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#1LA SALLE // Pr LA SALLE M GRUPO DE ESTUDOS AMBIENTAIS WWW E NANOCOMPÓSITOS Coals Industrial Beneficiation Processes from Santa Catarina, Brazil: Inorganic Components Geochemical DALMORA, A. C.; LIMA, B. D.; TAFFAREL, S. R.; OLIVEEIRA, M. L. S. Tre São Paulo th - Brazil May 20th to 22nd 2015 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP - mic ADVANCES IN CLEANER PRODUCTION "CLEANER PRODUCTION TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE TRANSITION"#25th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work •Brazil's total coal resources are in the order of 32×109 tonnes, the majority of which (89%) are located in Rio Grande do Sul. Most of the remainder (a little over 10%) are located in the adjoining state of Santa Catarina. In Santa Catarina the most of the seams mined have marginal coking properties, but current production is almost entirely used for electricity generation at the Jorge Lacerda (Tractebel Suez) Power Station (875 MW), located near Tubarão city in the NE of the state.#3COAL BACKGROUND Peat forms from the accumulation of partially decomposed plant materials under generally wet conditions having a restricted supply of oxygen. Coal is formed from the compression and alteration of partly decomposed peat.#426°00'S 32°00'S BRAZIL 5th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Location Academic Work 50˚00 SÃO PAULO ↑ PARAGUAY 5 100 km do PARANÁ SANTA CATARINA ARGENTINA RIO GRANDE DO SUL Charquead Chico Lom 1. Candiota - RS 2. São Jeronimo - RS 3. Charqueadas - RS 4. Jorge Lacerda - SC 5. Figueira - PR URUGUAY FLORIANÓPOLIS Sul Catarinence OCEANO ATLANTICO Fig. 1: Location of sample sources, and also of Jorge Lacerda (Tractebel-Suez) power station#55th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work B 511 m Image 2015 CNES / Astrium 2015 Google Google#65th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work#75th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work •Lake whith pH 2,9. Pyrite, Jarosita (orange).#85th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work • Lake whith high consentrations of em Fe 2+ e Fe 3+ The#95th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production São Paulo - Brazil - 20th to 22nd, May - 2015 WHO SUPPORTS ELECTRICITY FROM COAL? Academic Work#105th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production São Paulo Brazil - 20th to 22nd, May - 2015 - Objectives of the present study •The intention of the present study is to compare the mineralogical and inorganic geochemical characteristics of ROM and beneficiated coals from the principal mines and preparation plants in Santa Catarina that contribute to the blend used in the Jorge Lacerda power station, in order to evaluate the partitioning of the minerals, major elements and trace elements by the beneficiation processes used. Academic Work#115th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work Methods •Were collected (12 ROM and 12 beneficiated or clean coals), a total of 24 coal samples, from both large and small mines of Santa Catarina ( fig 1). Bulk samples of 100 kg were collected over a 5-day period from each site immediately after the mining and beneficiation processes.#125th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work Utussanga 132 LAURO MULLER 父5 4 TREVISO CRICIÚMA FORQUILHINHA 3 82 Z+ t SANTA CATARINA STATE BRASIL 7- POWER PLANT TUBARÃO JAGUARUNA 1- CRS and CR6 2- CR1 and CR2 3- CR9 and CR10 4- CR15 and CR16 5- CR17 and CR 18 7. CR 23 and CR24 8- CR 35 and CR36 9- CR 40 and CR41 10 CR42 and CR43 ATLANTIC OCEAN 9 5 km Km 11 CR 48 and CR49 12- CR 57 and CR58 13- CR 64 and CR65 Fig. 1. Location of sample sources, and also of Jorge Lacerda (Tractebel-Suez) power station.