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#1kemitraan partnership THE PARTNERSHIP FOR GOVERNANCE REFORM 2000 5000 10000 20000 50000 100000 Protokol Keamanan Melawan Demi Mam dan Kehidupan Annual Report 2021#2TABLE OF CONTENTS 04 VISION & MISSION 06 ACRONYMS 08 MESSAGE FROM FROM THE PARTNERS/ EXECUTIVE BOARD 10 MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 12 2021 HIGHLIGHTS IN NUMBERS 14 OUR PROJECTS IN 2021 18 AREA OF WORK IN 2021 22 ADVANCING ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 24 Protecting The Forests and Peatland 26 Forest Dependent and Customary Communities 27 RIMBA Project Sustainable Business Unit 28 Policy Engagement on Environmental Issues 29 SAGU Project 30 Adaptation Fund Projects 33 Promoting Sustainable Peat Ecosystems 34 Low Emissions Development 40 SECURING DEMOCRATIC & CIVIL RIGHTS 42 Forging New Strategic Partnerships 43 Integrity And Counter-Corruption 44 Asset Tracing and Recovery Governance and Accountability 45 Civic Engagement in Monitoring the Use of Funds for Covid-19 Recovery 46 Protecting The Human Rights Defenders In The Environmental Sector 54 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 56 Strengthening Regional Development Evaluation Through Governance 57 Think Tanks Collaboration to Conduct Effective Climate Action 58 Initiatives and Publications 59 Access Our Public Library Website 60 Our Social Media 61 Our Newsletter 64 PEOPLE, OFFICE AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 64 Staffing Developments and Procurement 65 Finances and Resourcing 65 Information Technology 68 Annex 1 OUR ORGANISATION CHART 68 Annex 2 OUR PEOPLE 72 Annex 3 OUR DONORS & PARTNERS 74 Annex 4 OUR PROJECTS IN 2021 77 Annex 5 SUB-GRANTS CONTRACTED IN 2021 80 Annex 6 OUR PUBLICATIONS 2021 80 Policy Brief Documentary Movie 81 Staff Articles Published in 2021 82 Videos 83 Podcasts 84 Annex 4 2021 Audited Financial Statement KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 3#3Good governance is participatory, consensus-oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows the rule of law. It assures that corruption is minimized, the views of minorities are taken into account and that the Voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-making. VISION SUMUR AKHLAG" ANTISIPASI KEBAKARAN HUTAN LAHAN GAMBUT LOKASI: KELUARAHAN TELUK MERANTI PARIT SMA KECAMATAN TELUK MERANTI KABUPATEN PELALAWAN - RIAU TIKOR To establish fair, democratic and sustainable governance that improves the welfare of Indonesians. MISSION To disseminate, advance and institutionalize the principles of good and clean governance among government, civil society and business, while considering human rights, gender balance, the marginalized and environmental sustainability. KEMITRAAN works on three fronts: Facilitating and consolidating the transformation of governance within the relevant public institutions and strategic actors - building capacity from within. •Strengthening the capacity of civil society to push forward governance reform - applying pressure from without. ⚫Synergizing and harmonizing the strategic actions of governance reform and transformation via a network of partnerships - the multi-stakeholder approach KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 5#4ACRONYMS A AF AIPJ AJI APWF B Balitbang Kemendagri Bappenas Bawaslu C CLUA COP26 COVID-19 CSO D Dirjen OTDA- Kemendagri E Ditjen OTDA - Kemendagri Dirjen Pembangunan Desa dan Perdesaan DFAT ELSAM Adaptation Fund Australia Indonesia Partnership for Justice Aliansi Jurnalis Independen/ Alliance of Independent Journalists Aceh Women's for Peace Foundation Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Home Affairs The Ministry of National Development Planning The Election Supervisory Body Climate and Land Use Alliance UN Climate Change Conference 26 Coronavirus Disease 2019 Civil Society Organization Director General of Regional Autonomy, Ministry of Home Affairs Directorate General of Regional Autonomy, Ministry of Home Affairs The Directorate General of Village and Rural Development The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade The Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy EKPKD-Kemendagri Performance Evaluation and Regional Capacity Building, Ministry of Home Affairs EPPD F FMU G20 Evaluasi Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Daerah/Annual Local Government's Evaluation Fire Management Unit G GCF IDLO ICEL IDRC IFES Ј K IGI ISLA JATAM Kemendagri Kemenkopolhukam KMLU KTH Group of Twenty Green Climate Fund The International Development Law Organization Indonesian Center for Environmental Law International Development Research Centre International Foundation for Election Systems Indonesia Governance Index Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes Jaringan Advokasi Tambang/Mining Advocacy Network Ministry of Home Affairs The Coordinating Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Affairs Knowledge Management and Learning Unit Kelompok Tani Hutan/ Forest Farmers Groups 16 KPG Kawasan Perdesaan Gambut/ Peat Rural Area | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 L LBH M MOU N NDC OTDA OKI Perbup Perdasus PGI Polri R RAD API RPJM RPJMD RPHJP S SGC SGS SOP SLAPP Stranas PK UNCAC Coalition U UNEP UNODC W UNREDD UUCK WALHI Lembaga Bantuan Hukum/Indonesian Legal Aid MoU Nationally Determined Contributions Otonomi Daerah/Regional Autonomy Ogan Komering Ilir District, South Sumatra Peraturan Bupati/Local Government regulations Peraturan Daerah Khusus/Special Regional Regulation Police Governance Index National Police Rancangan Anggaran Dasar Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim/Climate Change Adaptation Regional Action Plan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah/ Mid Term Development Plan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah/Regional Mid Term Development Plan Rencana Pengelolaan Hutan Jangka Panjang/Long Term Forest Management Plan Sustainable Governance Community Sustainable Governance Strategic Standard Operating Procedure Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation The National Strategy for Corruption Prevention Association for the Implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime The United Nations Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja/Job Creation Law The Indonesian Forum for Living Environment О#58 MESSAGE FROM FROM THE PARTNERS/ EXECUTIVE BOARD Prof. Dr. H. Azyumardi Azra, M.Phil., M.A., CBE The Partners Prof. Dr. Valina Singka Subekti, M.Si. Executive Board The COVID-19 pandemic continued to shadow developments in Indonesia during 2021. Following a severe outbreak in the middle of the year, the government was able to reduce daily outbreaks in the fourth quarter, with Indonesia frequently having the lowest rates of new cases per capita in ASEAN. However by the end of 2021 there were signs that the Omicron variant may soon begin to take hold. This pandemic has tested the social and political fabric of nations around the world as well as their economies. The numerous fronts of this testing include violent rejection of health-control regulations, state failure to extend help to vulnerable groups, catastrophic economic recessions, and a pandemic of misinformation. Indonesians showed a readiness to follow the ever-changing norms and regulations controlling the various stages of the pandemic, with fewer protests than witnessed in many Western countries. Levels of vaccination in Indonesia are about on average with the world although were still lower than average across ASEAN. The economy appears to have weathered the worst stages of the crisis with modest economic expansion expected for the year. All these developments suggest Indonesia has been holding up quite well under the circumstances. The rise of authoritarian and even totalitarian models for national development in the world, on the other hand, must be viewed as an existential threat to the constitutional integrity of democratic countries like Indonesia. This development should be seen as a clarion call for solidarity and mutual learning from those nations and peoples committed to the principles of democratic society. The challenges arise in a variety of ways, including on basic issues such as how a society should cope with disinformation in pandemics and hate speech in social media. These are new challenges for all societies to face. How democratic or authoritarian societies deal with these issues can be very different. Blunt tools of mass censorship should not be part of the tool kit for democratic societies. Democratic societies must collaborate and learn together to develop strategic responses to these common difficulties, avoiding "simple" solutions such as mass censorship or even shutting down the internet. Another example of the increase of non-democratic practices is Parliament's rising proclivity to enact bills without conducting genuine public consultations, much less paying attention to community concerns. While the excessive size of governing coalitions have undoubtedly aided this trend in reducing the role of Parliament to expeditious endorser of Government supported legislation, a recent ruling by the Constitutional Court may serve as a wake-up call, reminding us that the legislative process, not just legislative outputs (such as new laws), is crucial. Other developments nationally have also been of concern. The country's long struggle to overcome its challenges of corruption was dealt a blow when the results of Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index showed a major slip for Indonesia for the first time in 20 years. The result reveals that there can be no resting on the laurels of the steady but historic progress that had been made until then. ❝ As part of efforts to best ensure the Important factors to be taken into account will be those associated with key national events of the next couple of years. This will include Indonesia's chairmanship of the G20 during 2022 and its chairmanship of ASEAN during 2023. In 2024 the country is scheduled to undertake its next presidential and parliamentary elections. Finally there remains the ongoing and long term work to confront the challenges of climate change, an area on which KEMITRAAN has been very active for many years, including through maintaining our direct participation in United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP26, conducted in Glasgow, UK. These issues together with confronting a number of the challenges to the democratic constitutional order of the nation and region will be key considerations in developing the Strategic Plan. At this time we would also like to note the passing during 2021 of two stalwarts and founders of KEMITRAAN, future of KEMITRAAN, we have embarked on an exercise to develop our next Strategic Plan through to 2026. At the same time KEMITRAAN was successful in establishing new partnerships with key agencies including at Coordinating Ministry level. Despite the challenges presented by work from home and restricted movements to project sites, KEMITRAAN was able to maintain momentum on a number of its key initiatives including in its work on environmental governance and was also able to mobilize new resources that will enable further work to advance KEMITRAAN's broad agenda. Prof. Dr. H. Azyumardi Azra, M.Phil., M.A., CBE The Partners " namely Prof Jacob Elfinus Sahetapy and Dr Daniel Dhakidae. Their contributions to the formation of modern Indonesia's democratic and legal systems, as well as to providing substance and direction to the growth of KEMITRAAN, should serve as an inspiration to future leaders. With these additional resources including new partnerships, KEMITRAAN concludes 2021 with considerable organisation security and confidence in its future viability and security as a partner to those seeking improvements in the governance of their communities. Prof. Dr. Valina Singka Subekti, M.Si. Executive Board | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 9#6MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The pandemic continued to disrupt the lives of the citizenry, the economy and public life in general during 2021. Unfortunately, a significant number of current KEMITRAAN staff were infected however there were no fatalities. I would, however, note the passing of two of our former colleagues, Dr Sanjaya Utama and Ms Emmy Hafild who sadly did succumb to COVID-19. In addition to the challenges presented by the pandemic Laode M. Syarif, Ph.D Executive Director KEMITRAAN also faced the challenge that several of its major projects concluded at the end of 2020. The organization took this opportunity to prioritize efforts to mobilize funding. In this regard, we developed some 45 concept notes and proposals. A number of these were successful in finding support. By the end of 2021 KEMITRAAN secured funding commitments to the project value at around USD 30,619,463 covering 26 new projects that will be implemented during the years 2022 - 2026. • governance reform and forest and peatland protection efforts, as well as supporting the communities that live there. In addition, KEMITRAAN also passed the recertification audit of ISO 9001:2015 proving that quality management standards have been implemented as per KEMITRAAN'S ISO Quality Objective. At the national level, KEMITRAAN signed new and strategically important Memoranda of Understandings (MoUs) and cooperation/ mutual agreements (Perjanjian Kerjasama/ Perjanjian Kerja Bersama) with several key ministries, namely: the Coordinating Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Kemenkopolhukam) in November 2021; ⚫ the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) in August 2021; ❝6 Despite limited opportunities for face- to-face and offline meetings with important stakeholders in 2021, KEMITRAAN was able to retain high-level networking and relationships with the international community, as well as key stakeholders at the national and sub-national levels. 