUP A major player LA BANQUE POSTALE CNP assurances with large customer bases Benefiting from favorable market trends for bancassurers Life insurance remains France's most popular savings product Insurance products primarily distributed through bancassurance channels Changing customer expectations (e.g., simpler solutions, self care) Technological revolutions (e.g., digitisation, connected. homes/cars) By year-end-2022, Leading to increased operational efficiency - Faster customer acquisition Cost and revenue synergies CNP Assurances will be the one-stop shop for the Group's life and non-life insurance businesses through the transfer of La Banque Postale's non-life insurance subsidiaries (LBP Prévoyance, LBP Assurance Santé, LBP IARD) (1) LA Investor presentation / December 2021 BANQUE POSTALE (1) Depending on the completion of the simplified public tender offer for CNP Assurances' minority shareholders and on the squeeze-out of CNP Assurances shares 10#11A NEW GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE TO DRIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN A RENEWED EXECUTIVE BOARD Philippe HEIM Chairman of the Executive Board Marion ROUSO Managing Director of Retail Banking Bertrand COUSIN Managing Director of Corporate and Investment Banking STRENGTHENED GOVERNANCE Stéphane DEDEYAN Chief Executive Officer of CNP Assurances Christophe VAN DE WALLE Deputy General Manager Customer Experience and Banking Operations Serge BAYARD Deputy General Manager Corporate and Investment Banking Olivier LÉVY-BAROUCH Deputy General Manager Finance and Strategy Perrine KALTWASSER Deputy General Manager Risks, Compliance and Supervision of the conglomerate Zakaria MOURSLI (1) Deputy General Manager, IT Systems, Innovation, Data and Digital Transformation Adrienne HOREL-PAGÈS Chief Sustainability Officer Thomas GUITTET Chief Risk Officer Nathalie COLLIN (2) Chief Executive Officer of the Consumer & Digital Division, Le Groupe La Poste LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 LEADING FOUR LARGE BUSINESS LINES Bancassurance France Corporate and Investment Banking International Bancassurance Wealth and Asset Management (1) Will join the Group by year-end 2021 (2) Associate member of La Banque Postale's Executive Committee 11#12STRONG CREDIT RATINGS LAST UPDATE LONG-TERM RATING OUTLOOK SHORT-TERM RATING RATING BY DEBT Fitch Ratings 2021/03/30 A Stable F1+ - Senior Preferred: A+ Senior Non-Preferred: A Tier 2: BBB+ - AT1: BBB- S&P Global 2021/11/04 Ratings - A+ Stable A-1 Senior Preferred: A+ Senior Non-Preferred: BBB- Tier 2: BB+ - AT1: BB- Long-term rating upgraded to A (from A-) and short-term rating upgraded to F1+ (from F1) by Fitch in March 2021 Long-term rating upgraded to A+ (from A) by S&P in November 2021 LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 12#13RECOGNISED INTERNATIONAL CSR LEADERSHIP Highest score obtained based on the criteria used by the Reclaim Finance NGO's Coal Policy Tool to assess French financial institutions Elected to the steering group of the UN Net-Zero Banking Alliance representing 34 European banks RATING RANKING LA ISS ESG‣ ethix.climate.oekom D- BANQUE POSTALE V.E VIGEO EIRIS 0 SUSTAINALYTICS CDP 100 30 50 D- D C Investor presentation / December 2021 550 B B- LA BANQUE POSTALE D+ C- C+ B- Best bank worldwide in the "Public and Regional Banks" category (277 banks rated) 75 LA 60 13.6 BANQUE POSTALE LA BANQUE POSTALE Best bank worldwide in the "Retail and Specialised Banks" category (97 banks rated) Second best company worldwide (4,913 companies rated) Fourth best bank worldwide in the "Diversified banks" category (408 banks rated) A 0 LA BANQUE POSTALE One of the Top 14 Financial Institutions worldwide A (894 financial institutions invited to disclose) Date of most recent rating: Vigeo Eiris (V.E.) (06/2021), Sustainalytics (02/2021), CDP (12/2021), ISS ESG (09/2020) 13#1402 2030 STRATEGIC PLAN LA BANQUE POSTALE LA BANQUE POSTALE 2030 SHAPING A JUST TRANSITION FOR OUR CUSTOMERS LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 14#15A STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN THREE TARGETS AMBITION Become France's favourite bank by 2023-2025, close to its customers, with impeccable service quality, unrivalled community ambitions and a highly engaged workforce CUSTOMERS Position La Banque Postale among the leaders in customer experience quality COMMUNITY Reaffirm our community ambition in support of the just transition CO-WORKERS Place the employee experience at the centre of our strategic plan NPS (1) among the Top 3 on-line banks by 2023-2025 World leader in positive-impact finance NPS of +20 for the question "Would you recommend La Banque Postale as an employer?" THREE LEVERS DIGITISATION of routine banking transactions, from end to end, benefiting both customers and co-workers As of 2022, customers will be able to carry out all of their routine banking transactions through digitised means DIVERSIFICATION by leveraging ancillary growth drivers and tapping international markets 20% of net banking income to be generated in international markets by 2025 DIFFERENTIATION of the solutions offer to meet customers' needs at each stage in their lives 2022: launch of the first companion banking service bundles LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 (1) Net Promoter Score - Source: La Voix du Client 15#16FASTER ROLL-OUT OF THE DIGITAL STRATEGY: NEW DELIVERIES TO IMPROVE THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE New fully digitised account application process Bienvenue Merci d'avoir choisi La Banque Postale. Ouvrir un compte- Ouvrez votre compte en quelques minutes > Reprendre votre demande Identifiez-vous pour reprendre là où vous vous > New home loan process application Mentions Données personnelles NOS PROPOSITIONS SIMULATION SELON VOS ALLEGEZ VOS MENSUALITES LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 21 N 1.7% < Votre identité Nom 1/4 < Votre compte Ouvrir un compte Choisissez votre offre Signature (Carte + Assurance des moyens de paiement) Votre identité Afficher le détail Et si on choisissait maintenant les détails de ce compte? Votre compte Choix de la carte bancaire, assurance.... Vos infos personnelles &= Logement, situation familiale.... Monsieur Madame Saisissez votre nom.... Prénom - 0 VISA LASSIC mois e moyens nt incluse C VISA REALYS 3€/mois VISA Assurance moyens de palement incluse VISA PR 13,20 Assuranc de paleme Carte à autorisation systématique pour maîtriser votre budget En savoir plus Votre signature Transmission des justificatifs. signature... Visa Realys +'Assurance moyens de paiement Alliatys 3€/mois Offerts les 6 premiers mois DMNEZ LE COOT TOTAL DE VOTRE FINANCEMENT New mobile app MOBILE APP with redesigned ergonomics Votre signature Weller placer votre visage dans le cadre C'est part Choisir Saisir le code secret que Accueil Demière connexion: le 26 Février 2021 à 16H120 Virement CCP +1.340,09€ Mr Thyarion Floryne N°0644776W031 TABLET APP Opérations A venir Débit différé A débiter le 31/07/20 Details Mes autres comptes -10193.91€ CCP +5.635,84€ 06457994031 Mr Thyrion Floryne LODS +89.57€ 8112058874 Mr Thyrian Floryn LIVRET A +4065.52€ A Félicitations! Nous traitons votre demande. 1970 101 261890 60/80 RAE 18ES DECE VISA Juste de temps de vérifier quelques informations et on vous tiens au courant d'ici 5 jours maximum. Merci, et à très bientôt .9. Terminer CCF +1.053,67€ Mine felina Scone-baby f Templi 16#17FASTER TRANSFORMATION: INNOVATIVE AND STRUCTURING PARTNERSHIPS ②ACCELERATED GROWTH IN INSURANCE INNOVATIVE OFFERS FOR INDIVIDUAL CUSTOMERS ENHANCED SERVICE OFFER FOR CORPORATE CUSTOMERS UniCredit Acquisition of Aviva's Life business in Italy NATIXIS BEYOND BANKING Shift Joint venture for the management of insurance-related fixed income portfolios fully operational Digital claims management solution for comprehensive ♡ alma Payment solutions for merchants and e-tailers PrimaryBid carbo home-owner insurance claims Natural language and automated processing Stanhope Capital zaion solution lovys Digital home and smartphone insurance LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 Ebury Partnering SMEs in international markets New investment opportunities (previously only available to institutional investors) Carbon footprint calculation, based on an analysis of banking transactions (integrated in on-line banking platform) International private equity funds rigorously selected for BPE clients NovaLend HIPPOCAD DOMISERVE - GROUPE LA BANQUE POSTALE Digital lease financing solution Acquisition Remote home management service Diversification International Partnership model Development 17#18LEVERAGE UNIQUE DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL TO DELIVER PROFITABLE GROWTH LA BANQUE POSTALE PROFITABLE GROWTH >3% GROUP NBI 2020-2025 CAGR 20% INTERNATIONAL NBI IN 2025 RONE (2) 8% by 2023 10PTS GROUP COST/ INCOME RATIO BY 2025 SUSTAINABLE GROWTH ROBUST CAPITAL TO SUPPORT GROWTH 20.4% CET1 IN 2020 CONTROLLED GROWTH IN RWA (1) ~3.5% CAGR 2020-2025 STANDARD DIVIDEND PAYOUT RATE 45% IN PERIOD TO 2025 Investor presentation / December 2021 (1) Excluding Basel IV effects (2) RWA capitalised at 14% without applying internal model 18#1903 H1 2021 BUSINESS & FINANCIAL PERFORMANCES GROUP PERFORMANCE LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 19#202021 H1 RESULTS REFLECTING STRONG MARKETING MOMENTUM IN A STILL UNCERTAIN ENVIRONMENT HIGHER BUSINESS LINE CONTRIBUTION TO NBI €3,956m: up 9%(1) IMPROVED COST/INCOME RATIO 69.1%: down 3.9pts(1)(2) HIGHER RESULTS LOW COST OF RISK €98m, 13bps HIGHER ATTRIBUTABLE NET PROFIT €499m: up 7%(3) LA BANQUE POSTALE PROFITABILITY ROBUST CAPITAL RATIOS VERY ROBUST CAPITAL STRUCTURE Investor presentation / December 2021 RONE: 8.2% (3) CET1: 20.2% Leverage ratio: 6.7% LCR: 220% COMFORTABLE LIQUIDITY POSITION (1) Excluding changes in consolidation scope, currency effects, reversals of purchase price allocations, PEL/CEL effect and AML methodological review in 2020 (2) Excluding Single Resolution Fund (SRF)/Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts et de Résolution (FGDR) contributions (3) RONE = Attributable net profit/Average risk-weighted assets capitalised at 14% (computed excluding badwill and PPA) 20 20#21STRONG COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY BANCASSURANCE FRANCE Sustained momentum in home loans origination (up 23%) close to 2019 levels, with restored margins Resilient consumer finance term creditor insurance (up 27%) Strong momentum in unit-linked inflows (30,3% in June 2021) Solid rebound in non-life business (property & casualty, health, death & disability insurance) (up 21%) Ma French Bank: fast pace of customer acquisition, with 20,000 new customers signed up each month, to reach close to 400,000 customers Sustained growth in Retail Banking fee and commission income (up 8.3%) INTERNATIONAL BANCASSURANCE Continued strong sales momentum in Europe excluding France and Latin America Europe excluding France: premium income up 23%, led by Italy with 3-point growth in contribution of unit-linked sales to total new money to 80% Latin America: premium income up 65% at constant exchange rates, led by the Savings/Pensions business New distribution agreement with Caixa Econômica Federal: Caixa Vida e Previdência is now Brazil's second largest pensions provider WEALTH AND ASSET MANAGEMENT Fast-growing businesses supported by strong sales momentum and favourable financial markets Wealth Management: - Deep network (wealth management advisors in 80 post offices), strong sales of off-balance sheet products (x2.3) sustained growth in home loans business (originations up 29%) Fund offer now 100% SRI Asset Management: - Operational merger with Natixis of insurance-related fixed- income management activities All LBP AM funds labelled SRI CORPORATE AND INVESTMENT BANKING Investment Banking, a driver of growth and diversification Sustained growth in corporate loan book (up 6%) Continued positive momentum in Local Public Sector business Rapid growth in the Debt Capital Markets business launched in 2020 (participation in more than 70 debt issues) Rapid expansion of Asset & Project Finance business (loan book up 7%) Solid trading desk performance LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 21 24#22GOOD MOMENTUM IN NET BANKING INCOME +9.0% 3,956 3,974 3,793 3,628 170 20 52 106 (445) 443 H1 2020 NBI H1 2020 NBI Net interest margin underlying Fees and commissions/Other Insurance H1 2021 NBI underlying PEL/CEL provision PPA adjustments CNP Assurances Changes in scope and currency effects CNP Assurances H1 2021 NBI Net banking income up 9.0% (1): Despite the €106m negative impact on the deposit margin attributable to the unfavourable interest rate environment, net interest margin rose 4.5% thanks to the retail and commercial lending businesses' resilience (credit margin up €67m) - Fee and commission income rose 9%, reflecting bank charges and fees for current account services, as well as wealth management and real estate advisory fees Net insurance revenue: improved revenue reflecting robust business volumes, increased technical reserves and an 11.0% growth in the own- funds portfolio LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 (1) Excluding changes in consolidation scope, currency effects, reversals of purchase price allocations, PEL/CEL effect and ALM methodological review in 2020 22 22#23COST DISCIPLINE LA BANQUE POSTALE 2,710 2,629 59 +3.1% 3,143 124 2,712 219 23 89 H1 2020 expenses H1 2020 expenses Retail Other underlying H1 2021 expenses underlying SRF & FGDR contributions Scope of consolidation and currency effects PPA adjustments H1 2021 expenses Operating expenses up 3.1% (1), reflecting the investment trajectory set out in the strategic plan: Unfavourable 2020 base effect linked to distribution costs Controlled growth in expenditure to support business development, transformation programmes, process and offer digitisation programmes and strengthening of corporate functions Investor presentation / December 2021 (1) Excluding changes in consolidation scope, currency effects, reversals of purchase price allocations and Single Resolution Fund (SRF)/Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts et de Résolution (FGDR) contributions 23#24LOW LEVEL OF RISK, HIGH QUALITY ASSET PORTFOLIO LOW COST OF RISK 41 7 bps 228 32 bps 98 H1 2019 H1 2020 13 bps H1 2021 228 17 133 98 41 1 71 79 37 3 -4 25 H1 2019 H1 2020 H1 2021 Bancassurance France International Bancassurance Wealth and Asset Management Corporate and Investment Banking Corporate centre LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 Amounts in Єm - HEALTHY LOAN BOOK CORPORATE LOAN BOOK: €36bn Stable NPL ratio (0.56%) Exposure to sectors the worst hit by the crisis limited to €2.8bn €244m in provisions on these sectors, with increased provisions on solar panel and commercial real estate sectors Exposure (EAD) to worst hit sectors by the crisis at 30 June 2021 (Єm) Commercial real estate Tourism, hotels, restaurants 635 516 533 1% of total EAD Automotive 563 Private passenger transport 226 358 Retail Energy 24 24#25HIGH QUALITY ASSETS HIGH QUALITY OF LOAN PORTFOLIO - - A conservative RWA calculation approach using standard method Gradual and controlled diversification of lending businesses A conservative financing approach, focusing on disciplined management HIGH QUALITY SECURITIES PORTFOLIOS (HTC AND HTCS 2020) Breakdown Breakdown Breakdown by sector by country by rating 24% 17% 21% 6% 16% 64% CREDIT RISK STILL ACCOUNTING FOR MOST OF TOTAL RWAS 12% 63% 77% in € billions 85.5 88.0 76.9 69.9 0.7 1.0 65.2 1.0 59.5 54.2 1.1 2.0 2.1 Market RWA 1.2 75.6 77.7 66.3 59.4 Credit RWA 43.8 48.2 53.9 Sovereign Europe AAA and AA Credit institutions Outside Europe A Operational RWA 9.2 9.3 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.3 9.3 Corporates France Other 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 H1 2021 Basel 3/CRR LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 25 25#26LA FIRST-HALF 2021 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT BANQUE POSTALE (Єm) Net banking income Operating expenses Gross operating profit Cost-income ratio H1 2020 reported H1 2021 reported 3,793 3,974 +9%(1) (2,710) (3,143) +3.1% (2) 1,083 831 71.9% 79.7% Cost of risk (228) (98) / 2.2 Operating profit 855 733 Changes in goodwill (and gains/losses on other assets) 2,998 2 Share of profits of equity-accounted companies 663 30 Pre-tax profit 4,516 765 Net profit 4,201 465 Book attributable net profit 4,001 282 Attributable net profit excluding first-time consolidation entries in 2020 and reversals of purchase price allocations 468 499 +7% Underlying cost-income ratio (1) (2) RONE (3) 73.0% 8.0% 69.1% 8.2% -3.9 pts +19 bps (1) Underlying net banking income, after restatement for changes in consolidation scope, currency effects, reversals of purchase price allocations, PEL/CEL effect and ALM methodological review in 2020 (2) Underlying operating expenses, after restatement for changes in consolidation scope and currency effects (CNP Assurances), reversals of purchase price allocations, SRF/FGDR contributions (3) RONE = Attributable net profit/Average risk-weighted assets capitalised at 14% (computed excluding badwill and PPA) Investor presentation / December 2021 26#2703 H1 2021 BUSINESS & FINANCIAL PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCES BY