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#1OUT OF THE ORDINARY Investec Investec Group overview The information in this presentation relates to the financial year ended 31 March 2022, unless otherwise indicated.#22 A distinctive banking and wealth management business creating sustainable, long-term value for our stakeholders 2 Principal geographies Key client groups and our offering c.8,300 Total Employees Corporate / Institutional / Government / Intermediary £29.9bn Core loans ₤40.1bn Customer deposits £63.8bn Funds under management Private Clients (HNW / High Income) / Charities / Trusts Specialist Banking Our stakeholders Our clients Wealth & Investment Lending Transactional banking Treasury solutions Advisory Investment activities Deposit raising activities We have market-leading client franchises We provide a high level of client service enabled by leading digital platforms Discretionary wealth management Investment advisory services Financial planning Stockbroking/execution only We are a people business backed by our out of the ordinary culture, entrepreneurial spirit and freedom to operate Our people Our communities Our planet Our shareholders#3Market-leading specialist client franchises We are not all things to all people: we serve select niches where we can compete effectively 3 Specialist client franchises span infrastructure, fund finance, aviation... Specialist Banking 5th 1st Largest bank by assets Top Private Bank Top tier Corporate advisory and equity sales Specialist Banking Wealth & Investment Top tier Top tier Top tier Corporate advisory and equity sales Small ticket asset finance provider Treasury risk solutions Top tier Top tier One of the leading wealth managers in SA One of the largest wealth managers in the UK#4Specialist Banking UK Winning in under-serviced parts of the market through dynamic, full service offering Private clients For high net worth clients that need a banking partner to provide intellectual and financial capital to achieve their vision of success Private companies For UK mid-market founder and entrepreneur-led businesses looking for a banking partner to support their needs, along every stage of their journey Private equity and sponsor-backed companies For UK mid-market Private Equity clients looking for boutique service with 'bulge bracket' capability and award- winning franchises Publically listed companies For UK mid-market listed companies looking for top-ranked corporate broking and equity research and strategic advisory Specialist sectors International specialist sector clients looking for a corporate finance and banking partner with deep expertise and an innovative approach 4 Mortgages & Personal Lending, Cash Management & Foreign Exchange, Private Capital, integrated with Wealth Mgmt. £'bn Loan growth* 16 12 10 120 14 8 CO 6 4 Growth & Leveraged Finance, Working Capital & Asset Finance, Specialist Lending, M&A Advisory, Equity Capital Markets, Treasury & Risk Solutions CAGR: 11% Permanent employees 2,000+ 14.4 12.3 % Contribution to adjusted operating profit^ c.27% of Investec Group % Contribution to c.48% loan book of Investec Group 2 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 *Net core loans. Information for financial years prior to 2019 reflects the results of the ongoing business (excluding UK Specialist Bank legacy assets and businesses sold). Information from FY19 onwards is presented on a statutory basis. Operating profit before Group costs, goodwill, acquired intangibles and strategic actions, less profit attributable to other non-controlling interests.#5Specialist Banking SA High-quality specialist banking solutions with leading positions in selected areas Private Banking For high net worth clients, professionals and emerging entrepreneurs looking for an 'investment banking' style service for private clients Lending, transactional banking, property finance and savings Investec for Business Smaller and mid-tier corporates who require a holistic banking solution Import and trade finance, working capital finance, asset finance, transactional banking Corporate and Institutional banking For corporates (mid to large size), intermediaries, institutions, government and SOEs looking for a client-centric, solution driven offering Global markets, various specialist lending activities and institutional equities Investment Banking and Principal Investments Corporates, institutions, property partners looking for an innovative investment partner Principal investments, Advisory, Debt and Equity, Capital Markets CAGR: 9% Permanent employees 4,000+ 287 298 % Contribution to adjusted operating profit* c.49% of Investec Group % Contribution to loan book of Investec c.52% R'bn Loan growth 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 5 *Operating profit before Group costs, goodwill, acquired intangibles and strategic actions, less profit attributable to other non-controlling interests.