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#1ASX Code: RED RED Limited Investor Marketing Mark Williams (MD & CEO) January 2024 Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence#2Competent Person's Statement and Disclaimer • Competent Person Statements for JORC 2012 Mineral Resource and Ore Reserves • The information in this presentation that relates to the Mineral Resources for the King of the Hills deposit is extracted from the ASX announcement titled "Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Update 30 June 2023" released on 7 September 2023. The information in this presentation relating to the King of the Hills regional and satellite deposits is extracted from the ASX announcement titled "Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Update 30 June 2023" released on 7 September 2023. The information in this presentation relating to the King of the Hills Ore Reserve is extracted from the ASX announcement titled "Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Update 30 June 2023" released on 7 September 2023. The information in this presentation that relates to the Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves for the Darlot Underground deposit relates to the ASX announcement titled "Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Update 30 June 2023" released on 7 September 2023, which are available on the ASX web-site. Information in this presentation relating to Cables and Mission are from ASX announcements: "Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Update 30 June 2023" released on 7 September 2023. All announcements are available on the ASX web-site. Red 5 confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the original market announcements, and that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates in the relevant market announcements continue to apply and have not materially changed. The Company confirms that the form and context in which the Competent Persons findings are presented have not been materially modified from the original market announcements. Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements made during or in connection with this presentation contain or comprise certain forward-looking statements regarding RED's Mineral Resources and Reserves, exploration activities, project development operations, production rates, life of mine, projected cash flow, capital expenditure, operating costs and other economic performance and financial condition as well as general market outlook. Although RED believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, such expectations are only predictions and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties which could cause actual values, results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed, implied or projected in any forward-looking statements and no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. Accordingly, results could differ materially from those set out in the forward-looking statements as a result of, among other factors, changes in economic and market conditions, delays or changes in project development, success of business and operating initiatives, changes in the regulatory environment and other government actions, fluctuations in metals prices and exchange rates and business and operational risk management. Except for statutory liability which cannot be excluded, each of RED, its officers, employees and advisors expressly disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the material contained in this Investor Presentation and excludes all liability whatsoever (including in negligence) for any loss or damage which may be suffered by any person as a consequence of any information in this presentation or any error or omission. RED undertakes no obligation to update publicly or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after today's date or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events other than required by the Corporations Act and ASX Listing Rules. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statement. Authorisation . This presentation has been authorised for release by the Managing Director. Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: 2#3Red 5 asset overview Red 5's assets comprise the King of the Hills (KOTH) Gold Mine, Darlot Gold Mine and a 3.25% net smelter royalty over the Siana Gold Mine T 250,000mE. KOTH Summary Mineral Resource5 4.5Moz Ore Reserve5 2.5Moz 2H FY2023 Production6 103koz Indicative Production² Belleview >200koz p.a. Processing Plant 5.5Mtpa Mine Life (LOM) 5 -14 years Capacity1 1: Processing plant has recently been operating at run-rate capacity of 5.5Mtpa, above the design capacity of 4.0Mtpa (Red 5 ASX Release: 15 September 2020). 2: Indicative production is based on the guidance range of 195koz to 215koz for FY2024. Darlot Summary Mineral Resource5 Ore Reserve5 1.8Moz 114koz Plant capacity (C&M)³ 1.0Mtpa 3: The Darlot processing plant went into care and maintenance on 28 July 2022. Darlot UG continues to be mined and trucked to KOTH. Royalty from the Siana Gold Mine4 Terms? 3.25% net smelter royalty payable for up to 619koz of gold 4: The Siana Gold Mine has recently restarted production and its owners have received their debt funding. 5. Red 5 ASX Release: 7 September 2023 7. Red 5 ASX Releases: 21 September 2021 Vivien Eastem Goldfields Gas F Agnew Agnew 1.3 Mtpa 300,000mE- 名 Leinster Goldfields Highway Thunderbox RED 5 LIMITED Tenements ARDEA JV Tenements Gold Mine (operating, closed) Gold Project Thunderbox 6.0 Mtpa Bannockburn (developing) Mill throughput Mtpa (million tonnes/annum) Gold Prospects Greenstones Granites 25 Kilometers 350,000mE NLGP Darlot 100km Bundarra Darlot 1.0 Mtpa 50km King of the Hills 5.5 Mtpa $4 King of the Hills Gwalia Wester Australa Darlot Project Gwalia King of the Hills Project 1.5 Mtpa 6. Red 5 ASX Release: 5 July 2023 Mt Ida Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence 150km Cardinia Leonora Ulysses 400,000mE Duketon 2.5, 2.5 & 5 Mtpa Mt Morgans 2.8 Mtpa Apollo Hill Duketon 6,950,000mN 6,900,000mN 6,850,000mN Laverton Granny Smith 3.5 Mtpa Mt Morgans Granny Smith 父 Sunrise Dam Sunrise Dam 4.1 Mtpa 6.800.000mN Page: 3#4Red 5 Limited - corporate profile 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Jan-22 Jul-22 Share price at 25 Jan 2024 Shares issued at 25 Jan 2024 Jan-23 Jul-23 Market capitalisation at 25 Jan 2024 Cash & other liquid assets¹ at 31 Dec 20232 Debt at 31 Dec 20232 Enterprise value at 25 Jan 2024 1. Unaudited as at 31 December 23. Jan-24 Our Company Vision "To be a successful multi-operational exploration and mining company, providing benefits to all stakeholders, through the consistent application of technical excellence, and responsible and sustainable industry practices." $0.325 3,464M $1,126M $53M Other 63.9% $103M $1,176M Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Shareholders Silver Lake Resources, 11.9% Van Eck, 9.9% Victor Smorgon, 7.9% Franklin Templeton, 6.4% Page: 4#54 years from concept to production Delivered a large, modern, low-cost process plant Constructed on time and on budget in 2022 FY24 guidance: 195-215koz, A$1,850-A$2,100/oz AISC Delivering safe, profitable ounces and free cash flow Accelerating repayment of debt DEMAG A 10ths Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: B Powered by 30MW hybrid gas-solar power station Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: 