BUSINESS SEGMENT LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 27 27#28NEW PRESENTATION BY BUSINESS SEGMENT Presentation organised around four business lines Consistent with the new group bancassurance structure and the focus of the 2030 strategic plan Permits assessments of the business lines' underlying performance LA BANQUE POSTALE BANCASSURANCE FRANCE Retail banking Life insurance - Non-life Insurance MA FRENCH BANK Kiss Kiss Bank Bank & co! 60% INTERNATIONAL BANCASSURANCE WEALTH AND ASSET MANAGEMENT Tocqueville LA BANQUE POSTALE Ostrum FINANCE ASSET MANAGEMENT ASSET MANAGEMENT BPEI GROUPE LA BANQUE POSTALE LA BANQUE POSTALE IMMOBILIER CONSEIL - CORPORATE AND INVESTMENT BANKING Corporate banking Local Public Sector Institutional customers Financial institutions Specialised financing Capital markets Contribution to business segments' attributable net profit Investor presentation / December 2021 12% 6% 22% 28#29BANCASSURANCE FRANCE: BUSINESS INDICATORS Momentum driven by home loan originations 4.4 Originations (€bn) +23.2% 5.5 2.5 Strong growth in Life insurance new money(1) Inflows (€bn) +41.3% 3.6 % unit-linked 30.3% 19.8% LA BANQUE POSTALE H1 2020 H1 2021 Outstanding loans: €62.3bn (up 3.3%) Consumer finance: a resilient business Originations (€bn) +27.3% 0.9 H1 2020 1.2 H1 2021 Outstanding loans: €5.3bn (up 4.1%) Investor presentation / December 2021 H1 2020 H1 2021 June 2020 June 2021 Deposits: €120bn (up 0.5%) Sharp rebound in Non-Life business New contracts +21.4% 254,611 308,975 H1 2020 Balance sheet liabilities (2) (€bn) +3.7% 179.3 7 186.0 H1 2021 Combined ratio 86.1% 86.7% H1 2020 In-force policies: €4.6m (down 0.7%) H1 2021 (1) At the level of La Banque Postale SA (gross new money) (2) Demand deposits + Savings 29 H1 2020 H1 2021 29#30BANCASSURANCE FRANCE FINANCIAL RESULTS (Єm) H1 2020 H1 2021 % change % change (constant scope - Net interest margin on loan book up 34% basis(1)) Net banking income 2,574 3,135 21.8% 8.3% Operating expenses (2,120) (2,318) 9.3% 4.0% Gross operating profit 454 817 79.9% 28.1% Cost of risk (79) (25) -68.0% -70.3% Operating profit 375 791 x 2.1 48.9% Pre-tax profit 442 816 84.8% 42.2% Attributable net profit 205 371 80.6% 48.4% Net interest margin on deposits affected by the level of interest rates 8% increase in fees and commissions (routine banking transactions and account keeping) Significant contribution by the insurance business (up 16%), led by sustained growth in Life premiums (up 41%), especially from unit- linked sales (x2) Higher general operating expenses due to low basis of comparison in 2020; increase in line with strategic plan trajectory Sharply lower cost of risk Contribution to attributable net profit up 48% like-for-like LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 (1) CNP Assurances consolidated on a 62.84% basis over four months in first-half 2020 30 30#31A LEADING BANCASSURER IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETS STRONG PRESENCE IN LATIN AMERICA AND IN EUROPE 18 COUNTRIES €5.6Bn PREMIUM INCOME H1 2021 Largest international market Presence since 2001 #2 in pensions (market share: 22.1%) #2 in consumer finance term creditor insurance #5 in death/disability insurance New operating structure deployed: Caixa Vida e Previdencia (exclusive distribution agreement with CEF until 2046) Finalisation of the exclusive consórcio distribution agreement with CEF (in force until 2041) LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 2nd largest international market CNP UniCredit Vita's positions strengthened with the agreement to acquire Aviva's life business: life market share doubled to 6% Presence in 12 European countries through CNP Santander (consumer finance term creditor insurance) 31#32INTERNATIONAL BANCASSURANCE: BUSINESS INDICATORS Latin America: strong growth led by pensions business Premium income (€bn) +65.4%(1) 2,993 13 2,173 23 1,508 2,394 643 587 H1 2020 H1 2021 Traditional savings/ Pensions Unit-linked savings/ Pensions Personal risk/Protection Europe excluding France: growth in all segments Premium income (€bn) +22.6% 2,616 Traditional savings/ /Pensions 2,134 363 499 1,611 1,268 504 H1 2020 506 H1 2021 Unit-linked savings/ Pensions Personal risk/Protection Unit-linked as a % of premium income Savings/Pensions Net new money (Єm) 99.5% 500 77.8% 76.3% 262 628 -129 H1 2020 H1 2021 H1 2020 -88 H1 2021 351 Unit-linked Traditional H1 2020 H1 2021 Savings/Pensions Net new money (Єm) Unit-linked as a % of premium income 1,172 20 Traditional 98.5% 489 55 434 H1 2020 H1 2021 1,152 Unit-linked LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 (1) Change at constant exchange rates 32 32#33INTERNATIONAL BANCASSURANCE FINANCIAL RESULTS (Єm) H1 2020 H1 2021 % (reported) Net banking income 490 577 17.7% Operating expenses (121) (213) 76.3% Gross operating profit 369 364 -1.5% 1.4% Cost of risk 1 (3) n/a n/a Operating profit 371 361 -2.6% 0.2% Pre-tax profit 371 362 -2.5% 0.0% Attributable net profit 89 88 73 -18.0% -1.9% LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 % (constant scope and forex basis (¹)) -1.7% -11.3% Profit up 44% in Europe, reflecting business growth, higher interest income, and the low basis of comparison created by Covid-related reserves booked in 2020 Profit down 12% in Latin America, with higher loss ratios (due to Covid-19) and lower investment income offset by increased business volumes and higher margins on pensions products. Cost-saving plan rolled out during the period Contribution to attributable net profit down 2% like- for-like, with revenue down 1.7% due to the growing impact of the Covid-19 crisis on Latin America General operating expenses down 11.3% (1) CNP Assurances consolidated on a 62.84% basis over four months in first-half 2020 33 33#34WEALTH AND ASSET MANAGEMENT: BUSINESS INDICATORS LA BANQUE POSTALE ASSET MANAGEMENT Recognised performance Climetrics 2021 FUND AWARDS The Climate Rating for Funds Two funds in LBP AM's SRI range ranked among the top five funds in the European and American Equities category (20,000 funds analysed) MORNINGSTAR® Over 33 funds managed by LBP AM awarded 4 or 5-star ratings ΒΡΕΙ GROUPE LA BANQUE POSTALE MEILLEURE BANQUE PRIVÉE AFFILIÉE 2020 TROPHÉE D'OR PATRIMOINE PERFORMANCE BPEL A total commitment to SRI LA BANQUE POSTALE Funds BPE DPM GROUPE LA BANQUE POSTALE ASSET MANAGEMENT 100% 100% LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 Increased assets under management ASSET MANAGEMENT Assets under management (€bn) 196.7 181.5 45.5 30/06/2020 56.0 La Banque Postale AM Ostrum AM (1) 30/06/2021 WEALTH MANAGEMENT Outstanding loans €4.2bn Savings deposits (2) €13.1bn Discretionary portfolio management €6.7bn (1) Managed assets of 45%-owned Ostrum AM attributable to La Banque Postale Asset Management (2) Management reporting data 34 34#35WEALTH AND ASSET MANAGEMENT FINANCIAL RESULTS (€m) H1 2020 H1 2021 % change - Net banking income 130 146 12.0% Operating expenses Gross operating profit Cost of risk Operating profit (89) (88) -1.0% 41 58 39.7% (1) 0 n/a 41 58 42.8% Pre-tax profit 41 64 54.5% Attributable net profit 23 39 71.5% LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 Revenue up 12%, with: - Wealth Management: very strong sales of off- balance sheet products, discretionary asset management services and home loans Asset Management: net new money of more than €1bn, mainly from institutional investors for investment in diversified asset classes and bonds, reflecting buoyant market conditions Decline in administrative costs Higher contribution to attributable net profit from both Wealth Management (up 88%) and Asset Management (up 55%) 35#36CORPORATE AND INVESTMENT BANKING: BUSINESS INDICATORS Sharp rise in number of customers Higher project finance volumes Professionals Corporates and Local Public Sector (€bn)(1) +4.5% +5.3% +13.3% 5.9 6.1 81,183 85,489 7,287 8,258 Renewable energy 1.6 1.9 0.9 1.0 Asset financing 0.8 1.2 Infrastructure financing 2.6 2.0 Other 30/06/2020 30/06/2021 30/06/2020 30/06/2021 H1 2020 H1 2021 Expanded loan book (€bn)(2) +4.9% 36.2 38.0 12.0 12.5 Local Public Sector 24.2 25.5 Corporate banking 30/06/2020 30/06/2021 Local Public Sector: an efficient OTD model(3) Outstanding loans transferred (€bn)(1) +9.1% 2.9 3.1 30/06/2020 30/06/2021 LA BANQUE POSTALE Participation in 70 private and public placements in the corporate, financial and public sectors Investor presentation / December 2021 (1) Management reporting data (2) Accounting data (3) Originate to Distribute 36#37CORPORATE AND INVESTMENT BANKING FINANCIAL RESULTS (€m) H1 2020 H1 2021 % change Net banking income 424 571 Operating expenses Gross operating profit Cost of risk Operating profit Pre-tax profit (299) (312) 