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#1FY23 Investor Presentation David Stevens CEO and Managing Director Simon Ward CFO All values in $AUD unless stated otherwise H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION Harmoney 1 25 AUGUST 2023#2Important notice and disclaimer The material in this presentation is provided for general information purposes only and is current as at the date of this presentation. It is not a prospectus or product disclosure statement, financial product or investment advice or a recommendation or offer to acquire Harmoney shares or other securities. It is not intended to be relied upon as advice to investors and does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular investor. Investors should assess their own financial circumstances and seek professional legal, tax, business and/or financial advice before making any investment decision. The information in this presentation does not purport to be complete. It should be read in conjunction with Harmoney's other periodic and continuous disclosure announcements lodged with the Australian Securities Exchange, which are available at This presentation may contain forward looking statements including statements regarding our intent, belief or current expectations with respect to Harmoney Group's business and operations, market conditions, results of operations and financial condition, specific provisions and risk management practices. Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, many of which are beyond the control of Harmoney Group and which may cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward looking statements, which speak only as of the date thereof. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the fairness, completeness, accuracy, adequacy or reliability of information, opinions or conclusions in this presentation, including the financial information. To the maximum extent permitted by law, none of Harmoney or its related bodies corporate or their respective, its directors, officers, employees or contractors or agents do not accept liability or responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from the use or reliance on this presentation or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with it by any person, including, without limitation, any liability from fault or negligence. The financial information in this presentation has not been audited in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. This presentation contains certain non-IFRS measures that Harmoney believes are relevant and appropriate to understanding its business. Investors should refer to the FY23 Results for further details. All values are expressed in Australian currency unless otherwise stated. All intellectual property rights in this presentation are owned by Harmoney. H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 2#3Contents 1. Delivering results FY23 2. Overview of business model 3. Financial results 4. Strategy and outlook H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 3#4Harmoney Delivering results FY23 H HARMONEY 2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 4#5FY23 results continue a resilient profitable growth story FY23 FY22 Change Loan book $744m $581m 28% ↑ Revenue $107m $73m 47% ↑ Net Interest Margin 9.6% 11.8% On Target Cost to income ratio 28% 37% 900bps ↑ Cash NPAT $4.7m $0.2m 2250% ↑ Cash Return on Equity 8.4% 0.3% 810bps ↑ H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 5#6Continuing loan book growth in both countries Australian loan book now 51% • Group loan book $744m, up 28% on pcp, with growth in both countries. • Moderated originations, 4% lower on 41% lower customer acquisition spend. • Australian loan book surpassed New Zealand for the first time, on larger market opportunity. Australian existing customer originations grew 28% on expanding new customer base. Group Loan Book $800m $600m $400m $200m $0m FY22 New Zealand Australia Group Loan Originations $500m $400m $300m $200m $100m $0m H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 FY23 FY22 FY23 New Zealand Australia 6#7Key points you should know about us Financial Cash NPAT of $4.7m. Cost to income ratio of 28%. Unrestricted cash $27.5m. Customer value Customers rate us! Google & Shopper Approved 4.7/5 overall rating from >53,000 reviews. Risk management Quality portfolio. >40% Homeowners. 3.6% losses. 