#6Wealth & Investment UK A leading UK private client wealth manager targeting mass affluent and increasingly HNW client base Key facts Total FUM % UK discretionary % UK direct UK Operating margin Average income yield FUM by Mandate** £44.4bn 86% Future growth drivers . Focus on collaborating further with the UK private bank £44.4bn^ 86%^^ 14% c.83% 27.0%# 81bps > £250k # of UK client relationships c.40,000 ■ Discretionary Non-discretionary # of UK offices 15 • # of UK investment managers 329 Financial planning • # of UK financial planners 36 Target client - investable assets Private banking Continue to expand financial planning capability Develop ways to deliver this advice as a central component of our core offering FUM: £'bn 50 50 40 40 30 20 10 6 41.7 6.5 44.4 7.2 Discretionary (Target >90% of FUM**) . 35.2 37.2 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 0 Mar-13 Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18 Mar-19 ■Discretionary Non-discretionary Recruit high quality investment managers Further develop propositions to serve growing IFA channel "Comprises UK, Guernsey and Switzerland. UK comprises c.96% of total FUM. ^^ UK discretionary FUM based on UK business only. ** Split / target based on UK business only. #Operating margin including Guernsey and Switzerland was 25.3% for FY2022.#7Wealth & Investment SA Uniquely positioned for SA HNW private clients seeking a holistic, international wealth management service Key facts Future growth drivers Fiduciary Enhance our fiduciary and tax planning services Expand the breadth and depth of our alternative investment offering Alternative investments Total FUM R364.6bn/£19bn % discretionary and annuity 51% 49% 51% % of disc. and annuity offshore 65% Operating margin 33.2% FUM R365bn Average income yield - 95bps discretionary and annuity Target client - investable assets > R5mn # of clients c.44,500 # of offices 10 ■Discretionary and annuity Non-discretionary Private banking # of investment managers 114 FUM: R'bn 400 7 300 200 Offshore 365 333 177 158 100 175 188 0 Mar-13 Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17 Discretionary / annuity Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 ■Discretionary and annuity Non-Discretionary • Success from relationships across W&I and Private Bank, with strategic focus on delivering our One Place ™ value proposition Focus on acquisition across growth segment of client base and digital offering through my Investments • Expand international investment universe that provides clients with broad range of international investments Leverage our expanded international investment offering into new distribution channels Build on strength of client relationships while remaining digitally driven Integration of ESG into our investment process and decision-making; and developing sustainable investment opportunities#8Diversified mix of earnings Diversified geographic business with diverse income streams Geography Business 8 Operating Income 55% 44% Adjusted Operating Profit* 56% 45% Operating Income 5% 72% Income stream Other operating Investment and associate Trading income income 1% income 23% 5% 7% 5% 17% Adjusted Operating Profit^ 76% ■ UK and Other ■Southern Africa ■ Wealth & Investment ■ Specialist Banking Group Investments Operating profit before goodwill, acquired intangibles and strategic actions, less profit attributable to other non-controlling interests. ^ Operating profit before group costs, goodwill, acquired intangibles and strategic actions, less profit attributable to other non-controlling interests. 