#135th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work Sample CR 1 CR 2 CR 5 CR 6 CR 9 CR 10 CR 15 CR 16 CR 17 CR 18 Table 1 Source of coal samples used in this study. Company Carbonifera Catarinense Ltda. Carbonifera Catarinense Ltda. Carbonifera Catarinense Ltda. Carbonífera Catarinense Ltda. Carbonífera Criciúma Ltda Carbonífera Criciúma Ltda Carbonífera Metropolitana Ltda. Carbonífera Metropolitana Ltda. Carbonifera Metropolitana Ltda. Carbonífera Metropolitana Ltda. Mine 3G Plano II 3G Plano II Bonito Bonito Fontanela Esperança Leste Esperança Leste Bonito Bonito Unidade Mineira II - Verdinho Barro Branco Unidade Mineira II - Verdinho Barro Branco Fontanela Barro Branco CR 23 Rio Deserto Ltda Mina Barro Branco Barro Branco CR 24 Rio Deserto Ltda Mina Barro Branco Barro Branco CR 35 Cooperminas Ltda. Mina 3 Barro Branco CR 36 Cooperminas Ltda. Mina 3 Barro Branco CR 40 Carbonifera Belluno Ltda. Morozini Barro Branco CR 41 Carbonifera Belluno Ltda. Morozini Barro Branco CR 42 Carbonifera Belluno Ltda. Cantao Barro Branco CR 43 Carbonifera Belluno Ltda. Cantao Barro Branco CR 48 Carbonifera Belluno Ltda. Morozini/Cantao Barro Branco CR 49 Carbonifera Belluno Ltda. Morozini/Cantao Barro Branco CR 57 Gabriella Mineração Ltda. Rio Fiorita Barro Branco CR 58 Gabriella Mineração Ltda. Rio Fiorita Barro Branco CR 64 Carbonífera Siderópolis Ltda. Lageado mine Barro Branco CR 65 Carbonifera Siderópolis Ltda. Lageado mine Barro Branco Coal seam Barro Branco Barro Branco Bonito Bonito Barro Branco Sample type Run-of-mine Clean coal Run-of-mine Clean coal Run-of-mine Clean coal Run-of-mine Clean coal Run-of-mine Clean coal Run-of-mine Clean coal Run-of-mine Clean coal Run-of-mine Clean coal Run-of-mine Clean coal Run-of-mine Clean coal Run-of-mine Clean coal Run-of-mine Clean coal#145th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Análysis Chemical samples received Oven- Dried 40°C Quartered Mineralogy Elemental analyser LECO (C, H, N, O, S) X-ray diffraction (XRD) Academic Work Major element: ICP-AES e ICP-MS Electron Microscope: SEM e TEM#155th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work Analytical procedures • Powdered (<212 μm) subsamples prepared from the ROM and clean coals were oven-dried for 24 h at 40 °C; • LECO CNHS-932; Providing data on the carbon, hydrogen, sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen contents of the dried coal samples; •Other representative portions of each powdered coal sample were ashed at 815 °C; •All analyzes were performed in duplicate. The development of this research.#165th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work Results and Discussion Ultimate analysis data for the ROM and clean coal samples are presented in (Table 2). The data in Table 2 represent values determined to a dry basis, so that the sum of the C, H, N, S and O percentages effectively represent the total proportion of organic matter.#17Table 2 Ultimate analysis (wt. %, dry basis) of coal samples. Company/mine 5th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work Sample Coal C H N S 0 Total Asha CR 1 3G Plano II Run-of-mine 37.34 2.96 0.76 2.25 9.31 52.62 47.38 CR 2 3G Plano II Clean coal 52.76 3.69 1.01 1.44 8.59 67.49 32.51 CR 5 Bonito Run-of-mine 21.50 1.64 0.29 1.78 5.03 30.24 69.76 CR 6 Bonito Clean coal 38.99 228 0.49 1.55 5.55 48.86 51.14 CR 9 UM II-Verdinho Run-of-mine 26.68 1.95 0.49 2.11 5.10 36.33 63.67 CR 10 UM II-Verdinho Clean coal 51.65 3.56 0.96 1.66 4.75 62.58 37.42 CR 15 Fontanela Run-of-mine 36.45 2.06 0.47 2.34 3.83 