0.58% 90+ day arrears. Attractive 9.6% net interest margin. Ability to easily adjust rates due to consumer-direct model. Targeting Cash Return on Equity >20%. Existing customers return for future loans creating annuity stream - at minimal Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). Trans-Tasman appeal with Australia now 51% of loan book. Diversified funding from 3 of the "Big 4" Australian banks + securitisation programs in AU and NZ. 76% of borrowings hedged to mitigate impact of interest rate movements. H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 7#8Harmoney Overview of business model H HARMONEY 2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 8#9Customer value proposition Delivering faster, fairer loans through our smart technology Automated application process Risk-based pricing Fast funding H • Personalised fixed rates based on customer credit characteristics. • Loans up to $70,000 with terms of 3, 5 and 7 years. • Average new loan size $21,000. Fully CCCFA/ NCCPA compliant • Funding within 24 hours. Unsecured loans from 7.99% to 22.99% p.a. Secured loans from 7.89% to 19.49% p.a. • One simple upfront loan establishment fee. No other fees. • Loans fully compliant with consumer lending codes in AU/NZ. H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 Use of funds Renovation Loans Debt Consolidation Car Loans Education Loans ఈ Travel Loans Wedding Loans 9#10Harmoney's strategy: 100% consumer-direct Deep Consumer Data + Machine Learning Automation Lower Lower CAC Lower Losses Fixed Return on Equity target Funding Costs Opex of 20% run rate in FY25 Growth opportunities of consumer-direct model Unsecured personal loan Secured car loan Other financial products (e.g. line of credit, credit cards, home loans) H HARMONEY 2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 10#11Data + ML + Automation Deep Consumer Data Lower Machine Learning Automation Lower CAC + Lower Losses + Funding + Fixed Opex Costs Return on Equity target of 20% run rate in FY25 Every month, over 10,000 new customer accounts help us train our machine learning and automation 2021 FINANCIAL REVIEW BOSS INNOVATIVE MOST COMPANIES STELLARE High volumes of up-to-the-moment consumer financial data - combined with our 9+ years of historic data - "supercharges" training of our machine learning models, helping us optimise for: • Highly efficient marketing with Google producing high volumes of desirable customers at low cost. • Risk Adjusted Income of 6% through more accurate assessment of customers. Quality, first-party, consumer-direct data to fuel machine learning has been a core feature of Harmoney since our inception. 11#12The Harmoney business model maximises customer lifetime value Right customer • Build reliable target customer model through machine learning and high quality first-party consumer data. • Partner with large-scale platforms (e.g. Google, Microsoft Ads, Facebook) to implement cost-effective customer acquisition channels. • Use direct relationship and customer segment fit to devise and offer new products and services. Great experience • First-class customer experience creates annuity revenue as customers return with minimal customer acquisition cost (CAC). • Highly automated simple and streamlined 100% online process. · Massive scale Exploit tech to build scale, speed, and automation to decouple costs from growth. Start next big thing 140% additional originations over next 6yrs H Google APPROVED 4.7/5 overall rating >53,000 reviews HARMONEY ©2023 New customer Harmoney application FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 Harmoney loan 12#13Harmoney Financial results H HARMONEY 2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 13#14Key performance indicators FY23 FY22 Change Loan book $744m $581m ↑ 28% Revenue $107.1m $72.8m ↑ 47% Net interest income % (FY22 a high point) 9.6% 11.8% (19%) Risk adjusted income % (FY22 a high point) 6.0% 9.3% (35%) Acquisition costs $12.3m $20.7m ↑ 41% Cost to income ratio 28% 37% ↑ 24% Statutory NPAT Cash NPAT Cash RoE (annualised) $(7.6m) $(18.8m) ↑ 60% $4.7m $0.2m ↑ 2250% 8.4% 0.3% ↑ 810bps H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 14#15Book growth powering revenue growth Revenue growth 47% on pcp . Group revenue growth Revenue of $107m, up 47% on pcp, powered by loan book growth. $125m • Average interest rate 15.5%, down from 15.9% pcp on loan book weighting towards lower rate calendar year 2021 originations. FY23 marks a low point for the average interest rate, this lifts in future periods as the rate increases passed through from calendar year 2022 become a larger portion of the loan book. June 2023 average 15.7%. $100m $75m $50m $25m $0m H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 47% Growth FY22 FY23 15#16Consumer-direct model and data deliver lower CAC Deep Consumer Data + Machine Learning + Automation Return on Equity Lower = Lower CAC + Lower Losses Fixed target + Funding + Costs Opex of 20% run rate in FY25 Acquisition costs reduce 41% on pcp • Continuing marketing efficiency gains demonstrated by 41% reduction in spend with only 4% reduction in originations on pcp. Focus in FY23 was for moderate growth, in favour of strong profit/cash flow. StellareⓇ applies continuous machine learning to deep consumer data to focus on desirable, high intent customers, lowering marketing costs. Customers enjoy their experience, as shown by exceptional Google and NPS ratings, and return next time they want help to start something new. Unlike other models, our direct relationship means subsequent loans have minimal CAC. CAC % to originations 15% 10% 5% 0% FY21 FY22 FY23 Australia - New Zealand H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 16#17Deep data and machine learning deliver prime loan book Deep Consumer Data + Machine Learning + Automation Lower Lower + CAC Lower Losses Fixed Return on Equity target + Funding + Costs Opex of 20% run rate in FY25 Risk Adjusted Income (after losses) 6% Credit losses Convenient online consumer-direct model provides deep data, powering machine learning and automation to deliver resilient prime borrowers at scale. Loan portfolio comprised of 74% employed in either professional, office or trades roles and 87% aged 30+. Group credit losses have increased to 3.6% on Australian portfolio "seasoning" following rapid prior year growth, but remain well within 3% - 4% target range. 