10 At the international level, KEMITRAAN qualified for, and was acceptable as, an Ordinary National Member Organization of the UNCAC (United Nations Convention against Corruption) Coalition on 9 September 2021. This is a significant step towards advancing international cooperation in the fight against corruption. KEMITRAAN was also re-accredited by key international environmental funding programs, namely the Green Climate Fund and the Adaptation Fund. KEMITRAAN is the only Indonesian organization to be accredited by both of these funding programs. This enables us to continue and grow our portfolio of environmental | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 the Director General of Regional Autonomy, Ministry of Home Affairs (Dirjen Otda- Kemendagri) in April 2021; and ⚫ the Directorate General of Village and Rural Development (Dirjen Pembangunan Desa dan Perdesaan) - Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration. At the sub-national level, KEMITRAAN continued to work closely with provincial and district/city authorities and local non-government partners through several programmatic interventions. KEMITRAAN secured political buy-in from leaders in these local authorities for these programmes through MoUs. Work has progressed through to becoming draft local government regulations (Peraturan Bupati), and draft Head of District's Circular Letters (Surat Keputusan Bupati). These are the following programs: The integrated prevention of forest fires in Pelalawan - Riau, Pulang Pisau - Central Kalimantan and Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) - South Sumatera. • Climate Adaptation Programmes in Pekalongan-Central Java, the Saddang River area and Bulukumba District in South Sulawesi. Partnering with relevant Government Ministries/Agencies, KEMITRAAN concluded a new Indonesia Governance Index in 6 pilot areas: • 2 provinces (Jawa Barat & Gorontalo), . • 2 cities (Tangerang City & Mojokerto City) ⚫ 2 districts (Bone Bolango, Gorontalo & Sleman, Yogyakarta) This constitutes an external validation tool for the Evaluation of Local Government Implementation (EPPD-Evaluasi Penyelenggaran Pemerintahan Daerah) managed by the Directorate General for Regional Autonomy, Ministry of Home Affairs. The pilot expands traditional fields of evaluation of KEMITRAAN's IGI to include a stronger focus on administrative coherence in the regions concerned. This project with the directorate general aims to strengthen the EPPD instrument in emphasizing a contribution to the implementation of the National Strategy for Corruption Prevention (Stranas PK). The pilot exercise will feed into a wider effort between the Ministry and KEMITRAAN to improve the EPPD instrument in order to provide recommendations that will help local governments improve their performance. Additionally, KEMITRAAN has commenced work with the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/ Badan Pertanahan Nasional) by conducting stakeholder mapping exercises and identifying potential reforms to current policies and legal and wider regulatory framework aimed at strengthening forest and ecosystem connectivity and management. KEMITRAAN was also able to maintain work on providing capacity building and support to local organizations including the establishment of 32 Forest Farmers Groups (Kelompok Tani Hutan/KTH) together with assessments for 18 villages identified as priority areas for social forestry programmes. The sudden decline in the country's rating and ranking on the global Corruption Perception Index is a matter of great concern. KEMITRAAN remains fully engaged in this national effort to raise the standard of integrity in the public domain. I am pleased to note that among the resources that have been mobilised for programmatic engagements in the next few years do include resources to advance the fight against corruption at national and provincial level. KEMITRAAN continued to play an active role as a facilitator and a meeting point of civil society organisations in Indonesia. In this regard KEMITRAAN led a CSO coalition in the discussions of several important government policies, including the impact of Constitutional Court decision regarding the Job Creation Law (Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja/UUCK). KEMITRAAN also led intensive discussions on climate change related issues with the government, civil society and private sector, especially on the issue of adaptation. In addition to the positive progress we made this year, there are still areas where significant work needs to be undertaken. Rates of project delivery were lower than KEMITRAAN's usual standards, and not all can be ascribed to the impact of the COVID-19. There is still more work to be undertaken in the area of communications through developing more sophisticated engagement on social media platforms such as connecting project work and findings with wider constituencies. We initiated a significant resource mobilization initiative to ensure the long-term viability of KEMITRAAN's programs, and we were successful in collecting assistance from several established and new partners. This resource mobilization effort was especially successful in securing resources that reach across KEMITRAAN's entire portfolio of priorities. Taking into account the progress made on longer-term institutional sustainability, together with a focus on redressing the challenges, we believe that KEMITRAAN concludes 2021 with great resilience and is well positioned to develop further its ongoing and new initiatives into the coming years. Laode M. Syarif, Ph.D Executive Director KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 11#72021 HIGHLIGHTS IN NUMBERS 23 17 Civil Society Organizations Collaborated with KEMITRAAN 209 13 Books Publications Programme & Projects 4 Key Ministries Signed MoU with KEMITRAAN 15.137+ 6 Pilot Areas for the New Indonesia Governance Index 12 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 Followers on social media Media Exposures 13 12 Videos Articles by Staffs Published on Media 15 3 Policy Briefs Podcasts KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 13 13#8OUR PROJECTS IN 2021 I. Environment & Climate Change OUR PROJECTS IN 2021 NO PROJECT NAME DONOR LOCATION NO PROJECT NAME DONOR LOCATION 1 Bangun Indonesia untuk Jaga Alam demi Keberlanjutan (BIJAK) CHEMONICS Aceh, Lampung, West Java, East Nusa Tenggara, Central Kalimantan, Papua Integrated Fire Management to Reduce Wildfires, Improve Peatlands Management and reduce Greenhouse Gas Emission: 7 UNEP Providing selection of possible legal instruments/tools to form a single-reference of a nationally-wide accepted emission reduction target; Support to the improvement of climate policy coordination, including on how to effectively align and harmonize existing 2 key policy instruments; Generating public interest on the implication of a nationally-wide accepted emission reduction target, including through collaboration actions with other CSOs and selected public figures/influencers Phase I - Strengthening Indonesian Capacity for Anticipatory Peat Fire Management (SIAP Project) Ogan Komering Ilir Regency (South Sumatera), Pelalawan Regency (Riau), Pulang Pisau Regency (Central Kalimantan) 8 CLUA Jakarta Improving access to Community's Alternative Livelihood and Environmental Protection to support Sustainable, Inclusive, and Effective Natural Resource Management in Tanah Papua. CLUA Jakarta, Papua Barat, Papua (ENSHRINEMENT Project) 9 Forestry Programme IV Mamasa GFA/KfW West Sulawesi (Mamasa) 10 Think Climate Indonesia - Organizational Strengthening and Core Research IDRC Jakarta 3 CLUA-Low Emission Development Project Formulation Grant Agreement: ("Enhancing the Adaptation Capability of Coastal Community in Facing the Impacts of Climate Change in Negeri (Village) Asilulu, Ureng and Lima of Leihitu Regency Maluku Tengah Regency Maluku Province" RIMBA Project Inception Phase services contract on the project "Strengthening forest and ecosystem connectivity in RIMBA Adaptation Fund Leihitu District, Maluku Tengah Regency Maluku 11 landscape of central Sumatra through investing in natural capital, biodiversity conservation, and land-based emission reductions" (RIMBA project) UNEP Jakarta, West Java in Indonesia) Project Formulation Grant Agreement: 4 ("Embracing the Sun: Redefining Public Space as a Solution for the Effects of Global Climate Change in Indonesia's Urban Areas" Adaptation Fund Maluku 12 in Indonesia) The "Safekeeping-Surviving-Sustaining towards Resilience: 3S Approach to Build For support for training, technical assistance and other capacity building activities for local government and communities to improve the implementation of social forestry programs at the local level. Enhanced Role of Social Forestry in Effective Green Development Model to Support Indonesia's NDC Ford Foundation Jambi, West Kalimantan, South Sulawesi 5 Coastal City Resilience to Climate Change Impacts and Natural Disasters in Pekalongan City, Central Java Province" Adaptation Fund Pekalongan, Central Java 13 Forest Program V GFA Consulting Group GFA/KfW Development Bank West and East Java 6 14 Project in Indonesia The "Adapting to Climate Change through Sustainable Integrated Watershed Governance in Indigenous People of Ammatoa Kajang Customary Area in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia" Project in Indonesia | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 14 ISLA - Baseline Study Landscape Phase 2 IDH Institute Adaptation Fund Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province Kubu Raya & Ketapang, West Kalimantan KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 15 15#9OUR PROJECTS IN 2021 OUR PROJECTS IN 2021 II. Rule of Law, Anticorruption, Human Rights, and Inclusivity III. Decentralization and Public Service NO PROJECT NAME DONOR LOCATION NO PROJECT NAME DONOR LOCATION Boosting Rule of Law, Integrity and Democratic Strengthening MOHA Research Unit's Governance through Civic Engagement [BRIDGE]: Safeguarding the Integrity of 1 COVID-19 Recovery Fund Management in 1 AIPJ/ CARDNO Indonesia through the Empowerment of Law Enforcement Agencies, Governments and Civil Society Program East Java, Southeast Sulawesi, Bali, North Sumatera, Jakarta Capacity through Developing A Multi-Sectoral Governance Composite Index PLAN C DKI Jakarta 2 Pengukuran Kinerja Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi dan Kabupaten/ Kota APBN- Kemendagri DKI Jakarta 2 Protecting Human Rights Defenders for Sustainable Development in Indonesia Netherlands Embassy West Sumatera, South Sumatera, Jakarta, Central Java, East Java, Central Sulawesi, North Sulawesi SIAGA-ECO (Strategic Initiative on Asset Tracing and 3 U.S. Department South Sumatera, Recovery Governance and Accountability in of State Central Sulawesi, and Northeast Sulawesi Environmental Crimes and Corruption) Technical Assistance on UUCK RPP on 4 GGGI DKI Jakarta Environment & Forestry Towards Sustainable & Inclusive Natural 5 Resources Management under Job Norway West Java, Central Kalimantan Creation Law 16 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 IV. Public Outreach NO 1 PROJECT NAME To support the creation of communication campaigns in Indonesia that leverage audience segmentation research (part of COMPACT Leadership Journey - Audience-centered Comms) CLUA-Communication Impact/COMPACT E ENVIRONMENTAL DONOR LOCATION CLUA DKI Jakarta SG SOCIAL GOVERNANCE KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 17 11#10AREA OF WORK IN 2021 Aceh North Sumatera West Sumatera Riau Jambi Bengkulu Riau Islands South Sumatera Lampung Bangka Belitung Islands West Kalimantan Central Kalimantan East Kalimantan West Sulawesi South Kalimantan Banten DKI West Java Central Java East Java DIY Bali West Nusa Tenggara Central Sulawesi North Sulawesi North Maluku Gorontalo Maluku South Sulawesi Southeast Sulawesi East Nusa Tenggara West Papua kemitraan partnership Papua THE PARTNERSHIP FOR GOVERNANCE REFORM KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 19#11ADVANCING ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Photo: doc. iStock Photos#12ADVANCING ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 22 Through a variety of initiatives, projects, and policy forums, KEMITRAAN continues its long-standing work in 2021 to advance environmental governance changes and the economic empowerment of marginal communities that depend on the forest. In part, as a reflection of this experience KEMITRAAN re-secured its accreditation to two key international environmental funding programs, namely the Green Climate Fund and the Adaptation Fund, the first Indonesian institution to do so. The Glasgow Climate Pact and the Paris Rulebook were two of the more notable outcomes of the COP summit held in Glasgow in late 2021. There were also new steps forward focused on reducing emissions of methane and the agreement to transition towards zero emissions | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 automobiles. This latter development will be very important in further boosting Indonesia's efforts to promote the manufacturing and utilization of electric vehicles. The commitment by 137 nations, including Indonesia, to stop and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030 was of special relevance to KEMITRAAN's activities in the forestry and related sectors. As well as pledges from investment firms to stop funding ventures connected to deforestation. All these steps, while positive, nonetheless do not represent sufficient results to ensure global warming can be contained to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Much more work must be undertaken to raise the impact of agreements. Highlights 1 3 LO KEMITRAAN facilitated the creation of Generasi Nol Emisi (Zero Emissions Generation) on Instagram. This is a digital activist youth network to reduce greenhouse gas emission through simple everyday actions. Up to December 2021, the account has gained 1061 followers. 6 2 The Social Forestry Business Community established through the Saddang Watershed Project in South Sulawesi funded by the Adaptation Fund has begun harvesting kemiri for export to Hong Kong. Village enterprises supported through the BP-Bintuni project have also developed to the point of undertaking commercial activities based on several commodities. 4 New cluster system in 3 districts (Ogan Komering Ilir in South Sumatra, Pelalawan in Riau, Pulang Pisau in Central Kalimantan) that integrates collaboration between local authorities and communities is showing promise as an approach to reduce the incidence and extent of damage caused by forest fires in their regions. MoU signing with the Governor of South Sulawesi and the Consortium Kapabel regarding Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Support to the province. 6 Implemented institutional design process in 3 (three) Peat Hydrological Units (PHUS), aimed at reaching consensus on peatland management with and among stakeholders and mapping traditional governance by coordinating through Desa Peduli Gambut (Care for Peat Village to support the Peatlands Restoration Agency (BRG). Worked with nine separate communities including two customary communities to prepare their claims to secure social forestry permits in three provinces, namely Jambi, West Kalimantan and South Sulawesi. The proposed permit areas cover 3,880 hectares. KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 23#13Advancing Environmental Sustainability Protecting The Forests and Peatland on forest fire prevention. Additional efforts could also be deployed to strengthen enforcement particularly against recalcitrant corporations that engage in forest fires including through freezing assets. In 2021, KEMITRAAN began collaborating with the Government, Kishugu (an international partner from South Africa focusing on integrated fire management), the IPB University, UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) and USAID through the Strengthening Indonesian Capacity for Anticipatory Peat Fire Management (SIAP-IFM) program. This program seeks to change the focus from controlling forest and land fires to preventing them. The field work for the program has been concentrated in the districts of Ogan Komering Ilir in South Sumatra, Pelalawan in Riau and Pulang Pisau in Central Kalimantan. Key objectives focus on preventing fires and managing any Training for trainers to build The Akhlag well in Pelalawan, Riau. It is the source of water during fire but also an effective way to create water stocks in peatlands and retain soil moisture on dry seasons that break out in regions by applying a cluster system engaging local communities and authorities in developing effective regulations that enable better forest fire control. During 2021 key activities included conducting a series of workshops and also training sessions to build the capacity of stakeholders to design institutional arrangements for communities to address their forest fire challenges. By the end of the year regulations in the three districts had been drafted and discussed with relevant stakeholders. 