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#1जल अभिषेक Community Led Watershed Management And Water Conservation Campaign In Madhya Pradesh - India#2Water Crises In M.P - India: Fact File .... • Geographical Area - 308,000 sq. kms Total Population - 60 million Total Rural population - 44 million • Around 19 % area is wasteland JAMMU & KASHMIR LOCATION OF MADHYA PRADESH IN INDIA CHINA PAKISTAN UTTARANCHAL DELHI NEPAL SEA 0. Predominance of rainfed agriculture Agricultural production affected by perpetual drought • Ground water exploited excessively Agriculture based Economy Mumbai (Bombay) Bhopal MADHYA PRADESH BHUTAN Patna JHARKHAND CHHATTISGARH BAY OF BENGAL 0000 N 8 Map not to Scale#3Response By Government Of Madhya Pradesh Mission For Watershed Management Partcipatory Watershed Management Programme Under Centrally Sponsored DPAP, EAS, IWDP Jal Abhishek Campaign Community Led Campaign For Water Conservation#4KEY FEATURES OF GOOD PRACTICES Mission Mode For Inter-Sectoral And Collective Action Multifaceted Institutional Arrangements at Different Level → Mu Participatory Planning, Implementation And Maintenance Harnessing All Available Techno-scientific Resources Preference To Local Low Cost Methods And Materials Based On Indigenous Technical Know-how Regular Quality Monitoring and evaluation Social Audit Due Consideration For Aspirations Of Resource Poor By Ensuring Sharing Of CPR#5Mission Mode For Inter-Sectoral And Collective Action • • • Registered as society under the aegis Panchayat & Rural Development Department General Body chaired by HCM Executive Committee chaired by Chief Secretary GB and EC has representation of various line departments to ensure inter-sectoral and collective action • Full time Director for mission Dedicated and full time team of professionals at state level#6Multifaceted Institutional Arrangements at Different Level .... • • District Level Technical Committee chaired by Collector District Watershed Cell NGOs and Corporate Sector as PIA Full time Watershed Development Teams have been appointed by appointing various subject matter specialist on contract through open competition Community workers like jal mitra, samooh mitra etc. have been appointed on contract at village level#7Perspective plan for watershed development projects • • To select and treat an area on priority basis Prioritisation of watersheds has been done by SLUSI Preparation of Drainage map Delineation of Micro-watersheds (500-1000 ha) • Codification of micro-watersheds Prioritisation of microwatersheds based on sediment yield index and landuse/land cover#8Participatory Planning, Implementation And Maintenance .... . • . • Premised on the philosophy of logical frame work analysis PRA and net planning Water budgeting Setting up long term vision/goal for watershed projects Defining the socio-economic & physical objectives/outcomes to be attained Assessment of the impact against set objectives & outcomes Village watershed committee provide assistance to Gram Panchayat. This committee has representation of UGS and SHGs WPF and WDF accounts are jointly operated by Village watershed committee and Gram Panchayat Wage Ppayment through Bank A/C Provision of convergence Provision of MoU for maintenance of assets and distribution of benefits between VWC, GP and UG#9Monitoring and evaluation .... राजीव गाँधी वाटर शेड रिशन लाइकोवाटर रेड किशनपुरा आ प्रस्ताव डेम लूज बोल्डर चेक डेम परकोलेशन तालाब 0 नाला रास्ता कन्टूर ट्रेन्च सी.पी.टी. क्षारोपण दिबंदी जारोपण हवेल रिचार्जिंग 5 पिट क्ति गैबियन परकोलेशन तालाब ट्यूबवेल महिला बचत समूह 'निरख परख कार्यक्रम Quick Social Assessment Of The Work Through Visual Stock Taking By The Community Validation Of The Previous Work Identification Of The Gaps Social Audit: Nirakh Parakh Reworking The Plan And Future Action Accordingly#10State Quality Monitoring (SQM): Period: Atleast 06 months • Done by Panel of NGOs/Individuals Constituted at State level Based on Prescribed Eval. Indicators District Quality Monitoring (DQM) Period: Atleast 06 months Done by Partner NGOs/Water Expert Group Constituted at Distt. level Based on Prescribed Eval. Indicators#11Case Study of Sohanpur Watershed, Block Begamganj, District Raisen Batch - DPAP - VIth Batch Area selected for treatment - 5533 ha. Covered Villages - 15 Total population - 6367 SC-1396 ST - 622 Rahma Sohanpur 247 hac. Nayagoan 237 hac. KARPANI 351 hac. Khamkheda 343 hac. 90 hac. Chandoda 299 hac. Tekapar Munzopta 267 hac. Khamriya 184 hac 1 Deolapur 433 hac Naigadiya 930 hac. Padarbatha 713 hac. Gopai -470 hae Gorkhapur 336 hac. Molys, Mohgawa 438 hac. Chorgown 187 hac#12Community Organisation • Awareness campaign, health camps etc. • Number of watershed committee - 15 • Total member in WC - 174 • Male member in WC - 124 • Female in WC - 50 • User Groups - 69 • • Self Help Groups - 41 with 508 members Women Thrift and Credit Groups - 50 with 608 members write slider mer är share for आयोजन प्रतिभा कला मन्दिर#132 Contineous Bunding (RM) Implementation Mechanism and Works Taken up Implementation mechanism - as per Gol guidelines Works taken up No. Name of Work 1 Field Bunds (RM) 3 Boulder Check 4 Tank 5 Farm Pond 6 Stop Dam 7 Rock Fill Dam (Rs. in lakh) Quantity Amount 35934 5.44 17964 1.20 849 9.58 68 107.28 21 9.33 21 23.99 2 3.17 8 Sanchi Structure 3 0.52 9 Well construction 1 1.11 10 Repair of old well 6 1.10 11 Bori Bandhan 39 0.42 12 Soak pit 229 0.13 13 Vermi Compost 73 1.73 14 Nadep Compost 5 0.03 15 Plantation 128215 3.00 16 Assistance given to SHG 14 1.80#14Impact Reduction in migration • Ground water recharge - Total no. of wells - 599 - Water available round the year (PrP) - 23 - Water available round the year (PtP) - 380 400 300 380 298 200 124 100 23 30 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005#15• Irrigated area Impact - PrP irrigated area - 362 ha. - PtP irrigated area - 1760 ha. 2000 1500- 1000 362 410 500 1760 1600 1450 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005#16• Impact Double crop area - PrP double crop area - 362 ha. - PtP double crop area - 1680 ha.#17Impact Convergence – Khamkheda village - Use of bio fertilizer - Dewlapur village - Nirmal Gram - - Nursery development for Jatropha plantation – 2 SHGs linked with SGSY#18JAL ABHISHEK CAMPAIGN "A PEOPLE'S MOVEMENT FOR WATER CONSERVATION" . Chief Minister's directive to implement a • • • community driven water conservation campaign Water conservation campaign known as "Jal Abhishek Campaign" launched on 2nd April 2006 community has taken the charge and government is facilitating. Extensive awareness creation programmes have been organised village level institutional framework has been established to provide leadership facilitating institutional mechanism of government has been established राज्य स्तरीय शुभारंभ ल. अभिषेक अभिन वाटरशेड परि परिण वर्षा#19• JAL ABHISHEK CAMPAIGN "A PEOPLE'S MOVEMENT FOR WATER CONSERVATION" Following water conservation activities have been planned and executed: Renovation of already existing water conservation structures/sources ➤ Construction of irrigation tank by individual farmers on their private lands though own investment Construction of new water conservation structures (like stop dams, tanks, nullah bundings and indigenous structures such as minor dams, Bori bunding etc on priority) as per requirement of the rural community. ➤ Implementation of comprehensive action plan for river revival#20• • • JAL ABHISHEK CAMPAIGN "A PEOPLE'S MOVEMENT FOR WATER CONSERVATION" Encouraging villagers to undertake water conservation activities in their own fields by Do-It-Yourself mode Convergence of financial resources available under various government departments and contribution from local people. Groups of stakeholders have been formed for distribution, utilisation and management of water through created structures. Coordination with individuals and non-governmental/voluntary institutions Locally available indigenous/traditional knowledge and experiences have been considered • Coordination with banks and financial institutions#21. ● Peoples Campaign ... • Making inventory of water sources and preparing the annual budget of water. Preparation and approval of Action Plan for water conservation activities Implementing efficiently the activities included in the Action Plan Mobilizing public support and utilization of Panchayat level funds on priority for implementation of water conservation activities.#22"Reva Sagar" Bhagirath Krishak Abhiyan A People's movement. Of the People....... For the People..... By the People.....#23Pre-Campaign realities • 80% of Irrigation by tube wells, Big Farmers own 60% tube wells • Crop intensity is 125% against the potential of 190% + ● Two of the six Blocks are Grey • Irrigated area is shrinking since past 10-15 years Water level Depleted to 300-1000 ft#24Distribution of 6 CD Blocks of Dewas District Indore West Nimar Ujjain Tonkkhurd Sonkatch Sehore Dewas Khategaon Kannod Bagli East Nimar Harda#25Status of Rainfall (Average 897.49 mm) Rainf 1400 1200- Average Rainfall of Dewas District 1000 800 600 4 400 200 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Dewas is receiving more or less average Rainfall#26● • Economics of Water Ensures double crop, provides multiple livelihood options - Tube-well irrigation – a costly affair, high risk, uncertainty of water availability and its adequacy. Availability of surface water reduce cost of cultivation and electricity A surface water source constructed in 5-10% area irrigates rest of the land holding#27Reva Sagar Bhagirath Krishak Abhiyan Construction of irrigation tanks by farmers with their own investment, on their own land, for