90+ day arrears at 30 June 2023 0.58%. 6% 4% 2% 0% FY22 Low 90+ day arrears 2% 1% 0% Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb -FY23 - FY22 ■■AU Mkt. Avg. FY23* FY23 Mar Apr May Jun 1.40% 0.58% *Source: Equifax Australian Consumer Credit Demand Index 2023 Q2, Personal Loan series. H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 17#18Diversified funding and hedging program lower risk Deep Consumer Data + Machine Learning + Automation Return on Equity Lower Lower + CAC Lower Losses Fixed target + Funding + Opex of 20% run rate Costs in FY25 Funding from 3 of the "Big 4" banks • Facilities expanded to >$1.2bn in August 2023, incl. unused capacity ~$330m, with: H Fifth "Big-4" bank warehouse $140m added, incl. new global mezzanine funder. 。 Inaugural New Zealand NZ$200m securitisation. Unrestricted cash $27.5m at 30 June 2023. Capital efficient with borrowings 95% of loan book (incl. restricted cash). FY23 avg. funding rate 6.0%, up from 1H22 exceptional low. Hedging dampening impact of OCR increases. NIM on target at 9.6%. HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION Average funding rate Interest rate % 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 1H21 2H21 Average funding rate (%) 25 AUGUST 2023 1H22 2H22 1H23 Hedging coverage % 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% 2H23 OCR (Average Australia/New Zealand) % Average hedging coverage % 18#19StellareⓇ automation powers scalability Deep Consumer Data + Machine Learning + Automation Scalability drives profitability . Cost to income ratio improves further to 28%. . Highly automated StellareⓇ platform enables loan book to scale faster than operating expenses. Stellare's ability to scale underpins delivery of: FY23 $4.7m Cash NPAT; and 8.4% Cash Return on Equity and target 20% Cash Return on Equity on medium term loan book growth. Lower Lower CAC Lower Fixed + + Losses Funding Costs + = Opex Cost to income ratio of 28% Cost to income % 60% $581m 40% 37% 20% Return on Equity target of 20% run rate in FY25 Loan book $ $800m $744m $600m $400m 28% $200m 0% $0m FY22 FY23 Cost to income % Loan book H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 19#20Harmoney Strategy and Outlook H HARMONEY 2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 20#21Strategic growth initiative 1: Continue AU expansion AU replicating in 9x market Huge potential for Harmoney in A$143bn market¹ 150% 100% Stable market and an enormous growth opportunity for Harmoney as consumers gravitate online, with the vast majority of personal lending still provided by banks and traditional lenders. Harmoney's Australian new customer lending in FY23 was $177m. Australia is mirroring New Zealand performance and is on track for these new customers to add -140% in repeat lending over the next six years, at minimal CAC. Multiple on top of first loan AU Market¹ - Harmoney & listed peers² % 200 8% 50% ■NZ AU from IPO Market Size A$(Bn) 150 100 6% 4% 50 2% Market share % 0 0% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0% 1 012 3 4 5 6 Source RBA, 'D2 Lending And Credit Aggregates - Credit; Other personal', which covers all personal credit (non-business, non-housing/mortgage), incl. e.g. personal loans, car loans and credit cards. Years since first loan 2 Listed personal lending peers comprise Wisr, MoneyMe & Plenti with loan balances sourced from their latest market trading updates. H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 21#22Strategic growth initiative 2: Expand product offering Non-prime accounts Prospects 800/per month avg. New customers funded by Harmoney. 10,000 per month avg. New customer accounts 6,000/per month avg. - Harmoney Opportunity "Prime" accounts - bureau qualified people each month that are not served by our current product offering, which represents an opportunity to meet their needs with new features (e.g. always-on line of credit, interest only) or new products beyond the unsecured personal loan (e.g. cars, secured, credit cards). • Increasing conversion through a better user experience and new credit and affordability models. • Higher retention as Harmoney's relationship with customers moves beyond the personal loan to a wider range of financial products. H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 22 22#23Expanding product offering - Car loan update Buying a new vehicle Buying a used vehicle More loan purposes Do you want to secure your used car loan? Secured loan Pay a lower interest rate by using your vehicle as