24 El Nino weather events usually produce low levels of rain in Indonesia and invariably produce higher rates of fires. On the other hand, regardless of the current weather patterns, activities related to land use and land-use change have a significant impact. Redressing the dangers of forest fires includes a combination of several approaches, namely increased patrolling of forested areas to prevent fires, quick response to any fires, more aggressive prosecution of those responsible for fires, improved management of peatland ecosystems and seeking permanent solutions to undermine any incentives that encourage forest fires. KEMITRAAN's role in addressing the challenges of forest fires received special focus and attention by the Parliamentary Commission that covers the environment, forestry and peatlands (Commission IV). In June 2021 KEMITRAAN | Kemitraan Annual Report 2021 | was invited to share its experiences and recommendations in dealing with forest fires. A core message from KEMITRAAN was the need to invest more effort and resources in preventing rather than extinguishing fires. This prevention agenda could be advanced through such technical adjustments as establishing a dedicated budget line for local authorities focused DARIHUANG KOMISI IV SIDANG N THE PARTNERSHIP KEMITRAAN attending virtual Public Hearing Meeting to prevent land and fores fires on June 28, 2021 FOR GOVERNANCE REFORM 66 "The progress of SIAP IFM is quite successful. KEMITRAAN has the expertise in working together with the South-South cooperation program and the advisors from South Africa and UNEP to facilitate this. The biggest achievement from the program is each district now has developed a cluster system with integrated fire management and local government plan. We are hopeful this system can be replicated in other areas in Indonesia to prevent land and forest fires." -Johan Keift Senior Regional Advisor Asia-Pacific on Green Economy UNEP 99 Photo: doc. UNEP KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 25 25#14Advancing Environmental Sustainability Forest Dependent and Customary Communities Advancing Environmental Sustainability RIMBA Project The RIMBA Ecosystem Connectivity Project (RIMBA) is supported by UNEP. This KEMITRAAN project, focused in the hinterlands of central Sumatera, partners with Ministry of Lands and Spatial Planning (ATR). RIMBA aims to protect biodiversity and to increase carbon stocks across the RIMBA critical landscape of heartland of central Sumatera, this is done by enhancing forest ecosystem connectivity through green economic development. Work on the program has included desk top dan baseline assessments. Photo: doc. Unsplash The signing of Barambang Katute indigenous forest determination A separate, but related set of KEMITRAAN initiatives related to the environment, focus on the livelihoods and land rights of forest dependent communities including customary communities. KEMITRAAN has been a prime supporter of the Government's social forestry program under which forest dependent communities are able to apply for and obtain permits to manage and exploit the forests near their communities. The Government has a target of allocating 12.7 million hectares under social forestry permits by 2024. To the end of 2021 a total of 4.7 million hectares had been allocated. This last figure included approximately one million hectares of indicative customary community forests. Partnering with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry together with the Ford Foundation, KEMITRAAN conducts a number of activities to support communities prepare their proposals for social forestry permits as well as develop enterprises once these permits have been secured. The program works with three provinces namely Jambi, West Kalimantan and South Sulawesi. With regards to the district of Sinjai in South Sulawesi, KEMITRAAN has worked with a local customary community in its efforts to seek official recognition as a Legal Customary Community. During 2021 KEMITRAAN worked with nine separate communities including two customary communities to prepare their claims to secure social forestry permits. These communities engage three provinces and with proposed permit areas covering 3,880 hectares. In conclusion, and if the permissions for these most recent 3,880 hectares are approved, our support accounts for more than 18 percent of all social forestry lands. If this number is combined with the 850,000 hectares in social forestry permits that KEMITRAAN has helped promote since 2007. In addition, KEMITRAAN works closely with the social forestry working groups that operate in each of the three provinces in which KEMITRAAN is active with the program with a focus on compiling data bases on social forestry activities in each province. Advancing Environmental Sustainability Sustainable Business Unit In the Bintuni region of West Papua KEMITRAAN with support of BP has worked to support the capacity building of Government Officials and Civil Society Organizations. This project emphasized the involvement with local authorities at the kabupaten (district) level together with communities to both create improvements in local governance as well as to encourage communities at village level to create village level enterprises as part of efforts to raise local incomes and employment opportunities. During this time BP-Bintuni project was able to work with the local authorities to strengthen the integration of electronic based sub- national financial budgeting and planning, the development of Perdasus Dana Bagi Hasil Kabupaten Bintuni (special local government regulation on revenue sharing), Teluk Bintuni and Fak-Fak Governance Index. Facilitation on the implementation of development planning and coordination, and the provision of technical assistance to the sub-national development planning agency of Fak-Fak District. Opening Ceremonial for Local Government Agencies and Development Plan Deliberation Forum Fakfak Regency for Fiscal Year 2021 26 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 27 27#15Advancing Environmental Sustainability Policy Engagement on Environmental Issues Advancing Environmental Sustainability SAGU Project doc. iStock Photos E # 28 Arguably, the most significant piece of legislation to impact the environmental and forestry sectors in recent years has been the omnibus Work Creation Law (UUCK). This was Indonesia's first attempt at passing a complex omnibus type law. The UUCK impacts upon over 80 different pieces of legislation from across all sectors of the economy. The fundamental intent of the law is to streamline administrative processes and create a better regulatory framework to encourage investment and new sources of employment. In seeking to create so many breakthroughs, and in record time of deliberation together with early progress in enacting dozens of implementing regulations the UUCK has been very controversial. While the intensity of public consultation on this important law was compressed in terms of time, KEMITRAAN collaborated closely with several other civil society and community organizations in order to ensure that the rights, interests and concerns of forest dependent | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 communities were not abrogated. The focus of work following the enactment has focused on the complexities of implementing regulations, including support for framing a Presidential Regulation on the Acceleration of Social Forestry. Additional chances to focus on a number of issues have arisen as a result of the Constitutional Court's decision to declare the UUCK "unconstitutional conditionally" in November 2021. Especially with regard to the subject of making sure that communities are consulted over potential investments in their areas and that environmental protection rules are upheld. In the meantime, the UUCK Project has continued to provide technical assistance activities with Provincial Governments in synchronizing national forest management plans under UUCK into provincial development programs and plans (RPJMD, RPHJP). A woman in Papua is making sago during the Care for Peat Village project The SAGU, Sustainable Peatland Management in Western Pacific Region, Project is a regional project that in Indonesia is focused especially in the provinces of West Kalimantan, West Papua and Papua. The project aims to limit the degradation and loss of peatland ecosystems in lowland and upland landscapes of the big multi-nation islands of Borneo and New Guinea. This work is supported by Germany's Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and International Climate Initiative (IKI). KEMITRAAN's role as a SAGU Project implementing partner is to bring its expertise on inclusive peatland governance, sustainable peatland management, and social and livelihood development. The objective of this partnership in the preparation phase is to create a detailed agreement on the full proposal package, and in particular on KEMITRAAN's role and budget for implementation of the SAGU project. Work has focused thus far on preparatory work including sub-national consultations as well as regional exchanges and coordination meetings with teams from Malaysia and Papua New Guinea. In addition, KEMITRAAN has identified and collected preliminary baseline information in West Kalimantan and Papua on the conditions of peatland ecosystems including peatland degradation, barriers and challenges. THE PARTNERSHIP FOR GOVERNANCE REFORM | Kemitraan Annual Report 2021 | 29 29#16Advancing Environmental Sustainability Adaptation Fund Projects RUMAH BIBIT "BUKA" KELOMPOK TANI HUTAN Masyarakat (TLKM) and consists of Yayasan Alumni Kehutanan Unhas (YAKU); Puslitbang National Heritage, Biodiversity, and Climate Change, Universitas Hasanuddin, Kanopi Hijau and Bumi Lestari. Nursery establishment in South Sulawesi Planting 25,000 mangroves as a disaster mitigation effort in the coastal area of the Saddang river basin which has the potential for sea abrasion and river ablation A key element to the success of efforts to protect forests is to ensure there are co- benefits to communities dependent upon those forests and peatlands. KEMITRAAN has long championed an approach that combines efforts to enhance environmental protection with providing support to resident communities to increase their own standards of living sustainably. We work together with the Adaptation Fund, an international agency that manages funds to support developing countries deal with climate change. a. Saddang Project in South Sulawesi A very good example of this process in action can be found from the work of KEMITRAAN with authorities and communities in the Saddang River area in northern South Sulawesi. Some of this work recently has been in partnership with the Adaptation Fund through the Saddang Watershed Project. Among the key economic development and empowerment initiatives to emerge from this program has been the development and export of kemiri a form of hazelnut native to the forests in this region. The first export market to penetrate was Hong Kong. Over the years KEMITRAAN's work has included support for social forestry and recognition of Customary Land Rights. More recently KEMITRAAN also supports these communities to reach international markets for produce indigenous to their lands. KEMITRAAN signed an MOU with the Governor of South Sulawesi and the Consortium Kapabel regarding Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Support to the province. The consortium is led by the Yayasan Tim Layanan Kehutanan "This program increases the internal capacity of our institution. It helped our team members launch a program in 2016 that focused on developing concepts and strategies, implementing programs, and improving communication and coordination with a variety of stakeholders at the district and provincial levels." "We also develop skills through exploring the notion of climate change adaptation, which is rarely discussed. Our program's Climate Change Adaptation Regional Action Plan (RAD API) has recently been launched in B. PINP Salipolo South Sulawesi, and it's the first time it's been executed. We hope that future collaboration with KEMITRAAN will enable us to build programs in a short amount of time, with limited resources, to achieve substantial goals." -Much. Ichwan Director of Yayasan Tim Layanan Kehutanan Masyarakat (member of Kapabel consortium) 99 Photo: doc. UNEP Program socialization in Bulukumba b. Bulukumba Project in South Sulawesi Another Adaptation Fund project, also focused in South Sulawesi, works with government and communities in the Bulukumba Regency in protecting three watersheds within the realm of the Ammatoa-Kajang indigenous community of that region. This project supports the development of a Watershed Forum in the region. This has included support to the establishment of "urban farming" approaches in some 14 villages focused on production of fruit and vegetables. 30 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 31#17c. Pekalongan Project in Central Java NONTON DAN DISHUSI BARENG FILM SEMESTA " Advancing Environmental Sustainability Promoting Sustainable Peat Ecosystems KEMITRAAN is also partnering with UNEP and Wageningen University from the Netherlands to support peatlands restoration in Indonesia. The project seeks to enhance the sustainable use of natural resources and food security through improving peatland governance and promoting sustainable peatland business activities to reduce peat fires. Throughout the project, KEMITRAAN implemented institutional design process in 3 (three) Peat Hydrological Units (PHUS), aimed at reaching consensus on peatland management with and among stakeholders and mapping traditional governance by coordinating through Desa Peduli Gambut (Care for Peat Village program) conducted by KEMITRAAN to support the Peatlands Restoration Agency (BRG). This project also developed land and peat use scenarios with stakeholders and link these to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and BRG's peatland scenario and lessons learnt from their ongoing and completed activities. The LANDSKAP Project produced a knowledge base for peatland management (Peat Hydrological Unit) to permit evidence-based decision making, following an account approach (NCA), involving ecosystem accounts with condition, extent, service and enforcement of peat management regulations and opportunities for better peat management. The youth participants after the screening of Semesta in Pekalongan On climate change adaptation KEMITRAAN has maintained its close partnership with support of the Adaptation Fund with the authorities and community of Pekalongan City on the north coast of Central Java. Many communities of this city already face the challenge of frequent tidal flooding. The problems impact on people's health and their quality of life, particularly among the youth as the future leaders. Therefore, it is crucial to raise awareness of climate change to the local youth. BB On December 6-7, 2021 KEMITRAAN initiated the screening of the movie Semesta in Pekalongan. The event was attended by around 200 youth from all over the city. The movie captured the story of seven people from seven different provinces in Indonesia that help fight climate change based upon their customary behavior and faith. Following the film's screening, the audience discussed what they could do to combat climate change. This activity has served as a catalyst for future initiatives by KEMITRAAN aimed at getting local youth involved in climate change The mayor of Pekalongan City, HA Afzan Arslan MUDA Djunaid, attended the first day of the movie screening and stated, "This climate crisis awareness activity for the youth is critical in supporting the Pekalongan City Government's efforts. We sincerely hope that the youth of Pekalongan will start to act with climate change adaptation initiatives. The future of Pekalongan city is in their hands!" -HA Afzan Arslan Djunaid The mayor of Pekalongan City Photo: doc. UNEP On Tuesday, February 3,2021, Riau Governor Syamsuar planted geronggang trees at Raja Kecik Tourism Beach in Muntai Barat Village, Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency. The Bengkalis coast contains peatlands that were previously unproductive and prone to fire, but are now productive Photo: doc. 99 32 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 33#18Advancing Environmental Sustainability Low Emissions Development Photo: doc. iStock Photo 34 KEMITRAAN, in tandem with other partners, has been supporting policy advocacy under the umbrella of Low Emission Development. This included early work on Valuing Carbon. This formed the foundation for the recently issued Presidential Regulation on Economic Value of Carbon (Carbon Pricing). The project subsequently continued with a project focused on Strengthening Nationally wide Emission Reduction Targets through Policy Coordination and Collaborative Action, see below. | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 1. Strengthening Nationally wide Emission Reduction Target through Policy Coordination and Collaborative