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#1kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Project Peatland Restoration Experience GIZ-BIOCLIME South Sumatra: Rehabilitation of Burnt Areas and Landscape Management on Peatland Mohammad Sidiq Berthold Haasler Seminar on Peatland Restoration BRG-KIFS 8 November 2016, Jakarta#2kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN Content: BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Project South Sumatra, Indonesia 1. South Sumatra, Indonesia . Ecosystems Peatland Deforestation, Degradation 2. Challenges of forest rehabilitation on peatlands after forest fires . Multi stakeholder Approach "Stakeholder's Commitment" "One Map" for Peatland Restoration Water Management Design: Participatory Canal Blocking Rehabilitation on Peatland - technical aspects Community Engagement in Forest Rehabilitation on Peatlands Sustainable Use of NTFPS FMU Approach to "Forest Landscape Restoration" land and#3kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN Pilot Project Area - South Sumatra Bangkok CAMBODIA Ho Chi Phnom Penh Ka Minh City Medan Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA Singapore Jakarta Bandung Lowland Forests BRUNE Manila PHILIPPINES INDONESIA Mangrove Mountain Forest TIMOR-LESTE (EAST TIMOR) PALAU GUAM BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Project PAPUA NEW GUINEA BIOCLIME Project Mangrove Peatland Low-land Forest Mountain Forest Peatland Tesion Cahaya Parte Sarang Muara Meda Park Kartas Indonesia Rumba Hutani Ma Buns Pratama Usaha Jaya Mence Fam PTPN Rimba Hutan Mas Pupejay Pilot Villages BIOCLIME Project High Biodiversity Area Forest Plantation Palm-oil Plantation Kayang Han Dess Raso Jaya Mande Rinea Hutani Mas Rua Hutan Mas Sumber Harpan Pam Pe Tria Budi Agung Pinang Wenas Sejas Pratama Usana Jaya#4kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN Fire frequency 1997-2015 102102% 100% ' SriLanka Myanmar China Taiwan apar Philippines Led PDR ThallsCambodia Vietnam 2001 Palau Malaysia Singapore indonesia Indian Ocean Ter Papua New Guinea Time-Leste Ashmore and Cartier is, Legend 1997-2015 frequency Bioclime AOI Frequency 1 2 3 4 5 678 Coordinate how a un Zone A Conductives Syst Caton and Snok account na 20 Australia E RSS 9 PEMITE SENSING SOLUTIONS GMBH JKilometers 10- Page 4#5kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN Deforestation and Degradation: Peatland in the project area after land and forest fires BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Project Areas protected from fire by local communities Burnt roots and peat area Video: Drone monitoring after forest fires: Potential of natural revegetation Link Video peat and#6kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN Example FMU Lalan (Merang) BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Project FMUs are forest management units at the site level with functions including conducting forestry planning based on the potential and needs of the area, resolving problems encountered at the site level such as conflicts regarding third party claims, and conducting planning and monitoring" PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN MUSI BANYUASING DINAS KEHUTANAN ANDA MEMASUKI KAWASAN HUTAN PRODUKSI LALAN PASAL 50 (2) UURINDA TAHUN 1999 SETIAP ORANG DILARANG (1) MENGERJAKAN DAN ATAU MENGGUNAKAN DAN ATAU MENDUDUKI KAWASAN HUTAN SECARA TIDAK SARA (2) MERAMBAH KAWASAN HUTAN 3) MELAKUKAN PENEBANGAN POHON DIDALAM KAWASAN HUTAN (4) MEMBAKAR HUTAN PASAL 78 (2-4) UURI NO 41 TAHUN 1000 KETENTUAN PIDANA BARANG SIAPA DENGAN SENGAJA MELANGGAR KETENTUAN TERSEBUT DIATAS DIANCAM DENGAN PIDANA PENJARA 5 15 TAHU DAN DENDA Rp 1.500 00000000 (Saro Miyar Lima Ratus Juta Respon Rp. 5.000.000 300.00 Lima Miyar Rupiah) TO KIHLALAN MANGEANCE PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN MUSI BANYUASIN DINAS KEHUTANAN ANDA MEMASUKI HABITAT HARIMAU SUMATERA PANTHERA TIGRIS SUMATRAE) JUMLAH KORBAN DITERKAM HARIMAU SAMPAI DENGAN JUMLAH OPTO KPHP LACAN MANGSANG MENDIS (Perbub No. 24 Tahun 2009) JIWA Page 6#72°10'0"S 2°0'0"S 1°50'0"S kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN LUC 2014-2016 FMU (KPHP) Lalan Mangsang Mendis 104°0'0"E 104°10'0"E 104°20'0"E BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Project KPHP Lalan - TS1 Padang Jambi Palembang Bengkulu Legend High-density peat swamp forest Low-density peat swamp forest Permanently inundated