6#718 6120 14 12-month TRIFR December 2023 highlights ⚫ Continued safety improvement, with 12-month TRIFR reducing to 4.7 and LTIFR reducing to zero • Production for the first half (H1) of FY24 was 108,027 ounces at an AISC of A$2,008/oz. • • • • 53,018 oz of gold produced for Dec Quarter, at an AISC of $2,328/oz and AIC of $2,527/oz AISC impacted by non-cash NRV expense on LG stockpiles which added $267/oz for Dec Quarter and $132/oz for H1 Inclusion on Van Eck's GDX ETF - recognition of production scale and maturity Well positioned to achieve top end of FY24 production guidance FY24 guidance reaffirmed: . Production 195,000 - 215,000oz 8 6420 Quarterly 12-month TRIFR 15.5 Q3 FY23 9.0 Q4 FY23 7.6 Q1 FY24 4.7 Q2 FY24 Quarterly KOTH gold production and feed grade 70,000 1.71 60,000 1.32 1.8 1.49 1.45 1.6 1.4 50,000 1.2 864 N 40,000 1 22 g/t 30,000 0.8 AISC $1,850 - $2,100/oz 0.6 20,000 0.4 Growth capital $40m - $46m 10,000 0.2 40,869 oz 61,705 oz 55,009 oz 53,018 oz 0 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Gold Produced (oz) 1. Liquid assets refers to bullion and a gold sale trade receivable from gold sold on 29 December 2023, with funds received 3 January 2024 Q1 FY24 Feed Grade (g/t) Q2 FY24 Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: 7#8t ('000s) • Mining performance for Dec 2023 Quarter KOTH open pit ore remained consistent Stage 2 cutback is ahead of schedule Quarterly KOTH underground performance 1.93 1.70 300 1.58 • KOTH underground continues to perform well with stope tonnes exceeding plan 250 200 • Record crushing and milling performance • Darlot grades lifted as mining focused on higher- grade stopes t ('000s) 150 1.79 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 100 0.60 50 201k tonnes 266k tonnes 258k tonnes 244k tonnes 0.40 0.20 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Q2 FY24 Ore Tonnes Ore Grade Quarterly KOTH open pit performance Quarterly Darlot underground performance 1,800 1.17 1.23 250 3.18 3.50 1.20 1,600 2.87 2.65 3.00 1,400 0.98 0.97 200 1.00 2.38 2.50 1,200 517 0.80 150 1,000 514 2.00 544 441 800 0.60 g/t 600 400 200 717 Q3 FY23 IHG Ore Tonnes 0.40 0.20 1,049 792 851 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Q2 FY24 LG Ore Tonnes HG Grade LG Grade t ('000s) 50 1.50 100 1.00 50 165k tonnes 183k tonnes 190k tonnes 168k tonnes 0.50 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Q2 FY24 Ore Tonnes Ore Grade Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: 8 g/t g/t#9Operations performance strengthens balance sheet . All three mines performing well, with • • strong cash generation for the Quarter $2m voluntary debt repayment, on top of scheduled $8m, sees Red 5's debt balance continue to reduce Key figures as at 31 Dec 24: $102.8m debt outstanding $53.3m cash and other liquid assets¹ Net debt¹ improves to $49.5m Key activities H2 FY24 • • Delivering on our target, safely, profitably and strengthen balance sheet Stage 2 KOTH open pit cut back A$ million Red 5 historical and scheduled debt balance 160 140 120 100 80 60 60 60 40 40 20 20 Target debt refinancing • ⚫ Crusher operational performance ⚫ TSF4 lift Advance debt refinancing 0 Mar-23 Jun-23 Sep-23 Dec-23 Mar-24 Net debt ■Total debt Jun-24 Sep-24 Dec-24 Mar-25 Scheduled debt balance Jun-25 Sep-25 Dec-25 Mar-26 Jun-26 1.Net debt calculated as gross bank debt $102.8m less total cash $41.7m (restricted and non-restricted) and other liquid assets $11.6m Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: 9#10KOTH open pit Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: 10#11V 301 LG 301 LG 999 WST 303 312 LG 999 HO 316 WST LG Main ore zone provides for large, contiguous high-grade blocks LEGEND RH - Rehandle MW-0.2-0.3g/t