Actions The main objective of this project is to provide policy analysis that support the achievement of the Indonesian emission reduction target of 2030. The analysis identified existing policy gap(s) that needs to be addressed in optimizing the achievement of the above target. Among the most pleasing developments PR PENTING TOMAT COPH TEAM KEMITRAAN joined Climate Crisis Care Community with other CSO to highlight the importance of collaborating in dealing with climate change to emerge during 2021 was with a youth group Generasi Nol Emisi (Zero Emissions Generation - ZEG). ZEG is a digital movement on Instagram initiated in 2020 by KEMITRAAN to involve young people in climate change initiatives through concrete action. ZEG enjoying some early start up support from the KEMITRAAN partnership and is now operating fully autonomously driven by the energetic spirit of voluntarism by the young people who have been at the forefront of the group's evolution. Prior to the establishment of ZEG, KEMITRAAN also formed a communication platform for communities concerned in climate change. This platform utilizes Whatsapp Group as the main communication media. Involved in the communication platform are individuals apart from their engagement with any organization. The platform was intended to be the "market place" for discussing local and international issues around climate change and its development. The idea of forming the ZEG was an indirect result through discussions in this Whatsapp Forum. On September 30, 2021, KEMITRAAN, in partnership with Koprol Iklim, facilitated virtual dialogues with youth representatives of indigenous communities KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 35#192. Increasing Capacity to Run Climate Change Campaigns on Social Media After ZEG is established, KEMITRAAN received advice from CLUA to assist the communication team reach out to more young people through a series of training activities and capacity building. Following the training, KEMITRAAN'S communications team was tasked with launching two pilot projects in the form of brief public campaigns via ZEG. The target for the campaign was young people aged 18-27 in Indonesia. We apply the hashtag #KaumRebahanBuat Perubahan (Chill People Can Make Changes) to trigger the audience in creating small everyday changes to reduce emissions. The first pilot project was launched between July - October 2021. While the second project will be launched in 2022. During the first project, KEMITRAAN engaged with key opinion leaders, created giveaway activities and managed social media paid ads. The content was aimed at informing viewers about greenhouse gas emissions. In reviewing the results of the first pilot project the organic reach of content was 181 percent higher than expected, while the total organic impressions posts exceeded the target by 153 percent. The total number of followers increased by 455 percent. This has proven to be a great resource for KEMITRAAN to run digital campaigns for other projects to amplify impact, especially among the youth. Gak cuma jodoh, kopi juga bakal jadi langka komikonen 409 Keenakan Rebahan bilin Emisi Kebanyakan Some of the content from Generasi Nol Emisi Instagram account 66 "Since college, I've been a part of an organization dedicated to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. One of the SDGs targets that must be achieved in 2030 is SDGs no 13, Climate Action. From there, I'd like to raise public awareness about how critical it is for us to do small actions that will have big influence if many people join these actions to mitigate climate change's effects. Then I became interested in the Zero Emissions Generation movement as a platform for young people to express their concerns to the environment." Wong Galo "Because current activities can be carried out online, I use my personal Instagram account as well as the Zero Emission Generation Instagram account to raise awareness about environmental issues. Since ZEG focuses on carbon emissions, one of the campaigns is to reduce clothing waste. So I frequently encourage my friends to participate in upcycling old clothes. I also adopt a new lifestyle of rarely buying new clothes. I hope Indonesians youth would be more conscious of the importance of protecting the environment. As the earth grows older, we must consider the influence of our actions on the long-term sustainability of life. Small actions can have a significant impact on minimizing climate change on Earth." -Dinda Ayudita 1st Runner Up Puteri Indonesia Bengkulu 2022 Generasi Nol Emisi Ambassador 3. Enhancing Transparency in the Implementation of the Acceleration of Sustainable Development in Tanah Papua through multi stakeholder approach (BERKILAU) The passage of the revision to the Law on Special Autonomy in Papua in 2021 together with the Presidential Regulation on Accelerating Development in Papua (Inpres No.9/2020) provide a new impetus to efforts to raise the standards of living of the people and the quality of governance across Papua. KEMITRAAN has begun working with provincial authorities in both West Papua and Papua to identify many of the regulations that will need to be revised to take advantage of these national level initiatives with a focus on promoting low carbon development. At the same KEMITRAAN has been coordinating with three key national level agencies, namely the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry together with the National Development Planning Agency, BAPPENAS. 36 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 Photo: doc. UNEP 99 KEMITRAAN supported representatives of CSOs in Papua and West Papua to learn how to calculate carbon KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 37#20SECURING DEMOCRATIC & CIVIL RIGHTS Photo: doc. iStock Photos#21SECURING DEMOCRATIC & CIVIL RIGHTS KEMITRAAN's Division of Democratic Justice Governance & Regionalization welcomed Dr Rifqi Assegaf as its new director during 2021. He brings a wealth of experience working both within Government and also with civil society. The slow but steady threats to the basic democratic, civil and even human rights of the citizenry over the past decade that has been outlined earlier in this report demand a vigorous engagement by KEMITRAAN in these areas of governance. To advance democratic governance, KEMITRAAN has sustained engagement with the legislative branch of government to strengthen inclusive policy making process through constructive engagement between civic and political actors. This has included working to improve inter-party dialogue in the parliament through Forum Inspirasi. It has also meant seeking to improve the understanding of politicians (MP candidates) of the importance of aligning political ideology of political parties into political party manifesto and individual political manifesto as well as strengthening the capacity of parliamentary faction experts on policy and budget analysis. KEMITRAAN has continued to work closely with law enforcement agencies especially the KPK and the Office of the Attorney General, AGO. A key area of focus has been on strengthening the Asset Recovery Office in the AGO through improvement of guidelines on asset recovery and expansion of structure that reflect the emerging challenge on asset recovery. At the same time KEMITRFAAN has been working to Improve the understanding of personnel in relevant law enforcement agencies on electronic evidence and its handling for law enforcement purpose. This has also involved working with law enforcement agencies to Identify gaps between existing national and international legal framework on electronic evidence. In addition, KEMITRAAN has worked with law enforcement agencies to improve inter-agency coordination through the establishment of digital hub on Asset Recovery. Programmatically there were also important transitions with the conclusion of the Human 40 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 Rights Defenders Program which was supported by the Government of the Netherlands. The DFAT- supported Bridge Initiative is also to progressing towards its conclusion, while the IDLO-led SIAGA- ECO program is set to conclude during the next year. In addition to the conclusion of some programs during 2021 there were also important new initiatives that commenced. All of these changes were managed in an atmosphere impacted by the COVID-19 management restrictions including direct collegial contact. While modern communication technologies are extremely valuable and well deployed, nothing can replace, certainly at initial stages of team integration, direct engagement at the work place. This has impacted on the ease of building a solid team focus integrated into the wider work environment of KEMITRAAN. With expectations that COVID-19 will become endemic rather than a pandemic in the next year, we are looking forward to building a solid and well-integrated team able to engage across and mutually supporting the whole portfolio of KEMITRAAN. Highlights 1 3 5 Collaborated with 12 CSOS, KEMITRAAN succeeded in empowering 2230 grassroots human rights defenders in environmental sector. The activities were advocacy trainings, knowledge exchange, and joint advocacy. 2 Establishment of an MoU with the Coordinating Ministry of Politics, Law and Security Capacity building of civil society, local journalists and academics in supervising the use of funds for the recovery of COVID-19 in 4 cities: Kendari, Surabaya, Medan and Denpasar. 4 Joined forces as member of global anti- corruption coalition, UNCAC Coalition. Shared anti-corruption knowledge in various events. Including the side event of Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Photo: doc. Unsplash GOVERNANCE 6 Partnershipfer wernance R Environmental corruption as a roadblock to reaching the SDGS-a #COSP9 side event Collaborated with Aliansi Jurnalis Indepeden (AJI), KEMITRAAN managed to hold investigation training in 3 provinces (South Sumatera, Central Sulawesi, and Northeast Sulawesi). KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 41#2242 Securing Democratic & Civil Rights Forging New Strategic Partnerships Securing Democratic & Civil Rights Integrity And Counter-Corruption From left to right: Ajar Budi Kuncoro (Special Staff of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs for Inter-Agency Relations), Laode M. Syarif (Executive Director KEMITRAAN), Mahfud MD (Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs), Tri Soewandono (Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs) and Sugeng Purnomo (Deputy for Coordination of Law and Human Rights) at the signing of the memorandum of understanding between KEMITRAAN and the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (3/11). 10 An important step for KEMITRAAN in institutionalizing partnerships with key agencies of government was achieved in 2021 through the establishment of an MoU with the Coordinating Ministry of Politics, Law and Security. The MoU entitled Support in the Implementation of Coordination, Synchronization, and Control in the Political, Legal, and Security Sector. Following the signing we have begun to develop a working program for the future and scoping out specific areas where KEMITRAAN will partner with the Ministry. This will cover areas such as promoting means to defend the democratic gains of the past generation from degradation both in terms of democratic institutions as well as the civil liberties of the citizenry. KEMITRAAN is also working with the National Development Planning Agency, BAPPENAS, together with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC, to provide input to Indonesia's forthcoming Mid Term Development Plan (RPJM/Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah). One key focus of this work is on sharpening the focus on criminal justice reform with the RPJM. At the signing ceremony on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Prof Mahfud MD stated that: "Strengthening good governance is intended to be a collaborative effort that utilizes the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs and KEMITRAAN's capacities and resources to contribute to the advancement of governance, particularly in the areas of politics, law, and security." -Prof Mahfud MD | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 ДД At the same time KEMITRAAN is pleased to note that it was chosen to lead work on a new program supported by USAID, namely the USAID INTEGRITAS Project. This program is a five year program valued at approximately USD 10 million. Through this program KEMITRAAN will lead a consortium of partners including Indonesia Corruption Watch, Transparency International - Indonesia and the Swiss based Basel Institute on Governance. The key areas of focus in this program will be on preventing corruption through boosting civic engagement and promoting integrity in public and private sectors. This program seeks to strengthen the national effort to fight corruption by advancing progress on the critical issue of corruption prevention. During 2021 KEMITRAAN was accepted as a member of the UNCAC Photo: doc. iStock Photo Coalition, a 350 member alliance of civil society organizations from across 100 nations of the world. KEMITRAAN is the second Indonesian civil society organization to be accepted. This Coalition was established in 2006 a year after the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) entered into force as an effort globally by civil society to advance the work of the Convention. KEMITRAAN has also been chosen by the International Foundation for Election Systems, IFES, to support its regional anti- corruption initiative. Through this project KEMITRAAN will expand its network of partners in other ASEAN countries including the Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam. KEMITRAAN sees great value in forging partnerships with organizations in our region that work on a range of governance reform related issues including on integrity and countering corruption. KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 43#23Securing Democratic & Civil Rights Asset Tracing and Recovery Governance and Accountability Workshop Jurnalis Pelembang - All Indonesia PROTOKOL KEAMANAN. MITIGASI, DAN RISIKO HUKUM DALAM PELIPUTAN INVESTIGASI ISU KORUPSI SDA Securing Democratic & Civil Rights Civic Engagement in Monitoring the Use of Funds for Covid-19 Recovery Fadli Aksar - Nia Kemitraan sahdar-ibrahim Hybrid Investigation Report Training in Palembang, South Sumatera The Strategic Initiative on Asset Tracing and Recovery Governance and Accountability in Environmental Crimes and Corruption, SIAGA-ECO project build upon KEMITRAAN's previous work on raising the capacity of state agencies to trace and recover assets lost to criminal activities such as corruption. This project has focused on assets tracing and recovery with regards to losses 66 Investigation Reporting Training in Palu, Central Sulawesi in environmentally sensitive areas such as forests, and forest production areas. During 2021 the project worked closely with the Assets Recovery Centre of the Office of the Attorney General as well as the Director General for the Environment and Forestry of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The work focused on training and case assistance with a focus on the forestry sector. "The most impressive information from this training for me was concerning gender, which Mbak Shinta, as a resource and mentor, explained. This material appeals to me because it demonstrates how natural resource corruption can have an impact on gender, particularly among women and children. The speakers' presentations greatly facilitated me in conducting a more in-depth and extensive research into natural resource corruption. Basically, this writing investigation report on corruption is quite risky. But my mentor, was very persistent in assisting me, so the investigation that I conducted went well. I am grateful for the journalistic training that KEMITRAAN has organized in partnership with AJI. This training broadens the perspective of journalists involved in the process, on their assignment in the field." -Yuliani (Participant for Investigative Reporting Training, Contributor for from Musi Banyuasin District, South Sumatera) M The Boosting Rule of Law, Integrity and Democratic Governance through Civic Engagement, BRIDGE, program supported by DFAT continued with its pivot to focus on the COVID-19 pandemic. During the year KEMITRAAN engaged in improving the capacity of civil society, local journalists, and academics to oversee the use of funding for COVID-19 recovery. 