security. Unsecured loan This loan does not require your vehicle to be used as security. Product: In January 2023 Harmoney launched its innovative and disruptive car loan product, empowering customers with cash buyer confidence to buy privately or at the dealership, so they are not reliant on dealership finance options. Once customers drawdown the funds they have 60 days to provide Harmoney the car registration and certificate of insurance to keep the lower secured interest rate, if this isn't provided the interest rate reverts back to the higher unsecured loan rate. Progress update: StellareⓇ marketing commenced in late January. Growing from a zero base, 5% of new customer lending was via this product in 2H23, providing an early indication that customers are finding this disruptive car loan model attractive. Secured arrears 0% at 31 July. Stellare 2.0: Expected to further boost attractiveness with features such as money in seconds and targeted experience enhancements. Car market: Large market, not historically a focus for Harmoney's unsecured loan offering, where interest rates are typically higher than secured loans. Disrupting the car finance experience Jesse M. 01/02/2023 Quick and easy with a very mobile friendly website. Verified A Customer H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 23#24Expanding product offering - Stellare 2.0 Marketing Intelligence ENHANCEMENT Customer Profile & Process Loan Management • Stellare 2.0 is the next evolution of our proprietary software platform, providing expanded technical and product capability. This enhancement will reduce the time to market for innovative financial products, operating alongside our deep consumer data, machine learning algorithms and sophisticated credit scoring models to provide a new experience and a wider offering to customers. An initial feature will approve more customers in the $2k - $15k enquiry range, which Stellare 1.0 is not calibrated towards. Higher conversion into loans has a 140% multiplier effect as those customers later return for future borrowing needs with minimal customer acquisition cost due to Harmoney's consumer-direct business model. Credit Decisioning Stellare 2.0 Affordability Assessment Funding Non-prime accounts Machine Learning Data Flow & Intelligence Prospecting 10,000 per month avg. New customer accounts Existing Initial feature uplift H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 Prime accounts 24 24#25Stellare 2.0 is now live . . Stellare 2.0, the next generation of our proprietary technology platform, Launched to select new customers in Australia on 18 August 2023. Provides a world class customer experience with 100% straight-through processing, and money in seconds. Built by our in-house product & technology teams with phase 1 of the Australian launch delivered in just 9 months, by existing team. H Thanks for connecting your bank statements! Added bank statements ANZ Everyday ANZ Success 123-456-78910-000 . World class agile and flexible architecture enabling faster speed to market for enhancements and new products. ANZ Everyday Success ANZ 123-456-78910-000 H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 CBA GoalSaver Commonwealth Bank Success of Australia 123-456-78910-000 CONTINUE 25#26Outlook Interest rates & asset quality Ability to pass through targeted interest rate increases to maintain 9-10% net interest margin. Funding costs managed with a diversified funding panel of three Big 4 banks and three mezzanine funders with 76% of borrowings hedged. High quality diversified loan book 74% employed in either professional, office or trades roles, low arrears rate. Medium term growth Harmoney consumer-direct model is taking market share from banks in $143bn Australian market. Working with Google to implement leading Al technology to further enhance customer experience, lowering CAC and further reducing cost to income ratio. Harmoney targeting a 20% ROE (Cash NPAT/Equity) run rate in FY25. FY24 outlook 1H24 Stellare 2.0 rollout Focus on Stellare 2.0 rollout will result in lower 1H24 Cash NPAT, but set up for significant growth in 2H24 and future years. 2H24 Acceleration Loan book is expected to grow in 1H24, then materially accelerate from 2H24 after Stellare 2.0 is fully rolled out across both countries. H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 26 26#27Harmoney Appendix H HARMONEY 2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 27#28$744m Loan Book Loan purpose Debt consolidation -31% Home improvements - 19% Life events 14% ⚫Recreation - 13% Vehicle -11% Other -12% Residential Status Renting Home Owner Living with Parents Boarding Other Supplied by Employer Region Australia - NSW/ACT -15% Australia - QLD - 13% Australia - VIC-11% Australia - Other - 10% NZ - Auckland - 18% NZ - North Island (ex. Akl) -22% NZ - South Island -11% Employment status Office - 35% Trade - 20% Professional 19% Others -17% Self-Employed - 5% Unskilled - 3% Home -1% Age of Customers 70+ 60-69 50-59 40-49 30-39 20-29 18-19 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 0% 25 AUGUST 2023 10% 20% 30% 