LG -0.3-0.5g/t HG 0.5 0.9g/t P_HG ->0.9g/t $1_5225_39 999 WST 35225 351 999 WST 7416 0.01 fr 999 WST Stage 1 KOTH open pit Ore Reserve model - contained ounces by RL HG ■LG RL 5295 5285 5275 5265 314 315 UST 12 HG 313 PHG LG 3114 HG 311 PHG 310 LG 314 MW 317 HG 302 LG 5255 305 304 313 309 HG 05 LG HG 5245 308 LG 307 306 305 G 307 LG 309 LG WW HG LG 313 LG 5235 999 306 310 HG 314 HG WST 5225 304 LG 303 303 HG MW 306 510 CHG 312 30 5215 LG LG WST 301 LG 304 304 MW 999 WST 301 \LG 999 300 MW 5205 WST 305 302 LG 306 999 HG Be 5195 WST LG 303 5185 301 302 LG HG 316 HG 999 WST FG MW 307 MW 313 LG 320 HG 999 317 315 WST MW 999 WST HG 999 318 LG WYST 303 M'W 30% HO 319 304 303 LG 322 LG 311 HG LG HG 999 305 WST 304 MW 5175 5165 5155 5145 5135 5125 5115 5105 402 LG 401 MW 406 PHG 5215M Bench F4 DEPARTMENT Geology DRAWN BY JS SCALE 1:2800 DRAWING NUMBER RED5 5,000 DATE 15-Jun-2023 10,000 Contained Ounces 15,000 20,000 25,000 Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: 11#12Mining performance confirms long-term mine plan 9,500N 10,000N 825m 10,500N King of the Hills Open Pit Ore Reserves 11,000N 195m STAGE 1 Present to FY2026 Reserve (Mt) 7.8 STAGE 2 Grade (g/t) 1.0 Present to FY2031 Contained Au (Moz) 0.2 Strip Ratio (W:O) 3.7 Reserve (Mt) 16.6 STAGE 3 Grade (g/t) 1.0 FY2025 to FY2034 Contained Au (Moz) 0.6 Strip Ratio (W:O) 5.4 Reserve (Mt) 11.7 Grade (g/t) 1.2 Contained Au (Moz) 0.5 Strip Ratio (W:O) 5.7 Z 200m Current open pit and surface 1. Topography, designs and figures as at 30 June 2023. 2. Discrepancy in summation may occur due to rounding. 3. Figures quoted for 'Strip Ratio' are derived from the Life-of-Mine plan, which includes Inferred Mineral Resources 2,330m STAGE 4 FY2027 to FY2037 Reserve (Mt) 14.4 Grade (g/t) 1.2 Contained Au (Moz) 0.6 Strip Ratio (W:O) 5.9 1,225m Stockpiles and ROM of 4.2Mt at 0.5g/t for 0.1Moz as at 30 June 2023 400m 1. Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence STAGE 5 FY2028 to FY2037 Reserve (Mt) 8.3 Grade (g/t) 1.2 Contained Au (Moz) 0.3 Strip Ratio (W:O) 10.8 Red 5 ASX Release: 7 September 2023 11,500N 5,000 Elev- Page: 12#13Growth potential for KOTH mine¹ . Resource definition and grade control drilling continues to deliver high-grade assays • 26.0m at 168.15g/t T 9,000N 9,500N 10,000N • • 16.5m at 16.50g/t • 16.4m at 10.62g/t · 29.5m at 5.11g/t • 75.4m at 1.83g/t Grade control drilling 1 10,500N King of the Hills open pit production (1985-2004, 2022-2023) 32.8Mt @ 1.7g/t Au, 1.8Moz contained gold 11,000N 11,500N 12,000N 5,500 Elev- Taramoola open pit - 285m 5,000 Elev- South pit underground exploration Final FFS pit design - 400m Resource definition Resource definition Resource definition Final UG design - 540m now complete for over 85% of the FY24 mine plan . Potential to extend along the Regal and Eastern Flanks King of the Hills underground production (2011-2017, 2018-2023) 4.6Mt @ 3.2g/t Au, 0.5Moz contained gold Final open pit design (Stages 1 to 5) Current underground workings Underground mine design Existing drillholes OPEN OPEN Tarmoola Granodiorite 1. 1985-2017 production history compiled from various sources, including quarterly and annual reports to the ASX. 2. Production, post 2017, compiled from Red 5 Limited's reconciliations as at 30 June 2023. 3. Due to rounding, the totals may not correspond with the sum of individual production statistics. 