99 Citizen Journalism Online Training The participants in this exercise were drawn from four cities namely Kendari in Southeast Sulawesi, Surabaya in East Java, Medan in North Sumatra, and Denpasar in Bali. As part of the efforts to amplify the impact of this initiative, the participants' learning experiences will be documented in a book for distribution to important stakeholders. FREEDOM "All the material presented by the facilitator and mentor was very impressive and interesting. I have always been very interested in the material on the procurement of goods and services because I am a member of the youth committee for monitoring goods and services in Banda Aceh City. During the training I was required to write 2 hard news articles and 1 soft news article. I received many inputs and new insights related to writing techniques. Hopefully, on behalf of AWPF, I can join more activities initiated by KEMITRAAN in the future." -Irma Sari (Participant for Citizen Journalism Training from Aceh, Founder & Coordinator of Aceh Women's for Peace Foundation (APWF)) WORLD HUMAN RIGHTS DAY 44 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 445#24Securing Democratic & Civil Rights Protecting The Human Rights Defenders In The Environmental Sector Ardi Stoios Braken Deputy Head of Mission Kingdom of Netherlands ERASMUS MUIS From left to right: Joris Ramm (Dutch Embassy Indonesia Diplomat), Ardi Stoios-Braken (Deputy Head of Mission Kingdom of Netherlands), Ririn Sefsani (Team Leader of the Human Rights Defenders Program), Evi Mariani (General Manager of Project Multatuli), Marsya Mutmaihan (ICEL researcher), Ardimanto Adiputro (Vice Director of IMPARSIAL - The Indonesian Human Rights Monitor), Ade Wahyudin (Director of LBH Pers), Rifqi S. Assegaf (Director of Democratic, Justice, Governance and Regionalization KEMITRAAN Program) From early 2019 to the end of 2021, KEMITRAAN, supported by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, implemented programs on Environmental Sector Protection of Human Rights Defenders for Sustainable Development in Indonesia. The main objective of this program is to promote the protection and security of human rights defenders, especially environmentalists. The program has worked towards policy changes and practices together with increasing community capacity to defend their rights against criminalization. The impact of this project can be illustrated by the following case. In late 2020 the Village of Kenanga, Sungai Liat District, Province of Bangka Belitung 66 Islands, six residents were imprisoned and sentenced to one month in prison in relation to protesting about the air pollution and stench arising from a tapioca plant waste operating near the community. This case of criminalisation of protest constituted an example of a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) intended to discourage public expressions of opposition. Through this project KEMITRAAN was able to support these residents appeal to the provincial High Court to seek their acquittal. This appeal process, also supported by ICEL (Indonesian Center for Environmental Law), was successful with all six being acquitted of charges. ICEL Director Raynaldo G. Sembiring appreciated the support of KEMITRAAN in this case. He hoped that KEMITRAAN can continue to support legal assistance for SLAPP victims so that there will be more fair Anti-SLAPP court decisions. In addition, he said, "KEMITRAAN also needs to participate in advocating changes to its procedural law, especially the Criminal Procedure Code to prevent SLAPP as early as possible." -Raynaldo G. Sembiring 46 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 99 Photo: doc. GB During the closing ceremony of the program on January 27, 2022, Ardi Stoios Braken, Deputy Head of Mission, the Netherland Embassy, gave a speech on collaborating with KEMITRAAN. "KEMITRAAN and human rights defenders and journalists they work with, help the government to account. They provide information on how government decisions and actions impact real people on the ground, and tell them when and where the things could be improved upon." "Human Rights Defenders that we have seen in KEMITRAAN's project that we put on the spotlight today are not only lending their ears to the government, but they are also the eyes for the government. They report on when people, companies, or the government itself might be singing out of tone. In a vast country like Indonesia, it is important to build and strengthen the capacity to do so in the different corners of the country. So, the data can be transparent and open about what is happening in all the archipelagos from Sabang to Merauke, from Sumatra island to Papua. When civil society speaks, it is important for the government to listen." "KEMITRAAN and the Netherlands are long-standing partners. Since reformasi, KEMITRAAN has been playing an indispensable role in helping to build a democratic, transparent and tolerant Indonesia. The Netherlands are glad to be part of that." 99 KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 47 447#25Securing Democratic & Civil Rights Protecting The Human Rights Defenders In The Environmental Sector Program Duration: Early 2019 - End of 2021 4 4 national CSOs ELSAM ICEL Imparsial LBH Pers Collaborated with: 12 community organiz Initiated & strengthened to promote policies for the protection of human rights defenders 48 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 8 local CSOs LBH Semarang Celebes Institute op JATAM Sulawesi Tengah Yayasan Suara Nurani Minaesa JATAM Kalimatan Timur WALHI Sumatera Barat WALHI Sumatera Selatan WALHI Jawa Timur PERJUANGAN PEMBELA LINGKUNGAN gn produ 50+ Campaign products In the form of documentary movies, videographics, advocacy reporting books, situation reports on human rights defenders, modules, success stories, research and in- depth coverage of human rights defenders LO 田 Protokol Keamanan 7 provinces West Sumatera South Sumatera Jakarta Central Java East Java Central Sulawesi North Sulawesi PEMBELA HAM dan K 2230 2230 direct beneficiaries who strive for livelihoods digital 16+ Safety SOPS Community and organization's based SOP, safety protocol for journalist and several safety digital protocols KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 49#26Securing Democratic & Civil Rights Protecting The Human Rights Defenders In The Environmental Sector Policy Recommendations: Amendment to the Human Rights Law by including an article on the protection of human rights defenders Amendment to Regulation 5/2015 concerning Procedures for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and their implementation guidelines PENCEMARAN UDARA, TANAH, DAN AIR SERTA KERUSAKAN. LINGKUNGAN YG TERJADI ADALAH SALAH SATU CONTOH KEGAGALAN NEGARA DALAM PENEGAKAN HAM DI INDONESIA. ·Arad, Pembela HAM dari Sulawesi Tengah "HENTIKAN OPERASI TAMBANG EMAS DI NAGARI KAMI, SIMPANG TONANG KEPADA PEMERINTAH, PEDULI DAN PEKALAH KEPADA RAKYAT." Policy Brief Anti-Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (Anti-SLAPP) for the protection of human rights defenders Policy brief for the preparation of the Anti-SLAPP Ministerial Regulation Draft Anita Pembela HAM dan Pasaman MENJAGA PEREMPUAN UNTUK TETAP BISA MEMPERJUANGKAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP, SAMA DENGAN MENJAGA MASA DEPAN UMAT MANUSIA ITU SENDIRI. Established Human Rights Defenders Knowledge System website HRDKS Human Rights Defender Knowledge System 50 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 Etik, Pembela HAM dan Jawa Tengah, BERSAMA MEMBANGUN NEGERI BUKAN DENGAN MERAMPAS HAK RAKYAT ATAS RUANG DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP! Shandy. Pembela HAM dari Jawa Timur SKP WEET KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 51#27KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 0 Photo: doc. iStock Photos#28KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Knowledge management is a key function of any learning organization such as KEMITRAAN. This is reflected through the development of operationalization of our integrated project management and tracking system, TRACY, as well the conduct or various training and learning sessions for staff together with our library resources. In addition the Knowledge Management and Learning Unit also engages directly in a range of projects mostly focused on a select number of data driven governance indices. Through this survey work the Unit supports KEMITRAAN's wider engagement with key agencies of government including the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) and the National Police (Polri). During 2021 KEMITRAAN established a collaborative partnership with Kemendagri focused on cooperation with its Research and Development Agency as well as the Directorate General of Regional Autonomy (Ditjen OTDA). The key objective of initial work with Research and Development Agency is to develop a multi-sector governance composite index. The proposed index will review governance performance from a number of metrics. As important is to identify the proposed sources of data to be used and how they are to be applied for comparative purposes. Akmal Malik (left) and Laode M. Syarif during the signing of MoU between KEMITRAAN and Dirjen Otda Photo: doc. REMENTERIAN DALAM NEGERI REPUBLIK INDONESIA DIRECTORAT JENDERAL OTONOMI DAERAH 54 GB Source: On April 12, 2021, at the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between the Directorate General of Regional Autonomy and KEMITRAAN, Akmal Malik, the Director General of Regional Autonomy (Dirjen Otda), explained that this collaboration was an important step in evaluating the course of regional governance. The goal is to produce an accurate evaluation that can contribute to the future local development and governance improvements. "This is an effort to present an evaluation that is actually fair and accountable," Akmal said. Akmal also added this project aims to improve the evaluation of local governance in the six pilot areas using the characteristics of the Indonesia Governance Index (IGI) study. This would also help to improve governance performance by increasing synergy and coordination among key actors. | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 Highlights 1 Establishment of an Cooperative agreement with the Director General of Regional Autonomy, Ministry of Home Affairs (Dirjen Otda - Kemendagri) in April 2021. 2 Conducted IGI re-piloting assessment in 2 provinces (Jawa Barat & Gorontalo), 2 districts (Bone Bolango, Gorontalo & Sleman, Yogyakarta) and 2 cities (, i.e. Tangerang City & Mojokerto City), as complementary assessment and external verification for EPPD (OTDA's local government evaluation). Assessed the methodology of EPPD 3 (Government's Evaluation) and issued various recommendations to strengthen the methodology of EPPD. 4 Contributed to the organization structure assessment as part of an effort to enhance organization effectiveness. 5 Contributed to organization's personnel capacity building, namely qualitative & quantitative research methodology certification training and government's goods and services procurement certification training together with the conduct of 5 in- house learning sessions. KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 55#29Knowledge Management Strengthening Regional Development Evaluation Through Governance Workshop on strengthening the evaluation of local government administration (EPPD) through the parameters of the Indonesia Governance Index (IGI) The revised IGI approach also incorporates a closer examination of regulatory and administrative coherence and alignment to the national system. Other factors examined through the index includes those familiar with KEMITRAAN's earlier IGI surveys, notably gender and marginalized groups (fairness principle), anticorruption (transparency & accountability principles), human rights (public services indicators), democracy (participation principle) as well as environmental and climate change. This program reflects a growing partnership with this ministry as well as the capacity of Indonesian not-for-profits such as KEMITRAAN to secure funding through the state budget. Another well-established index developed by KEMITRAAN, namely the Police Governance Index has been increasingly incorporated into the institutional management framework of the National Police (Polri). A proposed review of Polri Headquarters provincial and district level reviews during 2021 was cancelled as Polri has invited a key state university to evaluate and revise the PGI. Key to the success of the PGI over the years has been the independence of the evaluations combined with the capacity of these independent assessments to inform management programs within Polri. At the close of the year this evaluation was still ongoing. Additional efforts to re-energise one of KEMITRAAN's well known surveys, namely the Indonesia Governance Index, IGI, began to bear fruit during 2021. The Directorate General for Regional Autonomy commissioned KEMITRAAN through its Knowledge Management and Learning Unit (KMLU) to conduct a pilot of a revised form of the IGI. The pilot areas included two provinces, namely West Java and Gorontalo, two cities namely Tangerang in Banten and Mojokerto in East Java as well as two districts, namely Bone Bolango in Gorontalo and Slemen in Yogyakarta. The findings of this pilot review exercise and verified through the Annual Regional Government's Evaluation Results (Evaluasi Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Daerah/EPPD) issued by Ditjen OTDA provide recommendations to strengthen the EPPD tool. This work will also feed into the wider work being conducted in other agency within Kemendagri, specifically its Research and Development Agency, to further develop a multi-sector index. Progress on completing the field studies associated with data gathering was delayed by approximately three months from July to October due to the severe outbreak of the Delta variant of COVID-19 in Indonesia at that time. Despite these challenges, KEMITRAAN was able to complete the work and provide significant recommendations to Ditjen Otda. Think Climate Inception Meeting Knowledge Management Think Tanks Collaboration to Conduct Effective Climate Action "The need for an independent institution is legally recognized because it is in accordance with the law, hence our collaboration with KEMITRAAN is very much supported by the Minister of Home Affairs," explained Dedy Winarman, Director of Performance Evaluation and Regional Capacity Building (EKPKD-Kemendagri), during the opening of workshop on strengthening the evaluation of regional government implementation (EPPD) through the parameters of the Indonesia Governance Index (IGI) on November 17, 2021. "In order to avoid malicious tasks, the Minister (M. Tito Karnavian) also ordered that the EPPD data collecting be conducted digitally,” said Dedy. In terms of cross agency collaboration on policy and advocacy the KMLU has been an active participant in Canada's International Development Research Centre's (IDRC) Think Climate Indonesia initiative. Through partnering with this consortium of several Indonesian CSOs, KEMITRAAN was provided with resources to strengthen its organizational capacity in policy advocacy. The support emphasizes climate policy as well as strengthening its research capacity for policy advocacy and improved effectiveness of research dissemination. Additional support has been provided to strengthen the technical skills of KEMITRAAN researchers. Technical training was also provided to help KEMITRAAN better grasp how to deal with the changed government procurement criteria, which now allow not-for-profit organizations to compete for contracts. 