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#1DIGITAL INITIATIVES, ARUNACHAL PRADESH Presentation by Mr. Shambhu Singh and Mr. Mudang Omo of SCERT Arunachal Pradesh on 10-01-2022#2223 Arunachal Pradesh Schools by Broad Categories of Management (2018- 19)(Arunachal Pradesh)(All) Others-1.24% Private-13.26% Aided-1.69% Government-83.81% Government Aided Private Others No. Name of District Department of Education School Data of the Session 2019-20 (Govt Schools) Total No. of Schools Total Enrolment Total Teacher 1 ANJAW 84 2773 307 2 CAPITAL COMPLEX ITANAGAR 77 16880 1117 3 CHANGLANG 288 21304 1105 4 DIBANG VALLEY 23 831 138 5 EAST KAMENG 166 8546 687 6 EAST SIANG 129 14051 1319 7 KAMLE 116 4103 374 8 KRA DADI 120 8155 610 9 KURUNG KUMEY 103 4251 569 10 LEPA RADA 46 2234 285 11 LOHIT 83 6884 442 12 LONGDING 87 11173 356 13 LOWER DIBANG VALLEY 78 7462 567 14 LOWER SIANG 71 4118 402 15 LOWER SUBANSIRI 108 5638 825 16 NAMSAI 188 13130 812 17 PAKKE KESSANG 45 1858 169 18 PAPUM PARE 222 10705 1049 19 SHI YOMI 38 1664 152 20 SIANG 93 3918 554 21 TAWANG 105 4048 565 22 TIRAP 119 6692 477 23 UPPER SIANG 103 5196 527 24 UPPER SUBANSIRI 223 15037 810 25 WEST KAMENG 185 7894 748 26 WEST SIANG 120 6610 813 Grand Total 3020 195155 15779#4Interventions during COVID-19 Pandemic •Awareness among the parents and PRI members through through Media and Community Mobilization Programme. •Constant dialogue between the school, parents, SMC, Community and regular sharing information on attendance and drop out with the cluster, block and district level authorities to ensure children's regular attendance and participation in school activities.#5The State Govt had taken several steps during the lockdown period in the wake of COVID -19 pandemic during academic session 2020-21 & 2021-22 so as to ensure that the children do not lose any opportunity to learn by providing access to technology learning sources.#6It was envisaged to integrate digital learning with class room teaching in the post COVID by introducing well planned interventions so as to address critical elements of the learning ecosystem for the students. The following initiatives were taken: (a) Radio School :- In collaboration with All India Radio, Itanagar, the Dept of Education, Govt of Arunachal Pradesh did broadcast online radio talk for classes 1 to 5 on Arun FM 103.1Mhz & MW 675Khz (Monday to Saturday) at 1.20 pm w.e.f. 02.06.2020 (Tuesday). The first radio talk started with Class-1 then class 2 and so#7• Online Classes via Doordarshan Arun Prabha Channel Online live classes were conducted through Doordarshan studios for classes VI- VIII for 40 minutes each six days a week.#8DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh under Directorate of Elementary Education initiates online classes programme for Primary & Upper Primary students NT OF Arunachal Newsonair 000 बहुजनहिताय आकाशवाणी बहुजनसुखाय PART MEN EDUCATIO ACHAL PRADES In collaboration with All India Radio, Itanagar दूरदर्शन अरुणप्रभा A radio talk programme will start for Classes I to V w.e.f. 02/06/2020 (Tuesday) ✓ Listen All India Radio, Itanagar on Arun FM 103.1 & MW 675 khz. ✓ A first Radio talk programme will be started with Class-I then class-ll and so on. Radio talk Schedule: Saturdaysses > At 1:20 p.m (Monday-Saturday). In collaboration with Doordarshan Kendra, Itanagar TV classes will start for 6th to 8th standard w.e.f 02/06/2020 (Tuesday). Designed by R. Moyong. Online Classes programme for 6th to 8th standard will be telecasted in between 9:30 a.m to 11:30 am. Tune with Arun Prabha Channel at Tata Sky Channel No. 1995, DD free Dish DTH Channel No. 11, DISH TV Channel No. 1514. Online TV classes Schedule: > Class-VI