4.1% 124 259 x 2 (133) (71) -46.8% - (8) 189 n/a (8) 189 n/a Attributable net profit (6) 135 n/a LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 34.8% Strong growth in revenue from corporate banking (up 16%) and cash management services (up 16%), coupled with strong trading desk performance in a favourable financial market environment All customer segments contributed to revenue growth Positive contribution to attributable net profit of €135m (vs. negative contribution of €6m in 2020), supported by sustained growth in net banking income (up 35%) and significantly lower cost of risk vs H1 2020#38LA CORPORATE CENTRE BANQUE POSTALE FINANCIAL RESULTS (€m) Net banking income Operating expenses Gross operating profit Cost of risk H1 2020 H1 2021 175 (454) (81) (212) 94 (666) (17) Operating profit 77 (666) Changes in goodwill 2,999 (and gains/losses on other assets) Share of profits of equity-accounted companies 594 Pre-tax profit 3,670 (666) Attributable net profit 3,690 (336) Investor presentation / December 2021 0 First-time consolidation entries in 2020: €3,593m favourable impact on goodwill/gains and losses on other assets Reversals of purchase price allocations(1): €157m unfavourable impact on attributable net profit, including unfavourable impacts of €305m on net banking income and €104m on general operating expenses, partly offset by favourable impacts on tax and non-controlling interests Single Resolution Fund (SRF)/Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts et de Résolution (FGDR) contributions of €61m in 2020 and €89m in 2021, included in general operating expenses ALM: methodological review in 2020 Other (1) Adjustment of goodwill based on the purchase price allocation (remeasurement of CNP Assurances assets and liabilities at their acquisition-date fair value and amortisation of the adjustments over the useful lives of the acquired assets and liabilities). 38#3904 LIQUIDITY & SOLVENCY LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 39#40BALANCE SHEET LA BANQUE POSTALE KEY POINTS Balance sheet: €754bn, x2.8 vs December 2019 following the consolidation of CNP Assurances BALANCE SHEET AT 30 JUNE 2021 (€bn) 754 754 Regulated 66 savings transferred to CDC 82 Regulated savings accounts Customer Retail home loans* Corporate real estate loans Other customer loans Amortised cost portfolio 70 12 130 31 Customer deposits/ savings excluding regulated savings deposits/ savings €212bn 24 41 445 Debt securities Repos Customer deposit base: €212bn Regulated savings accounts (Livret A, LDDS, LEP) centralised with CDC with a 10-year phase- in period to absorb the liquidity it will receive in return (1) Other customer deposits: Mainly home-savings plans and accounts giving rise to a future lending obligation Assets excluding regulated savings transferred to CDC €688bn FVOCI portfolio 223 385 Insurance company technical reserves and shadow accounting reserves Short term assets 278 and central bank deposits Provisions and 27 other liabilities Others 49 Assets 43 Own funds and hybrids Equity & Liabilities * Including Dutch mortgage loan portfolio (€3.9bn) Investor presentation / December 2021 Since January 2018, LBP is no longer allowed to overcentralise its Livret A deposits, but will benefit from a 10-year phase-in period to absorb the liquidity it will receive 40 40#41ROBUST LIQUIDITY RATIOS LOAN-TO-DEPOSIT RATIO (1) LCR RATIO AND HQLA LIQUIDITY BUFFER (in percent) % -1.6 pts 82.7 81.1 169 (in percent) % +31 pts 220 in € billions 62.6 Level 1 61.0 Level 2 30/06/2020 30/06/2021 30/06/2020 30/06/2021 1.6 30/06/2021 LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 (1) Customer deposits exclude savings accounts centralised with CDC (Livret A, LEP and LDDS) 41#42A VERY ROBUST BALANCE SHEET STRUCTURE CHANGE IN CET1 RATIO KEY INDICATORS (1) 20.4% 0.3% 0.2% 20.5% LIQUIDITY COVERAGE RATIO 20.2% (1) (0.1%) 220% (0.3%) 169% 179% (0.3%) 100% CET1 31/12/2020 RWA €85.5bn 30/06/2020 31/12/2020 30/06/2021 Profit for the period Estimated dividend Other comprehensive income Other effects CET1 30/06/2021 constant CRR2 impact CET1 30/06/2021 methodology RWA NSFR 140% 146% +1.2% €86.5bn RWA €88.0bn 100% SUBORDINATED MREL LRE RWA CET 1 REQUIREMENTS DISTANCE (1) 27.8% 28.2% 24.13% (1) 8.01% 8.0% 9.0% 8.375% 31/12/2020 LEVERAGE RATIO 30/06/2021 (1) (4) 6.1% 6.7% 20.2% (2) 5.4% Margin: 11.8 pts 30/06/2020 (ECB) 31/12/2020 (ECB) (2) Regulatory 31/12/2020 30/06/2021 requirements (2) Regulatory 31/12/2020 30/06/2021 requirements Regulatory requirements CET1 ratio (3) LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 Regulatory requirements 30/06/2021 3.0% (1) Including estimated dividends of €180m (2) Applicable in January 1, 2024 (3) P2G requirement (4) 50% of centralised savings excluded by decision of the ECB 42#43CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS CET1 RATIO The required consolidated CET1 Ratio notified by ECB as from 1 April 2020 is 8.375%, breaking down as follows: 4.50% for CET1 1.125% for Pillar 2 additional own funds (Pillar 2 Requirement) 2.50% for the capital conservation buffer (CCB) 0.25% for the buffer for Other Systemically Important Institutions (O-SIIs) <0.01% for the countercyclical buffer (CCYB) 8.375% O-SIIs 0.25% CCB 2.50% P2R 1.125% Pillar 1 4.50% 20.2% Minimum required CET1 Ratio CET1 Ratio at 30/06/2021 Margin +11.8 pts TIERI RATIO The required Tier 1 Ratio notified by ECB applicable as from 1 April 2020 is 10.25%, breaking down as follows: 8.375% for applicable CET1 overall capital requirement 1.875% for Additional Tier 1 (ATI) 10.25% O-SIIs 0.25% CCB 2.50% P2R 1.50% Pillar 1 6.00% Minimum required Tier 1 Ratio TOTAL CAPITAL RATIO 12.75% The required consolidated Total Capital Ratio notified by ECB applicable as from 1 April 2020 is 12.75%, breaking down as follows: 8.375% for applicable CET1 overall capital requirement 1.875% for Additional Tier 1 (ATI) 2.50% for Tier 2 (T2) O-Slls 0.25% CCB 2.50% P2R 2.00% Pillar 1 8.00% LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 21.0% Tier 1 Ratio at 30/06/2021 24.2% Margin +11.4 pts Minimum required Total Capital Ratio Total Capital Ratio at 30/06/2021 Margin +10.8 pts 43#44MREL SUBORDINATED ELIGIBLE LIABILITIES AND OWN FUNDS ELIGIBLE LIABILITIES AND OWN FUNDS AT 30 JUNE 2021 As an "O-SIB", La Banque Postale is not subject to the TLAC rule defined by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) MREL On 22 February 2021, the French banking and insurance supervisor (ACPR) notified La Banque Postale that its consolidated MREL had been set at 24.13% of RWA (including CBR) and 8.01% in terms of LRE. La Banque Postale shall use subordinated instruments to meet these requirements by 1 January 2024 Strong MREL ratios at 30/06/2021 • ° . Subordinated eligible liabilities and own funds represent a total of €24,788m Including Total Capital of €21,262m Representing 28.2% of RWAs or 9.0% in terms of LRE Strong buffer Distance to MDA: 1,079 bps • ADIS: €789m LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 in € millions 24,788 in % of RWA 28.2% 3,526 4.0% Senior Non Preferred 2,742 744 3.1% Tier 2 0.8% Additional Tier 1 17,777 20.2% CET1 30/06/2021 30/06/2021 44#45REGULATORY INDICATORS WELL ABOVE REQUIREMENTS LA CAPITAL LEVERAGE CET1 TIER 1 TOTAL CAPITAL LEVERAGE RATIO LCR LIQUIDITY NSFR 2020 9.25% (1) 10.75% (1) 12.75% (1) N.A. >100% >100% REQUIREMENTS 2020 RATIOS 20.4% 21.3% 24.5% 6.1% (2) 179% 140% (3) 2021 8.375% 10.25% 12.75% N.A. >100% >100% REQUIREMENTS H1 2021 RATIOS 20.2% 21.0% 24.2% 6.7% 220% 146% (4) BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 ♡ 2020 requirements applicable before impact of CRDV on P2R calculation (1) Excluding Countercyclical Capital Buffer (2) 50% of centralised savings excluded by decision of the ECB (3) Calculated under the BCBS requirements (QIS) (4) Calculated under the CRR2 requirements 45 45#46DIVERSIFIED FUNDING SOURCES TO SUPPORT LENDING GROWTH FUNDING POLICY PRINCIPLES Reaching full AT1 and T2 buckets Respecting MREL An inaugural social bond issue underscoring La Banque Postale's commitment to becoming a regular issuer under its green and social bond framework was completed in 2021 WHOLESALE FUNDING SOURCES (1) Repo LT 4% Additional Tier 1 15% 4% Tier 2 €17.8bn Covered Bond Senior 20% 49% Non Preferred Senior Preferred 8% LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 2021-2023 FUNDING PLAN 2021 BUDGET 2022 2023 EXPECTED AT1 T2 SNP CB €750m €750m (2) (2) €750m €750m (3) €750m €750m €750m €500m €750m €750m €750m 2021 ISSUANCES La Banque Postale SA Senior Preferred (SP): €212m (of which €211m Structured Notes) Senior Non Preferred (SNP): €770m Tier 2 (T2): €750m La Banque Postale Home Loan SFH Covered Bond (CB): €1bn (retained) + additional TLTRO3 take up to reach full allowance, as part of the funding mix to support lending to our clients, especially SMEs and local public sector (1) As of 30 June 2021 (2) Completed (3) Not expected to materialize 46#47WHOLESALE FUNDING MIX WHOLESALE FUNDING SOURCES AND PROGRAMS BREAKDOWN OF LIABILITIES AT 30 JUNE 2021 Short Term: Interbank funding: Neu CP and ECP programs Provisions and other liabilities Repos: Large portfolio of high quality securities with access to dealing platforms and bilateral trading Bond borrowings 5% Own funds and hybrids 3% 6% Repos 6% Medium to Long Term: EMTN Covered bond program and German law registered CB through LBP Home Loan SFH EMTN and Neu MTN program French Structured Notes program Agreement with SFIL/CAFFIL to refinance French local authority loan originations Access to EIB (European Investment bank) long-term funding Long term Repos La Banque Postale's EMTN program is also used for retail structured notes issuance, with €1.3bn outstanding as of 30 June 2021 LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 Insurance company technical reserves and shadow accounting reserves Regulated savings 11% €754bn 52% 17% Customer deposits 47 47#48LA BANQUE POSTALE DEBT MATURITY SCHEDULE DEBT MATURITY SCHEDULE AT 30 JUNE 2021 - BENCHMARKS (in € millions) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2021 2022 Investor presentation / December 2021 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Covered Bonds Tier 2 Senior Non Preferred AT1 Senior Preferred 04 Q4 48#49STRONG SUPPORT FROM GROUPE LA POSTE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES LA BANQUE POSTALE'S TIER 1 RATIOS AND GROUPE LA POSTE SUPPORT LA Committed to maintaining adequate solvency levels and supporting La Banque Postale's development, as evidenced by several capital injections BASED ON CONSERVATIVE SOLVENCY CALCULATIONS ASSESSING PILLAR 1 RISK using the standard approach BANQUE POSTALE AT1 ISSUANCE IN H2 2019 AND CAPITAL INCREASE IN H1 2020 PERPETUAL AT1 BOND ISSUANCE of €750m, before Investor presentation / December 2021 a capital increase of €1,968m (1) Capital increase of €228m and AT1 issuance (underwritten by Groupe La Poste) First capital increase of €860m of €800m Capital increase of €633m AT1 conversion of €800m into CET1 and AT1 issuance of €750m CNP Assurances integration 21.3% 21.0% 0.9% 0.8% 12.7% 13.2% 1.8% 15.5% 15.7% 1.5% 1.3% 14.6% 1.2% 12.8% 13.2% 1.1% 1.0% 20.4% 20.2% 14.0% 14.3% 13.4% 11.4% 11.7% 12.2% 2011 2013 2014 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 H1 2021 BASEL 2/2.5 BASEL 3/CRR CET1 AT1 (1) In accordance with Article 26 of Regulation (EU) no. 575/2013, recognition of the securities that were issued during the transaction in regulatory own funds is subject to the approval of the European Central Bank 49 49#5005 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 50 50#51CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSABILITY: A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH GOVERNANCE Environmental and Social responsibility oversight at the highest level LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 OBJECTIVES Helping to steer a just transition ACHIEVEMENTS A proven leader in sustainable finance 51#52HELPING TO STEER A JUST TRANSITION FOR OUR CUSTOMERS LA CUSTOMERS 7 AFFORDABLE AND DECENT WORK AND CLEAN ENERGY ECONOMIC GROWTH 10 REDUCED INEQUALITIES 13 CUMATE ACTION Transformation & innovation to offer products and services dedicated to steering a just transition BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 - Financing the energy transition and responsible consumption: deployment of Carbo, a digital tool allowing clients to measure the carbon impact of their consumption Addressing social inequalities: development of initiatives in support of vulnerable customers and ongoing commitment to providing essential banking services to people who would otherwise have been excluded Transforming finance to systematically integrate sustainability considerations: deployment of the Impact Weighting Factor, a ground-breaking proprietary indicator measuring the environmental, social and regional impact of lending and investing transactions 52 52#53HELPING TO STEER A JUST TRANSITION FOR THE COMMUNITY COMMUNITY AFFORDABLE AND 7 CLEAN ENERGY 13 CUMATE ACTION PARTNERSHIPS 17 FOR THE GOALS Defining and monitoring engagement policies Enabling our climate policy in order to reach net zero emissions by 2040 across all businesses Ensuring our policies and actions fully contribute to the UN's SDG, as per our commitment to adhere to the UN's PRB LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 Ensuring transparent disclosures of our engagements through best of breed reporting 53#54CO-WORKERS: AT THE HEART OF THE STRATEGIC PROJECT CO-WORKERS REDUCED 5 GENDER DECENT WORK AND EQUALITY ECONOMIC GROWTH 10 INEQUALITIES A bank that is proud of the engagement and expertise of its employees (1) who are closely involved in deploying the strategic plan LA Investor presentation / December 2021 BANQUE POSTALE New leadership model aligned with strategic challenges & incorporating service quality: increase empowerment and rewarding initiatives to improve responsiveness to customers; the just transition: involve employees in deploying the community engagements platform (internal consultation) 100% of managers trained in the new leadership model Collective performance: sharpen focus on value-added tasks by digitising customer experiences and processes, develop individual and collective skills, deploy agile working methods (cross-functional test & learn; increased collective intelligence), deploy short decision-making paths, ensure transparent disclosure of our engagements Over 300,000 training days per year Attractive employer brand: flexible working arrangements to promote a better quality of life, personalised mobility plans to offer employees diversified and enhanced opportunities fostering a fulfilling career, Policies to attract and retain "digital natives", responsible employment policies promoting diversity, gender balance and integration Employee NPS of +20 (2) (1) La Voix du Client: LBP among the top 3 for friendliness and people skills (2) Target Net Promoter Score for 2025, based on the question "Would you recommend La Banque Postale as an employer?" 54#55A CSR STRATEGY IN LINE WITH THE UNITED NATION'S SDGS 7 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH M 10 REDUCED AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY INEQUALITIES 13 CLIMATE ACTION LA BANQUE POSTALE'S STRATEGY Throughout the health crisis, La Banque Postale has provided continued support to hospitals and healthcare institutions. It has maintained close ties with non-profit organisations that fight diseases and promote well-being for all, across all ages. La Banque Postale is also meeting its commitments under this SDG through its subsidiary CNP Assurances. As part of its public service mission, La Banque Postale demonstrates its ability to provide widespread access to its banking, financial and insurance services. It also contributes to local economic development and to regional growth with special offers for local authorities and companies. La Banque Postale is constantly mindful of vulnerable populations in conducting its banking activities, and is also stepping up its commitments to gender equality, diversity and inclusion internally. Keenly aware of today's climate and environmental issues, La Banque Postale is developing product and service offerings across its entire business to meet the challenges of the energy and environmental transition. EXAMPLES Amount of loans granted to local authorities and public hospitals in 2020 to help them deal with the crisis: €5.7bn For all its policyholders, La Banque Postale Assurances has rolled out a special guarantee for Caregivers of Dependents across all its contracts. If an insured event arises, the guarantee provides for a replacement caregiver in the form of a home helper or a family member. CNP Assurances: Our subsidiary is committed to offering savings solutions that are accessible to as many people as possible. Certain life insurance policies distributed in France require a minimum subscription of just €75. 