1. Red 5 ASX Release: 8 August 2023 Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence 500m Exploration area OPEN 4,500 Elev Page: 13#14KOTH exploration - numerous surface targets • Three satellite deposits are already in the LOM plan: • . Rainbow . Centauri Cerebus-Eclipse Integrated datasets have identified priority targets along the Tarmoola and Ursus Fault corridors O Tarmoola Fault Zone Centauri • Tarmoola Fault Corridor • . Poorly tested outside of the mine area • Bulk of historical AC/RAB drilling ineffective (failed to reach top of fresh rock) 10 high-priority targets defined by discrete gravity lows Ursus Fault Corridor 12 high-priority targets, all targeting discrete gravity lows or edges of the Raeside Batholith Highest-priority targets where the Ursus structure splays and bends Cerebus- Eclipse Exploration Targets Priority 1 Targets Priority 2 Targets Priority 3 Targets Key Prospects KOTH Tenement outline Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence KOTH Gold Mine Ursus Fault Zo Leinster (108km) 5 Kilometers Poker Fault Rainbow Goldfields Highway Leonora (27km) Page: 14#15• Darlot adding value as satellite mine Darlot benefiting from development investment and reduced cost base FY25 & 26 mine plan locked in Second jumbo scheduled in H2FY24 FY24 focus on Resource conversion Middle Walters South1 4.4m at 16.0g/t Centurion1 . 4.6m at 30.7g/t Burswood1 • 1.8m at 15.0g/t • 2.4m at 12.5g/t - 1,500RL - 1,300RL - 1,100RL - 900RL - 700RL Darlot Underground Drilling FY24 Planned Drilling Moses ASS Middle Walters Dar-Cent South CAX0075 follow-up As-built open pit surface Current underground workings Underground mine design Drilling planned for FY24 Darlot key growth areas 1. Topography, designs and figures as at 30 June 2023. Chappell Lower Burswood Thompson Boon West Burswood Nth 950m below surface Oval 1. Red 5 ASX Release: 13 November 2023 Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence 200m 1,500RL- 1,300RL- 1,100RL- 900RL - 700RL- 500R- Page: 15#16"King of the Mills" in the Leonora district • KOTH process plant is the lowest cost mill in the Leonora district Large mill drives site-wide economies of scale 30MW hybrid gas-solar power Operating up to 5.5Mtpa rate . Future low-capital expansion potential Red 5 is evaluating optimal mill throughput expansion and options to accelerate open pit mining Potential for mill throughput to exceed current rates without any major capital expenditure Major driver to unlock value for regional consolidation Regional process plants - mill size, unit cost and distance to Leonora Processing Costs (A$/t) 60 50 40 Gwalia (GMD) 30 Mt Morgans (GMD) 20 20 10 Duketon South (RRL) Thunder Box (NST) Duketon North (RRL) King of the Hills 0 50 100 150 200 1. Red 5 ASX Release: 26 July 2023 Distance from Leonora (km) Bubble size (graph) = annualised mill throughput Sources: All comparative data sourced from public company disclosures Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: 16#17Standout value opportunity - de-risked steady-state operations Red 5 EV/Reserve relative to its peers . Valuation of WA based-gold companies¹ Bubble size = Enterprise Value The new KOTH Gold Mine positions Red 5 as an emerging mid-tier Australian gold producer EV/ Reserve (A$/oz) 2,000 Ramelius 1,600 1,200 Bellevue Gold Road Capricorn 800 Silver Lake 400 0 0.0 Calidus 1.0 Regis Genesis Westgold Red 5 2.0 3.0 4.0 Reserves (Moz) Sources: 1. S&P Capital IQ; as 8 January 2024 Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: 17#18ASX Code: RED RED5 Limited THANK YOU Level 2, 35 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth, Western Australia 6005 Australia (61-8) 9322 4455 (61-8) 9481 5950 Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: www NG THE HILL REDE Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Appendicies Page: 19#20Leadership Team with strong mining expertise Red 5 has a strong and capable Board and Executive team with many years of mining and development experience. Following the two retirements at the Nov-23 AGM, the Red 5 Board has