Class-VII Class-VIII COVID-19 - EFFECT 09:30 a.m to 10:10 a.m (Monday-Saturday) 10:10 a.m to 10:50 a.m (Monday-Saturday) - 10:50 a.m to 11:30 a.m(Monday-Saturday) Radio classes to minimise academic loss coo AIR NEWS 4 hrs · ✪ Education department will telecast TV based daily classes for class 6 to 8 on DD Arunprabha Channel from this week; Materials for the same is being prepared: Niharika Rai, Secretary Education, Arunachal Pradesh Sd/- Tapi Gao Director of Elementary Education Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. Niharika Rai Secretary Education Arunachal Pradesh आकाशवाणी समाचार ALL INDIA RADIO NEWS#9and • Online admission admission with minimal/no documents allowed so as including children migrant labour etc. of#10•The teachers had taught such children through virtual mode where there was network connectivity. In no access zone, the teachers helped to their children through their parents and elders, encouraged them for learning. and peer#11CLP • A webinar for implementation of CLP conducted was chairmanship under the of Secretary (Education) cum Director SCERT with DDSES and Principals, DIETS on 22nd July, 2020.#12• Also, Academic as per Alternative Calendar (AAC) developed by NCERT in the session 2020-21, Worksheets were developed by SCERT Arunachal Pradesh and provided to students for class I-XII under Learning the Continuous Programme (CLP).#13DTN 72 GHSS DOIMUKH XII HISTORY の#14Other digital platforms: Whatsapp groups Class/Google form/ /Google Google meet/Zoom is being used by teachers to remain in touch with their students directly. These platforms are being used in some urban places; but most of places are yet to have IT connectivity.#15Teachers' Capacity Building: • Capacity Building Training of the teachers on online classes (Google class/Google meat/ Google form/Zoom meeting etc.) conducted by SCERT and DIETS#16WELCOME TO BLOCK RESOURCE CENTRE BANA ONLINE FORGING TEACHERS TRAINING FORVOUS LEARNING PLAN 2020-24 AT ELEMENTAR (GANIZED BY BRC BANA CAMENG DISTT ACHAL PRADESH CONTENTS Cleanu P epi Queck danam Google met How to dekte classes gge desi Gogle forms Samary Oslasice duvan DISTRICT LEVEL TRAINING ON ONL TEACHING UNDER CONTINU LEARNING PLAN PALIN KRA DAADI ON 26.08.2020 AT GOVT. HR.SEC. SCHOOL: PALIN#17Sensitizations of teachers and stakeholders on NEP 2020 was done through virtual mode (Webinar) by SCERT Itanagar#1810 11 12 1 2 9 3 7654 DIKSHA 3 DAY DIKSHA TRAINING PROGRAMME CUM WORKSHOP FOR PRIMARY LEVEL TEACHERS ON CONTENT DEVELOPMENT IN EVS FOR CLASS V Venue Conference Hall, SCERT, Itanagar Date: 16-18 March 200 Organad State Council of Educational Research & Training (SCERT) Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Gaper Tit pr P 3 DAY DIKSHA TRAINING PROGRAMME CUM WORKSHOP FOR PRIMARY LEVEL TEACHERS ON CONTENT DEVELOPMENT IN EVS FOR CLASS V Venue : Conference Hall, SCERT, Itanagar | Date :16-18 March, 2020 Organized be State Council of Educational Research & Training (SCERT) Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Gohpur Tinal, Itanagar A 2-DAY TRAINING PROGRAMME POR SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS (EME) OF DIKSHA AND TEACHERS TEACHING SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICI OR BOW TO ASSESS, USE, CREATE AND SHARE-CONTENT THROUGH DIKINA PORTA VENUE: SCERT, CONFERENCE HALL Gohpur Tirall. Itanagar Data 22-23 March, 201 Organized by STATE COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH & TRAINING CERT) GOVT. OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH, ITAAAQAR#19Importance of Health and safety of teachers and students Online Course for teachers & Head of Schools on DIKSHA "COVID 19: Responsive Behaviors", has been done by the teachers and Head of Schools. The State Govt. made it mandatory to produce Course Completion Certificate by Teachers and Head of Schools before opening the new academic session i.e. 1st July, 2021.