their Economic Development Irrigation tanks - 'REVA SAGAR' The farmer is known as 'BHAGIRATH KRISHAK'#28A Strategic move Role Model theory was adopted Orientation regarding water economics. Using Comparative analysis, Demonstration of the rationale of perspective investment ➤ 'Bagirath Master Trainers,' a group of motivators were involved as Role Models ➤ Various water-related Groups, APMCs, Co-operative Societies, Kisan Clubs were Trained ➤ Active involvement of Local NGOs were encouraged Strategically farmers were 'organised' by internalizing CBA of water as a resource Emphasis on 'water as a critical input'#29Reva Sagar: Situational Analysis Questions Answers How much land do you own? 5 Acres, 10 Acres, 20 Acres What is the proportion of irrigated Land? Mainly un-irrigated What are the sources of irrigation? How many Tube/Open well do you have? What is your investment on these sources What are your sources of investment Did you get any assistance from government? Rains, Tube-well and Open Wells 1, 2, 4 6, & 10 Rs. 40 thousand to Rs. 1 lakhs, 2 Lakhs, 4 Lakhs " Own investment, Money Lender and Bank No#30Pre-Reva Sagar: Baseline Indicators Questions Inspite of such large investment, are you getting enough water for irrigation? In your opinion, What is the Present cost of your land? What is the status of availability of fodder in summer season? Answers No, water is not available round the year. Rs.0.50-1 Lakhs for dry land and Rs.3-4 Lakhs for irrigated land per hectare Not available#31Declaration Form जल अभिषेक अभियान जिला देवास (म. प्र. ) जल अभिषेक - जल ही जीवन है । 2006 जल ही जीवन है । मैं- निवासी ग्राम अपनी निजी भूमि ग्राम लगभग.. संकल्प पत्र - पिता/पति श्री .... -- विकासखंड टोंकखुर्द जिला देवास म.प्र. .....खसरा क्र. रकबा ........... बीघा / एकड़ / हेक्टर में से स्वयं के श्रम और साधन से……………………………. बीघा / एकड़ / हेक्टर क्षेत्र में "रेवा सागर " का निर्माण कर माननीय मुख्यमंत्रीजी के "जल अभिषेक अभियान" रूपी अश्वमेघ यज्ञ में अपनी ओर से आहुति देने का संकल्प लेता हूँ । मैं रेवा सागर निर्माण का कार्य आगामी दिनांक.. प्रारम्भ करूँगा । दिनांक .. संकल्प पत्र प्राप्तकर्ता अधि / कर्म. हस्ताक्षर नाम एवं पद जल है तो कल है । हस्ताक्षर (संकल्पकर्ता) पता दूरभाष क्रं . जल है तो कल है । से#32• CBA of Reva Sagar 8-10 ft deep X 1 Ha. Reva Sagar irrigates 8- 10 Ha. (an increase of 10 times) Envisaged increase of crop intensity from 125% to 190%+ (from mono crop to double crop) • Increase in Productivity 100-300% Electricity consumption reduced to 10-20 % Contd#33CBA of Reva Sagar . Ensures sustainable Fodder availability Contd... • Incremental income though multiple livelihood • options Recoupment of investment within one or two years#34● Impacts ... (District Dewas) Construction of 4000 Irrigation tanks. Water table rise-up to 6-40 feet Irrigation potential generated- 40,000 ha. Beneficiary investment :- 150-200 crores Checking of Soil loss. Bacterial life of Soil regenerated.#35Glimpses of Bhagirath Krishak Abhiyan#36Glimpses of Bhagirath Krishak Abhiyan Received "Rashtriya Bhoojal Puruskar" in consecutive three years#37Glimpses of Bhagirath Krishak Abhiyan#38Success Stories Multanpura in Mandsaur district was facing acute shortage of drinking water Community decided to repair and raise the height of a old stop dam on Bulalia nullah, about two kilometer from the village Rs. 0.29 million was provided by village panchayat and Rs. 0.1 million contributed by community Renovated stop dam recharged about 400 wells and tube wells#39Success Stories • • Guna district witnessed successful completion of different structures and Bori bunding (Empty cement bags filled with impervious soil) The villagers were apprised of the benefits of Bori bunds and their low cost and advised to donate labour and money for this work. Each Bori bund cost about Rs. 1500 to 2000. Rs. 1.6 million was invested for construction of 1363 Bori bunds. . Rs. 0.3 million was mobilized by public contribution. 222 hectare was irrigated by checking water in the Bori bunds, which led to increase in farm production by 5550 quintal, the market value of which is about Rs. 4.7 million#40Success Stories ... The people of village Barlai in Neemuch district have set a worth emulating example by constructing private ponds under Jal Abhishek Campaign. 61 farm ponds having water holding capacity of 48190.81 cubic meter were constructed at a cost of Rs. 22.04 million irrigation facility has increased by 20 percent after construction of farm ponds#41Peedi Jal Samwad - From Raj to Samaj Open discussion of old generation and youth of village community. Agenda of Gram Sabha Availability of water w.r.t. time line Change in water use Renovation of old structure • Construction of new structure Recommendation to Gram Panchayat • Motivating Farmers for Private Investment

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