45.15 54.85 CR 16 Fontanela Clean coal 50.97 2.92 0.69 1.53 3.74 59.85 40.15 CR 17 Esperança Leste Run-of-mine 36.51 2.84 0.78 2.02 5.41 47.56 52.44 CR 18 Esperança Leste Clean coal 51.80 3.53 1.05 1.37 5.66 63.41 36.59 CR 23 Barro Branco Run-of-mine 36.41 2.32 0.71 2.72 3.93 46.09 53.91 CR 24 Barro Branco Clean coal 46.21 3.26 0.91 2.70 3.95 57.03 42.97 CR 35 Mina 3 Run-of-mine 45.43 3.09 0.90 1.75 3.91 55.08 44.92 CR 36 Mina 3 Clean coal 60.84 3.95 1.17 1.12 3.48 70.56 29.44 CR 40 Morozino Run-of-mine 41.72 2.69 0.90 2.65 3.35 51.31 48.69 CR 41 Morozino Clean coal 56.55 3.40 1.18 1.40 3.09 65.62 34.38 CR 42 Cantao Run-of-mine 35.10 2.44 0.77 2.44 3.39 44.14 55.86 CR 43 Cantao Clean coal 49.02 2.81 0.99 1.37 3.05 57.24 42.76 CR 48 Morozin/Cantao Run-of-mine 12.52 1.58 0.39 2.38 2.62 19.49 80.51 CR 49 Morozin/Cantao Clean coal 47.17 3.38 0.78 0.74 8.02 60.09 39.91 CR 57 Gabriela Run-of-mine 8.09 1.10 0.08 0.99 5.71 15.97 84.03 CR 58 Gabriela Clean coal 44.32 3.29 0.89 0.90 4.55 53.95 46.05 CR 64 Car. Siderópolis Run-of-mine 11.23 1.25 0.11 3.91 6.10 22.60 77.40 CR 65 Car. Siderópolis Clean coal 39.31 3.09 0.82 3.21 6.27 52.70 47.30 Average Run-of-mine 29.08 2.16 0.55 2.28 4.81 38.88 61.12 Average Clean coal 49.13 3.26 0.91 1.58 5.06 59.95 40.05 a Ash percentage estimated by difference.#185th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work Result A few trace elements, such as As, B and Pb, show an even greater reduction associated with beneficiation; • The average percentage of pyrite in that mineral matter is also reduced by 67%.#195th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work Elements with concentrations increased by beneficiation • For three of the elements, Ge, U and Zr, the average concentrations in the clean coals are significantly higher than in the ROM materials.#205th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work Minerals and major elements as fractions of whole-coal samples • When considered on a whole-coal basis, the average proportions of quartz, kaolinite, illite and bassanite + gypsum in the clean coals are between 55 and 80% of the average proportions of quartz, kaolinite, illite + and bassanite + gypsum in the clean coals are between 55 and 80% of the average proportions of the same minerals in the ROM samples.#21● 5th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work Conclusion Comparison of ROM and clean coal products from Santa Catarina preparation plants shows significant reductions in ash, mineral matter and total sulphur percentages associated with beneficiation, and also in the relative proportions of pyrite within the mineral matter. Quartz, kaolinite, illite and minor proportions of calcite and other accessory phases, and appears to have been little changed by coal preparation.#225th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work The concentrations of As, Pb and B are reduced to a greater extent, consistent with the reduction in pyrite associated with beneficiation, 55%, 26% and 50%, respectively; Some elements, such as Ge, U, and possibly Zr, have higher average concentrations (i.e. >120% of the average ROM values);#235th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work#245th International Workshop - Advances in Cleaner Production Academic Work References • • • • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), (1991). Standard practice for preparing coal samples for microscopical analysis by reflected light. ASTM Standard D 2797-91, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, pp. 3. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), (1996). 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