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#1Japan's Efforts for Achieving the SDGs SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS 17 GOALS TO TRANSFORM OUR WORLD 1 POVERTY 2 ZERO HUNGER 3 AND WELL-BEING GOOD HEALTH 4 QUALITY EDUCATION 5 GENDER CLEAN WATER EQUALITY AND SANITATION SSS 7 AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY 8 DECENT WORK AND 9NDUSTRY INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE 10 REDUCED INEQUALITIES SUSTAINABLE CITIES 11 12 CONSUMPTION RESPONSIBLE ECONOMIC GROWTH M AND PRODUCTION QO 13 ACTION CLIMATE 14 LIFE BELOW WATER 15 LAND LIFE 16 AND STRONG PEACE JUSTICE 17 PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS INSTITUTIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Creating a prosperous and vibrant future by seeking the SDGs Japan. Committed to SDGs Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan October 2019#2Efforts by the SDGs Promotion Headquarters May, 2016 December, 2016 June, 2017 December, 2017 June, 2018 December, 2018 Established the SDGs Promotion Headquarters led by PM and participated by all ministers Stipulated Japan's "SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles" at the 2nd meeting Created the Japan SDGs Award at the 3rd meeting Announced "SDGs Action Plan 2018” at the 4th meeting and held the 1st SDGs Award ceremony Decided "Expanded SDGs Action Plan 2018" at the 5th meeting Announced "SDGs Action Plan 2019" at the 6th meeting and held the 2nd SDGs Award ceremony June, 2019 Decided "Expanded SDGs Action Plan 2019" At the 7th meeting Winter 2019 2020 and beyond Will revise those "Guiding Principles" Will achieve the SDGs by 2030 Communicating-and outreach Japan's-SDGs Model--- 2016 At G7 Ise-Shima Summit Committed to implement the SDGs domestically/internationally as the first G7 Summit after the SDGs adoption At the HLPF (Ministerial-level) Presented Japan's Voluntary National Review (VNR) 国連ハイレベル 政治フォーラム報告書 USTABLE GOALS 客について~ At the HLPF (Ministerial-level) in July, 2018 At the UN High Level Week in September 2018 G20 2019 JAPAN G20 Summit and TICAD 7 held in Japan in 2019 SDG Summit in September, 2019 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020 Osaka Kansai Expo 2025 2#3Expanded SDGs Action Plan 2019 Japan as a strong exponent of the SDGs based on the concept of "Human Security": lead the global endeavor and assist countries and people around the world to realize societies where "no one is left behind." Japan. Committed to SDGs Japan's SDGs Model: share and expand "Japan's SDGs Model" domestically and internationally by taking advantage of the G20 Osaka Summit, TICAD7 and the SDG Summit, and revise the "SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles." 1. Promotion of Society 5.0 that corresponds to the SDGS SDGs in Business "The Guide for SDG Business Management" based on SDGs Business Promotion Initiative, guidance about TCFD Supporting efforts of small and medium- sized enterprises Setting international standards for SDGS related business Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) for SDGs ⚫ The G20 "Guiding Principles for the Development of STI for SDGs Roadmaps" STI for SDGs Platform Human resource development in STI field 2. Regional Revitalization driven by the SDGs Regional Revitalization SDGs FutureCity, Regional Revitalization SDGs Public-Private Partnership Platform, Regional Revitalization SDGs Finance Promotion of SDGs at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, and 2025 Osaka Kansai Expo Sound Material-Cycle Society National Action Plan for Marine Plastic Litter, Japan's Resources Circulation Strategy for Plastics Realization of Circulating and Ecological Economy Long-term Strategy under the Paris Agreement Human resource development in Disaster Risk Reduction (provide assistance for 85,000 people from 2019 to 2022) 3. Empowerment of the next generations and women Empowering Next Generations and Women The SDGs Promotion Platform for the Next Generation Commitment at WAW!/W20 (provide quality education for over 4 million girls in developing countries from 2018 to 2020) Education and Health Promote UHC and contribute to global health issues including through Global Fund "Education x Innovation" Initiative (assist 9 million people in developing countries from 2019 to 2021) G20 2019 JAPAN Jun 2019 G20 Osaka Summit Aug 2019 TICAD7 Leadership as the G20 Presidency in 7 areas: (1) quality infrastructure, (2) disaster risk reduction, (3) marine plastic litter, (4) climate change, (5) empowerment of women, (6) health and (7) education. TICAD YOKOHAMA 2019 Sep 2019 SDG Summit Dec 2019 Revision of the SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS 3#4Key Outcomes of the G20 Osaka Summit (SDGs-related fields) In the G20 Osaka Leaders' Declaration, leaders reaffirmed to address major global issues and environmental challenges and their commitment to achieve the SDGs. Japan demonstrated leadership as the G20 Presidency in 7 areas: (1) quality infrastructure, (2) disaster risk reduction, (3) marine plastic litter, (4) climate change, (5) empowerment of women, (6) health and (7) education. SDGs Quality Infrastructure G20 Osaka Leaders' Declaration Osaka Update on