1.5 M customers under the accessible banking mission (2020) Leading lender to local authorities and public hospitals Directly financing 8 in 10 social housing landlords, covering 90% of all social housing Gender quality index: 97/100 Percentage of women on the Executive Committee: 40% 360 migrant referral post offices Renewable energy funding through LBP's Asset and Project Financing business: 2023 target of €3bn Green loans for local authorities and businesses SBT decarbonisation pathway Investments dedicated to the energy and environmental transition (CNP Assurances): 2023 target of €20bn LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 55 59#56KEY INITIATIVES DIVERSITY & GENDER EQUALITY IN ACTION KEY FIGURES 27,745 employees 61% women 57% of executives are women 39% of strategic executives are women 38% of Executive Committee members are women Gender pay ratio of 97:100 (77:100 in 2018) 3% disabled employees (1) 927 disabled employees supported in 2020 Specific budgets to promote gender equality, reduce the pay gap and ensure equal pay for equal jobs A series of agreements signed in the areas of disability, diversity and gender equality in the workplace - Major social advances benefiting parents in the latest Diversity and Gender Equality agreement: La Banque Postale reiterated the commitments made in favour of parenting by supporting changes in family structures, granting all parents the same rights regardless of their gender. Disability and Diversity mission (now called "Diversity and Inclusion" mission) launched in 2008 Diversity training to help raise employee awareness and promote a better understanding of challenges involved 205 initiatives carried out in 2020 to support disabled employees Initiatives by Groupe La Poste rolled down at La Banque Postale level (signing of the Social agreement on youth and senior employment, of the "Autre Cercle" charter - a charity which defends LGBT rights - signing of the Cancer & Jobs Charter...) LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 (1) 2019 figure Figures excluding CNP Assurances 56 56#57A PROVEN LEADER IN SUSTAINABLE FINANCE & INVESTMENT SUSTAINABLE PROJECT FINANCING A €23bn achievement in financing energy transition projects (1) €2bn worth of energy transition projects financed in 2019-20 by Corporate & Investment Banking Over €1bn worth of green loans refinanced by green bonds granted to local authorities in the past 18 months - €3bn in thematic green - investment funds at LBP AM €17.2bn worth of green investments (CNP Assurances) La Banque Postale's operational scope carbon neutral since 2018 SUSTAINABLE FUNDING POLICY Commitment to become a sustainable issuer first green bond issued in 2019 (€750m) first social bond issue in 2021 (€750m) further issuances planned SUSTAINABLE ASSET MANAGEMENT Innovative GREAT (Governance, Energy and Economic Transition and Territories) proprietary ESG screening methodology for all asset classes at LBP AM SRI label awarded to 100% of eligible LBP AM funds and 100% of assets under advisor-directed management by BPE Signatory of: Principles for Responsible Investment (2009), Principles for Sustainable Insurance (2012), Principles for Responsible Banking (2019), Collective Commitment to Climate Action (2019), Equator Principles (2019), Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance (2020), Net-Zero Asset Managers Initiative (2021), Net-Zero Banking Alliance (2021) LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 (1) Figures as of year-end 2020 57#58CONTRIBUTION TO THE JUST TRANSITION: HEIGHTENED CSR COMMITMENT Dialogues DE L'ÉCONOMIE' CITOYENNE par La Banque Postale organised with all La Banque Postale stakeholders on 29 June 2021: 2.3 million people connected via social networks LA BANQUE POSTALE CUSTOMERS Successful community consultation promoted through a new advertising campaign: some 200,000 votes as of end- July 2021; customers were asked to give their opinion on LBP's future offers PARLONS CITOYENS LA GRANDE CONSULTATION COMMUNITY BANQUE - — Innovative community offers (positive- impact consumer loans, partnerships with Carbo and Plüm énergie, etc.) Accelerated rollout of the digital strategy • 8.3 million on-line service users per month (up 12%) Investor presentation / December 2021 Broader access to positive-impact finance: initial uses and methodological framework defined for the Impact Weighting Factor (2IG) in connection with the strategic partnership with WWF France WWF La Banque Postale obtained the highest score (10/10) based on the criteria used by the Reclaim Finance NGO's Coal Policy Tool to assess French financial institutions La Banque Postale elected to the UN steering group Net-Zero Banking Alliance representing 34 European banks CO-WORKERS Launch of an internal participative consultation process to increase La Banque Postale's community engagement PARLONS CITOYENS LES COLLABORATEURS ONT LA PAROLE ⚫ 30,000 participating employees • More than 800 project suggestions - End-2021: priority initiatives to be launched (promoting eco-friendly behaviours, promoting soft mobility, etc.). 58 50#59THE IMPACT WEIGHTING FACTOR: A POWERFUL TOOL LA BANQUE POSTALE WWF X • OBJECTIVES • Measure and manage La Banque Postale's impact on the world (carbon footprint, support for vulnerable customers, etc.). Offer solutions that help business customers to drive their energy, climate and social transformation and all customers to build their resilience to environmental, social and regional challenges, and thereby generate NBI for the bank. RESOURCES • A conceptual framework breaking down La Banque Postale's environmental, social and regional impact by issue and market. Awareness-raising and training for La Banque Postale employees (lending and/or markets front office teams, customer advisors, etc.). • SPECIFIC FEATURES BENEFITS Transforming La Banque Postale's balance sheet: more invested in sectors with a positive environmental and social impact and less exposed to activities/counterparties with negative impacts (fossil fuels, polluting customers, etc.). Anticipating trends in regulations and transparency rules and assessing and managing climate (transition, physical, etc.), environmental, social and governance risks. It gives the bank the means to drive its transition towards sustainable finance, integrate climate risk into its lending activities and anticipate future climate regulations. Multifactorial and modular, it has been developed with an eye to the future. Adjustments can be made as required and new dimensions can be incorporated. Its modules can be used separately for other purposes. LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 59#60COMMUNITY OFFERING: EXAMPLES OF NEW PRODUCTS (1/2) Energy transition loans, in addition to existing solutions (e.g., renovation grants from the French State [Maprimerenov] or the regions, interest-free eco-loans [Eco PTZ Travaux, Eco PTZ Habiter mieux]) LOAN TYPES ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TARGET MARKETS Positive- impact green loans No income conditions Energy renovation work outside the regulatory scope ✓ Secondary residence, investment property ✓ Open to all customers ✓ No income ceilings ✓ No age conditions PAM* ✓ No restrictions on the work that can be financed LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 ✓ Primary residence, secondary residence, investment property ✓ Modest-income customers, elderly customers * Home improvement loans (Prêts à l'amélioration). 60 60#61COMMUNITY OFFERING: EXAMPLES OF NEW PRODUCTS (2/2) New positive-impact products developed by La Banque Postale Consumer Finance POSITIVE-IMPACT CAR LOANS POSITIVE-IMPACT HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS LA BANQUE POSTALE Offer more attractive rates to customers buying "cleaner" vehicles to customers doing home improvements certified to energy savings standards Encourage environmentally responsible practices among customers, through a targeted informational mini site and the on-line banking platform Offset the carbon footprint of two years' worth of driving for all financed vehicles, via projects with a positive climate impact (partnership with Ecoact) Support an organisation campaigning against poor housing in France, for every green works loans granted Investor presentation / December 2021 61#62THE JUST TRANSITION AT THE HEART OF OUR CORPORATE PURPOSE LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 Because it was created with the purpose of serving the public, La Banque Postale believes that there can be no long-lasting value creation without redistribution, no economic growth without local prosperity, and no sustainable development without respect for planet boundaries. By offering quality and accessible services, our purpose is to enable everyone to fulfil their potential and to contribute, through their investment, savings, insurance and consumption choices, to building a society that is more attentive to the planet and all who live on it. As a committed banker and insurer, it is our desire to work towards this just transition alongside our customers and employees. La Banque Postale is committed to achieving mission-led