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#1US 7990 86862 NAY QAMCO شركة قطر لصناعة الألمنيوم Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company Investor Relations Presentation 30 September 2023#2CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Disclaimer The company in which Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company Q.P.S.C. directly owns investment is a separate entity. In this presentation, "QAMCO" and "the Company" are sometimes used for convenience in reference to Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company Q.P.S.C. This presentation may contains forward-looking statements concerning the financial condition, results of operations and businesses of Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company Q.P.S.C. All statements other than statements of historical fact are deemed to be forward-looking statements, being statements of future expectations that are based on current expectations and assumptions, and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, operations and business performance or events impacting the Company to differ materially from those expressed or as may be inferred from these statements. There are a number of factors that could affect the realisation of these forward-looking statements such as: (a) price fluctuations in commodity markets, (b) changes in demand or market conditions for the products, (c) loss of market share and industry competition, (d) environmental risks and natural disasters, (e) changes in legislative, fiscal and regulatory conditions, (f) changes in economic and financial market conditions and (g) political risks. As such, results could differ substantially from those stated, or as may be inferred from the forward- looking statements contained herein. All forward-looking statements contained in this presentation are made as of the date of this document. Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company Q.P.S.C., its Directors, officers, advisors, contractors and agents shall not be liable in any way for any costs, losses or other detrimental effects resulting or arising from the use of or reliance by any party on any forward-looking statement and/or other material contained herein. Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company Q.P.S.C. and its joint venture are further in no way obliged to update or publish revisions to any forward-looking statement or any other material contained herein which may or may not be known to have changed or to be inaccurate as a result of new information, future events or any reason whatsoever. Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company Q.P.S.C. does not guarantee the accuracy of the historical statements contained herein. GENERAL NOTES Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company's accounting year follows the calendar year. No adjustment has been made for leap years. Where applicable, all values refer to Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company's share. Values expressed in US $'s have been translated at the rate of US $1 = QR3.64. DEFINITIONS . • . Adjusted Free Cash Flow: Cash Flow From Operations - Total CAPEX - Dividends ⚫ CAGR: 5-Year Compound Annual Growth Rate Cash Realisation Ratio: Cash Flow From Operations / Net Profit x 100 ⚫ Debt to Equity: (Current Debt + Long-Term Debt) / Equity x 100 • Dividend Yield: Total Cash Dividend / Closing Market Capitalisation x 100 ⚫ DRI: Direct Reduced Iron EBITDA: Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation calculated as (Net Profit + Interest Expense + Depreciation + Amortisation) • EPS: Earnings per Share (Net Profit / Number of Ordinary Shares outstanding at the year-end) Free Cash Flow: Cash Flow From Operations - Total CAPEX • LME: London Metal Exchange MT PA: Metric Tons Per Annum Payout Ratio: Total Cash Dividend / Net Profit x 100 P/E: Price to Earnings (Closing market Capitalisation / Net Profit) • Utilization: Production Volume / Rated Capacity x 100 • • 2 QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#3CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Table of Content 1. QAMCO at a Glance 2. Ownership structure 3. Operations of joint venture 4. Competitive strengths 5. Peer review 6. Macroeconomic updates 7. QAMCO results (For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2023) 8. CAPEX (2023F - 2027F) 9. Market statistics and dividends 10. Historical performance (2019-2022) 11. Governance structure 3 QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#4ASTR QAMCO at a Glance YEEB#5CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED QAMCO at a Glance • Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company Q.P.S.C (QAMCO) was incorporated on December 3, 2018 and listed on Qatar Stock Exchange on December 16, 2018. . • The Company holds 50% share of Qatar Aluminium Limited Q.S.C (Qatalum). QAMCO's shareholding structure 28.8% 1.6% ■QatarEnergy Overview ■Other Qatari Institutions and Funds ■Foreign Institutions and Funds ■Retail investors - Qatar 51.0% ■Retail investors - Foreign FOL: 100%* Max. single shareholder limit: 2% • QatarEnergy provides all of the head office functions for QAMCO through a comprehensive service-level agreement. The operations of Qatalum remain independently managed by its Board of Directors and senior management team. Core values Operational excellence HSE Shareholder value creation maximization Profit 7.0% 11.6% Note: Shareholder data as of 30-September-23 * Board of Directors approved to increase the FOL to 100%. Council of Ministers approval received; all necessary measures will be taken in this regard with the relevant concerned authorities. 