56 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 22 KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 57#30Knowledge Management Initiatives and Publications Knowledge Management Access Our Public Library Website KEMITRAAN has established and maintains its own program and project tracking, monitoring and management system, known as TRACY. Established in 2015 the capacity and features of the system have continued to evolve. During 2021 a new data based evaluation tool was added to TRACY system. Through this tool, Monitoring & Evaluation Unit are able to extract data from 11 on-going projects in 2021. This has enabled data extraction from 11 ongoing projects in KEMITRAAN allowing better data for self-assessment of project performance by project managers. In addition to these initiatives the KMLU also undertook several learning and related information outreach programs including: • Producing five draft policy papers • 13 opinion articles produced from our staffs. The theme varies from climate mitigation program in Pekalongan, the Police Governance Index and the BRIDGE program (an anticorruption project emphasized on the oversight of Covid-19 fund management and utilization). • There were also story books produced that explored the work of the Human Rights Defenders program as well as sharing practices to prevent forest fires drawing on experiences from Pelalawan in Riau. Kom Library Home Information Journalist Publication News Librarian Member A As part of its knowledge management work, KEMITRAAN also manages a library service. The physical library contains over 12,000 books and other documents. Topics to choose from include: This all represents part of the wider work of publications, paper and online as well as video materials - a list of which can be found at Annex 6. Thot HUTP dan Tantangan Menjaga Mawa Safeguarding digital rights that in just a click away 58 POLISI HUT Polri dan Tantangan Menjaga Marwah Polri Safeguarding digital rights that is just a click away | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 Membenahi Tata Kelola Covid-19 Read articles from our staffs IBINIE Governance Environment Forests and Forestry Local Government Anti-Corruption Public Administration Gender Decentralization Climate Change ATTA Law & Legislation After successfully finding the book you are looking for through our website, there are two ways to access it: 1. Please go straight to KEMITRAAN office. Books can only be read on the spot or photocopied for a few pages, but they can't be borrowed or carried home with you. 2. If you want to acquire free books published by KEMITRAAN if they're still available, please contact our office number +62-21-2278 0580 or e-mail [email protected], [email protected] KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 59#31Knowledge Management Our Social Media Knowledge Management Our Newsletter We recognize the importance of social media to disseminate our various knowledge products and the governance situation in Indonesia. Our social media also become the platform to interact with various stakeholders, including the beneficiaries. Therefore, we continue to update our social media strategy to be able to expand the reach of information. Starting July 2021, KEMITRAAN established newsletter to our email database. The email database subscribers consist of partners, event participants, media, job applicants, KEMITRAAN staff and donors. Kabar KEMITRAAN (KEMITRAAN News) is our monthly newsletter consist of our events coverages, press release, videos, books and opinion editorial. 60 60 2020 2021 f 3.255 followers ▲ 3.393 followers Kemitraan Indonesia 3.130 likes 3.179 likes O 3234 followers @kemitraan_ind 595 posts @kemitraan_ind 3612 followers 7289 posts Kemitraan Indonesia in Kemitraan Indonesia 2670 subscribers 116 videos ▲ 3986 followers ▲ 701 posts Subscribe to our newsletter: Scan QR code: A 3848 followers - 8117 posts 3250 subscribers 155 videos 404.464 views Click the image to see the full newsletter in the digital version August 2021 Edition 660 followers kemitraan Partnership for Governance Reform partnership | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 October 2021 Edition September 2021 Edition Bergerak Bersama Kaum Muda Menghadapi Krisis Iklim Sejarah di berbagai belahan dunia membuktikan bahwa kaum muda adalah agen penting dalam perjuangan di berbagai sektor kehidupan. Dari mengusir penjajah, meruntuhkan pemerintahan korup, menciptakan bisnis inovatif, sampai dengan melawan krisis iklim. Sejarah Indonesia juga lekat dengan gerakan kaum muda. Pendirian Budi Utomo, Sumpah Pemuda, Proklamasi Kemerdekaan sampai dengan lahirnya... KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 61#32PEOPLE, OFFICE AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Photo: doc. iStock Photos#33PEOPLE, OFFICE AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Staffing Developments and Procurement Finances and Resourcing Information Technology The number of staff with KEMITRAAN expanded from 51 at the end of 2020 to 56 at the end of 2021. Important new recruits included the new Director of the Division of Democratic Justice Governance & Regionalization, Dr Rifqi Syarif Assegaf and a new Communication Manager, Ms Trinzi Mulamawitri. In addition to these two senior staff members a further 16 other staff were recruited, including a further three new positions. In addition, the Human Resources Office recruited 77 consultants who have been deployed across all of KEMITRAAN's programs. A full list of staffing positions is attached at Annex 2, Our People 2021. During the year the office conducted a series of training sessions focused on skills development of staff. Issues covered in these sessions included procurement of goods and services, HRM certification, training on gender issues, English language training and carbon emissions reductions. There were also an additional six sharing sessions that allowed staff to share findings from their work. On performance evaluation KEMITRAAN uses a human resource information system including a 360 degree review process. We are now developing a more detailed evaluation mechanism for our consultants. The Office was also active in ensuring compliance with COVID-19 restrictions and other health protocols together with providing updates to staff as these were adjusted during the year. During the year the office executed 13 professional service contracts. In addition, there were some 82 purchase orders issued to the value of Rp 2.5 billion. In addition, the office also issues two grants. Rp (*) ↑ During 2021 KEMITRAAN was able to secure total funding from our donor partners to the value of USD 5,283,285. The resources mobilised from our donors represented a 20 percent increase over the same period of 2020. Since KEMITRAAN was established in 2000, the total value of resources mobilised has reached USD 170,128,148. A full list of all our donor partners over these years can be seen at Annex 3. In addition to support from donors KEMITRAAN also deployed some USD 224,441 from its own resources. The total value of internal resources deployed by KEMITRAAN beginning in 2015 is valued at USD 3,092,120. ооо O O O kemitraan partnership The need for more work of KEMITRAAN to be undertaken online and out of office has called for a major step up from KEMITRAAN's IT office to enable this capacity. This has also entailed enabling the conduct of large-scale meetings. A final and closely related issue is the need to enable staff to access their files while working from home. One key achievement undertaken in the IT Office has been to develop an online human resources information system. This system integrates the management of recruitment, performance evaluation, staff database, leave recording, staff travel permits and reports. Addition features to enable the management of consultant extension and evaluation are under development. Among the key challenges to have arisen during this accelerated application of digital technology including working from home has been the need to ensure a commensurate strengthening of cybersecurity considering the significant expansion of points of entry to KEMITRAAN's digital systems. This also includes making more extensive use of cloud technologies including to back up data. 64 || KAMERA NAA Repr20D2 || THE PARTNERSHIP FOR GOVERNANCE REFORM THE PARTNERSHIP FOR GOVERNANCE REFORM | Kemitraan Annual Report 2021 | 65#34Annex 1 OUR ORGANISATION CHART kemitraan partnership Partners Executive Board Executive Director Internal Auditor Executive Assistant Strategic Director + Head of Strategic Unit Communications Manager (Executive Office) Head of People and Office Management - Human Resources - General Services - Information Technology Head of Knowledge Management & Learning Planning Monitoring & Evaluation - Knowledge & Resource Centre Head of Finance and Grants - Financial & Grants Management Program Director - DJGR Democracy, Justice, Governance, Regionalization Program Director - SGS Sustainable Governance Strategic Focus Program Director SGC Sustainable Governance Community Focus 66 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 Photo: doc. iStock Photos#35Annex 2 OUR PEOPLE Annex 2 OUR PEOPLE 1 Executive Director 2 34 LO 5 6 19 7 Internal Auditor Executive Assistant Communication Manager EXECUTIVE OFFICE Program Development - Consultant Communication Specialist – Consultant Communication Specialist – Consultant Laode Muhammad Syarif Stevanezar Adi Kirana Hindijani Novita Trinzi Mulamawitri (joined April 2021) Kevin Evans Gampang Wahono Krisnadi Yuliawan Saptadi PEOPLE & OFFICE MANAGEMENT 7 Principal Researcher - Consultant 860 9 Principal Researcher - Consultant Researcher - Consultant 10 Knowledge Management Learning - Consultant 11 Monitoring Evaluation Officer 12 Monitoring Evaluation Learning Specialist Lenny Hidayat Hery Sulistyo Jati Tites Eka Agustine Irfan Nasrullah 13 Monitoring Evaluation Assistant Moch Ghufron Marselino Djeer Rr. Aj. Chandra Purnamasari SUSTAINABLE GOVERNANCE STRATEGIC Dewi Lestari Yani Rizki Heny Pratiwi 1 Program Director for Sustainable Edityas Nur Hutami Governance Strategic Citra Oktaviani Karolina S.H 23 Program Manager of SGS Project Assistant of SGS Mustika Yundari (departed Jun 2021) Fauzia Fadila 4 1 Head of People & Office Management 2 HR Officer 3 4 567 7 Receptionist & Admin Legal Advisor Consultant Human Resources - Consultant Admin Assistant - Consultant GS & Procurement Officer Office Helper 1 9 Office Helper 2 862 10 11 12 Photocopy Machine Operator Security IT Officer Titik Wahyuningsih Fajri Salim Mei Utomo Muzakir Deputy Chief of Party / Program Manager BIJAK 5 6 Project Officer for CLUA LED Project Officer for CLUA LED Project Assistant for CLUA LED Project Officer - Consultant Project Officer Landskap Project Manager for CLUA PAPUA Laison Officer Program Enshrinement Papua - Consultant Watono Iwan Samsul FINANCE & GRANTS 1 Head of Finance & Grants Budi Setiawan 7812= 9 10 11 234 56 Grant Manager Finance Officer Finance Officer Junior Finance Officer Finance Assistant Wahyu Pamuji Noviani Dewi Utami 12 Jumali Laison Officer Program Enshrinement Papua - Consultant 13 Adaptation & Mitigation of Climate Change Consultant GIS Consultant Technical Assistant - Consultant Project Assistant of SGS - Consultant Isnawati Dewan Kurniasih Paturrahman 14 7 Finance Assistant Rina Bahar 15 8 Finance Assistant Muhammad Afif Abdillah 16 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT & LEARNING 17 Junior Communication - Consultant 1 234 Head of Knowledge Management & Learning Knowledge and Communication Officer Arif Nurdiansah Research Specialist Research & Knowledge Officer Inda Presanti Loekman 18 Gender Officer for CLUA PAPUA 19 Project Admin Assistant SBU 20 Field Coordinator SBU IG Sigit Murwito Amalia Fubani 5 Research & Resource Center Officer Riana Ekawati 6 Research & Admin Support Hana Alfahani Syafrilla 21 22 23 22 Field Supervisor SBU - Consultant Governance - Consultant Project Assistant - SBU Abimanyu Sasongko Adji Adetya Rahmi Chitra Retna Septriyandica (departed May 2021) Irfan Nurhadi (departed Mar 2021) M. Haykal Ardhanikusumah (joined Mar 2021 & departed Sep 2021) Ribka Pauline Bukit (departed Nov 2021) Lensi Rianis Jais (departed Jun 2021) Dedi Hariri (departed Feb 2021) Yasir Sani Natalie Jaya Tangkepayung (joined May 2021) Paul Harry Salainti (joined May 2021) Eka Melisa M. Ichwan Hidayatullah Yudha Utama Suci Maisyarah Shabrina P.P Widya Anggraini Pedro Horas Sirait (departed Jun 2021) Moh. Bustom (departed Jun 2021) Suleman Samuda (departed Jun 2021) Miftah Adi Ikhsanto (departed Jun 2021) Fadly Wiramandiri 68 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 649#3670 Annex 2 OUR PEOPLE Annex 2 OUR PEOPLE 24 Team Leader for AF Pekalongan Ir. Dadang Hilman Fitrya, MA (joined Jun 2021) 25 Project Officer for AF Pekalongan Widi Artanti (joined Jun 2021) 26 Monitoring & Evaluation Officer AF Feriska Achadiati (joined Oct 2021) Pekalongan 27 Finance & Admin Officer AF SUSTAINABLE GOVERNANCE COMMUNITY Rudiyanto Hia (joined Sep 2021) Pekalongan 1 Program Director for Sustainable Hasbi Berliani Governance Community LO 2 Project Manager for RIMBA Yesaya Hardiyanto 3 Finance & Grant Officer for RIMBA Yunidar 4 Project Officer for RIMBA LO 5 National Consultant for Sustainable Herdianti Indah Puspita (joined Aug 21) Suwito (joined Jun 2021) 7 Finance and Admin Officer 8 Project Officer for SIAGA ECO Forest Management & Social Forestry - Consultant 9 National Expert on HRD Protection Mechanism - Consultant 6 Knowledge Management - Consultant Hasantoha Adnan Syahputra (joined Jun 2021) 10 Gender Specialist – Consultant DEMOCRATIC JUSTICE GOVERNANCE & REGIONALISATION Monitoring Evaluation Knowledge Officer 5 Project Officer for HRD 6 Communication Officer Ahmad Qisai (departed May 2021) Rifqi Sjarief (joined Aug 2021) Ririn Sefsani Heksa Sari Julianti (departed Aug 2021) Julio Castor Achmadi (departed Aug 2021) Ega Rosalina (joined Feb 2021 & departed Nov 2021) Sri Lestari Belinda Sahadati Amri Swandaru (departed Apr 2021) Elisabeth AS Dewi 7 Peatland Governance & Community Monitoring Consultant Joko Waluyo (joined Jun 2021) 606 8 Project Manager for CBFM 9 Project Assistant for CBFM 10 1 Program Director for Democratic Justice Governance 2 Program Director for Democratic Justice Governance 3 Team Leader for Human Rights Defender 4 11 12 234 13 Village Facilitator for CBFM - Consultant Village Facilitator for CBFM - Consultant Project Manager for SIAP Deputy Cluster Manager for SIAP 14 Project Assistant for SIAP 15 Project Assistant for SIAP 16 567% Project Assistant for SIAP 17 Finance Expert for SIAP - Consultant 18 Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist for GFA Consultant 19 Legal Expert for SIAP - Consultant 20 National Fire Expert for SIAP - Consultant Gladi Hardiyanto Fajarwati (joined Jul 2021) Jasmadi Akbar (joined Aug 2021) Singlum (joined Aug 2021) Marius Gunawan (joined Mar 2021) Amir Faisal (joined Mar 2021) Fajar Triperdana (joined Mar 2021 & departed Jun 2021) Ridha Yuanita Sutomo (joined Jun 2021) Ina Desilia Fridayanti Derry Wanta (joined May 2021) Eri Trinurini Adhi Zenwen Pador (joined May 2021) Erly Sukrismanto (joined May 2021) | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 71#37Annex 3 OUR DONORS & PARTNERS NO. 00317 MSI - MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INTERNATIONAL DONOR CONTRIBUTION 2000-2020 2021 DONOR CONTRIBUTION 2000- 2021 Proportion (%) MSI MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 32 00317 $ 284,409 $ $ 284,409 0.16% DONOR NO. DONORS CONTRIBUTION 2021 2000-2020 DONOR CONTRIBUTION 2000-2021 INTERNATIONAL Proportion (%) 33 00315 BP BERAU Ltd. $ 1,122,458 $ 121,885 $ 1,244,344 0.72% GOVERNMENT OF ROCKEFELLER Philanthropy 34 1 00182 $ 39,399,649 $ 129,308 $ 00332 $ 347,000 $ $ 347,000 0.20% 