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#1We work to promote a better life for Alaskans. Broadband & Digital Equity Rasmuson Foundation Board Member Kathy Hurlburt RASMUSON FOUNDATION#2OUR HISTORY Founded in 1955 by Jenny Olson Rasmuson in honor of her late husband, Edward Anton Rasmuson Total charitable payments since 1955: $479 million K#3-- Why a Rasmuson Broadband Initiative?#4Provide all Alaskans.... . access to high-speed, reliable broadband, • at affordable prices, through an equitable and transparent process, • that engages communities, and results in a strong governance structure that ensures programmatic goals and benefits are realized. Rasmuson Broadband Initiative Goals#5THE SEAL OF www THE STATE THE STATE of ALASKA GOVERNOR MIKE DUNLEAVY OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BEAD FIVE-YEAR ACTION PLAN Lisa Von Bargen, Senior Project Manager September 8, 2022#6THE SEAL OF THE OF ALASKA STATE BEAD Milestones & Funding Process Five-Year Action Plan Max 270 Days Initial Proposal Max 180 Days 20% Funding Authorized Final Proposal Max 365 Days Remaining Funding Authorized Approval of Plan Notice of Funding Allocations Approval of Proposal State Mapping Challenge/Grant Program Approval of Proposal ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 6#7THE SEAL OF THE STATE OF ALASKA BEAD Planning Grant Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) $100 Million Minimum State Allocation 5% = $5 Million Planning Grant Application submitted August 15, 2022 Award expected this Fall Milestone Deliverable: Five-Year Action Plan Maximum 270-day Timeline ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FIVE-YEAR ACTION PLAN SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI 13 1270 SAT 7#8THE SEAL OF THE STATE OF ALASKA BEAD Five-Year Action Plan 25 5-Year Action Plan Broadband Blueprint ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8#9THE SEAL OF THE STATE OF ALASKA Five-Year Action Plan Elements Outline of Broadband Office, Employees, Consultants & Contractors, Program of Work, and Anticipated Technical Assistance & Capacity Needs Broadband Funding Identification (Federal, State, Local, Tribal, Providers) and Broadband Affordability Data Deployment Barriers & Obstacles Identification Asset Inventory ם םםם םםם Digital Equity Inclusions & External Engagement Process Broadband Service Needs Comprehensive High-Speed Internet Plan Alignment with Other Statewide Social/Economic Plans ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 6#10THE SEAL OF THE OF ALASKA STATE Middle Mile Enabling Middle Mile $1 Billion Nationwide Applications due September 30, 2022 Estimated Review Complete February 16, 2023 Estimated Awarded Notifications after March 1, 2023 Grant Awards $5 Million - $100 Million Maximum 70% Federal Cost Share 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 30 FRIDAY MIDDL MILE SEPTEMBER Eligible Applicants: State, Political Subdivision, Tribal Government, Technology Company, Electric Utility, Public Utility District, Telecom Company, Telecom Coop, Non-Profit Foundation, Non-Profit Corporation, Non-Profit Institution, Non-Profit Association, Regional Planning Council, Native Entity, Economic Development Authority, or any Partnership of Two or More Named Entities ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 10#11THE SEAL OF THE STATE OF ALASKA TRIBAL BROADBAND CONNECTIVITY PROGRAM . Tribal Connectivity 2021 Consolidated Appropriations Act $1 Billion IIJA 140444444 00 SOON Be NOFO OCTOBER $2 Billion (Split between Initial & New Programs) Successful Alaska Applicants To Date: $96,109,668 Native Village of Selawik Village of Clark's Point Healy Lake Village Kotzebue IRA Native Village of False Pass Salamatof Tribe Ahtna IRC Cape Fox Corporation Ketchikan Indian Community AFN Skagway Traditional Council Salamatof Native Association Doyon, Limited ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 11#12THE SEAL OF THE STATE OF ALASKA USDA RECONNECT . • ReConnect 1-3 11 Awards Totaling $210,352,323 More ReConnect 3 Awards Expected Successful Applicants To Date: Cordova Telephone Coop. x 2 Arctic Slope Telephone Assoc. Coop. Mukluk Telephone Assoc. AT&T Wireless x 2 Matanuska Telephone Assoc. Unicom x 2 Nushugak Electric & Telephone Assoc. AP&T Wireless Bristol Bay Telephone Coop. ReConnect 4 Opened 9/6/22 ~ Closes 11/2/22 $350 Million 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 0 02 WEDNESDAY ECONNECT APPLICATION NOVEMBER ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 12#13THE SEAL OF THE STATE OF ALASKA USDA COMMUNITY CONNECT Community Connect . 4 Awards Totaling $9,979,593 Successful Applicants To Date: Arctic Slope Telephone Assoc. Coop. Byte Networking, LLC Interior Telephone (TelAlaska) Cordova Telephone Coop. ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 13#14THE SEAL OF THE STATE OF ALASKA ALASKA PLAN Alaska Plan • • 13 Recipients $543,762,240 (based on annual amounts) over 10 Years (2017-2026) Recipients: • • Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC American Broadband Communications Arctic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative, Inc. Bristol Bay Telephone Cooperative Bush-Tel, Inc. Circle Telephone & Electric Copper Valley Telephone Cooperative Cordova Telephone Cooperative, Inc. City of Kethikan Matanuska Telephone Association, Inc. Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. OTZ Telephone Cooperative, Inc. GCI ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 14#15THE SEAL OF THE STATE OF ALASKA Lisa Von Bargen Senior Project Manager [email protected] 907-660-7877 ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 15#16THE SEAL OF THE STATE OF ALASKA Q&A ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 16#17We work to promote a better life for Alaskans. Broadband & Digital Equity Rasmuson Broadband Lead Kristina Woolston RASMUSON FOUNDATION#18What is Digital Equity? The condition in which individuals and communities have the information technology capacity that is needed for full participation in the society and economy of the United States. -National Telecommunications and Information Administration 18#19THE DIGITAL EQUITY ACT ос .) PROVIDES DIGITAL SKILLS TRAINING AND EDUCATION TO LOW-INCOME POPULATIONS IMPROVES ONLINE ACCESSIBILITY OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES EMPOWERS RURAL COMMUNITIES TO MEASURE AND ADDRESS THEIR OWN BROADBAND NEEDS#20NTIA • $60M Nationally • Grants to States, DC, Territories • Grants to Tribal Entities Alaska Native and Tribal Entities Direct Grants from NTIA • $50,000+ per entity • Potentially 100s of eligible entities in Alaska Digital Equity Planning Grants: Federal and Foundation Funding for Alaskan Voices Rasmuson • $568,000 from NTIA • Rasmuson Provides Additional funding Partners All Federal funding flowed through by Rasmuson#21-- This Planning Will Lead to Implementation 5 Each State will identify barriers to digital equity in the State and strategies for overcoming those barriers. ⚫NTIA will distribute Digital Equity Capacity Grants through states and national competitive grants#22Some Key Requirements The grant requires that the plan • Consult with and address the needs of "covered populations" • Be completed within 12 months of award Rasmuson intends to • Work with and through partners across Alaska and nationally . Convene and facilitate discussions about a vision for Digital Equity, not dictate the vision#23Covered Populations Rural residents Members of a racial or ethnic minority Individuals in covered households Individuals over age 60 Covered Populations Incarcerate d individuals Individuals with a language barrier Individuals with disabilities Veterans#24State Tribal Broadband Digital Planning Digital Equity Is Part of the State Broadband Plan Equity Planning State Broadband Planning State Five-Year Broadband Action Pan 24#25The Planning Process Listen and Understand Consider Reflect • Outreach to covered populations • Data collection and analysis • Other planning efforts Strategies that respond to identified needs and gaps • Consult with a diverse Digital Equity Working Group •Draft Alaska's Digital Equity Plan & Encourage Comment Prepare for Implementation Efforts#26Communications Plan Listening sessions or public meetings (in-person and virtual) Websites and email addresses where public can directly submit comments Printed materials-brochures, fact sheets, etc. Social media, email, and traditional mail services W Local advertisements and public service announcements Partnering with Community Anchor Institutions to help promote and distribute information#27• Listening Sessions Approximately 48 public meetings, traveling to covered populations across the state to ensure participation We are targeting October - March to conduct the bulk of these sessions Attendance at regularly scheduled events of covered populations and key stakeholders W#28Existing Digital Equity Initiatives • A required element of the plan will be an “asset inventory" • This just means taking stock of what initiatives are already working to increase digital equity, such as: ● • Digital navigators Digital literacy programs Affordability programs Equipment program Developing digital content that meets the needs of covered populations#29-- How Communities Can Help . Are there convenings we can join to get digital equity input? • Are there covered populations in your community or region that may be especially. difficult to reach, and how can we hear from them? • Do you have any initiatives to address digital equity? Have you done or are you doing any digital equity planning? How can we find out? 29 29#3010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 01010101010 1070 jó vorpilal TO 1010101010101010101010 10112 to 1015 10101010101010101010101010 Alaska's Digital Equity Plan Will Include: A statewide vision for digital equity A digital equity framework and scorecard Plans for digital literacy innovation programs ● Proposed technology-related apprenticeship or other workforce opportunities Integration with the State's upcoming Economic Development Strategy, educational and health outcomes, and civic and social engagement Action steps to implement the