5 Cost optimization QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#6CO ASTR Ownership structure YEEB#7CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Ownership Structure 7 قطر للطاقة QatarEnergy QatarEnergy (51%) QAMCO Qatalum Joint Venture (50%) Public (49%) QAMCO holds 50% share of Qatar Aluminium Limited ("Qatalum" or "QAMCO JV" or "JV") as a joint venture shareholder, which produces high-quality aluminium of more than 650,000 tons per year ("tpy") for customers in Asia, Europe and North America. QAMCO JV facilities include a carbon plant, a reduction plant, a cast house, port and storage facilities as well as a captive gas-fired power plant. QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#88 ASTR Operations of Joint Venture YEEB#9CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED • QAMCO's Joint Venture Qatar Aluminium (Qatalum) is located in Qatar, the company benefits from access to one of the world's largest and most competitively priced sources of energy which allows it to maintain one of the industry's most competitive profit margins and strong cash flow generation. • Qatar Aluminium (Qatalum) has a design nameplate capacity of 575,000 tpy, but now produces more than 650,000 tpy of high-quality primary aluminium products, including standard ingots and Casthouse value-added products comprising extrusion ingots or billets (capacity of 375,000 tpy) and primary foundry alloys (capacity of 275,000 tpy). Qatar Aluminium (Qatalum) has a captive Power Plant (with a capacity of approximately 1350 MW). [ANJIN 9 w.cla Bra QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#10CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED QAMCO's Joint Venture Sales and Marketing: . • With a Marketing and Offtake Agreement, Hydro Aluminium is responsible for the offtake and marketing of 100% of Qatar Aluminium products. The Marketing and Offtake Agreement gives Qatar Aluminium (Qatalum) access to Hydro Aluminium's worldwide sales network on no less favourable treatment than other Hydro Aluminium smelters 86862 139898 A356.2 Sr 139898 A356 2 Sr Qatar Aluminium (Qatalum) acts as Hydro Aluminium's representative for marketing aluminium products in Qatar. 10 139898 A356 2 Sr 1334 QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#1111 ASTR Competitive strengths YEEB#12CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Competitive strengths 12 Low cost ▸ smelter ▸ State of the art production facility and technology deployed Assured feedstock supply and competitively priced energy High focus on Health and Safety and Environment Proven financial position Positive share of operating profit & competitive EBITDA margins from JV Healthy share of operating cash flow generation from JV Strong 51% shares in QAMCO are held by QatarEnergy partn- ership ▸ Experienced senior management team ▸ Reputable industry leader as joint venture partner (Norsk Hydro) Effective QAMCO's JV is one of the leading cost efficient global producer of primary aluminium with a strategic location in close proximity to key markets market- ing ▸ Well diversified customer base through marketing & distribution agreement with Hydro QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#1313 YEEB ASTR Peer review#14CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED QAMCO's competitive positioning versus global peers Gross profit margin (%) EBITDA margin (%) Peer 1 34.5% Peer 1 34.0% QAMCO 23.6% QAMCO ranks #2 QAMCO 31.4% QAMCO ranks #2 Peer 3 19.3% Peer 2 19.7% Peer 4 17.8% Peer 3 18.8% Peer 5 17.6% Peer 4 14.5% Net profit margin (%) Peer 1 22.1% QAMCO 15.1% QAMCO ranks #2 Peer 3 10.8% Peer 4 10.4% Peer 5 9.7% Note: Data as of H1-23 14 Note: Peers data include all major listed companies involved in production of Aluminium and related value chain. QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#1515 ASTR Macroeconomic updates YEEB#16CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Macroeconomic updates Aluminium prices ($/MT) 4,500 -Aluminium LME spot prices ($/MT) 750 4,000 650 3,500 3,000 550 2,500 450 2,000 350 1,500 1,000 250 Jan-20 Dec-20 Dec-21 Dec-22 Sept-23 Jan Alumina prices ($/MT) Alumina spot prices ($/MT) Dec-20 Dec-21 Dec-22 Sept-23 • • Aluminium market witnessed fluctuations influenced by factors including: ◉ ■ Slower than excepted recovery in global economies; Subdued demand in construction and other sectors utilizing aluminum as input; Global operating rates for