enterprise status by the end of 2021 62#6306 LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 APPENDICES 63#64LA BANQUE POSTALE APPENDICES Investor presentation / December 2021 01 PROJECTED TRANSACTION: ACQUISITION OF CNP SHARES NOT ALREADY OWNED BY LA BANQUE POSTALE 65 02 CORPORATE CREDIT PORTFOLIO 68 03 LBP HOME LOAN SFH 69 04 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS ISSUED BY LBP SA 76 05 CYBER RISK MANAGEMENT 77 06 ALTERNATIVE PERFORMANCE MEASURES 78 07 CONTACTS 79#65LA PROJECTED TRANSACTION: ACQUISITION OF CNP SHARES NOT ALREADY OWNED BY LA BANQUE POSTALE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECTED TRANSACTION TRANSACTION SCHEME (1) BANQUE POSTALE Strengthening of La Banque Postale shareholding into CNP Assurances share capital: - Acquisition of shares owned by BPCE Group (16.1%) by La Banque Postale Launch of a simplified public tender offer on the 21.1% remaining shares which would be followed by a squeeze-out and delisting of CNP Assurances shares Depending on the success of this transaction, La Banque Postale would transfer its non life insurance activities to CNP Assurances making it the one-stop shop for the Group's life and non-life insurance businesses In addition, BPCE Group committed to extend the duration of its distribution agreements with CNP Assurances Investor presentation / December 2021 LA GROUPE BANQUE POSTALE BPCE Free float 62.8% 16.1% 21.1% CNP assurances Distribution agreements (1) Depending on the success of the simplified public tender offer 65#66At 22/10/2021 (before rumors) At 26/10/2021 (before suspension) CONTEXT OF THE PROJECT CONTEXT Strengthening of La Banque Postale shareholding into CNP Assurances share capital: - Acquisition of shares owned by BPCE (16.1%) by La Banque Postale at € 21.9 per share, reflecting: CNP ASSURANCES SHAREHOLDER BASE ◉ A 50% premium on the 1-month VWAP on 26 October (€14.6) Launch of a simplified tender offer which will be followed, if successful, by a squeeze-out of the free-float (21.1%) LA BANQUE POSTALE 68.5% of voting rights 16,1% G CNP 62,8% assurances 21,1% GROUPE BPCE 13.6% of voting rights Other investors 17.9% of voting rights ◉ A 37% premium on the spot close price on 26 October (€16.1) 25.0€ SHARE PRICE: CURRENT VALUATION LEVELS 22.0€ 19.0€ 16.0€ 13.0€ 4 March 2020 : €14 Announcement of the closing of Mandarine 10.0€ 7.0€ 30 August 2018: €20 Announcement of the creation of the large State-owned financial group 4.0€ Aug-18 Jan-19 Jun-19 Nov-19 Mar-20 Aug-20 Jan-21 Jun-21 Oct-21 P/E 2022E P/BV S1 2021A г 11,5x 10,0x 9,6x 8,7x 8,4x 8,4x 17,0x| 1,06x 1,00x 0,94x 0,87x 10,43x Swiss Life Generali NN A.S.R. Aviva Ageas CNPA LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 Generali Swiss Life A.S.R. Aviva Ageas CNPA SIMPLIFIED TIMETABLE 2021 16.1C Oct. End of Oct. Dec. Q1 2022 March- April Beginning of discussions with BPCE Governing bodies + Announcement to the market Acquisition of BPCE shares (16.1%) Delivery of the independent expert's report, CNPA Board and Filling of the draft offer in response (1) Declaration of compliance by the AMF(2), then launch of the public tender offer (3) Closing of the public tender offer and implementation of the squeeze-out Note: This timetable does not takes into account the regulatory constraints associated with obtaining any regulatory 66 approvals (in France and/or aboard). (1) End of January 2022, (2) Beg/mid-February 2022, (3) Beg/mid-February 2022.#67STRATEGIC RATIONALE 1. Acceleration of La Banque Postale's strategic plan with a reinforced integration of France's leading life insurer Operational efficiency consolidation and continuation of strategic alignment of interests for both groups Closer ties, promoting day-to-day collaboration between CNP's product design teams and La Banque Postale's commercial teams Agility in the responsiveness to increasing clients' needs in terms of personal risks and optimization of customer experience through joint digitalization efforts 2. Improvement of La Banque Postale's financial profile - Significant rise of La Banque Postale's attributable net profit (+0.5 Bn€ by 2022 if CNP is 100%-owned) - Contribution to the sustainability of Banque Postale Group's development plan and to its dividend generation Improvement of La Banque Postale's capital position through an expected growth of its CET1 ratio 3. Strengthening of CNP Assurances Simplified governance and decision-making processes Reinforced support from La Banque Postale to implement transformation projects, develop partnerships both in France and at the international level Option to both optimize CNP Assurances and, more broadly, La Banque Postale capital management 4. Removal of CNP Assurances listing which is not useful to development anymore Competitive advantage of listing not evidenced compared constraints Insufficient technical life of the share (low liquidity and decreasing coverage by equity analysts) Removal of the short-term pressure from markets, allowing CNP Assurances to combine day-to-day performance requirements with long-term strategy LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 67 20#68A SOUND CORPORATE CREDIT PORTFOLIO LA BANQUE POSTALE CORPORATE LOAN BOOK AT 30/06/2021: €26.1BN REAL ESTATE ENERGY & UTILITIES TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS 20.8% 13.6% 12.0% RETAIL 10.6% BUILDING 7.6% HEALTH, SOCIAL & EDUCATION TELECOMMUNICATIONS, MEDIA & COMMUNICATION 4.9% 4.8% OTHER INDUSTRIES AUTOMOTIVE 4.2% 3.9% TOURISM, HOSPITALITY, CATERING, ENTERTAINMENT 3.3% OTHER SERVICES AGRICULTURE 2.4% 1.7% LUXURY, COSMETICS, HEALTHCARE SERVICES & OTHERS 1.7% COMMODITIES 1.5% FOOD & BEVERAGE 1.3% HOLDING ACTIVITIES 1.3% IT & TECHNOLOGY AEROSPACE & DEFENSE 1.3% 1.2% CHEMICALS, PHARMACEUTICALS 0.9% CONSUMER GOODS (NON FOOD) 0.7% Investor presentation / December 2021 68#69LA BANQUE POSTALE HOME LOAN STRATEGY LA BANQUE POSTALE HOME LOAN BUSINESS Low risk profile customers Owner occupiers (88.7%) Average term at inception: 19.7 years Fixed rate loans (100%) 52.1% of loans at 31 December 2020 were guaranteed by Crédit Logement BREAKDOWN BY GUARANTEE (2020 ORIGINATIONS) Mortgage 53.0% Other guarantee Others institutions 3.0% 2.1% 41.9% Crédit Logement LOAN PURPOSE (2020 ORIGINATIONS) 77.6% Existing home Transfer 2.0% 5.7% New build 15.3% 1.5% 1.4% Other non-working 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 NON-PERFORMING HOME LOANS 1.3% 1.1% 0.9% French market 0.5% La Banque Postale Crédit Logement 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 H1 2021 Source: Banque de France, ACPR, La Banque Postale, Crédit Logement (1) LBP excluding BPE and Sofiap 69#70LA BANQUE POSTALE HOME LOAN SFH: LEGAL FRAMEWORK A STRONG LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND ADVANTAGEOUS TREATMENT FOR INVESTORS INVESTOR INFORMATION: A DEDICATED WEBSITE La Banque Postale Home Loan SFH is a French credit institution, 100% owned by LBP, licensed by the French supervisory authority (Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution - ACPR) Minimum contractual over-collateralisation (OC) of 8.1% versus legally required minimum of 5%, using the same weightings Under CRD IV/CRR (article 129) and LCR delegated act, covered bonds with minimum size of €500m rated AA- or better are eligible for inclusion in level 1B for LCR and benefit from a 10% RW Covered bonds are secured by a segregated asset pool and a preferential legal claim for covered bond investors Absolute seniority for repayment purposes, no early redemption or acceleration Regulated covered bonds are exempt from bail-in (BRRD) BANQUE POSTALE ABOUT US CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSABILITY PUBLICATIONS INVESTORS Investors > Debt > LBP Home Loan SFH DEBT EN f Facebook Twitter in Linkedin a PROSPECTUS FINAL TERMS LBP HOME LOAN SFH GREEN/SOCIAL BONDS Main information on La Banque Postale Home Loan SFH ■ 115 rue de Sèvres - 75006 Paris - France ■ Credit institution approved by the French Prudential Authority (ACP) ■ Paris Trade and Companies Registry: 522 047 570 ■ Limited company with Executive and Supervisory Boards ■ 100% of the capital is owned by La Banque Postale ■ Specific controller: Cailliau Dedouit and Associates ■ Statutory Auditors. KPMG - PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Base prospectus and supplement See Base prospectus and supplements - LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 ECBC Label to ensure full transparency of the asset pool COVERED BOND LABEL. HTT 70 10#71LA BANQUE POSTALE HOME LOAN SFH: LEGAL FRAMEWORK STRUCTURE OVERVIEW NAMENSSCHULDVERSCHREIBUNGEN DOCUMENTATION Collateral Collateralised Loans La Banque Postale (Borrower) Cover Pool (French Home Loans) Principal