five Directors, which the Board believe represents a good fit for the Company given its current size and status. This concludes the Board renewal process. Board Mark Williams Managing Director & CEO Russell Clark Chair Andrea Sutton Non-executive Director Ian Macpherson Non-executive Director Peter Johnston Non-executive Director Mining Engineer with prior experience at Orica and Xstrata, including General Manager of US$6bn Tampakan Copper Gold Project. MD since 2014. Mining Engineer with >40 yrs experience at Newmont, Grange Resources and Normandy Mining. Chair of CZR Resources and Pearl Gull Iron, NED of Tungsten Mining. Chemical Engineer with >25 yrs experience at Rio Tinto, including Chief Executive and MD at ERA. Director since Nov-2020. Chartered Accountant with >30 yrs in the professional services industry. Specialist in capital structuring, equity and debt raising. Director since 2014. Global mining executive with > 35 yrs experience at Glencore, Minara Resources and WMC. Former Chair of Minerals Council of Australia. Management team David Coyne CFO & Joint Co Sec Richard Hay Chief Operating Officer Byron Dumpleton Chief Geologist Lisa Wynne Joint Company Secretary CPA with 30+ years of senior executive experience at Spartan Resources (formerly Gascoyne), Peninsula Energy and Macmahon Holdings. Geologist with 30+ years of executive and operations experience at Barrick Gold, Evolution Mining, and Gascoyne Resources. Geologist with 30+ years of international experience. Prior experience at KCGM, WMC and Straits Resources. Chartered Accountant with >15 years' experience in Company Secretary and Chief Financial Officer roles for listed companies and not-for-profits. Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: 20#21KOTH Mineral Resource of 4.5Moz¹ Total Open Pit & Underground KOTH Resource as at June 2023 Contained Gold (000oz) Classification Cut-off (g/t) Mining Method Gold Tonnes (000t) (g/t) Measured 0.4-1.0 OP+UG 4,092 1.1 145 Indicated 0.4-1.0 OP+UG 67,559 1.5 3,286 Inferred 0.4-1.0 OP+UG 13,630 1.5 657 Total 0.4-1.0 OP+UG 85,282 1.5 4,087 KOTH JORC 2012 All material within A$2,700 Pit Shell Measured 0.4 OP 4,056 1.1 142 Indicated 0.4 OP 55,658 1.3 2,375 Inferred 0.4 OP 9,009 1.2 359 Total 0.4 OP 68,722 1.3 2,876 KOTH JORC 2012 All material outside A$2,700 Pit Shell Measured 1.0 UG 37 2.3 3 Indicated 1.0 UG 11,901 2.4 911 Inferred 1.0 UG 4,622 2.0 297 Total 1.0 UG 16,560 2.3 1,211 1. Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Red 5 ASX Release: 7 September 2023. Total Mineral Resource of 4.5Moz includes KOTH satellite pits and stockpiles. Page: 21#22KOTH Ore Reserve of 2.5Moz¹ Total KOTH Ore Reserves as at June 2023 Cut-off Deposit Mining Method (g/t) JORC 2012 Classification Tonnes (Mt) Gold (g/t) Contained Gold (Moz)² KOTH Open pit 0.4 Proved 4.6 0.8 0.1 KOTH Open pit 0.4 Probable 54.2 1.2 2.0 KOTH Underground 1.4 Probable 2.5 1.8 0.1 Rainbow Open pit 0.3 Probable 2.1 0.8 0.05 Centauri Open pit 0.3 Probable 0.3 1.2 0.01 Cerebus & Eclipse Open pit 0.3 Probable 1.5 1.0 0.05 Total 65.2 1.2 2.4 1. Red 5 ASX Release: 7 September 2023. Total Reserve of 2.5Moz includes broken stockpiles. 2. Totals may not balance due to rounding. Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: 22#23Top 20 Gold Deposits in Australia Resources Reserves Mt g/t Moz Mt g/t Moz Cadia 3374 0.4 46.6 Cadia 1280 0.4 17.4 Golden Mile - KCGM 565 1.6 28.3 KCGM (100%) 286 1.3 12.2 Boddington 788 0.6 15.2 Boddington 525 0.6 10.6 Mallina Gold Project 278 1.3 11.7 Mallina Gold Project 121 1.5 6.0 Tanami 86 3.6 9.8 Tanami 33 5.4 5.7 Lake Cowal 273 1.0 8.8 Lake Cowal 130 1.0 4.3 Gruyere 100% 153 1.4 6.7 Gruyere 100% 99 1.3 4.0 Tropicana 107 1.8 6.3 St Ives 25 3.4 2.7 Gwalia 35 5.0 5.7 King of the Hills² 69 1.1 2.5 Sunrise Dam 91 1.9 5.4 Thunderbox Region 41 1.8 2.3 Jundee 60 2.8 5.4 Granny Smith 12 5.6 2.1 Mungari 98 1.7 5.3 Gwalia 13 5.1 2.1 King of the Hills¹ 97 1.4 4.5 Tropicana 37 1.8 2.1 Thunderbox Region 80 1.7 4.4 McPhilamys 61 1.0 2.0 Carosue Dam Region 63 2.1 4.2 Fosterville 7 8.0 1.7 Telfer 162 0.8 4.2 Jundee 13 3.6 1.5 Granny Smith 22 5.0 3.6 Carosue Dam Region 25 1.8 1.5 Bellevue 10 9.9 3.1 Bellevue 6.8 6.1 1.3 Fosterville 15 5.7 2.8 Mungari 21 1.6 1.2 25532 McPhilamys 80 1.0 2.7 Sunrise Dam 19 1.9 1.2 1. Red 5 ASX Release: 7 September 2023 2. Red 5's KOTH Project compared with Ore Reserves for the top 10 operating mines in Australia. Red 5 ASX Release: 7 September 2023 Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: 23#24Australian Top 20 Gold Deposits¹ Mt Resources g/t Reserves Moz Mt g/t Moz Cadia Measured Newcrest St Ives Mt Goldfields Resources g/t Moz Reserves Mt g/t Moz Resources Mt Sunrise Dam g/t AngloGold Ashanti Moz Reserves Mt g/t Moz 32.0 0.30 0.3 Proven Indicated 2790.0 0.47 41.8 Probable 1280.0 0.42 17.4 Inferred 552.0 0.26 4.6 Measured Indicated Inferred 0.9 3.30 0.1 Proven 5.9 2.60 0.5 Measured 20.3 1.64 1.1 Proven 12.0 1.50 0.6 9.4 2.90 0.9 Probable 18.7 3.70 2.2 Indicated 26.1 1.59 1.3 Probable 6.6 2.71 0.6 11.3 3.90 1.4 Inferred 44.6 2.11 3.0 Total 3374.0 0.43 46.6 Total 1280.0 0.42 17.4 Total 21.6 3.45 2.4 Total 24.6 3.40 2.7 Total 91.1 1.86 5.4 Total 18.6 1.94 12 1.2 Telfer Newcrest Source: Goldfields 2022 Resource & Reserve Supplement - Data as at 31 Dec 2022 Source: Anglogold Resource & Reserve Supplement 2022 - Data as at 31 Dec 2022 Measured Indicated 3.3 138.3 0.41 0.0 Proven Agnew/EMU 0.72 3.2 Probable 26.6 0.91 0.8 Measured Inferred 20.0 1.41 0.9 Indicated Total 161.6 0.80 4.2 Total 26.6 0.91 0.8 80 Inferred Source: Newcrest Resource & Reserve release 11 Aug 2023 - Data as at 30 June 2023 Total Goldfields 0.1 5.60 0.0 Proven 5.3 5.00 0.9 Probable 4.0 4.70 0.6 9.5 4.87 1.5 Total 53 1.5 7.30 11.3 4.80 0.4 1.8 53 Gwalia Genesis 0.0 8.20 0.0 Measured 6.0 4.50 5.3 6.50 1.1 Indicated 26.4 4.99 0.9 Proven 4.2 Probable Inferred 3.1 6.16 0.6 5.3 6.46 1.1 Total 35.5 5.01 5.7 Total 12.9 5.10 2.1 Havieron Measured Indicated Inferred Total Newcrest 0.0 40.0 0.00 3.20 0.0 Provent 4.1. Probable 81.4 1.40 3.7 121.4 2.01 7.9 Source: Goldfields 2022 Resource & Reserve Supplement - Data as at 31 Dec 2022 Source: Genesis Reserve & Resource Statement 3 July 2023 0.0 20.0 0.00 0.0 Lake Cowal 3.70 2.3 Measured Evolution Jundee Indicated 29.5 204.9 0.5 0.4 Proven 27.4 0.5 0.4 Measured 2.4 1.20 0.1 Proven 2.4 1.20 0.1 1.0 6.8 Probable 102.1 1.2 3.9 Indicated 41.8 2.90 3.9 Probable 10.9 4.10 1.4 Total 20.0 3.55 2.3 Inferred 38.8 1.3 1.6 Inferred 16.3 2.50 1.3 Source: Newcrest Resource & Reserve release 11 Aug 2023 - Data as at 30 June 2023 Total 273.3 1.01 8.8 Total 129.5 1.04 4.3 Total 60.5 2.76 5.4 Total 13.3 3.56 1.5 Boddington Measured Indicated Inferred Total Newmont Mungari Evolution Source: Northern Star Reserve and Resource Statement 4 May 2023 - Data as at 31 March 2023 332.2 0.64 6.9 Proven 452.9 0.57 8.3 Probable 239.4 285.5 0.7 5.2 Measured 1.4 4.7 0.2 Proven 0.4 5.5 0.1 Kanowna 0.6 5.4 Indicated 63.5 1.6 3.2 Probable 23.9 1.5 1.2 2 Measured 5.9 3.30 0.6 Proven 2.8 787.9 0.5 0.1 Inferred 32.7 1.8 1.9 Indicated 29.7 2.00 1.9 Probable 3.0 2.70 0.3 6.0 2.40 0.5 0.60 15.2 Total 524.9 0.63 10.6 Total 97.5 1.7 5.3 Total 21.3 1.58 1.2 Inferred 33.3 1.60 1.8 Source: Newmont Resource & Reserve Supplement 2022 - Data as at 31 Dec 2022 KCGM (100%) Measured Indicated Inferred Total Northern Star 119.8 0.71 2.8 Proven 283.5 1.80 16.4 Probable 161.3 1.77 9.2 564.7 1.56 28.3 Total Regis Source: Evolution 2023 