41% 48% Fee and commission income Net interest income#9Strong financial recovery growing back to pre-COVID 2019 levels and beyond With a clear set of financial targets underpinning our objectives FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 Operating profit £552mn £419mn £378mn £687mn Group ROE 12.0% 8.3% 6.6% 11.4% (UK: 11.2%, SA: 11.7% Medium-term targets Group: 12% 16% UK: 11%-15% SA: 15% 18% Group: <63% 63.3% Cost to Income 67.3% 68.2% 70.9% UK: (UK: 70.5%, SA: 53.9% SA: <67% 50% -55% Investec plc* CET1 / Leverage 10.8% 7.9% 10.7% / 7.8% 11.2% 7.9% 11.7% / 9.2% CET1 ratio: >10% Investec Limited* 11.6% / 7.4% CET1/Leverage (FIRB basis) 10.9% / 6.4% (FIRB basis) 12.8% / 7.6% (pro-forma increased AIRB scope) 14.0% / 7.4% (increased AIRB scope) Leverage ratio: >6% Tier 1 ratio: >11% Total capital adequacy: 14% -17% 9 *The Investec plc leverage ratios are calculated on an end-quarter basis. In the UK, the 31 March 2022 leverage ratio is calculated applying the UK leverage ratio framework, which applies to all UK firms from 1 January 2022. The prior year comparatives are calculated on a Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) IV basis. The capital adequacy disclosures follow Investec's normal basis of presentation so as to show a consistent basis of calculation across the jurisdictions in which the Group operates. For Investec plc this does not include the deduction of foreseeable charges and dividends when calculating the CET1 ratio as required under the Capital Requirements Regulation. The impact of this deduction totaling £44mn (31 March 2021: £25mn) would lower the CET1 ratio by 28bps (31 March 2021: 17bps). **Investec Limited received approval to adopt the Advanced Internal Ratings Based (AIRB) approach for the SME and Corporate Models, effective 1 April 2021. On full adoption of AIRB, the pro-forma CET1 ratio is expected to increase by 200bps as at 31 March 2022.#10Framework to drive improved business performance 10 Growth initiatives Clear set of opportunities to deliver disciplined revenue growth امشه Cost management E Enhanced management of the cost base through operational leverage Underpinned by Capital discipline A more disciplined approach to capital allocation and focus on capital optimisation Digitalisation And delivered through -CED- Connectivity Continued investments drive a digitally connected ecosystem to leverage efficiencies and deliver enhanced value to clients and staff#1111 Investment proposition Well positioned to pursue long-term growth Well capitalised and highly liquid balance sheet Improved capital allocation - anticipate excess capital Diversified mix of earnings by geography and business, with significant annuity income underpin from leading wealth business Clear growth opportunities through reinforcement of existing linkages across geography and business and new profit pool strategies which are underway Our clients have historically shown resilience through difficult macro environments Rightsized the cost structure of the business#1212 OUT OF THE ORDINARY Investec • . • • Appendix Investec Dual-Listed Company structure FY2022 results • Capital and liquidity Loan book and asset quality Sustainability highlights#1313 Investec Dual-Listed Company structure Southern African operations Investec Ltd Non-Southern African operations Investec plc LSE primary listing JSE secondary listing A2X secondary listing Sharing Agreement JSE primary listing NSX secondary listing BSE secondary listing A2X secondary listing Investec Bank plc Investec Bank Ltd Investec Wealth and Investment International (Pty) Ltd Investec plc and Investec Limited are separate legal entities and listings, but are bound together by contractual agreements and mechanisms Investec operates as if it is a single unified economic enterprise Shareholders have common economic and voting interests as if Investec plc and Investec Limited were a single company Creditors, however, are ring-fenced to either Investec plc or Investec Limited as there are no cross-guarantees between the companies Investec Wealth & Investment Limited All shareholdings are 100%. Only main operating subsidiaries are indicated.