#20It has been directed that every teacher, head teacher and other non academic staff must have taken COVID vaccine before opening of the schools. It is to mention that the schools reopened in a phase wise phase wise manner by maintaining SoPs issued by the State Govt., Department of Health and Department of Education. In the 1st phase, the schools reopened for classes 9-12 w.e.f. w.e.f. 1st September, 2021 and in 2nd phase all the schools reopened also for classes 1-8 w.e.f. 13th September, 2021 for the students.#21• Online Capacity Building Training of State Resource Persons (SRPs) on Health & Wellness in Schools under Ayushman Bharat conducted w.e.f. 25-28 August 2020 by Ministry of Education & NCERT and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi.#22School Health and Wellness Programme Virtual as well as face to face mode 3 DAY DIKSHA TRAINING PROGRAMME CUM WORKSHOP FOR PRIMARY LEVEL TEACHERS ON CONTENT DEVELOPMENT IN EVS FOR CLASS V Venue: Conference Hall, SCERT, Itanagar | Date:16-18 March, 2020 Organized by: State Council of Educational Research & Training (SCERT) Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Gohpur Tinali, Itanagar TRAINING PROGRAMME FOR DIET FACULTY & DISTRICT RESOURCE PERSONS ON SCHOOL HEALTH&WELLNESS PROGRAMME Date: 19 Jang January Venue: SCERT Co Gohpur Tinai, STATE COUNCH OF CU CO EARLIVION COLORADO 4#23e-Office/Paperless Office W 16:0 16:09#24● State Award to Teachers Online facility to apply through SCERT website: YOUR TEACHER • Official website of Department of Education: Department, Know your Teacher, Know your School, Register Issue/Grievance, Track Issue/Grievance Details of Teacher: Name, Father's name, Designation, Gender, Subject, School, Block, District, Date of Joining in the present school etc.#26• Monthly Online training as per the schedule conducted by CoE, different CBSE Guwahaty on pedagogical areas of school subjects were taken up by the principals/headmasters/teachers.#27Coordination and actively participation with National Level programmes conducted by CIET, NCERT, NERIE etc.#28शिक्षा मंत्रालय DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY स्कूल शिक्षा एवं साक्षरता विभाग Two Days Conclave on School Education in 21st Century 21वीं सदी में स्कूली शिक्षा पर दो दिन का कॉन्क्लेव under NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY-2 ष्टीय शिक्षा नीति - 2020 oth & 11th September, 2020 Ministry of Education 2020 11 SCIENCE Tesis 21 Castry Educational Institutes Dr. E. Kasturiranta#29• SRGs Training 20 faculty members of SCERT, DIETS and School Teachers attended the Virtual Workshop for State Resource Groups (SRGs) of Arunachal Pradesh on Development of e-Content that was conducted by CIET, NCERT, New Delhi w.e.f 21-02-2021 to 02-03-21.#30● • 10 DIET faculties of Arunachal Pradesh attended a 5-day Virtual Training Programme on "Capacity Building for KRPs of North East Region on NEP 2020" from 04th to 08th October, 2021 conducted by NERIE Shillong.#31• 3rd Language · 51 participants from SCERT/DIET faculty members/ School teachers and CBOs of 11 Tribes of the state attended a 5-day Virtual Training Programme entitled “Capacity Building for Textbook writers of Linguistic Minorities of Arunachal Pradesh in selection, adaptation and development of resource material in minority language" from 27th September to 01st October, 2021.