Resource & Reserve Data as at 31 Dec 2022 Duketon Region Total 68.8 1.93 4.3 Total 9.0 2.52 0.7 119.8 0.70 2.8 166.6 1.80 9.5 286.4 Measured Indicated Inferred 1.33 12.2 Total 21.0 0.80 0.6 Proven 12.0 0.60 0.2 Westgold Source: Northern Star Reserve and Resource Statement 4 May 2023 - Data as at 31 March 2023 Big Bell 32.0 1.20 1.3 Probable 14.0 1.60 0.7 Measured 6.5 3.08 0.5 Proven 3.6 2.85 0.3 12.0 1.60 0.6 Indicated 9.9 3.23 1.0 Probable 6.3 3.31 0.7 65.0 1.20 2.5 Total 26.0 1.10 1.0 Inferred 8.9 2.73 0.8 Source: Northern Star Reserve and Resource Statement 4 May 2023 - Data as at 31 March 2023 Tanami Source: Regis Resource & Reserve Statement 20 June 2023 - Data as at 31 Dec 2022 Total 24.4 3.01 2.4 Total 9.8 3.14 1.0 Regis Source: Westgold Resource & Reserve Release 11 September 2023 - Data as at 30 Jun 2023 Measured Indicated Inferred Total Newmont 22.3 3.51 2.5 Proven 50.8 3.48 5.7 Probable 13.0 3.9 1.6 86.1 3.55 9.8 Total Source: Newmont Resource & Reserve Supplement 2022 - Data as at 31 Dec 2022 Tropicana Measured Indicated Inferred Total AngloGold/Regis Resources 40.7 1.40 1.8 Proven 33.6 1.80 2.0 Probable 32.9 2.40 2.5 107.2 1.83 6.3 Total McPhilamys 11.3 5.1 1.8 Measured 21.6 5.5 3.8 Indicated Inferred 32.9 5.35 5.7 Total Proven 77.0 1.10 2.6 Probable 3.0 80.0 0.80 0.1 1.05 2.7 Total Fosterville Agnico Eagle 61.0 1.03 2.0 Measured 1.1 3.67 0.1 Proven Indicated 9.7 5.18 1.6 Probable 0.6 23.19 0.5 6.0 6.39 1.2 61.0 1.03 2.0 Inferred 5.6 6.53 1.2 Northern Star Source: Regis Resource & Reserve Statement 20 June 2023 - Data as at 31 Dec 2022 Carosue Dam Region Total 15.4 5.67 2.8 Total 6.6 7.95 1.7 17 14.2 1.60 0.7 Measured 16.1 1.90 1.0 Proven 12.6 1.80 0.7 Source: Agnico Eagle limited 31 December 2022 King of the Hills Red 5 22.5 1.90 1.4 Indicated 30.3 2.10 2.1 Probable 12.2 1.90 0.7 Measured 6.7 0.88 0.2 Proven 7.2 0.80 0.2 Inferred 16.9 2.20 1.0 Indicated 74.7 1.48 3.6 Probable 62.3 1.20 2.3 36.7' 1.78 2.1 Total 63.3 2.10 4.2 Total 24.9 1.85 1.5 Inferred 15.2 1.48 0.7 Thunderbox Region Northern Star Total 96.5 1.44 4.46 Total 69.5 1.10 2.5 Measured 20.0 1.50 1.0 Proven 12.2 1.50 0.6 Source: Red 5 Resource and Reserve Statement, 7 Sept 2023, Resource update 30 June 2023 1.8 5.60 0.3 Indicated 49.8 1.80 2.9 Probable 29.0 1.80 1.7 9.9 5.60 1.8 Inferred 9.9 1.60 0.5 Total 79.7 1.72 4.4 Total 41.2 1.75 2.3 11.8 5.60 2.1 Source: Northern Star Reserve and Resource Statement 4 May 2023 - Data as at 31 March 2023 Mallina Gold Project De Grey Source Regis Resource and Reserve Statement 23 Feb 2023 - Data as at 31 Dec 2022 Granny Smith Measured Indicated Inferred Total Goldfields 2.5 4.90 0.4 Proven 10.7 4.60 1.6 Probable 9.1 5.50 1.6 22.3 4.96 3.6 Total Source: Goldfields 2022 Resource & Reserve Supplement - Data as at 31 Dec 2022 Gruyere 100% Measured Indicated Inferred Total Goldfields/Gold Road 20.0 1.08 0.7 Proven 103.3 1.38 4.6 Probable 29.5 1.48 1.4 152.7 1.36 6.7 Total Measured 19.8 1.06 0.7 Indicated 79.0 1.33 3.4 Inferred Total 98.8 1.27 4.0 Source: Gold Road 2022 Resource & Reserve Supplement - Data as at 31 Dec 2022 1. Sources detailed in the table 4.7 1.70 0.3 Proven 184.1 1.30 7.8 Probable 89.2 1.30 3.7 278.0 1.30 11.7 Total 0.0 0.00 120.8 0.0 1.55 6.0 120.8 1.55 6.0 Source: De Grey Reserve and Resource release 15 June 2023 - Data as at September 2023 Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: 24#25ASX Code: RED RED 5 Limited THANK YOU EX3600 Level 2, 35 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth, Western Australia 6005 Australia (61-8) 9322 4455 (61-8) 9481 5950 CMAHON EX7150 TD6639 MACMAHON Our CORRE Values: Courage, Ownership, Respect, Reliability, Excellence Page: 25

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