peat swamp forest Regrowing peat swamp forest Heath forest Oil palm plantation Acacia plantation Dryland agriculture mixed with shrub Scrubland Bare area Settlement Water NoData Coordinate system: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 48S Image acquisition Date: 2014.03.28 2014.07.15 Satellite: RapidEye Background: 0 5 SRTM Hillshade L 104°0'0"E 104°10'0'E 104°20'0"E RSS REMOTE SENSING Souris GMBH 10 km Page 7#82°10'0"S 2°0'0"S 1°50'0"S kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN LUC 2014-2016 Area [ha] 104°0'0"E L 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 High-density peat swamp forest Permanently inundated peat swamp... 104°10'0"E L 104°20'0"E Spatial extend of the land cover classes Heath forest Low-density peat swamp forest Regrowing peat swamp forest Dryland agriculture mixed with shrub Oil palm plantation Acacia plantation Scrubland 2014 2016 Bare area Settlement Satellite: RapidEye Background: 0 5 SRTM Hillshade L L 104°0'0"E 104°10'0"E 104°200'E Coordinate system: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 48S Image acquisition Date: 2016.02.15 2016.08.07 RSS REMOTE SENSING SOLUTIONS GMIH KDUD Ialan TSO 10 km Water NoData Page 8#92°10'0"S 2°0'0"S 1°50'0"S kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN Deforestation and Degradation due to Land and Forest Fires FMU LALANG 2014 - 2016 104°0'0"E 104°100"E 104°0'0"E 104°10'0"E 104°20'0"E 104°20'0"E KPHP Lalan Land cover change 2014 - 2016 Padang Legend Jambi Palembang Bengkulu Deforestation Forest degradation Agricultural expansion on non-forest Plantation expansion on non-forest Flooding Land clearing Regeneration No change No Data District border Coordinate system: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 48S Background: SRTM Hillshade RSS REMOTE SENSING SOLUTIONS GMBH 0 5 10 km Page 9#10kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Project Multi stakeholder Approach "Stakeholder's Commitment" CAT • Political Commitment: Peat Restoration Expert Panel (TRG), Local Regulation on Fire Prevention Partnership Program on ecosystem based 'Green Economy Strategy' with a special focus on degraded areas and forest landscape restoration in line with a Business Plan for Community Data Management/Data Centre of South Sumatera Action against illegal logging and canal digging DTM/Participatory Water Management Design "Different Stakeholders – Different Water Level" Desa Peduli Api (MPA) in Hutan Desa Kepayang Partnership with Private Sector: Canal Blocking#11kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Project Green Growth and Biodiversity Conservation • Efforts to balance economic growth with environmental protection as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation. South Sumatra still has areas with high biodiversity (both: flora and fauna) in its landscape. For instance: 2 (two) of 25 endangered species in Indonesia are still living there: Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) on Peatland as well. and Sumatran Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus). It is paramount to protect and increase their population. South Sumatra will be the first province in Indonesia to design and implement a Green Growth Plan in line with the first Indonesian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (IBSAP) at Sub- National Level.#12kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Project Challenges of forest rehabilitation on peatlands: Mainstreaming of the One Map Policy in South Sumatra 4 Peat Hydrological Units for Peat Restoration as Priority Area Peat Restoration Priority Area Musi Banyuasin District Peat Restoration Priority Area OKI District PROV. BENGKULU PROV JAMB LUBUNUNGGA KAB MUSI KAB SANYASIN Muara Enir -KAE MARAFNM, LEMBANG PROV. KEP BANGKABELITUNG SELAT BAA KAD OGA KOMERNO L 3GANyingine KAB. OKU SELATAN PROV LAMPUNG PROVINSI JAMBI KABUPATEN BANYUASIN 3UPATEN MUSI RAWAS UTARA ABAI TOMAN KABUPATEN BANYUASIN KEC PLAKAT TINGG Jingbulang KEC. SUNGAI KERUH KABUPATEN MUSI RAWAS KABUPATEN PENUKAL ABAB LEMATANGIUR KABUPATEN BANYUASIN KEC KABUPATEN OGAN ILIR NEC. KEC JUNO B KRC TELULAM KABUPATEN OKU TIMUR BIOCLIME and TRGD SUMSEL: Development of a Peat Restoration Map and Management Model for South Sumatra LEMBUNG JAVA RAVA Kenase Indah gemiye UNG KEC MESU MESU MUS KEBUNGA MERANG PROVINSI LAMPUNG#13kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Project Participatory