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#1PUBLIC SCOPING MEETING PUERTO RICO COASTAL STORM RISK MANAGEMENT STUDY Integrated Feasibility Study & National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) AGENDA Open House/Poster Session 2:00 p.m. Welcome & Introductions 2:30 p.m. Presentation/Public Comments/Open House 2:40 p.m. Adjourn 4:00 p.m. U.S.ARMY BUILDING STRONGS#2COASTAL STORM RISK MANAGEMENT STUDY Puerto Rico Public Scoping Meeting Presented by: Gina Ralph U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District November 6, 2018 U.S.ARMY#3PUBLIC SCOPING MEETING PURPOSE Puerto Rico Integrated Feasibility Study & National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) US Army Corpe of Engineers. JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT U.S. ARMY ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS SUBJECT. Puerto Rico Coastal Storm Risk Management Study Scoping Meeting DATE: Nov.6. 2018 LOCATION Aguadilla, Puerto Rico NAME AND TITLE (PLEASE PRINT) BUSINESS OR ORGANIZATION YOU REPRESENT MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE EMAIL ADDRESS Do you wish to make a statement? Do you wish to have your name included on the mailing list for future information" TRIBAL CONGRESSIONAL FEDERAL AGENCY STATE LEGI STATE ALATURE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SELF MEDIA LTURE Are you representing one of the above groups as their spokesperson? YES _ YES YES NO NO _ NO THIS INFORMATIONIS RELEASABLE UNDER THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT. (See reverse side.) ■ Discuss study purpose and process ■ Provide a venue for public comment & input End of Scoping Comment Period: November 16, 2018 U.S.ARMY BUILDING STRONGS#4OVERVIEW OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (NEPA) NEPA is a Federal law that requires federal agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposed project that are: ■ Major Federal Actions that may have significant effect on the quality of the human environment#5GOALS OF NEPA Solicit and consider public views on proposals Consult with Federal and Commonwealth agencies and local governments concerning plans Provide agencies with a mechanism to coordinate overlapping, jurisdictional responsibilities#6NEPA REQUIREMENTS Ten significant factors to measure the intensity of potential impacts on the surrounding environment: ▪ Adverse effects associated with "Beneficial Projects" ▪ Effects on public health and safety ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Unique characteristics of the geographical area Degree of controversy Degree of uncertain effects, unique or unknown risks Precedent-setting effects Cumulative effects ▪ Effects on scientific, cultural or historical resources ▪ Effects on endangered or threatened species, habitat Violations of Federal, state or local environmental law#7PUERTO RICO COASTAL STORM RISK MANAGEMENT STUDY WHY NOW? • Study initiation authorized under Section 204 of the Flood Control Act of 1970, Public Law 91-611. • Study funds appropriated under Bipartisan Act of 2018 (PL 115-123). • Initially looking at over 100 miles of shoreline. • Scope will be reduced to <10 miles. Will recommend a project to reduce hurricane and storm damages to homes, buildings & other important structures. • The Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER) is the local sponsor for the project. Aguadilla to Cabo Rojo Arecibo Vega Baja Loíza to Luquillo Humacao#8PUERTO RICO COASTAL STORM RISK MANAGEMENT STUDY COASTAL CONCERNS ISLAND-WIDE Barrero (Rincon), PR - Road vulnerability to damage-2015 Playa Fortuna (Luquillo), PR Erosion 2015 - U.S.ARMY Rincon, PR - Damages post Hurricane Maria BUILDING STRON#9PUERTO RICO COASTAL STORM RISK MANAGEMENT STUDY ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS AESTHETICS CULTURAL RESOURCES ESSENTIAL FISH HABITAT ▪Aesthetics THREATENED & ENDANGERED SPECIES CORAL/HARDBOTTOM TURBIDITY RECREATION La Cofres 871623-1430 U.S.ARMY ▪Air Quality Archaeological/Cultural Resources ■Essential Fish Habitat ■Contaminants ■Noise Recreation ■Benthic Resources ■Socioeconomics ■Turbidity Wildlife Resources -Threatened and BUILDING STRONGS Endangered Species#10PUERTO RICO COASTAL STORM RISK MANAGEMENT STUDY • PLANNING & ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS Study area scope will be reduced Array of alternatives will be assessed and modeled to determine the alternative which best addresses the primary study objective to reduce coastal storm damages. • The alternatives could include but are not limited to stand alone or combinations of soft structures (beach and dune), hard structures (seawalls, breakwaters, reefs, rock revetment), and non-structural alternatives (flood proofing). Examples of Types of Solutions Beach Nourishment Dunes and Vegetation Artificial Reefs Rock Revetment#11PUERTO RICO COASTAL STORM RISK MANAGEMENT STUDY ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS Plans recommending Federal participation should represent an alternative that achieves the greatest net benefits consistent with protecting the environment BENEFITS Primary: Storm damage reduction Secondary: Recreation. COSTS ■ Cost of alternative over a 50 year period of Federal participation ■ Associated costs BENEFITS > 1 COSTS In addition, plans must have a positive benefit to cost ratio. U.S.ARMY CSRM BENEFITS = ESTIMATED $ DAMAGES WITHOUT PROJECT ESTIMATED $ DAMAGES WITH PROJECT N BUILDING STRONG#12PUERTO RICO COASTAL STORM RISK MANAGEMENT STUDY FEASIBILITY STUDY - UP TO 36 MONTHS ESTIMATED STUDY SCHEDULE ALTERNATIVES MILESTONE PLAN FORMULATION/ ENGINEERING & FINAL REPORT TENTATIVELY SELECTED PLAN MILESTONE DRAFT REPORT & NEPA - PUBLIC, TECHNICAL & POLICY REVIEW AGENCY DECISION MILESTONE - State and Agency Review CHIEF OF ENGINEERS REPORT PROJECT ENGINEERING & DESIGN/ CONSTRUCTION December 2018 December 2018 to April 2020 APRIL 2020 June 2020 October 2020 January 2021 October 2021 2021/2022 ECONOMIC MODELING U.S.ARMY 23 BUILDING STRONGⓇ#13PUERTO RICO COASTAL STORM RISK MANAGEMENT STUDY COMMENT OPPORTUNITIES COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 16, 2018 MAIL: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District P.O. Box 4970, Jacksonville, Florida 32232-0019 ATTN: Kristen Donofrio EMAIL: [email protected] U.S.ARMY BUILDING STRONG

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