the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Guiding Principles for the Development of STI for SDGs Roadmaps Osaka Comprehensive Accountability Report on G20 Development Commitments G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment → Set out 6 principles as a strategic direction G20 Compendium of Good Practices for Promoting Integrity and Transparency in Infrastructure Development Disaster Risk Reduction Side Event of the G20 DWG: Prospects on Achieving Disaster Risk Reduction Agenda → Reaffirmed the importance of mainstreaming disaster risk reduction and pre- disaster investment Marine Plastic Litter Osaka Blue Ocean Vision → Aim to reduce additional pollution by marine plastic litter to zero by 2050 G20 Implementation Framework for Actions on Marine Plastic Litter → Facilitate concrete actions on marine plastic litter by G20 countries G20 2019 JAPAN G20 OSAKA SUMMIT A 2019 Climate Change G20's action-oriented common understanding based on virtuous cycle of environment and growth → Promote climate actions at all levels with broad participation, including by non-state actors Empowerment of Women Emphasized the importance of key issues including women's labor participation, girls and women's education and support for women entrepreneurs Women at Work in G20 countries: Progress and policy action Leaders' Special Event on Women's Empowerment Health G20 Shared Understanding on the Importance of UHC Financing in Developing Countries → Accelerate global efforts to promote UHC Education G20 Initiative on Human Capital Investment for Sustainable Development → Strengthen efforts to provide quality education for creating inclusive, resilient and innovative societies#5HLPF/SDG Summit in 2019 Japan. Committed to SDGs HLPF <Side event as G20 Presidency> The GOJ organized with the UNDESA a side event "The 2030 Agenda under the Japanese Presidency of the G20". Japan reported its efforts to achieve the SDGs as well as the key outcomes of the G20 Osaka Summit. Participants shared their views on, and actively discussed, the role of G20 in the promotion of the 2030 Agenda and the future perspectives. <Reception hosted by the GOJ> The GOJ played up Japan's nation-wide efforts to promote SDGs, in cooperation with including local governments, the private sector and civil society, based on the three pillars of the "Japan's SDGs Model". Hello Kitty also participated to communicate messages for the promotion of the SDGs. SDG Summit Japan. SUSTAINABLE DEVI OPME omr Prime Minister Abe made a statement. ⚫ Based on the on the concept of “Human Security”, Japan demonstrated leadership in areas such as environment, education, health and quality infrastructure at the G20 Osaka Summit and the TICAD7 in order to achieve a society where no one will be left behind. • During the past four years, as the head of the SDGs Promotion Headquarters, I have promoted the SDGs as efforts of the entire nation including through "Japan SDGs Award" and "SDGs Future City". Based on these experiences, we will accelerate our efforts domestically and internationally by the next SDG Summit. ⚫The keys for future efforts are the acceleration of private sector initiatives, regional revitalization, and creation of resilient and environmentally friendly cities. ⚫Japan will revise our SDGs implementation Guiding Principles by the end of this year and demonstrate a evolved Japanese "SDGs model". SDG 2019. SDGS MM 日本 を使えるの 17の目標です。 SUSTAINAB DEVELOPME GOALS 5#6Toward revision of Japan's "SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles" December 2016 : Decided ❝SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles" at the 2nd meeting of the SDGs Promotion Headquarters "The government will consider completing the first round of follow-up and review of the present Implementation Guiding Principles by 2019, looking toward the session of the HLPF to be convened by the President of the General Assembly in the same year. Subsequent to the 2019 HLPF, follow-up and review will be conducted, taking into account the four-year cycle of the HLPF organized by the President of the General Assembly." September 6th 2019: "Stakeholder Meeting for Revision of the SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles" organized by members of the SDGs Promotion Roundtable Meetings Purpose: to collect opinions and ideas from a wide range of stakeholders in preparation for the revision of the Guiding Principles. Participants: about 200, including voluntary members of the SDGs Promotion Roundtable Meetings, private companies, civil society, media and students. Agenda: Civil Society, Private Companies, Financing, Local Initiatives, Academic and Education Communities, Governance for Effective Implementation, Follow-up and Review. September 9th 2019: 8th SDGs Promotion Roundtable Meeting Proposals based on the results of the "Stakeholder Meeting" were presented to the government. Exchanged opinions on the way forward and future direction for the revision of the Guiding Principles. 『SDGs实施指針』 改定に向けた ステークホルダー会議 "SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles" will be revised at the next SDGs Promotion Headquarters Meeting in December following exchange of opinions and public comments. 9

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