Water Management Design: Canal Blocking in Cooperation with Local Communities for Livelihood Sub Peat Hydrological Unit in Bayung Lencir: Merang Kepayang Hydrological Unit (Village Forest) Canal Blocking with a Community Group in Merang-Kepayang Hydrological Unit (Small Canal Ex. Illegal Logging Access) 1153 550 *Settlement 1:2.000 Canal Blocking in Village Forest Kepayang: Rewetting, Rehabilitation, and Support to Community Livelihood#14kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN Water (Hydrology) Management: 41.5400 445500 sain 16200 116 11500 J 1700 172 1:2.000 411600 Water management (eco-hydrology) and tenure arrangements for effective peat and forest rehabilitation and sustainable management in the Peat Hydrology Unit. BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Project Redesigning Peat Hydrological Units: restoration in the protection zone (peat dome), and rehabilitation in the priority zone (Village Forest) utilization zone and buffer zone; Canal blocking for rewetting of peat and controlling of water level; Areas with root - and deep peat fires, almost no natural revegetation, must be kept irrigated with a high water level during dry season;#15kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN Rehabilitation on Peatland: Technical Aspect N Sungai Srindil Keterangan: Kanal Blok RKT Batas HD Kepayang Batas PT CAL 0.25 Comes V III IV II Sungai Nuaran BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Project Selection of endemic and local species, and forest rehabilitation technique at higher water level with paludiculture system; Selection of adaptive and high economic values species, and forest rehabilitation technique at wet peat land with agroforestry system; How to introduce: 1) Village nursery development, 2) techniques on spreading of seeds (germinated, small and lightweight, fast growing local species and pioneer but not invasive species, adaptive to water). Definition of criteria and indicators for performance and success of peat ecosystem restoration and forest rehabilitation. 27/02/2016 10:35 25/02/2016 07:27#16kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN Community Engagement: Development of Community Business Plan YARAKAT. AT TH REPAYANG LESTARI LE BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Project Villagers need to be rewarded for their efforts and engaged in the co-benefit arrangements (payment based on the number of trees, planted and growing). Technical support in rehabilitation and management of NTFPs, including production and marketing. Support of extension workers and NGOs is required to ensure the success. Community Business Plan and Partnership Plan with FMU WIRAUSAHA 2016#17kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz SUMATERA SELATAN Sustainable Use of NTFPS: Integrated to the Community Business Plan How to implement sustainable rubber production Other NTFPs. Examples: Jelutung (Dyera polyphylla) Gemor (Alseodaphne sp.) • Perupuk (Lophopetalum sp.) Suntai (Palaquium burckii) Nyatoh (Palaquium xanthochimum) • Rotan (Calamus sp.) BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Project ?#18kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz FMU Approach: Forest Management Unit (FMU) Inventory & Forest Use Forest Rehabilitation & Reclamation Planning SUMATERA SELATAN Forest MRV System Development Spatial Planning Forest Utilization Biodiversity & Carbon Sequestration Preservation Administration and Sustainable Management of Forest Resources Community Empowerment Forest Protection & Nature Conservation Participatory Planning & Decision Law Making Enforcement Production FMU BIOCLIME Biodiversity and Climate Change Project UU 23/2014: "The authority for the forestry sector is closely related to the authority for Forest Management Units (FMU) Micro Level" FMUs are representing the local government. The objective is to conserve forests, protect watersheds and peat land, and to improve forest productivity. GIZ Project Bioclime' Lessons Learned by a "Filling the Gap Approach"#19kerja sama jerman DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT giz BIOCLIME SUMATERA SELATAN Thank You Biodiversity and Climate Change Project Biodiversity and Climate Change (BIOCLIME) Project Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 2837 Km 3.5 Palembang 30129 Telp/Fax: 0711-353176. Email: [email protected]

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