smelters improved following a recent fall in natural gas prices leading to additional supply. On an overall basis, aluminium prices for 9M-23 demonstrated declining trends versus 9M-22, amid macroeconomic headwinds. Additionally, aluminium prices declined on sequential basis as well. 16 Note: Market prices have been sourced from an international third-party trusted data provider and may not reflect prices achieved by QAMCO JV QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#1717 QAMCO results (For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2023) ALTR YEEB#18CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED 9M-23 results - At a Glance Revenue QR 2.4 billion EBITDA Net profit -20% -39% QR 740 million QR 354 million Cost per ton QR 8,943* EBITDA 16% Margin 30% 18 9M-23 EPS vs. 9M-22 -56% VS. . 40% QR 0.063 vs. QR 0.144 aluminum realized prices declined versus 9M-22 amid macroeconomic headwinds. QAMCO's closing cash balance (including share of cash in QAMCO's JV) stood at QAR 1.9 billion * At QAMCO JV level (including tax) QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#19CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Operational Performance review 498 Production (MT' 000) – 100% +2% +2% 506 168 9M-22 9M-23 2Q-23 Sales volumes (MT' 000) – 100% 170 3Q-23 9M-23 vs 9M-22: Production volumes slightly inched higher compared to 9M-22, due to increase in liquid metal production amid higher amperage. 3Q-23 vs 2Q-23: Modest increase in production volumes, indicating an upward trend. +6% 473 500 168 9M-22 9M-23 +9% 183 2Q-23 3Q-23 Selling prices ($/MT) -23% -8% 3,489 2,772 2,541 2,670 9M-22 9M-23 2Q-23 3Q-23 19 • 9M-23 vs 9M-22: Sales volumes increased as compared to 9M-22 mainly due to the shift from value-added products to Standard Ingots, influenced by prevailing market conditions. 3Q-23 vs 2Q-23: Sales volumes increased by 9% versus 2Q-23, due to inco-term. • • 9M-23 vs 9M-22: selling prices declined on account of continued macroeconomic uncertainty weighing on global aluminium prices. 3Q-23 vs 2Q-23: avg. realized price declined sequentially, on account of lower LME and premiums. QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#20CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Financial performance review Share of Revenue (QR million) QAMCO's Net Profit (QR million) -20% 0% -56% -23% 3,020 803 147 2,430 849 845 114 354 9M-22 9M-23 2Q-23 3Q-23 9M-22 9M-23 2Q-23 2Q-23 • 9M-23 vs 9M-22: Share of JV's revenue declined, mainly due to lower avg realized selling price despite higher sales volume. 3Q-23 vs 2Q-23: Share of JV's revenue remained nearly unchanged, as higher sales volume offset the impact of a lower average realized selling price. Share of JV's Debt (QR million) • 9M-23 vs 9M-22: Profitability declined mainly due to lowered revenue, partially offset by lower OPEX, mainly pertaining to lower raw material cost. 3Q-23 vs 2Q-23: Profitability declined due to a lower average realized selling price and higher cost of goods (COG) resulting from increased sales volume. This posed challenges to the quarterly profitability. Closing Cash (QR million) 2,295 -9% 2,086 (IAS 31) 2,064 -8% 1,897 (IAS 31) 31-Dec-22 30-Sept-23 Share of debt as of 30 September 2023 declined by 9% versus 31 December 2022, mainly due to net repayments on the QAMCO JV's loan facility. 20 31-Dec-22 30-Sep-23 Closing cash including share of cash in QAMCO JV as of 30 September 2023 declined by 8% versus 31 December 2022, mainly due to dividend payout, net repayments on the QAMCO JV's loan facility and lower operating cashflow at JV level QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#21CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Net Profit Variance Analysis -56% 803 -745 52 78 52 39 39 155 -28 Price 9M-22 Variance Volume Variance COGS S,G&A Finance costs Others 9M-23 vs. 9M-22 (Amounts in QR' million) 354 9M-23 QAMCO reported a net profit of QR 354 million, a decline in profitability by 56% compared to 9M-22. QAMCO's 9M-23 results were impacted by JV's performance mainly due to: 21 21 ► Unfavorable movements a) Lower average realized prices (-23%), along with lowered premiums; b) Higher finance cost due to increased floating lending rates, linked to overall hike in global interest rates. ▸ Favorable movements a) Higher sales volumes (+6%); b) Lower cost of goods sold, mainly on account lower raw material costs; c) Lower selling & distribution cost on account of lower marketing fee and logistics; d) Lower impairment of non-current assets; e) Higher Head office finance income. QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#22CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Net Profit Variance Analysis 147 -77 73 -23% -32 0 -3 5 3Q-23 vs. 2Q-23 (Amounts in QR' million) 114 2Q-23 Price Variance Volume Variance COGS S,G&A Finance costs Others 3Q-23 QAMCO reported a net profit of QR 114 million in 3Q-23, a decrease of 23% compared to 2Q-23. QAMCO's 3Q-23 results were impacted by JV's performance mainly due to: ► Unfavorable movements a) Lower avg. realized selling price (-8%) b) Higher COGS pertaining to increase in sales volumes; c) Higher finance costs due to higher benchmark rate. ▸ Favorable movements a) Significantly higher sales volume due to inco-terms; b) Higher head office income (included in "others"). 