28#29Profit and loss Year ended Year ended 30 June 2023 $'000 30 June 2022 Change Change % $'000 Interest income Other income Total income Interest expense Incurred credit losses Risk adjusted income 105,539 68,943 36,596 53% 1,534 3,877 (2,343) (60%) 107,073 72,820 34,253 47% 39,824 18,122 21,702 120% 24,552 10,611 13,941 131% 42,697 44,087 (1,390) (3%) Movement in expected credit loss provision 7,827 14,856 (7,029) (47%) Risk adjusted income after expected credit loss provision 34,870 29,231 5,639 19% Customer acquisition expenses 12,316 20,716 (8,400) (41%) Net operating income 22,554 8,515 14,039 165% Personnel expenses 10,993 9,809 1,184 12% Share based payment expenses 1,937 2,744 (807) (29%) Customer servicing expenses 6,174 5,166 1,008 20% Technology expenses 4,816 4,179 637 15% General and administrative expenses 3,670 4,042 (372) (9%) Depreciation and amortisation expenses 2,545 1,349 1,196 89% Operating expenses 30,135 27,289 2,846 10% Profit/(Loss) before income tax (7,581) (18,774) 11,193 60% Income tax (expense) / benefit n/a Profit/ (Loss) after income tax Non-cash adjustments (7,581) (18,774) 11,193 60% Movement in expected credit loss provision Share based payment expenses Depreciation and amortisation expenses Cash NPAT 1 7,827 14,856 (7,029) (47%) 1,937 2,744 (807) (29%) 2,545 4,728 1,349 175 1,196 4,553 89% >500% 1 Cash NPAT provides a more accurate representation of the underlying profitability of the business, adjusting for the impact of non-cash items, most significantly the movement in expected credit loss provision of $7.8m in FY23, which is a non-cash provision for credit losses that may occur in future financial years from the existing loan book. With GAAP requiring recognition of an expected credit loss provision expense immediately on origination of a new loan, without any indication of loan impairment and significantly ahead of recognition of the interest income priced to compensate for the expected level of credit loss risk, the expected credit loss provision expense will suppress statutory net profit during periods of loan book growth, all other things being equal. HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 29#30Key operating and financial metrics Loan book value and growth Total originations ($'000) New customer originations ($'000) Existing customer originations ($'000) Loan book (period end) ($'000) Loan book (average) ($'000) Average interest rate (%) Average funding rate (%) Net interest income (%) Risk adjusted income (%) Year ended Year ended 30 June 2023 30 June 2022 Change Change % 426,234 442,540 (16,306) (4%) 253,595 283,607 (30,012) (11%) 172,639 158,933 13,706 9% 744,000 580,971 163,029 28% 683,097 432,501 250,596 58% 15.5% 15.9% (40bps) (40bps) 6.0% 4.5% 150bps 150bps 9.6% 11.8% (220bps) (220bps) 6.0% 9.3% (330bps) (330bps) Loan book quality Incurred credit loss ($'000) 24,552 10,611 13,941 131% Incurred credit loss to average gross loans (%) 3.6% 2.5% Provision rate (%) 4.9% 4.9% 110bps Obps 110bps Obps Productivity metrics Customer acquisition to origination ratio Costs to income ratio 2.9% 4.7% 28% 37% (180bps) (9%) (180bps) (24%) H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 30#31Cash Flow Year ended 30 June 2023 $'000 Year ended 30 June 2022 $'000 Balance Sheet Cash and cash equivalents 30 June 2023 $'000 30 June 2022 $'000 Cash flows from operating activities Interest received Interest paid Fee income rebated 43,454 56,805 102,558 68,969 Trade and other assets 1,968 1,665 (38,734) (17,233) Finance receivables 745,790 580,309 (1,684) (2,151) Expected credit loss provision (36,919) (28,862) Payments to suppliers and employees (38,203) (44,612) Property and equipment 3,717 352 Net cash generated by operating activities 23,937 4,973 Intangible assets 11,568 8,524 Deferred tax assets 8,467 8,269 Cash flows from investing activities Derivative financial instruments 7,677 7,848 Net advances to customers (181,634) (312,612) Total assets 785,722 634,910 Payments for software intangibles and equipment (5,019) Net cash used in investing activities (186,653) (6,284) (318,896) Payables and accruals Borrowings Cash flows from financing activities Provisions Net proceeds from finance receivables borrowings 143,988 285,804 Lease liability Net proceeds from debt financing 5,000 15,000 Total liabilities 6,434 720,503 6,198 564,211 1,524 5,160 3,506 216 731,967 575,785 Principal element of lease payments (474) (828) Net cash generated by financing activities 148,514 299,976 Net assets 53,755 59,125 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 56,805 71,122 Share capital 123,985 123,265 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (14,202) (13,947) Foreign currency translation reserve (367) (1,329) Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 851 (370) Share based payment reserve 3,820 3,146 43,454 56,805 Cash flow hedge reserve 5,416 5,561 Accumulated losses. (79,099) (71,518) Equity 53,755 59,125 H HARMONEY ©2023 FY23 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 25 AUGUST 2023 31

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