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#1AGRICULTURAL STRATEGY 2019-29 ISLE OF MAN HIGH LEVEL PRINCIPLES Sustaining a vibrant Agriculture sector, enabled to deliver a reliable and profitable food chain, while maintaining and enhancing the Island's natural environment and capital QUOCUNQU JECERIS STABIT Isle of Man Government Reiltys Ellan Vannin CROPS MERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD#2Key Objectives The Environment Supporting Active Farming Productivity Investment FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD#3The Environment Providing support for targeted initiatives that produce conserved and cherished landscapes: • · • • Enhance biodiversity Sequester carbon Tree planting and Peat enhancement. Improve bathing water quality Reduce flood risk Address the land management components of the imminent Climate Change Action Plan. FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD#4Supporting Active Farming ● • Ensuring that financial support is targeted at businesses producing food Advisory support • Vocational training MASSEY FERGUSON AND FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD#5Productivity Supporting marketing efficiency Knowledge transfer Benchmarking and advice. to sustainably improve farm profitability FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD#6Investment Increasing investment through capital grants Building business confidence and profitability. HOULE SLURRYSTORE CROPS FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD#7How will we achieve this - Environment Uplands܀ New Uplands Stewardship Scheme - Payments based on appropriate / enhanced habitat management plans Plans periodically reviewed as part of the scheme. . Changing ADS flat rate payment CROPS FARMERS Support the land Management components of the imminent Climate Change Action Plan ISLEOFMAN FARMING UNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD#8How will we achieve this - Environment Agri Environment Lowland Soil • Crop nutrient management plans Arable initiatives • Winter stubble, field margin and hedge management payments. Maintenance, enhancement and creation of desirable habitats • Hedges and dry stone wall repair • Low cost, big impact Biodiversity efforts . Bat Boxes, Wildlife Boxes, scrapes etc. Upland Support for drain blocking, fixing chronic erosion, creating buffer zones etc. "Phase II of the scheme will focus on emissions" FARMERS ISLEORMAN Support the land Management components of the imminent Climate Change Action Plan ARMING VTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD IMPROVE#9Dubs, ponds and scrapes Purpose: to extend and create new Dubs, ponds and scrapes. These features have great value to native birds, small mammals and invertebrates and are capable of developing a diverse natural ground flora. CROPS FARMERS ISLEORMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD#10Winter Fodder Crops Payment for growing winter fodder crops e.g. forage rape, kale or turnips Purpose: to provide cover and feeding areas for birds such as partridge, yellowhammer, skylark, and flocks of finches, including linnet. CROPS FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD LANDSCAPE#11Biennial wild bird seed mix strips Purpose: To provide a year round habitat for wildlife such as pollinators and birds. CROPS FARMERS ISLEORMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD#12• ● ● How will we achieve this - - Supporting Active Farmers Continue an appropriate level of flat rate support for active farmers. New stewardship payments for the Uplands Support for specific highly sensitive sites. Capital Grant scheme - Enhance profitable productivity by supporting investment in capital assets and the adoption of new technologies - FYM/Slurry storage and pollution control systems Diversification and food processing - Discretionary public access improvements Productivity advice Ongoing processor support CROPS FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD LANDSCAPE#13How will we achieve this - Productivity • Create an Environment where sustainable productive agriculture can flourish. • • Provide an Advisory infrastructure - Benchmarking, Monitor farm, peer to peer advice etc. Support, where appropriate new and existing food processing businesses Provide Food and Marketing support CROPS FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD#14How will we achieve this - Investment Increase investment – Agricultural advisory - - signposting. Training - Industry education on - and off Island Supporting CPD Benchmarking Technical Vocation CROPS FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD#15Financial Grant Support Budget 2018/19 2021/22 Trend Direct support £6,034,000 £4,911,000 ₤-1,123,000 Active farmer £140,000 £320,000 £180,000 Productivity £170,000 £370,000 £200,000 Investment £500,000 £1,200,000 £700,000 Environmental Initiatives £ £1,043,000 £1,043,000 Total £6,844,000 £7,844,000 £1,000,000 FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD#16. . • Why Now? In preparation for the new scheme year - We need to inform the sector so they can start planning Re-visit the scheme once the Climate Change Bill has Tynwald approval The scheme is already clearly laid out to embrace future environmental changes. It targets support towards those actively farming Supports Climate Change through; • - Tree planting - Peat enhancement - More work on emissions required Bathing water quality Catchment management Slurry & Soil - Land Management Climate Change Mitigation Catchment Management Biodiversity Developing a scheme for the future of the Isle of Man Biosphere Objectives CROPS FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD LANDSCAPE#17LOWLANDS (BML) Reductions to Flat Rate 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 £78.20 £73.64 £69.08 £64.52 94% 88% 83% £13.03 £13.03 £8.21 £8.21 UPLANDS (AML) 100% 63% 63% The decrease in uplands payment has been allocated to the Uplands Stewardship Scheme CROPS FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD LANDSCAPE#18Livestock Exports Sheep and Lamb Exports 2017-2019 4500 25000 4000 20000 3500 3000 15000 2500 2000 10000 1500 5000 1000 500 0 0 J F M A M J JASON D 2017 2018 2019 Cumulative Cattle Exports > 6 months 2017-2019 J F M A M J J A SOND 2017 2018 2019 FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD#1990.