#32Research Study A research study is under process to be conducted in 2021-22 by SCERT Arunachal Pradesh on Effectiveness of Offline and Online Programme "NISHTHA❞#33Mission Shiksha Stepping Stones to achieve: 1. Vision, Mission, Objectives & Goals 2. Continuous Performance Evaluation System for Teachers ◆ Provide best available resources/ teaching to 3. Teachers' Training the students 4. Use of present day Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE) Technology School Infrastructure up gradation 5. Technology intervention ICT & Digital initiatives Transfer & Posting Policy Improving morale of all Stakeholders i.e. 6. 7. Students/ Teachers/ Community Infrastructure 8. Administrative Reforms#34Technology intervention ICT & Digital initiatives Activities Sub activities E-contents for Primary, Middle & Secondary and Sr. Secondary Schools Constitution of 3 committees - Primary, Middle/Secondary & Sr. Secondary level for finalization of e-contents Studying the existing e-content in the country Finalization of digital content for the State#35VSAT based two-way communication classes in all Sr. Sec. Schools Identification of schools to be connected through VSAT and establishing VSAT in such schools Phase I - Secondary & Sr. Secondary Schools - 100% Phase II Middle Schools - at least 50% schools in a district Phase III - Primary Schools - at least 50% schools in a district Developing classroom with software and hardware for setting up VSAT in schools#36• 146 SRG members for Primary to Secondary level and 69 SRG members for higher secondary level from SCERT, DIETS and Schools have been deputed. SCERT in collaboration with Azim Premji University, Bengaluru conduted the training programme for State Resource Groups (SRGs) through Virtual Mode w.e.f. July 28, 2021 to October 28, 2021#37contd. ⚫ (Primary Level: July 28-July 30, 2021, Aug 02-Aug 05, 2021, Aug 09- Aug 11, 2021 & Aug 16- Aug 19, 2021 ; Upper Primary and Secondary Level: Aug 25- Aug27, 2021, Sept 01-Sept 04, 2021, Sept 06- Sept 09, 2021 & Sept 13- Sept 15, 2021; Higher Secondary Level: Sept 27- Sept 30, 2021, Oct 04 - Oct 06, 2021, Oct 20- Oct 22, 2021 & Oct 25- Oct 28, 2021).#38M H Find Christy Perm L BUJAY CHETRY Participants (24) Participant SCERT ARUNACHAL Tirang (Host) Arun (Co-host) Ronita (co-host Roy (Co-host DR ODANG PRAD R C T G Participants (19) Find a párticipant (Me) SCERT ARUNACHAL PRADE... Tirang (Host Arun (Co-host Vikas Roy (Co-host Byoy Das DR MODANG RITA Dr. Jeetendra Katiyar Drema Ringu OPPO FSYouth (Me)#39• The SRGs will be functional as Master Trainers to reach at grass root teacher level to ensure "Bottom up approach". Keeping in mind the NEP 2020, the SRGs training has been planned for training of teachers teaching at Primary Level, Upper Primary & Secondary level and Higher Secondary level.#40• Government of Arunachal Pradesh is planning to work with RILM (Rotary India Literacy Mission). • RILM has also agreed to provide School Educational E-Content totally mapped NCERT curriculum, to be installed in the Smart TV sets in schools across the state.#41The SCERT, Itanagar and RILM have together decided to enter into a of Understanding Memorandum (MoU) with the following scope of collaboration: Collaboration for establishing E-learning facility in the Smart TV- sets in all schools#42Collaboration for ensuring modern multi-media teaching tools teachers (including learning teachers training) for online/e- Collaboration for conducting impact assessment of E-learning facility for state of state the benefit of education system#43NISHTHA (1.0, 2.0 & 3.0)#44NISHTHA 1.0 (Offline) Along with the rest of the Nation, our State also started NISHTHA 1.0 programme for the Elementary Level Teachers on offline mode. For the 14333 Elementary teachers, 100 KRPs and 20 SRPLs were selected. These KRPS & SRPLs were imparted training by the NRG comprising of NCERT faculties & others at SCERT Itanagar. The Training for these KRPS & SRPLs were held at SCERT, Itanagar w.e.f. 6 - 10th January 2020. The trainings in the districts started from 17th January 2020 and the training was supposed to be completed by March 2020, however, due to Nation wide lockdown due to the Covid19 Pandemic, the trainings had to be halted. About 50% of the teachers were covered through this offline mode.