#1414 FY2022 Results - key takeaways 52.5 Strong earnings recovery above pre-pandemic levels Highly relevant client franchises in our core geographies Capital generation to support growth and create optionality Positive progress towards medium- term targets ▲ 5% 55.1 55.8 24.9 63.8 510 29.9 434 12.0% Target Range: 12-16% 11.4% Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 ■FUM (£'bn) ■Core Loans (£'bn) Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 NAV per share (p) Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 ROE (%) Adjusted EPS (p)#15FY2022 Results - highlights Adjusted earnings per share 55.1P (MAR-21: 28.9P) 90.7% AHEAD OF PRIOR PERIOD Adjusted operating profit £687.4mm (MAR-21: £377.6MN) 82.1% AHEAD OF PRIOR PERIOD Cost to income 63.3% (MAR-21: 70.9%) Credit loss ratio 8 bps (MAR-21: 35 BPS) Return on equity 11.4% (MAR-21: 6.6%) Net asset value per share 510.0p (MAR-21: 458.0P) UP 11.4% SINCE MAR-21 FINAL DIVIDEND – 14p, FULL YEAR DIVIDEND 25p, RESULTING IN 45% PAY OUT RATIO SPECIAL DISTRIBUTION OF 15% IN NINETY ONE^ – 34P PER SHARE - 15 ^The distribution became effective on 30 May 2022. Calculated using closing share price as at 16 May 2022.#16FY2022 results - solid underlying performance Adjusted operating profit* increased across the group 16 £'mn 750 650 SA^ 54% (48% in ZAR) 149 550 118 9 9 450 350 250 377.6 150 50 50 UKA 138% 82% 8 13 3 ▲ 51% in GBP ▲ 45% in ZAR 36% in GBP 30% in ZAR ▲ 102% in GBP ▲ 93% in ZAR 332% ▲ 18% 33% 687.4 Mar-21 Specialist Banking SA Wealth SA SA Group Investments Specialist Banking UK & Other Wealth UK & Other Group Investments UK & Other Group Costs Mar-22 ROE 11.7% (Mar-21: 9.4%) 11.2% (Mar-21: 4.0%) PRE-PROVISION ADJUSTED OPERATING PROFIT INCREASED 50.1% TO £716.2 MN 11.4% (Mar-21: 6.6%) *Operating profit before goodwill, acquired intangibles and strategic actions, less profit attributable to other non-controlling interests. ^ Geographical metrics shown for SA and UK are inclusive of group costs.#17FY2022 Results - divisional highlights UK & Other | Wealth & Investment • Achieved record FUM during the period (Mar-21: £41.7bn) Net inflows of £1.2bn Adjusted operating profit up 17.9% to £87.7mn SA | Wealth & Investment Breadth and depth of product offering suitable for wealth globalisation trend Discretionary net inflows of R12.1bn Adjusted operating profit up 30.0% to R720mn UK & Other | Specialist Bank SA | Specialist Bank Loan book grew by 17.0% (18.5% excluding Australia) to £14.4bn Strong client acquisition across the business • Loan book up 3.9% to R298.4bn • Elevated corporate repayments and subdued business confidence Adjusted operating profit substantially ahead of the prior period at £193.7mn • Adjusted operating profit 45.0% ahead of prior period at R7 104mn Group Investments Assets have a carrying value of £847.6mn and market value of £1 009mn* UK & Other | 11.2% 17 *As at 16 May 2022 GEOGRAPHIC ROE % SA | 11.7%#18FY2022 results - ROE and ROTE 18 Group ROE 11.4% ROTE 12.3% 12.9% Geographic 11.7% 11.2% 11.7% Investec Ltd Average allocated equity 50.4% £2 232mn Investec plc Investec Ltd Investec plc Average allocated tangible equity 49.6% 53.9% £2 194mn £2 218mn 46.1% £1 897mn#19Capital and liquidity Group cash and near cash £'bn 18 14 10 17.2 Average • . 6 Mar-17 Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Investec plc capital ratios^^ Leverage ratio** CET1 ratio^ Total capital ratio 9.2% 7.9% 0% ■Mar-22 Standardised 11.7% 11.2% 15.1% 16.8% 10% ■Mar-21 Standardised Group liquidity summary • High level of readily available, highly liquid assets • Loans to customers as % of customer deposits of 73.7% (Mar-21: 75.6%) Capital summary . CET1^ ratio above 10% target, total capital ratios within target range of 14%-17% Leverage ratios above group target of 6% Investec Limited obtained approval to adopt AIRB* approach for the SME and corporate models effective 1 April 2021 Investec Ltd capital ratios Leverage ratio CET1 ratio^ 7.4% 7.6% 7.6% 14.0% 12.8% 12.2% 17.5% Total capital ratio 16.6% 16.0% 20% 0% 10% 20% ■Mar-22 Increased AIRB Scope* # Mar-21 pro-forma Increased AIRB Scope* # ■Mar-21 FIRB 19 Refer to the group's results 2022 booklet for further detail on capital adequacy and leverage ratios. *Where AIRB is Advanced Internal Ratings-Based approach **The 31-Mar-22 leverage ratio is calculated applying the UK leverage ratio framework which applies to all UK firms from 1 January 2022. The 31 March 2021 comparative is calculated on a CRD IV basis. ^Common Equity Tier 1. #Investec Limited received approval to adopt the Advanced Internal Ratings Based (AIRB) approach for the SME and Corporate models, effective 1-Apr-21. We presented numbers on a pro-forma basis for 31-Mar-21. On full adoption of the AIRB approach, Investec Limited's CET1 ratio at 31-Mar-22 would on a pro-forma basis increase by 200bps to c.16%. ^^The capital adequacy disclosures follow Investec's normal basis of presentation so as to show a consistent basis of calculation across the jurisdictions in which the Group operates. For Investec plc this does not include the deduction of foreseeable charges and dividends when calculating the CET1 ratio as required under the Capital Requirements Regulation. The impact of this deduction totaling £44mn (31 March 2021: £25mn) would lower the CET1 ratio by 28bps (31 March 2021: 17bps).