and Interest La Banque Postale Home Loan SFH (Covered Bonds Issuer) Collateralised loans Covered Bonds (OH) Public Issuances Private Issuances Covered Bonds Proceeds LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 COVER POOL In June 2014, La Banque Postale established a programme for the issuance of German registered covered bonds, known as Namensschuldverschreibungen or "N-bonds". Investors in the N-bonds benefit from strong protection with an absolute priority claim over the SFH's assets (including the cover pool), by law. They are ranked pari passu with the SFH's other bondholders. The N-bonds are registered covered bonds governed by German law. 71#72LA BANQUE POSTALE HOME LOAN SFH: A STRONG AND GRANULAR COVER POOL (1/2) LA BANQUE POSTALE HOME LOAN SFH PROGRAMME TERMS COVERED BOND LABEL. HTT COVER POOL (cf. ECBC template: reporting date 26/07/2021 - cut-off date 30/06/2021) Programme size Rating €30bn AAA by S&P € Currency Listing Governing law Amount issued Maturity type Registrar and paying agent for NSV Total outstanding Number of loans Average loan balance Average remaining term WA LTV Indexed WA LTV Owner occupier loans Interest rates Euronext Paris French Law, ability to issue German law-governed Namensschuldverschreibungen €17,216bn (as at 26/07/2021) Hard/Soft bullet LBBW €23,000bn (as at 26/07/2021; cut-off date 30/06/2020) 301,101 €76,387 61 months 65% 59% 89% 100% fixed rates LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 72 12#73LA BANQUE POSTALE HOME LOAN SFH: A STRONG AND GRANULAR COVER POOL (2/2) LOAN PURPOSE Buy to let Second home 9% 2% BORROWER EMPLOYMENT BREAKDOWN Civil Servants 22.4% LA BANQUE POSTALE 68.5% 89% Owner occupier Employees MORTGAGES AND GUARANTEES OF THE COVER POOL 2.8% 4.8% 1.5% Self-employed Other non-working Retired/Pensioner GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Ile-de-France (Paris included) 44.9% 1st lien mortgages Other regions 25.4% Guarantees (Crédit Logement) 55.1% 40.1% 12.5% Auvergne- Investor presentation / December 2021 11.6% Rhône-Alpes 10.4% Occitanie Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur Sources: La Banque Postale Home Loan SFH, ECBC Template, cut-off date 30/06/2021 73#74LA BANQUE POSTALE ISSUANCE COVERED BONDS: FUNDING PROGRAMME At 30 June 2021 Total Benchmark PP's Retained CB's 40 Total Issuance € 18,948m € 9,500m € 1,948m € 7,500m 35 2020 Issuance € 5,90m € 0,750m € 150m € 5,000m 30 2021 Issuance € 2,732m € 1,500m € 232m € 1,000m ECBC label, with monthly reporting on asset quality available on La Banque Postale's website Regular issuance in both benchmark and PP's 2112505○ FUNDING PLANS Benchmark activity expected in 2022 Limited activity in 2021 due to take up of TLTRO3 full allowance Investor presentation / December 2021 -10 -15 10.19 11.19 12.19 01.20 02.20 03.20 04.20 05.20 06.20 07.20 LBP SFH 10/2029 OAT 11/2029 SPREAD TREND 08.20 09.20 74 10.20 11.20#75CRÉDIT LOGEMENT / MUTUAL GUARANTEE FUND (MGF) Crédit Logement is a market leader on the French residential property market, guaranteeing 1 in 3 home loans. It guarantees home loans, in the form of a joint and several guarantee that protects the lender against borrower default. In 2020, more than 400,000 homebuyers were covered by a Crédit Logement guarantee, allowing them to finance their property purchase without a mortgage. Crédit Logement Outstanding guarantees: €390.4bn corresponding to 3,428,013 loans Long-term rating (Aa3/stable by Moody's and AA/low stable by DBRS) Backed by the French banking system in the last resort Mutual Guarantee Fund (MGF): The Crédit Logement financial guarantee is based on the principle of pooling risk, with each borrower contributing to a Mutual Guarantee Fund (MGF): The MGF provides the funds to repay the bank in case the borrower defaults MGF: €6.4bn at the end of 2020 CRÉDIT LOGEMENT OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE YE 2020 HSBC Continental Europe Others SF2 - Groupe Société Générale/ La Banque Postale 0% Crédit du Nord Crédit Foncier 7% 6% 17% 3% Groupe BPCE 9% 17% BNP Paribas 10% Crédit Mutuel / CIC 16% 16% Crédit Agricole LCL CRÉDIT LOGEMENT 2020 ANNUAL REPORT "The year 2020, with €98bn in guarantee agreements delivered, presents a very respectable result. It is obviously not comparable to the exceptional €127bn of 2019, but far from the first forecasts of market collapse made by some, and finally quite close to the 106 billion of 2018." LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 75 15#76DYNAMIC ISSUANCE PROGRAMME LISTING OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS ISSUED BY LBP SA AT 30 JUNE 2021(1) Debt Nominal (€) Issue date Coupon Call date Maturity ISIN SP 750 000 000 12/07/2019 0,250% no call 12/07/2026 FR0013415692 500 000 000 16/10/2017 1% no call 16/10/2024 FR0013286838 750 000 000 13/07/2018 2% SNP no call 13/07/2028 FR0013349099 750 000 000 24/04/2019 1,375% no call 24/04/2029 FR0013415692 750 000 000 17/06/2020 0,500% 17/06/2025 17/06/2026 FR0013518024 SNP 750 000 000 23/06/2021 0,750% no call 23/06/2031 FR00140044X1 750 000 000 19/11/2015 2,75% 19/11/2022 19/11/2027 FR0013054913 650 000 000 09/06/2016 3% no call 09/06/2028 FR0013181898 Tier 2 500 000 000 19/10/2020 1% 26/10/2025 26/01/2031 FR00140009W6 750 000 000 02/02/2021 0,75% 03/05/2027 02/08/2032 FR0014001R34 AT1 750 000 000 20/11/2019 3,875% 20/05/2026 Perp FR0013461795 LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 (1) Excluding Covered Bonds 10 76#77CYBER RISK MANAGEMENT: INTEGRATED IN THE OPERATIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT APPROACH INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY GOVERNANCE BASED ON FOUR FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES 1. 2. Accountability, especially at business line level Risk-based approach Based on an IS Security risk-acceptance framework Application of security policies based on a counter-factual analysis of activities and projects Proportionality: the security system is proportionate to the level of risk incurred Operational risk map, updated regularly by the risk management function and including information systems risks 3. Information systems security controls Controls are defined and/or signed off by the Information Systems Security Officer Any exceptions are documented and monitored by the Information Systems Security Officer in accordance with the procedure Instances of non-compliance are closely monitored and an escalation procedure is implemented where necessary 4. Continuous improvement Information systems security risks and the related management processes are reviewed annually Group Cybersecurity Officer reporting to the Operational Risk Director who in turn reports to the Risk Director responsible for the area concerned: entire Group (including CNP Assurances) LA BANQUE POSTALE Implemented around 1. A Systems Security function deployed across all business lines. Systems Security Officers: 2. Four committees: 3. A Group-wide reference framework, approved by the CPRG Appointed within the risk management functions of all business lines and subsidiaries, trained in systems security, to implement the roadmap Investor presentation / December 2021 CSIT (information systems strategy) COSSI (operational risks related to information systems) CRC métiers (risk monitoring at business line level) CPRG (decision-making at Executive Board level) Topic-based policies aligned with the business lines, IS technical guidelines, defined processes (exceptions, labels, etc.) 77#78ALTERNATIVE PERFORMANCE MEASURES ARTICLE 223-1 OF THE AMF GENERAL REGULATION Alternative Performance Measures Definition and method of calculation NBI excluding the effect of home savings account provisions NBI restated for provisions or reversal of provisions for liabilities related to home savings accounts (PEL and CEL) Operating expenses Cost-income ratio Sum of operating expenses and net depreciation, amortisation and impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets Operating expenses divided by NBI adjusted for accrued interest on non-performing loans Cost of risk (in basis points) Average retail banking credit risk costs for the quarter divided by outstanding loans at the beginning of each quarter LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 78#79CONTACTS FINANCIAL COMMUNICATION Estelle MATURELL ANDINO Head of Group Financial Communication [email protected] Julien ROUCH Group Financial Communication [email protected] LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 Gabriel BEYA-TUMBA Group Financial Communication [email protected] 79#80LA BANQUE POSTALE La Banque Postale 115 rue de Sèvres 75275 Paris Cedex 06 / Investors

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