39,528,957 22.80% NETHERLANDS Advisors, Inc GOVERNMENT OF 2 00187 GOVERNMENT OF NORWAY $ 21,443,617 $ 3 00055 GOVERNMENT OF AUSTRALIA $ 15,257,688 $ 126,344 $ $ 21,569,961 12.44% 35 00232 $ 139,285 $ $ 139,285 0.08% SWITZERLAND 15,257,688 8.80% 4 00280 EUROPEAN UNION $ 12,807,037 $ $ 12,807,037 7.39% 36 00325 NIMD The Nedherlands Institute for Multiparty De $ 596,235 $ $ 596,235 0.34% GOVERNMENT OF UNITED 5 00248 $ 8,464,273 $ $ 8,464,273 4.88% 37 00319 OutRight Action International $ 120,015 $ $ 120,015 0.07% KINGDOM 38 00324 GOOD ENERGIES FOUNDATION $ 97,372 $ $ 97,372 0.06% 6 00555 GOVERNMENT OF SWEDEN $ 7,353,799 $ $ 7,353,799 4.24% 39 00220 GOVERNMENT OF SPAIN $ 83,343 $ $ 83,343 0.05% 7 00015 WORLD BANK (INT'L. BANK FOR RE $ 6,113,655 $ $ 6,113,655 3.53% 40 00322 BSR Business for Social Responsibility $ 72,171 $ $ 72,171 0.04% 8 00253 GOVERNMENT OF UNITED STATES OF $ 5,736,013 $ 44,144 $ 5,780,157 3.33% 41 00329 42 00331 9 00141 GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN $ 4,084,312 $ $ 4,084,312 2.36% The Samdhana Institute BOSCH Foundation $ 63,808 $ $ 63,808 0.04% $ 192,227 $ $ 10 00095 GOVERNMENT OF DENMARK $ 4,023,265 $ 43 INC001 IOM $ 49,624 $ $ 192,227 49,624 0.03% 0.11% $ 4,023,265 2.32% 44 00112 GOVERNMENT OF FRANCE $ 49,062 $ $ 49,062 0.03% 11 00307 Asia Foundation $ 4,484,821 $ $ 4,484,821 2.59% 45 00311 COWATER International Inc. $ 39,923 $ $ 39,923 0.02% 12 00306 RTI International $ 2,106,173 $ $ 2,106,173 1.21% TII TRANSPARANCY 13 00012 UNDP $ 2,015,139 $ $ 2,015,139 1.16% 46 00318 $ 38,053 $ $ 38,053 0.02% INTERNATIONAL INDONESIA GOVERNMENT OF NEW 14 00188 $ 1,874,005 $ $ 1,874,005 1.08% 47 00302 UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY $ 37,582 $ $ 37,582 0.02% ZEALAND 48 00313 15 00304 CLUA $ 2,519,322 $ 261,027 $ 16 00310 Ford Foundation $ 1,932,443 $ 194,793 $ 17 00305 SIEMENS $ 1,311,266 $ $ 2,780,349 2,127,236 1.23% 1,311,266 0.76% 1.60% 49 00330 Woods and Wayside International AUAF - American University of Afghanistan $ 24,876 $ $ 24,876 0.01% $ 20,000 $ $ 20,000 0.01% 18 00327 MCAI Millenium Challenge Account Indonesia 50 00022 $ 1,143,920 $ $ 1,143,920 0.66% UN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMISSION $ 14,000 $ $ 14,000 0.01% 51 00328 BRITISH EMBASSY $ 13,193 $ $ 13,193 0.01% 19 00309 Chemonics International Inc $ 1,469,239 $ 257,395 $ 1,726,633 1.00% 52 00204 GOVERNMENT OF KOREA $ 20 00303 UNODC $ 902,130 $ $ 902,130 0.52% 53 00333 ADAPTATION FUNDS $ THE DAVID AND LUCILE 21 00320 $ 849,000 $ $ 849,000 0.49% 54 00334 UNOPS $ PACKARD FOUNDATION 55 00132 22 00321 GENTING OIL KASURI PTE.LTD $ 795,612 $ GOVERNMENT OF INDONESIA $ 2,190 $ 734,826 $ 2,916,826 $ 7,221,524 $ 177,151 $ $ 2,190 0.00% $ 63,351 $ 3,651,652 2.11% 7,221,524 4.16% 240,502 0.14% $ 795,612 0.46% LTKL - LEMBAGA TEMU 23 00316 OXFORD POLICY MANAGEMENT ASIA $ 780,692 $ 56 00335 $ 47,629 $ $ 47,629 0.03% $ 780,692 0.45% KABUPATEN LESTARI 24 00314 CARDNO EMERGING MARKETS (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD KOMPAK - KOLABORASI $ 620,377 $ 57 00336 $ 24,925 $ 5,203 $ 30,128 0.02% 101,679 $ 722,056 0.42% MASYARAKAT DAN PELAYANAN 58 00337 PT EOS CONSULTANTS $ 43,885 $ 25 00110 GOVERNMENT OF FINLAND $ 26 00078 GOVERNMENT OF CANADA $ 27 00308 University of Colorado $ 597,812 $ 628,990 $ 537,187 $ $ 597,812 0.34% 59 00400 PLAN C $ $ 30,679 $ 6,339 $ 74,564 0.04% 6,339 0.00% 140,105 $ 769,095 0.44% UNEP United Nations $ 537,187 0.31% 60 00041 $ 111,870 $ 775,000 $ 886,870 0.51% Environment Programme 28 00326 IDLO International Development Law Organization $ 1,258,440 $ $ 1,258,440 0.73% 61 00338 GFA CONSULTING GROUP $ $ $ 0.00% GLOBAL GREEN GROWTH 29 29 00323 IDH The Sustainable Trade Initiative 62 00339 $ $ $ 0.00% $ 642,999 $ 57,756 $ 700,755 0.40% INSTITUTE (GGGI) 63 01000 30 NDI NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC 30 00312 $ 371,814 $ $ 371,814 0.21% INSTITUTE 31 00301 AXIS $ 343,696 $ $ 343,696 0.20% INTERNAL FUNDS TOTAL DONOR CONTRIBUTIONS $ 4,200,936 $ 320,433 ẞ$ 4,521,369 2.61% $ 167,837,957 $ 5,552,268 $ 173,390,225 100% 72 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 73 33#38Annex 4 OUR PROJECTS IN 2021 Annex 4 OUR PROJECTS IN 2021 START FROM ENDED ON CONTRACT VALUE IN USD CONTRACT DONOR PROJECT NAME START FROM ENDED ON VALUE IN USD DONOR PROJECT NAME CHEMONICS Bangun Indonesia untuk Jaga Alam demi Keberlanjutan (BIJAK) 15-Jun-16 07-May-21 978,391 UNEP Netherlands Embassy Fund CLUA Adaptation Adaptation Fund Adaptation Fund AIPJ/ CARDNO Adaptation Fund Adaptation Fund Protecting Human Rights Defenders for Sustainable Development in Indonesia Providing selection of possible legal instruments/ tools to form a single-reference of a nationally- wide accepted emission reduction target; Support to the improvement of climate policy coordination, including on how to effectively align and harmonize existing key policy instruments; Generating public interest on the implication of a nationally-wide accepted emission reduction target, including through collaboration actions with other CSOs and selected public figures/ influencers Project Formulation Grant Agreement: ("Adapting to Climate Change through Sustainable Integrated Watershed Governance in Indigenous People of Ammatoa Kajang Customary Area ini Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia" in Indonesia) Project Formulation Grant Agreement: ("Enhancing the Adaptation Capability of Coastal Community in Facing the Impacts of Climate Change in Negeri (Village) Asilulu, Ureng and Lima of Leihitu District Maluku Tengah Regency Maluku Province" in Indonesia) Project Formulation Grant Agreement: ("Embracing the Sun: Redefining Public Space as a Solution for the Effects of Global Climate Change in Indonesia's Urban Areas" in Indonesia) Boosting Rule of Law, Integrity and Democratic Governance through Civic Engagement [BRIDGE]: Safeguarding the Integrity of COVID-19 Recovery Fund Management in Indonesia through the Empowerment of Law Enforcement Agencies, Governments and Civil Society Program The "Safekeeping-Surviving-Sustaining towards Resilience: 3S Approach to Build Coastal City Resilience to Climate Change Impacts and Natural Disasters in Pekalongan City, Central Java Province" Project in Indonesia The "Adapting to Climate Change through Sustainable Integrated Watershed Governance in Indigenous People of Ammatoa Kajang Customary Area in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia" Project in Indonesia 15-Nov-18 14-Nov-21 1,029,010 CLUA 01-Oct-19 01-Nov-21 397,124 CLUA GFA/ Integrated Fire Management to Reduce Wildfires, Improve Peatlands Management and reduce Greenhouse Gas Emission: Phase |- Strengthening Indonesian Capacity for Anticipatory Peat Fire Management (SIAP Project) Improving access to Communit's Alternative Livelihood and Environmental Protection to support Sustainable, Inclusive, and Effective Natural Resource Management in Tanah Papua. To support the creation of communication campaigns in Indonesia that leverage audience segmentation research (part of COMPACT Leadership Journey - Audience-centered Comms) Forestry Programme IV Mamasa 30-Nov-20 01-Feb-22 1,109,375 01-Jan-21 31-May-22 249,527 01-Jan-21 31-Dec-21 11,500 01-Jan-21 30-Jun-27 1,050,000 KfW U.S. Department SIAGA-ECO (Strategic Initiative on Asset Tracing and Recovery Governance and Accountability in 01-Mar-21 01-Mar-23 250,000 01-Apr-20 31-Mar-21 30,000 of State GGGI Environmental Crimes and Corruption) 01-Jan-21 30-Jun-27 25,000 IDRC Technical Assistance on UUCK RPP on Environment & Forestry 01-Apr-21 31-Oct-23 278,500 APBN- Kemendagri Think Climate Indonesia - Organizational Strengthening and Core Research 01-Apr-21 30-Nov-21 102,239 01-Apr-20 31-Mar-21 30,000 UNEP 01-Apr-20 31-Mar-21 30,000 Ford Foundation Pengukuran Kinerja Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota RIMBA Project Inception Phase services contract on the project "Strengthening forest and ecosystem connectivity in RIMBA landscape of central Sumatra through investing in natural capital, biodiversity conservation, and land-based emission reductions" (RIMBA project) 24-Jun-21 30-Nov-22 378,125 24-May-21 23-May-23 400,000 05-Jan-21 31-Jan-22 110,357 Norway For support for training, technical assistance and other capacity building activities for local government and communities to improve the implementation of social forestry programs at the local level. 01-Aug-21 30-Jun-22 344,390 PLAN C 23-Dec-20 31-Dec-23 3,972,670 GFA/KfW Towards Sustainable & Inclusive Natural Resources Management under Job Creation Law Strengthening MOHA Research Unit's Capacity through Developing A Multi-Sectoral Governance Composite Index 01-Oct-21 31-Mar-22 300,000 24-Sep-21 23-Sep-28 319,784 IDH 23-Dec-20 31-Dec-22 1,125,015 TOTAL FP V GFA 01-Jul-21 30-Sep-23 258,049 14,779,057 74 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 75 75#39Annex 5 SUB-GRANTS CONTRACTED IN 2021 Program Name Donor Grantee Name Location Support to Human Rights Defenders Support to Government of the Netherlands IMPARSIAL Jakarta Government Human Rights Defenders of the Netherlands LBH Pers Jakarta Support to Government Yayasan Suara Nurani Human Rights Defenders of the Netherlands Manado Minesa (YSNM) Support to Government Human Rights Defenders of the Netherlands Celebes Institute Palu Jaringan Advokasi Support to Human Rights Defenders Government of the Netherlands Tambang (Jatam) Kalimantan Samarinda Timur Jaringan Advokasi Support to Government Human Rights Defenders of the Netherlands Tambang (Jatam) Sulawesi Tengah Palu Support to Human Rights Government of the Netherlands LBH Semarang Semarang Defenders Support to Human Rights Defenders Support to Government of the Netherlands Walhi Jawa Timur Surabaya Government Human Rights Defenders of the Netherlands Walhi Sumatera Barat Padang Support to Human Rights Defenders Government of the Netherlands Perkumpulan Elsam Jakarta Support to Defenders Human Rights Government of the Netherlands Walhi Sumatera Selatan Palembang Support to Government Human Rights Defenders of the Netherlands 76 ICEL (Indonesia Centre for Environmental Law) | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 Jakarta Project Title Strengthening civil society consolidation in encouraging the revision of Law 39 of 1999 concerning human rights for a comprehensive protection of human rights Mainstreaming the protection of human rights defenders in the environmental sector through media advocacy Mainstreaming the protection of human rights defenders in village community of Paputungan village, Tanah Putih village and Jayakarsa village, Likupang Barat districts, Minahasa Utara district, Sulawesi Utara Increasing capacity and protection of human rights defenders of community based environmental sectors in the development of Salo Pebatua 2 hydroelectric power plant Mainstreaming the protection of human rights defenders of Ongko Asa village, Kutai Barat, Kalimantan Timur Improving community awareness and knowledge about the importance of protection and security mechanisms in the effect of strengthening human rights in the environmental sector Establishment of human rights defenders protection in Sukoharjo District, Province of Central Java in strengthening the environment Protection and strengthening the capacity of human rights defenders dealing with conflicts of forestry in Banyuwangi, East Java Improving protection of human rights defenders in the environmental sector Efforts to support Komnas HAM for establishing effective and responsive protection mechanism and gender mainstreaming Mainstreaming of protection and security for human rights defenders in the community Lebak Rawang from the palm oil plantation expansion Encouraging the mainstreaming of Anti Strategic Lawsuit / Litigation Against Public Participation Regulations at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Program Name The "Community Adaptation for Forest- Food Based Management in Saddang Watershed Ecosystem" Project in Indonesia The "Adapting to Climate Change through Sustainable Integrated Watershed Governance in Indigenous People of Ammatoa Kajang Customary Area in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia" Project in Indonesia SIAGA ECO (Strategic Initiative on Asset Tracing and Recovery Governance and Accountability in Environmental Crimes and Corruption) Support to Human Rights Defenders Support to Human Rights Defenders Annex 5 SUB-GRANTS CONTRACTED IN 2021 Donor Grantee Name Location Project Title Adaptation Fund Yayasan Tim Layanan Kehutanan Makassar Masyarakat (TLKM Foundation) Adaptation Fund Perkumpulan PAYO PAYO Maros INL US Embassy Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) Jakarta Government of the Netherlands Yayasan Suara Nurani Manado Minesa (YSNM) Government of the Netherlands LBH Semarang Semarang Community adaptation for forest food based management in Saddang watershed ecosystem in South Sulawesi Adapting to climate change through sustainable integrated watershed governance in indigenous people of Ammatoa Kajang customary area in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia Strengthening the capacity of civil society and local journalists to investigate corruption in the environmental sector Urgent advocacy response rejecting PT. Mas Sangihe Mine (TMS), to rescue Sangihe Island, support for the field trial agenda by the Jakarta Administrative Court Urgent advocacy response to the anti-SLAPP case in Pekalongan Regency KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 77#40Annex 6 OUR PUBLICATIONS 2021 BOOKS ☑ T Scan the QR code to access some of the books in PDF file 78 DAĞ VRAMIKAN Belajar Dari Pengalaman Perlindungan dan Keamanan Pembela HAM Sektor Lingkungan di Sumatera Barat Kerjasama KEMITRAAN dengan Walhi Pretabel KeamNG BUKU SAKU PARALEGAL LINGKUNGAN HIDUP Buku Saku Paralegal Lingkungan Hidup Kerjasama KEMITRAAN dengan LBH Semarang Fighting F and Lif ORKESTRASI Annex 6 OUR PUBLICATIONS 2021 Kebebasan Berekpresi dan Tren Penggunaaan Delik Pidana Terhadap Pembela Hak Asasi Manusia di Bidang Lingkungan di Indonesia Kerjasama KEMITRAAN dengan LBH Pers REPRESI NEHARA Laporan Pembela HAM Lintas Sektor: di Bawah Bayang Bayang Represi Negara Kerjasama KEMITRAAN dengan Imparsial Buku Saku Jurnalis Protokol Keamanan dalam Meliput Isu Kejahatan Lingkungan Kerjasama KEMITRAAN dengan LBH Pers T T T T MASYARAKAT ADAT &KEMULATAN PANGAN Masyarakat Adat & Kedaulatan Pangan Kerjasama KEMITRAAN dengan Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia (KPG) Miss Dos Ma dan Kehidupan Melawan Demi Alam dan Kehidupan Sembilan Cerita Masyarakat di Akar Rumput Mempertahankan Hak dan Menangkis Ancaman dan Kriminalisasi KEMITRAAN Catatan Akhir Tahun LBH Semarang 2020 "Orkestra Perampasan Ruang Hidup" Kerjasama KEMITRAAN dengan LBH Semarang T PEMBELA LINGKUNGAN H T O RAKYAT BUKAN SANSAK Pembela Lingkungan Merekam Perjuangan Protokol Kerjasama KEMITRAAN dengan LBH Pers Keamanan Rakyat Bukan Sansak: Menguak Pelangaran HAM di Sulawesi Utara Kerjasama KEMITRAAN dengan Yayasan Suara Nurani Minaesa Fighting for Nature and Life: nine stories of grassroots communities defending their rights and fending off threats and criminalization KEMITRAAN Kajian atas implementasi peraturan Komnas HAM untuk Perlindungan Pembela Hak Asasi Manusia Kerjasama KEMITRAAN dengan ELSAM T | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 T Protokol Keamanan Dalam Meliput Isu Kejahatan Lingkungan: untuk jurnalis Kerjasama KEMITRAAN dengan LBH Pers T T KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 79#41No 1 Annex 6 OUR PUBLICATIONS 2021 Policy Brief Title Sinergi Penurunan Emisi Melalui Kebijakan Komprehensif Kertas Kebijakan Urgensi Peraturan Anti-SLAPP di Indonesia: Pembelajaran dari Beberapa Negara 2 3 Kertas Kebijakan Pembaharuan Hukum Acara Untuk Mekanisme Anti-SLAPP Documentary Movie KOLABORASI SANG PEMBELA SANG PEMBELA: Periya Perlindungan Hukum Bag Pembela HAM Watch on Staff Articles Published in 2021 Scan QR Code to read the articles Writers Low Emission Development Team No Date 1 11 Feb 2021 Title Myanmar coup flags potential Author Media Link refugee influx to Julio Achmadi The Jakarta Post paper/2021/02/10/myanmar-coup-flags- potential-refugee-influx-to-indonesia.html. Indonesia Kolaborasi 12 Apr 2 di Pulang Pisau Kelola Dionisius Reynaldo Kompas nusantara/2021/04/12/kolaborasi-di-pulang- Human Rights Defender (HRD) Team 2021 Lahan Gambut Triwibowo pisau-kelola-lahan-gambut-berkelanjutan Berkelanjutan Human Rights Defender (HRD) Team 01 Jul HUT Polri dan Tantangan 3 2021 Menjaga Marwah Polri Arif Nurdiansah Kompas read/2021/07/01/09221141/hut-polri-dan- tantangan-menjaga-marwah-polri?page=all 4 12 Jul 2021 Kriminalisasi Nelayan Penyelamat Julio Achmadi Koran Tempo opini-kriminalisasi-nelayan-penyelamat- rohingya-oleh-julio-achmadi Rohingya Film Dokumenter. PEMBELA HAM DALAM SUNYI U EM PEMBELA HAM dalam Sunyi Perlindungan Negara Film Dokumenter PT MOTLA HAM DALAM SUNY PERIDUNGAN NEGARA BC CLIN 80 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 D Upaya Pekalongan 16 Aug 5 2021 Melawan Arif Nurdiansah Kumparan. com Dampak upaya-pekalongan-melawan-dampak- perubahan-iklim-1wLIRR8nkdq 28 Aug 6 Perubahan Iklim Covid-19: Oleh Kita, untuk Kita? 2021 Lenny Hidayat Kompas read/2021/08/28/10160061/covid-19-oleh- kita-untuk-kita?page=all Urgensi Perpanjangan 05 Sept 7 dan Penguatan 2021 Gladi Hardiyanto Antara. com 14 Sept 8 Moratorium Perizinan Sawit Membenahi Tata Kelola Covid-19 Laode berita/2373190/urgensi-perpanjangan-dan- penguatan-moratorium-perizinan-sawit 2021 Muhammad Kompas Syarif opini/2021/09/14/membenahi-tata-kelola- covid-19 17 Sept 9 Merdeka dari Virus Corona 2021 Arif Nurdiansah Kompas. com 24 Sept 10. 