#2020 20 Investec plc - we inherently hold more capital per unit of risk As we use the standardised approach for RWA calculations, our capital ratios are not directly comparable with peers 80% RWA density - Total RWA / Total Assets Minimum CET 1 requirement %* 12% 11.0% 11.0% 10.7% 10.1% 10.7% 10% 8.7% 8.8% 8% 60.8% 6% 4% 33.6% 2% 0% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 25.4% 20% 10% 0% 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 ■Investec plc UK 'big 5' ■Total UK sector Barclays plc (Mar- 22) Lloyds Banking Group plc (Mar- 22) Standard Chartered (Mar- 22) HSBC Holdings plc (Mar-22) Virgin Money UK plc (Mar-22) Investec plc: lowest min CET 1 requirement 7.6% 7.3% NatWest Group plc (Mar-22) Santander UK Group Holdings plc (Mar-22) Close Brothers Group plc (Jan- 22) Investec plc (Jun- 22) • We use the standardised approach for our RWA calculations - while peers are largely on the advanced approach • The result is that our RWA density at 60.8% is above the sector average of 33.6% Our RWA density is more than 2x higher than the 'big 5' UK peers • • Investec plc's current minimum CET1 requirement is 7.3% comprising a 4.5% Pillar 1 minimum requirement, a 2.5% CCB, a 0.31% Pillar 2A requirement (effective end June 2022, 31 Mar 2022 was 0.45%) and a 0.03% Countercyclical Capital Buffer (CCyB) Investec plc's reported CET1 ratio was 11.4%** at 31 Mar 2022, providing a 3.9% surplus relative to the regulatory minimum before buffers (which are also allowed to be used in times of stress) Investec plc continues to have the lowest PRA prescribed Pillar 2A capital requirement of all UK holding companies shown above Where the UK 'big 5' banks include HSBC, RBS, Lloyds, Barclays and Standard Chartered (source: Thomson Reuters - All adjusted to GBP) and the Total UK sector is per the Bank of England (source: Peers are shown at the December 2021 period as this is the closest match to the year under review. *Information sourced from latest financial reports. **After the deduction of foreseeable charges and dividends as required under the Capital Requirements Regulation. The Investec plc CET1 ratio would be 28bps higher before the deduction (i.e. 11.7% as shown on previous slides).#21Investec Limited: sound capital ratios in excess of internal and regulatory minimums 21 CET1 CET1 buffer to regulatory minimum 16% 14% 16% 14.0% 14% 14.0% 12.2% CET1 at 31 March 2022 12% 10.2% 10.5% 10.9% 12% 6.00% 10% 10% 8% 8% 8.0% 0.50% Min. CET1 requirement 6% 6% 2.5% 0.50% 4% 4% 2% 4.50% 2% 0% 0% 31-Mar-18 31-Mar-19 31-Mar-20 31-Mar-21 31-Mar-22 Standardised ■FIRB Increased AIRB • • Effective 1 April 2019, the Foundation Internal Ratings-Based ('FIRB') measurement of credit capital was adopted resulting in lower RWA density and a positive impact on Investec Limited's capital ratios. On FIRB adoption, the pro-forma CET1 ratio uplift was 110bps Effective 1 April 2021, approval was received to adopt the advanced internal ratings based (AIRB) approach for the SME and Corporate models (Increased AIRB scope). On Increased AIRB scope adoption, the pro-forma CET1 ratio uplift was 60bps In the financial year ending 31 March 2022, Investec Limited made progress in the application to adopt AIRB for the measurement of capital on certain portfolios currently on the FIRB approach. On full adoption of AIRB, the pro-forma CET1 ratio is expected to increase by 200bps at 31 March 2022 ■ Pillar 1 ■Pillar 2A CCB ■D-SIB ■Buffer to reg minimum • Under our current capital requirements, Investec Limited's CET1 regulatory minimum is 8%. Our CET1 ratio was 14.0% at 31 March 2022, providing a 6.0% surplus relative to the current regulatory minimum after buffers#22Lending exposures Credit and counterparty exposures are to a select target market: HNW and high income clients, mid to large corporates and public sector bodies and institutions. 