22 22 QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#23CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Analysis of Selling Prices Selling prices ($/MT) - 9M-23 vs 9M-22 3,489 557 -23% -2,670- 347 -38% 2,932 2,323 。 YoY: Average selling prices declined versus 9M-22 due to persistent headwinds affecting macroeconomic LME prices. 。 LME premiums declined mainly due to a negative macroeconomic context weighing on the global aluminium markets. 9M-22 9M-23 OLME OLME Premium Selling prices ($/MT) - Q3-23 vs Q2-23 2,772 386 -8% 2,541 321- -17% QoQ: Average selling prices declined versus the previous quarter. LME premiums declined mainly due to product mix. 2,386 2,220 2Q-23 3Q-23 OLME OLME Premium 23 23 LME Aluminium price source: Bloomberg, CRU QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#24CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Analysis of EBITDA margins Despite macroeconomic volatilities, QAMCO's JV EBITDA margins continue to remain robust & resilient Recent decline in EBITDA margins is mainly due to declining selling prices, while raw material price remained stronger despite recent shortfalls 4,300 3.800 3,300 2.800 2,300 Primary Aluminium Price (USD/ton) 1,800 1,300 30% 28% 26% 41% 41% 37% 47% 46.0% 45% 48% 43% 38% 36% 38% ми www. 33% 30% 32% 29% 26% 28% 1Q-20 2Q-20 3Q-20 4Q-20 1Q-21 2Q-21 3Q-21 4Q-21 1Q-22 2Q-22 3Q-22 4Q-221Q-23 2Q-23 3Q-23 24 24 Primary Aluminium price source: LME Primary Aluminium Price (USD/ton) QAMCO's JV EBITDA Margins (%) QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23 23% QAMCO's JV EBITDA Margins (%)#25CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Geographic analysis - QAMCO JV revenue Asia remained QAMCO JV's largest market, while its presence in Europe and US continued to be substantial North America 18% Europe 20% Qatar 3% Asia 58% 25 Revenue for YTD June-2023 QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#26CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED QAMCO JV revenue - product mix (%) Foundry alloys along with extrusion ingots (together referred to as value added or premium products) remains key products for QAMCO's JV. QAMCO JV's shift from value-added products to standard ingots in 9M-23, as opposed to 9M-22, due to the prevailing market conditions. 9M-23 QAMCO JV Sales Volumes - Product mix (%) 6% 9M-22 QAMCO JV Sales Volumes - Product mix (%) 3% 26 26 49% 45% 46% 51% ■Extrusion Ingots Foundry Alloys Standard Ingots & precision tubes QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#2727 27 ASTR Market Statistics and dividend distribution YEEB#2828 28 16.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Market Statistics and Dividends Market Cap (QR Billion) Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Dividend - 2019 Dividend distribution since incorporation Dividend - 2020 Dividend - 2021 Dividend - 2022 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 QR 167.4 m QR 0.03 per share QR 195.3 m QR 0.035 per share QR 446.4 m QR 0.08 per share QR 502.2 m QR 0.09 per share QR 1,311.3 m QR 0.235 per share The total dividends paid from the date of incorporation amounted to QR 1.3 billion representing a payout of 23.5% of the nominal value of the shares. QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Total Aug-23 Sep-23 QAR 7.72 bn#2929 29 ASTR CAPEX (2023-2027) YEEB#30CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED CAPEX (2023-2027) - (QAMCO's Share) CAPEX: 。 Planned CAPEX (2023-27) include routine operations such as pot relining and other maintenance pertaining to power plant and anode plant. CAPEX overview 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 (QAR' m) Pot relining 72 19 31 79 133 CAPEX <$5m - operational CAPEX 25 17 CAPEX-<$5M other projects 41 96 85 75 62 Capex >$5m 107 30 Turbines/Fluewall / HRSG LP Tube harps / GT 11 & 12 Rotor refurbishments / networks & others Total Capex Cash Outflow (QAMCO's share) 47 49 51 48 31 292 211 167 202 226 30 50 Note: The CAPEX figures for the years 2023-27 are based on the 2023 approved budget and business plan, based on the expectations of the market conditions and aluminium prices prevailing at the time preparing the business plan. With the current market conditions and aluminium price trends, the forecasts for 2023-2027 as disclosed in the above table cannot be relied on with absolute certainty, where, the actual realization of these cash flows might significantly differ as compared to these projections, subject to the macroeconomic conditions, including, among other factors, business environment, market dynamics, product prices etc. prevailing in that specific year. QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#3131 ASTR Historical performance (2019-2022) YEEB#3232 32 CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Key Performance Indicators • Production (MT'000) – 100% Sales Volumes (MT'000) – 100% Selling Prices ($ / MT) +2% +3% +56% 653 655 662 666 648 651 649 669 3,279 2,638 2,098 1,854 2019 2020 2021 2022 2019 2020 2021 2022 2019 2020 2021 2022 • 2022 Production remained highest since QAMCO's incorporation. . 