2021 Bukan Pemda kaleng-Kaleng Arif Nurdiansah com read/2021/08/17/08290351/merdeka-dari- virus-corona?page=all Kumparan. bukan-pemda-kaleng-kaleng-1waokf1VD98 Safeguarding 03 Sept digital rights that 11 2021 is just a click Lenny Hidayat The Jakarta Post academia/2021/09/02/safeguarding-digital- rights-that-is-just-a-click-away.html away Menyoal Penanggulangan 11 Apr 12 Karhutla dan 2021 Zenwen Pador Mongabai. menyoal-penanggulangan-karhutla-dan- Inkonsistensi inkonsistensi-pemerintah/ Pemerintah 14 Oct 13 2021 Tackling corruption in the Indonesian natural resources sector Laode Muhammad Syarif Luc Hoffmann Institute resources-corruption-indonesia/ KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 81#42Annex 6 OUR PUBLICATIONS 2021 Videos No Date 29 Scan QR code to watch our videos collection 1 January 2021 05 March 2 2021 05 April 3 2021 No Theme Resource Per- son Link Cerita Perubahan Dari 1 DPG Program Desa Peduli Gambut 2 Aplikasi Mitra Gambut: DPG Program watch?v=N8orVY5YXLg&t=146s Perencanaan Desa 3 pada Program Desa Peduli Gambut DPG Program watch?v=Y8G8ETwvmh8&t=260s Menyusun Peraturan 4 LO 5 Desa Peduli Gambut Bagian 1 Menyusun Peraturan Desa Peduli Gambut Bagian 2 DPG Program DPG Program 7 回到 Podcasts 06 April 4 2021 13 April 5 2021 00 6 16 April 2021 10 11 04 May 2021 24 June 2021 30 July 2021 13 12 August 2021 17 Mei 15 2021 Title #02 Part 1. UTAS KEMITRAAN: Beda Demokrasi dan Pendidikan antara Indonesia dan India #02 Part 2. UTAS KEMITRAAN: Di Dunia Maya, Kita Semua RENTAN!! #03 Part 1. UTAS KEMITRAAN - Apa dan Bagaimana Ketidakadilan Gender Bermula?? #03 Part 2. UTAS KEMITRAAN - Kekeliruan Dalam Program Pemberdayaan Gender #04 Part 1. UTAS KEMITRAAN: Nasib Desa di Negeri Rezim Administrasi #04 Part 2. UTAS KEMITRAAN: Masyarakat Adat Belum Merdeka #05. UTAS KEMITRAAN: DEFORESTASI di INDONESIA - Faktor Penyebab dan Cara Menghentikannya Eps. 01 Part 1 UTAS 20 Thn KEMITRAAN: Gus Dur dan Reformasi '98, bersama Alissa Wahid. Eps. 01 Part 2 UTAS 20 Thn KEMITRAAN: Harapan Alissa Wahid Untuk Jokowi Eps. 02 UTAS 20 Thn KEMITRAAN: Erna Witoelar, Sang Jembatan 3 Dunia #07 Part 1. UTAS KEMITRAAN: Perubahan Iklim, Peluang atau Tantangan? #07 Part 2. UTAS KEMITRAAN: Solusi Jitu Menghadapi Perubahan Iklim Eps. 03 UTAS 20 KEMITRAAN: Bupati "Plastik" dan Cita-Cita Menjadikan Warga Bone Bolango Bahagia. #8 UTAS KEMITRAAN: Cara Kapolres Pelalawan Melawan (Negara) Api #06. Utas Kemitraan - Prahara Baru KPK: Putusan MK Hingga TWK, Tes Pemetaan Berujung Penonaktifan. Author Ahmad Qisa'i, Ph.D, Direktur Program KEMITRAAN Ahmad Qisa'i, Ph.D, Direktur Program KEMITRAAN Catharina Indirastuti - Gender Specialist Catharina Indirastuti - Gender Specialist Yasir Sani, Pegiat inklusi sosial di Desa, Program Manager KEMITRAAN Yasir Sani, Pegiat inklusi sosial di Desa, Program Manager KEMITRAAN Dewi Rizki, Direktur Program KEMITRAAN Alissa Wahid, National Coordinator GUSDURian Network Indonesia Alissa Wahid, National Coordinator GUSDURian Network Indonesia Erna Witoelar, aktivis senior dengan jejak sebagai pendiri banyak organisasi non pemerintah, dan juga pernah menjadi menteri di awal reformasi. Joko Tri Haryanto (Johar), seorang birokrat di Badan Kebijakan Fiskal Kementerian Keuangan, dan juga pemerhati isu lingkungan dan perubahan iklim. Joko Tri Haryanto (Johar), seorang birokrat di Badan Kebijakan Fiskal Kementerian Keuangan, dan juga pemerhati isu lingkungan dan perubahan iklim. Hamim Pou; Bupati Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Provinsi Gorontalo AKBP Indra Wijatmiko, S.IK - Kapolres Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau Laode M. Syarif, Ph. D., Direktur Eksekutif KEMITRAAN Scan QR code to watch our podcasts collection Link watch?v=Q7hi49UA06Y watch?v=ROe3nuDBBDC watch?v=ifDVPPr415s watch?v=L-q3tAt2cwo watch?v=y21L_VkOezs watch?v=zKLBoUgAmv0 watch?v=1cU3C_81v0g watch?v=Wo08azJsl1w watch?v=zbcS5j72gLO watch?v=dZjgaHmdpfU watch?v=k3sEF0CVFFA watch?v=1iCusuGclHO watch?v=clo_LSIW511 watch?v=7XHW23vTdHs watch?v=mWMpgUO_yPo Menyusun Peraturan 6 Desa Peduli Gambut Bagian 3 DPG Program watch?v=sqiKjndirpA&t=190s Menyusun Peraturan 7 Desa Peduli Gambut Bagian 4 DPG Program Menyusun Peraturan 8 20 May 2021 25 May 9 2021 8 6 10 11 12 Desa Peduli Gambut Bagian 5 Kongkow Virtual Intip Desa (KOVID).Adat dan Desa, Bersama Jaga Hutan Kongkow Virtual Intip Desa (KOVID). RUU Masyarakat Adat - Tak ada Pertentangan Masyarakat Adat dan Negara Fighting The Impacts of Climate Change in Pekalongan City Pembela HAM Dalam Sunyi Perlindungan Negara DPG Program Bapak Salam S.E, Kepala Desa Tana Toa, yang dalam struktur adat juga bergelar Gala Lombo. Bapak Andi Buyung, Asisten III bidang pemerintahah Kabupaten Bulukumba, yang juga bergelar adat Labiria AF Pekalongan Program Efrida (Pembela HAM Perempuan Sawahlunto- Sumatera Barat); Fikih Sihabudin (Pembela HAM Kabupaten Sukoharjo- Jawa Tengah) watch?v=rhFELQ7mMAU&t=162s watch?v=JzipVGTt9xM&t=69s watch?v=GPETS7IVW9M&t=1080s Q5TjAKEynk&t=15s 13 09 October 2021 14 29 November 2021 82 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 83#4384 Annex 7 Audited Financial Statement Annex 7 Audited Financial Statement kemitraan partnership governance reform in Indonesia Statement of Financial Position THE PARTNERSHIP FOR GOVERNANCE REFORM As of December 31, 2021 and 2020 (Expressed in USD, unless otherwise stated) 2021 2020 4597 3,916,109 2,140,872 215,543 6 58,209 26,278 76,392 26,327 4,000,596 2,459,134 4,000,596 2,459,134 DIRECTORS' STATEMENT LETTER RELATING TO THE RESPONSIBILITY ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2021 We, the undersigned: 1 Name Office address THE PARTNERSHIP FOR GOVERNANCE REFORM Domicile as stated in 10 Card H Phone number H Position 2 Name Office address Domicile as stated in ID Card Phone number Position State that Lacde M. Syarif J. Taman Margasatwa Raya No. 26C, Ragunan, Jakarta Selatan Makasar 021-22780580 Executive Director Budi Setiawan J. Taman Margasatwa Raya No. 26C, Ragunan, Jakarta Selatan Jakarta 021-22780580 Head of Finance and Grants 1. We are responsible for the preparation and presentation of the financial statement; 2. The financial statements have been prepared and presented in accordance with Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards, 3. a. All information contained in the financial statements is complete and correct, b. The financial statements do not contain misleading material information or facts, and do not omit material information and facts; 4. We are responsible for the Organization internal control system. This statement letter is made truthfully. Jakarta, November 28, 2022 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalent Program receivable Advances Prepaid expenses Total Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Liabilities Accruals Taxes payable Total Current Liabilities Notes Noncurrent Liabilities Post-employment benefit obligation 10 10 TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS Restricted Unrestricted TOTAL NET ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Executive Director METERAL TEMPEL (Laode M. Syarif) Head of Finance and Grants. (Budi Setiawan) 88 9 349,828 5,228 458,732 5,772 355,056 464,504 64,656 59,233 419,712 523,737 11 3,180,732 400,152 1,119,765 815,632 3,580,884 1,935,397 4,000,596 2,459,134 Kemitraan bagi Pembaruan Tata Pemerintahan di Indonesia JL. Taman Margasatwa No. 26C, Kel. Ragunan, Kec. Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12550 telp. 021 22780580 fax 021 7812325 See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements which are an integral part of the Financial Statements taken as a whole 1 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 85#4486 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 Statement of Activities THE PARTNERSHIP FOR GOVERNANCE REFORM For the Years Ended December 31, 2021 and 2020 (Expressed in USD, unless otherwise stated) Notes Unrestricted 2021 Restricted 2020 Total Unrestricted Restricted Total Annex 7 Audited Financial Statement REVENUES Contributions 12 Interest income Other income Total Revenues 320,433 31,333 32,690 5,231,835 1,629 3,337 5,552,268 32,962 36,027 437,776 (2,204) 80,277 4,391,177 28,148 (40,038) 4,828,953 25,944 40,239 384,456 5,236,801 5,621,257 515,849 4,379,287 4,895,136 EXPENSES 13 Programme expenses Operational support expenses (298,990) (451,573) (3,224,600) (3,523,590) (451,573) (138,617) (425,603) Refund to donors Total Expense (750,563) (3,224,600) (3,975,163) (4,739,528) (4,878,145) (129,641) (564,220) (4,869,169) (425,603) (129,641) (5,433,389) (Decrease) increase in net assets before other comprehensive income (366,107) 2,012,201 1,646,094 (48,371) (489,882) (538,253) OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Actuarial decrease of loss (607) (607) (2,305) (2,305) (Decrease) increase in net assets after other comprehensive income (366,714) 2,012,201 1,645,487 (50,676) (489,882) (540,558) See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements which are an integral part of the Financial Statements taken as a whole 2 Statements of Changes in Net Assets THE PARTNERSHIP FOR GOVERNANCE REFORM For the Years Ended December 31, 2021 and 2020 (Expressed in USD, unless otherwise stated) Notes Unrestricted 2021 Restricted 2020 Total Unrestricted Restricted Total NET ASSETS AT BEGINNING OF THE YEAR 815,632 1,119,765 1,935,397 933,770 1,542,185 2,475,955 (Decrease) increase in net assets after other comprehensive income Adjustment for closing project ended December 31, 2021 (366,714) 2,012,201 1,645,487 (50,676) (489,882) (540,558) NET ASSETS AT END OF THE YEAR 11 (48,766) 400,152 48,766 (67,462) 67,462 3,180,732 3,580,884 815,632 1,119,765 1,935,397 KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 87 See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements which are an integral part of the Financial Statements taken as a whole 3 Annex 7 Audited Financial Statement#45Annex 7 Audited Financial Statement Statement of Cash Flow THE PARTNERSHIP FOR GOVERNANCE REFORM For the Years Ended December 31, 2021 and 2020 Annex 7 Audited Financial Statement McMillan Woods INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT (Expressed in USD, unless otherwise stated) 2021 2020 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Contributions Interest income Other income 5,552,268 32,962 36,027 4,828,953 25,944 40,239 Expenses (3,975,163) (5,433,389) Adjustment for increase in employee benefits obligation 4,816 14,380 (Decrease) in net assets from operating before changes in working capital 1,650,910 (523,873) (Increase) in program receivable (Increase) decrease in advances (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses Increase (decrease) in accruals 215,543 18,183 49 (54,587) 36,036 1,753 Increase (decrease) in taxes payable (108,904) (544) 236,315 2,887 NET (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUVALENT 1,775,237 (301,469) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT AT BEGINNING OF THE YEAR 2,140,872 2,442,341 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT AT END OF THE YEAR 3,916,109 2,140,872 See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements which are an integral part of the Financial Statements taken as a whole 88 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 4 No.: 00247/2.0641/AU.1/11/1670-1/1/XI/2022 Board of Trustees, Supervisory, Executive and Management THE PARTNERSHIP FOR GOVERNANCE REFORM We have audited the accompanying financial statements of The Partnership for Governance Reform ("the Organization"), which comprise the statement of financial position as of December 31, 2021, and the statement of activities and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of such financial statements in accordance with Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards, and for such internal controls as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditors' Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Standards on Auditing established by the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Organization's preparation and fair presentation of the Organization's financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Organization's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Partnership for Governance Reform as of December 31, 2021, and statement of activities and cash flows for the year then ended, in accordance with Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards. RAMA WENDRA REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS The Manhattan Square Mid Tower 18th Floor ATB Simatupang Jakarta 12560 Licensed No: KER3536/2004 Tel:+62 21 29407239 Fax +62 21 29407246 E-mail: [email protected] Web KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 | 89#46Annex 7 Audited Financial Statement M McMillan Woods Emphasis of Matter As more fully described in Note 16 to the financial statements of The Partnership for Governance Reform, the Organization may be materially impacted by the outbreak of a novel coronavirus (COVID-19), which was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization in March 2020. Our opinion is not modified with respect to this matter. Other Matter Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole. The list of inventory of non-expendable equipment and summary activity report per project as presented in Supplementary Information are presented for the purposes of additional analysis and not required part of the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. RAMA WENDRA Registered Public Accountants fath. Pandapotan Gabriel, CA, CPA Public Accountant License No. AP. 1670 Jakarta, November 28, 2022 NOTICE TO READERS The accompanying financial statements are intended to present the financial positions, results of operations, changes in net assets and cash flows in accordance with financial accounting standards in Indonesia and not those of any other countries and jurisdiction. The standards, procedures and practices to audit such financial statements are those auditing standards issued by Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants. RAMA WENDRA REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 90 | KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021#47kemitraan partnership Address Jl. Taman Margasatwa No. 26C, Ragunan Pasar Minggu South Jakarta 12550 Indonesia Telephone +62 21 2278 0580 Fax +62 21 2278 0588 Report2021 kemitraan_ind (f)(in) Kemitraan Indonesia

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