22 22 • The majority of exposures reside in the UK and South Africa • We typically originate loans with the intent of holding these assets to maturity, thereby developing a 'hands-on' and long-standing relationship with our clients Gross core loans by risk category Southern Africa Corporate and other Corporate and acquisition finance 20% Fund finance 2% 28% Power and infrastructure finance 2% Small ticket asset finance 2% Aviation finance 1% Other corporate and financial institutions and governments 1% Lending collateralised by property Commercial real estate 18% Residential real estate 2% High net worth and other private client HNW and private client - mortgages 28% HNW and specialised lending 24% £15.6bn Gross core loans by country of exposure 3.4% 4.1% ■South Africa ■UK EU (excl. UK) ■North America 47.0% £30.2bn 41.9% Africa (excl. SA) Asia Europe (Non-EU) Australia Mar 2022 Other UK and other Corporate and other lending Corporate and acquisition finance 13% 20% Small ticket asset finance 10% 48% Fund finance 9% Motor finance 5% £14.6bn Power and infrastructure finance 3% Other corporate and financial institutions and 3% governments 52% Asset-based lending 3% Aviation finance 2% Lending collateralised by property Commercial real estate 11% Residential real estate 5% High net worth and other private client HNW and private client - mortgages 29% HNW and specialised lending 7% 16% 36%#23ECL charges down 71.0% to £28.8mn (Mar-21: £99.4mn) CLR reduced to 8 bps from 35 bps at Mar-21, below the through-the-cycle (TTC) range of 25-35 bps Driven primarily by: Significant reduction in ECL impairment charges & CLR Total ECL impairment charges £'mn 140 120 133 99 80 66 99 60 2888 100 40 20 0 420 29 29 . • • Good recoveries in South Africa, and Improved forward-looking macro-economic scenarios relative to prior year A level of management overlay has been maintained given the uncertain economic outlook Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 • Limited default experience, Credit loss ratio bps 60 40 40 20 20 31 52 2 35 0 23 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 80 Mar-22#24Unpacking the credit loss ratio - UK Investec plc total ECL impairment charges £'mn 80 76 71 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 25 25 Mar-19 CLR reduced to 17 bps from 56 bps at Mar-21, below the TTC range of 30-40 bps • Total ECL charges of £25mn (Mar-21: £71mn) mainly driven by: • • • Lower specific impairments Net model releases due to updated macro- economic scenarios Modest management overlay increase to account for continued economic uncertainty 25 • Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Investec plc credit loss ratio bps 80 60 60 40 40 69 69 56 0 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 20 38 24 17 Mar-22#25Unpacking the credit loss ratio - SA Investec Ltd total ECL impairment charges R'mn 1200 1,109 1000 761 800 600 400 200 0 Mar-19 Investec Ltd credit loss ratio bps 60 40 40 20 20 621 63 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 36 28 18 0 0 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 25 CLR reduced to 0 bps from 18 bps at Mar-21, below the TTC range of 20-30 bps, driven primarily by: • • Limited default experience, Good recoveries, and Release of R71mn management overlay given credit performance and stable to improved macro-economic outlook relative to FY2021#2626 Balance sheet provisions £'mn 150 R'mn 3,000 ECL provision Investec plc balance sheet 100 50 101 ▼ 33.7% 20 67 Investec Ltd 2,000 1,328 9.2% 1,206 balance sheet 416 ▲ 49.0% 620 42 ▼ 16.7% 35 ECL provision 1,000 985 ▼ 11.8% 869 27 ▲ 18.5% 32 0 0 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-21 Mar-22 ■Stage 1 ■Stage 2 ■Stage 3 ■Stage 1 ■Stage 2 ■Stage 3 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-21 Mar-22 Investec plc Stage 1 0.3% 0.3% Investec Ltd ECL coverage Stage 1 0.4% 0.3% Stage 2 3.4% 3.5% ECL coverage ratio % ratio % Stage 2 2.8% 3.5% Stage 3 30.4% 23.0% of which Ongoing Stage 3 26.8% 16.7% Stage 3 17.9% 21.4%#27Sustainability highlights Operate responsibly, finance and invest for a sustainable future and maintain our competitive ESG position PROGRESS MADE ON OUR IMPACT SDGs Equality commitments Joined UN- Convened Net- Zero Banking Alliance | W&I joined 10 REDUCED INEQUALITIES Board Transformation | Climate Action 100+ 43% ethnicity women 43% Level 1 B-BBEE rating CLIMATE 13 ACTION Net-Zero commitments