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% Cattle processed on Island Cattle processed on Island % 2017-2019 Total Cattle throughput "Meat Plant" 2017-2019 Jan Feb March 2017 April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov 2018 2019 Dec 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Jan Feb March April May June July Aug 2017 2018 -2019 Sept Oct Nov Dec CROPS FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD IMPROVE#2035,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 Sheep processed on Island Total Lamb & Hogget Throughput 2017-2019 Jan Feb March April May June 2017 2018 July Aug Sept 2019 Oct Nov Dec 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% Cumulative Lamb Utilisation % 2017-2019 Jan Feb March April 2017 May June July Aug Sept 2018 2019 Oct Nov Dec CROPS FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSI CLIMATECHANGE FOOD#21Agricultural Strategy 2019-29 Minister's foreword In 2016 I made a commitment to change the way agricultural support is delivered. Farticularly in relation to supporting active Sares and production, to ensure that econic activity is maxmised and the processors, are viable The Objectives What we want to do How we will achieve this The Environment AGRICULTURAL STRATEGY 2019-29 ISLE OF MAN HIGH LEVEL PRINCIPLES Sustaining a vibrant Agriculture sector, enabled to deliver a relatie and profitable food chair, wiste maintain and enhancing the island's natural environment and capital "Work with farmers to bring some economic certainty to the system that will enable young people to cortine farming, preserve our landscape and provide viability for our food Industry (exploit post BREXIT opportunities)" The Department has worked with the Max National Farmers Union (MNPU) to deliver a KEY OBJECTIVES: which are all of significant importance The Environment Providing support targeted initiatives that produce conserved and cherished landscapes enhance biodiversity sequester carbon, improve vater quality, reduce flood risk and address the laral management component of the Imminent Climate Change Action Plan Supporting Active Farmers Ensuring that financial support is targeted environment and catchment and lan management hich level Agricultural State. In addition to this strategy, delivering productive agriculture there is a strong comstment on delivering bodity, climate change nitigation, catchment management and Biosphere objectives, which are core objectives of the der Depart and cement Productivity Supporting marketing, eficiency, knowledge benchmarking and advice to sustainabl mprove farm proftability and secure the ong-term wateity of the industry, post BREXIT Investmest Supporting active farmers Increasing investment through captal grants, business confidence and prohtability Hon, Geoffrey Boot, MHK SUSTAINABLE ISLAND Pr The strategy builds on cument policy and provides relevant and timely salutions for the industry and the wider Isle of Man Government, replacing the previous strategy ⚫Isle of Man Food Security Strategy Food Matters - Food Business Development Strategy, 2015-2025 To evidence rationale for the strateg Our Landscape Our Legacy Productivity Maraging our Natural Wealth, The Isle of Man's First Biodiversity Strategy D * plore Our Landscape 0 Beling Water Cath Strategy FAQS THE ENVIRONMENT Uplands How much is going to be paid for the new stewardship for habitat management? Each habitat management agreement will be assessed on individual applications Will inspections be carried out to ensure such management is being upheld? It is the Department's intention to continue with inspections Habitat management agents will be rowed at last analy Will the Agricultural Strategy encompass the Climate Change Bill The Agricultural Strategy will be a cross Government strategy and will if nucssary, evolve to deliver the objectives of the Climate Change Bit which are ely to rege increased sestation and reduced emissions What are the advantages of mixed farming? Med farming enhances the biodiversity and productivity of farm land Lowland-Agri Environment Why is so so important s hugely influential on several process that sustain plant and animal p by that recycles nutrients by decomping organic matter from plant roots, crop debris, manun, which sports carbon sequestration They are a huge reservoir of carbon and when managed sensitively they are a very good accumulator of carbon Why plant winter cover crops? Cover crops are grown to protect or improve the ground for future crops. Raping sol covered over wter reduces erosion, and hence bent and carbon los and environmental pollution Will existing small native woodland areas be eligible for new scheme? The Scheme is to uncourage new planting instatws, other than existing woodlands Is the Department going to provide training/courses for dry stonewalling? Such training is available on Island and could be supported through the AFOS Will support be available to those that have already embraced biodiversity efforts? Yes, as they are now, payments could be made towards the maintenance and enhancement of desirable habitats Will natural hedge boundaries be protected? The Island has more hedgerows per square mile than anywhere in the