Digital Equity Plan#31Stay tuned--an Alaska Digital Equity Plan website will be coming on the Alaska Broadband Office website. In the meantime you can reach us at [email protected] Alaska Digital Equity Planning Contact#32-- Q&A#33Empty#34Empty#35Elements of a State Broadband Plan A data-based, actionable plan includes at least three key elements: Current State Data A data-based assessment of existing conditions that provides a baseline for measuring progress over time Tools & Resources What your state brings to the table-and what other resources can be leveraged Goals & Recommendations Short-, medium-, and long-term goals around infrastructure, adoption, and other key outcomes Implementation Who is responsible for what, why, and when Pew Analysis: Strategies for Crafting Effective State Broadband Plans BETI Broadband Education and Training Initiative THE PEW CHARITABLE TRUSTS#36Gather Input and Feedback • • ● Create regular opportunities to share and collect information Plan far in advance, adjust as needed Inclusive and adaptive messaging for different audiences Consider engaging outside partners to support the work (academic institutions, a regional partner, or outside consultants) to help organize and collect input Developing a Data Strategy • • . • Define how the data you collect will evaluate and inform the state and local goals Start with existing data Gather data from local entities and empower them for data verification Support ongoing data collection and evaluation Be as granular as possible#37Emerging State Strategies • Regional and local planning • The role of libraries and other community anchors • Continuing momentum from ACP#38Empty#39We work to promote a better life for Alaskans. Broadband & Digital Equity Listening and Visioning RASMUSON FOUNDATION#40Listening and Visioning In the coming months the Rasmuson Broadband team, the State Broadband Office and partners will be hearing from lots of Alaskans about broadband infrastructure, service, and Digital Equity needs... ..but we want to start hearing from you right now. Please join your fellow Alaskans in a conversation about what we need and want to reach a positive broadband future for the entire state.#41Instructions Please group yourselves by table. If your table is not full, please move to a different table to make a full table. • Try to join a table with some people who didn't come with you today. Each table should choose a facilitator and scribe. Look for the instruction sheet and note sheets at each table for the facilitator and scribe.#42Communities What communities (geographic or otherwise) do you represent here today? Which covered populations are represented in your communities? Please spend 10 minutes discussing. Covered Populations Persons in a low-income household • Individuals over age 60 Incarcerated individuals • Veterans . Individuals with disabilities Individuals with a language barrier Members of a racial or ethnic minority Rural residents#43Understanding Digital Equity and Broadband Gaps What does Digital Equity mean to you? Do your communities experience a digital divide or a lack of digital equity? If so, how? . What is the impact? Please spend 15 minutes discussing#44. Efforts Underway How have you and/or your community already engaged in reducing the digital divide and connecting more Alaskans? • What organizations-statewide, regional or local-are advancing digital equity within the covered populations? What projects are underway or envisioned to support more Alaskans getting online? Please spend 20 minutes discussing.#45. Report Out Instructions Please select a reporter from each table. This can be the facilitator, scribe, or some other participant. • We will take turns hearing from the reporter in each group. • Report the "headlines" from each group's discussion-try to keep to 3 minutes or less, not a full recap. • Reporters, please describe the group's discussion, not only your comments. We will collect the scribe's full notes to review with the planning team.#46A Broadband Vision for Alaska Imagine a future three to five years down the road. Great things have happened to bring residents, organizations and businesses in Alaska better broadband. How did it happen? Questions to consider: • What do we see that is new or different about how broadband is provided, accessed, or used? • What good things are happening because better broadband is available and usable by all? • What important things happened to get us there? We will discuss as a group for 20 minutes. If there are more ideas than time permits, please write them down on the flipchart before you go.#47Further Connections . • What are the best ways to connect with the covered populations in your communities and encourage residents to attend a listening session? Which community gatherings or events could provide an opportunity to meet with residents about digital equity? Respond via survey or the QR Code on each table. W#48Engagement Form ☐ SCAN ME#49We work to promote a better life for Alaskans. [email protected] RASMUSON FOUNDATION

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