Implemented a focused project to understand our Scope 3 financed emissions and establish a baseline, strategy and targets to reach net-zero MINIMAL LENDING TO COAL 27 22 Sustainable finance Anchor LP investor in an impact fund focused on EM infrastructure SUSTAINABLE FINANCE Investec Limited Raised for Investec Bank Limited $600mn through Sustainability linked Loan. (2.5x oversubscribed) Issued a green bond for Investec Bank Limited raising R1bn to refinance five green renewable energy projects (3.8x oversubscribed) 0.10% Coal exposure (at £31mn down from £45mn) as a percentage of gross core loans (Mar-21: 0.17%). Investec plc $600mn Investec plc committed to zero coal in the next 3-5 years Raised for Investec Bank plc through sustainability linked loan. (3x oversubscribed) Group energy exposure £'mn 800 600 400 200 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-21 Mar-22 Coal and oil Natural gas Renewables Investec Wealth & Investment ■Energy from waste Biomass $35mn ■ Solar Raised by Investec Wealth & Investment at 31 March 2022 through the launch of a Global Sustainable Equity Fund R1bn ■ Wind RATINGS ■Natural gas Oil Low-risk Sustainalytics 16.6 rating. Placing us in the Top ■ Coal 13% of the banking industry Top 2% in the financial services AAA sector in the MSCI Global Sustainability Index Incorporating sustainability in the way we do business and creating innovative, impactful solutions#2828 • • Positively contribute to 1. the Sustainable Development Goals Sustainability highlights Aligns with our broader aspiration to positively address inequality and climate change by focusing on doing well and doing good Our approach is aligned to our purpose to create enduring worth, living in, not off, society Core SDGs Strong governance Implemented a more holistic ESG framework linked to executive renumeration Deepened our ESG skills on the Group Board with the addition of two new non-executive directors Received a low-risk rating from Sustainalytics (16.6) Supporting SDGs Operate responsibly and 2. ethically and within the 3. planetary boundaries Partnering with our clients and philanthropy partners to maximise positive impact 4. Providing profitable, impactful and sustainable products and services 5. Actively advocating for industry alignment and best practice ENABLED THROUGH Climate action Reduced inequalities QUALITY EDUCATION CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION 13 CLIMATE ACTION Innovative sustainable finance Published baseline Scope 3 financed emissions 0.10% coal as a % of loans and advances A proud participant of: Climate Action 100+ Global Investors Driving Business Transition Investec Wealth & Investment 10 REDUCED INEQUALITIES 43% women on the board 43% board ethnic diversity Level 1 BBBEE rating Net-Zero Banking Alliance Industry led, UN convened Committed to NZBA 4th 2021 Universum employer of choice: students Some examples of how we supported the SDGs since April 2021 £7.75mn Sustainability Linked Loan to a client providing professional learning and development programmes R1.65bn To secure South Africa's water resources through Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH R1bn Green bond issued for renewable energy projects (3.8x oversubscribed) £1.2bn Funding through the Bank of England's Term Funding Scheme for SMEs 9 INDUSTRY, INNOVATION 11 SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES €600mn Co-arranged finance for Ghana railway on behalf of Ghana's Ministry of Finance €215mn Arranged finance for TWO major hospital projects in Ghana Strong ESG ratings Sustainability Yearbook CDP DRIVING SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIES Member 2021 S&P Global Top 15% in the global diversified financial services sector (inclusion since 2006) SUSTAINALYTICS e Maringate campery RATED 16.6 low risk rating Top 16% of globally assessed companies in the Global Sustainability Leaders Index MSCI ESG RATINGS AAA CGC BBB | BBBA AA AAA Top 2% in the financial services sector in the MSCI Global Sustainability Index Score B against an industry average of B (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) ISS ESG‣ Top 20% of the ISS ESG global universe and Top 14% of diversified financial services FTSE4Good Included in the FTSE UK 100 ESG Select Index (out of 641) Included in the FTSE4Good Index

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