UC along with other features such as lines of bees, drystone wall, sodges and ditches. At of these make a valued contribution to landscape and habitats. Many of them abo provide benefits in terms of helping to regulate sol rosion and in the management of water sources How much C02 does a tree absorb On average, one acre of new fost can segastur about 2.5 tons of carbon annually. Young trees absorb 002 at a rate of 13 pounds per tree each year. Trees reach their most productive stage of carbon storage at about 10 years at which point they are estimated to absorb 48 pounds of CO2 per yea Strategy FAQS Supporting Active Farmers Will the Capital Grant Scheme budget be increased? AGRICULTURAL STRATEGY OF M Additional funding has been acquired to assist in the delivery of the strategy and some of this will be used to supplement the Capital Grant Scheme Budget, Will the Department only offer support on a certain type of Slurry pollution control system? Consideration will be given to all applications by the Department. However grant will only be awarded if it is supported by a waste management plan and fits with recognised industry best practice Who will maintain the discretionary public access ways? Consideration would be given towards supporting the cost of maintenance Productivity advice and ongoing processor support is it the Department's intention to employ an advisor? The Department intends to employ a facilitator who will be able to direct farmers to the sources of best advice without necessarily giving advice themselves They will also organise/facilitate group learning activities. It is widely acknowledged that poor to peer advice is far more effective than advisor to farmer advice. Productivity What contingency plans are in place post Brexit? The Department has a team of people who will continue to work on a no deal Brexit strategy How does the Department intend to deliver an advisory infrastructure? The Department intends to employ a facilitator who will be able to direct farmers to the sources of best advice without necessarily giving advice themselves Investment Does the Department intend to fully fund training? The Department intends to hold educational sessions along with practical advice-these wit be facilitated by DEFA but delivered by recognised industry experts or employing the services of professional bodies Funding levels as is the current practice will vary between 20-100% depending on the type of activity and the number of participants Will sufficient Capital Grant funding be available for new technology and Infrastructure? The Department has been given additional funding towards implementing the Strategy and will continue to assess Grant applications on an individual basis Isle of Man Сомелетке Investment When Provide support for the targeted initiatives that produce conserved and cherished landscapes, enhance biodiversity, sequester carbon and, improve water quality, reduce flooding and reduce greenhouse gas emissions as part of the Climate Change agenda. Ensure that financial support is targeted at farm businesses producing food, protecting the environment and catchment and landscape management Uplands ⚫ New stewardship payments for appropriate habitat management. Support for drain blocking, fixing chronic erosion, creating buffer zones etc. Lowland - Agri Environment. Sall - Crop management plans including winter cover crops. -Nutrient balance audits. -Soil sampling and liming Winter stubble, field margin and hedge management payments. - Support sympathetic native woodland planting schemes. Maintenance, enhancement and creation of desirable habitats. -Hedges and dry stone wall repair. -Low cost, big impact Biodiversity efforts. -Bat boxes, scrapes etc. ⚫ Farm plastic disposal collection and drop off points. Support the Land Management components of the imminent Climate Change Action Plan. Continue an appropriate level of flat rate support for active farmers New stewardship payments for the Uplands and specific highly sensitive sites. Capital grant scheme As soon as possible (once approved by Tynwald) -Enhance profitable productivity by supporting investment in capital assets and the adoption of new technologies Immediately - FYM/Slurry storage and pollution control systems. -Diversification and Food processing -Discretionary public access improvements - Reseeding, Weed wipers Productivity advice. Support marketing, efficiency, knowledge, benchmarking and advice to sustainably improve farm profitability and secure the long-term viability of the industry, post BREXIT Increase investment through capital grants, business confidence and profitability . Create Ongoing processor support. Environment where sustainable productive agriculture can flourish. -Provide an Advisory infrastructure - Benchmarking, Monitor farm, peer to peer advice etc. - Support, where appropriate new and existing food processing businesses. -Provide Food and Marketing support ⚫ Capital Grants for new technology and infrastructure. Agricultural advisory provision. Training Industry Education on and off Island. Immediately Immediately CROPS FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD LANDSCAPE#22Thank-you Any Questions? CROPS FARMERS ISLEOFMAN FARMING COUNTRYSIDE CLIMATECHANGE FOOD#23VESTOCK ANSITION COVERNMENT PRODUC MANX CROPS ENVIRONMENT LOCALPRODUCE RISK FARMERS FARMING PLANDS MANX ISLEOFMAN ACTIV VIABILITY AGRI ENHANCED-LIVESTOCK SUPPORT CRANTS MPROVE PROTECTING SERVICES FARMING STRATEGIC BUSINESS COUNTRYSIDE VALUE MAINTAINING CLIMATECHANGE STAKEHOLDERS NATURALHABITAT BIOSPHERE VISION FOOD FLOURISH OPPORTUNTES IMPROVE GRANTS IMPACT BIODIVERSITY COP LANDSCAPE NITIATIVES CONFIDENCE MPORTAN COMAN ACTIVEFARMERS ON CATCHMENTS LANDSCA RELIABLE SERVICE

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