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#1Solomon Islands Summary National Context: Land area: 28,00 sq. km of land; 4,023 km of coastline Exclusive economic zone EEZ: 1.34 million sq. km. Population: 515,870 (in 2009) with approximately 85% in rural areas Population growth rate: 2.3% with rural to urban migration estimated at 4% per annum Human Development Index: Ranked 142 from 187 countries (UNDP, 2011) Main source of national income (2007-2011): Logging, Fisheries, Agriculture, Aid GDP per capita: Second lowest average per capita income in the Pacific Region (ADB, 2010) GDP growth rate: 5% (in 2010) Inflation: 19.4% in 2008 and has declined to 2.9% in 2011#2Location of Solomon Islands REA Sea of Japan JAPAN Yellow NOTH Sea KOREA East China Sea Dugaie Shortland Islands Choiseul Pacific Ocean Santa Isabel New Georgie Sound The S Solomon Islands lies east of Papua New Guinea and northeast of Australia in the South Pacific. PHILIPPINES GUAM (U.S) TIMOR LESTE FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA PALAU AUSTRALIA Victoria Desert Great Australian Bight PAPUA NEW GUINEA New Georgia Istana Group Islands Savo Islands SOLOMON ISLANDS Guadalcana 195 Coral Sea ISLANDS PACIFIC OCEAN Coral Sea VANUATU FIJI NEW CALEDONIA Tasman Sea NEW ZEALAND ask strat San Cristoba TONGA Coordinates: 800 S, 159 00 E#3Cyclone After cyclone in Tikopia, Solomon Islands El Nino Southern Oscillation One of the drivers of inter-annual climate variability affecting Solomon Islands is the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events which are known to have distinct oceanographic, temperature, rainfall and cyclonic conditions. There are usually two phases: El Nino and La Nina. During an El Nino ocean surface waters are warmer than normal and the equatorial divergence is located well to the east of the Pacific. A La Nina event is when the temperatures are cooler and equatorial divergence occurs across much of the region. Cyclones and high rainfall events are associated with the La Nina periods. The future of ENSO events is still not clear but it is expected that it will continue to be an important diver of Solomon Islands climate into the future. - Solomon Islands National Climate Change Policy 2012 - 2017#4Sea Level Rise Malaita, Solomon Islands Sikaiana, Malaita outer islands#5Flooding Balasuna River, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands#6Impact of climate change on SIDS • Vulnerable to sea level rise • Increase rates of inundation, storm surges, king tides, costal erosion • Water and food shortages • Subsistence and commercial agriculture affected, food security problems •Health problems • Poverty increases#7Summary of Predicted Future climate of Solomon Islands Temperature will continue to increase (range, 0.4 - 1.0 °C by 2030) Hot days and warm nights and less cooler weather Average annual and seasonal rainfall projected to increase, however uncertainty in the projection • Extreme and intense rainfalls - resulting in flooding of low lying areas • Frequent and intense cyclones with maximum wind speeds • Sea level will continue to rise resulting in storm surges and costal inundation and erosion Ocean acidification affecting reefs and coral life and ecosystems#8Challenges • Cultural and behavioural practices (subsistence farming, resource and waste management) • Education and awareness (risks, mitigation and adaption measures) Building codes and standards • Access and timely dispersement of financial resources from donors • Access to reliable and environmentally friendly technology • Localization of resilience at community and village level#9Conclusion • Effective and close collaboration by SIDS with relevant stakeholders, including development partners, donors, regional and international agencies • Effective resource mobilization for SIDS to address impact of climate change • Effective ownership of climate change issues at all levels

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