#45INTEGRATED TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAMME MISHTHA NATIONAL INITIATIVE FOR SCHOOL HEADS AND TEACHERS HOUSTIC TRAINING OF KEY RESOURCE PERSONS (KRP -8710 TRAINING OF STATE RESOURCE PERSONS-LEADERSHIP ISRPL 20 VENUE STATE CELINGE OF EDUCATION ARUNACHAL PRAVES G OF EDUCATIONAL REMARCH INTEGRATED TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAMME NISHTHA TRAINING OF KEY RESOURCE PERSONS INF TRAINING OF STATE RESOURCE PERSONS WADASIESEL) 38JANUARY#46SL No. District Class I-VIII (Target) Phy Achievement Remaining Phy Phy 241 1 Anjaw 321 80 0 2 Capital Complex 952 952 213 3 Changlang 983 770 4 Dibang Valley 137 0 137 481 5 East Kameng 911 430 0 6 East Siang 1166 1166 127 7 Kamle 361 234 266 8 Kra-Daadi 549 283 504 6 Kurung Kumey 505 01 10 Lohit 409 350 59 11 Longding 293 0 293 343 12 L/D Valley 530 187 13 lower siang 582 278 304 14 Lower Subansiri 772 465 307 15 Namsai 735 737 -2 698 16 Papumpare 1027 329 0 17 Siang 495 495 452 18 Tawang 493 41 19 Tirap 448 448 0 457 20 Upper Siang 515 58 0 21 Upper Subansiri 651 651 216 22 West Kameng 672 456 701 23 West Siang 826 125 Total 14333 6977 7356#47NISHTHA 1.0 (Online) Again, along with the rest of the Nation, our State also started NISHTHA 1.0 (Online) programme for the remaining Elementary Level Teachers on 16th October 2020 through the DIKSHA App. The remaining 50% teachers were covered through this online mode.#48NISHTHA 2.0 (Online) for NISHTHA 2.0 (Online) Secondary Level Teachers of both Govt. & Aided Schools has been started from August 2021. 3595 teachers shall be covered in NISHTHA 2.0.#49NISHTHA 3.0 (Online) NISHTHA 3.0/FLN (Online) for Teachers of Classes 1 to 5 has been started from November 2021. - 6822 teachers shall be covered in NISHTHA 3.0.#50Path of NISHTHA 2020-21 Online training for elementary level teachers and school heads (7488) 2019-20 Face-to-face training for elementary level teachers and schools heads (7824) 2021-22 Online training for teachers and school heads at all levels of both Govt. & Aided Schools (3595 (Sec) & 6822 (FLN))#51• • • Challenges Internet connectivity issues in most of the parts of the State. Few districts have completely no internet connection. Some of the aged teachers are having difficulties in handling this online training on their mobile or PC as they are not tech savvy. Many teachers are still using non android mobile or old version of android mobile which hampers the training. Training programmes spread across 3-4 months are not appealing to the teachers. Difficulty in getting the list of teachers doing the course from the diksha app.#52• • • • • Good Practices Despite various challenges, NISHTHA 1.0 has been successfully completed and NISHTHA 2.0 & 3.0 are under process. Some of the teachers in no network area are doing the course by travelling to the nearby network area places. WhatsApp & Telegram Groups have been created in the State and districts for disseminating the information regard to launch of course and for sharing of course links. Monthly review meetings are held with the districts. Physical monitoring of trainings are being done. Some of the districts have adopted peer learning process.#53THANKS

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