2022 Selling prices remained highest amid constructive macroeconomic context. Share of Revenue (QR million) QAMCO's Net Profit (QR million) Share of JV's Debt (QR million) +61% 3,985 3,118 2,476 2,197 2019 2020 2021 2022 +858% -5% 919 835 2,415 2,221 2,299 2,295 96 95 2019 2020 2021 2022 2019 2020 2021 2022 (IAS 31) Revenue growth continue to remain linked to selling price trends. 2022 Net profits were the highest reported earnings for QAMCO since incorporation, mainly linked to the benefits captured from elevated selling prices. Note: For purpose of comparability, 2019 financial data reported here relates to the period from 01 January 2019 till 31 December 2019. Whereas, in actual, the published financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019 included financial data for the period from the date of QAMCO's incorporation (i.e., 3 December 2018) till 31 December 2019. QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#3333 Governance Structure ASTR#34CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Governance Structure Board structure QAMCO Board of Directors consists of six (6) Directors, all were appointed by the Special Shareholder "QatarEnergy". QatarEnergy appoints qualified and eligible Board Directors who are sufficiently experienced to perform their duties in the best interest of the Company and dedicated to achieving its goals and objectives. Governance and compliance QAMCO is firmly committed to implementing the principles of good governance set out in the Governance Code for Companies Listed on the Main Market issued by Qatar Financial Markets Authority (QFMA), that are consistent with the provisions of the Company's AoA. The Board of Directors ensures that an organizational framework, that is consistent with the legal and institutional framework of the listed companies, is in place at the Company level. This is achieved through a process of reviewing and updating governance implementation whenever required. Board committees The Board of Directors established Board Committees and Special Committees to carry out specific tasks. The Board remains liable for all the powers and authorities so delegated. Currently, Board Committees are Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee. Authorities No one person in the Company has unfettered powers of decision. Decision-making process is always done in accordance with the Company's Manual of Authorities and the relevant regulations. 34 4 QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#35CLASSIFICATION: C1 - CONTROLLED Governance Structure 35 Remuneration Board of Directors and The Company has developed a periodically revisited remuneration policy for Board members. The policy has fixed component for Board membership and attending meetings performance-related variable component. The proposed remuneration of Board members shall be presented to the General Assembly for approval. Executive Management All financial, administrative and head office services are provided by resources from QatarEnergy under a service-level agreement Disclosure and transparency The Board ensures that all disclosures are made in accordance with the requirements set by regulatory authorities, and that accurate, complete and non-misleading information is provided to all shareholders in an equitable manner. Shareholders' rights The Company's Articles of Associations provide for the rights of shareholders, particularly the rights to receive dividends, attend the General Assembly and participate in its deliberations and vote on decisions, tag along rights as well as the right to access information and request it with no harm to the Company's interests. Company's control system The Company adopted an internal control system that consists of policies and operating procedures for risk management, internal and external audit, monitoring Company's compliance with the relevant regulations. Clear lines of self-control, responsibility and accountability throughout the Company are therefore set. The internal control framework is overseen by the Executive Management, the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors. QAMCO, IR Presentation 9M-23#36THANK YOU QAMCO شركة قطر لصناعة الألمنيوم Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company For further information, Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company can be contacted as follows: Telephone: (+974) 4013 2277 Fax: (+974) 4013 9750 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] 8686 Address: P. O. Box 3212, Doha, State of Qatar. Please refer to for the latest information, publications, press releases and presentations about Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company.

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