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#1ICAO. LOACI. MKAO ICAO RECONNECTINGTHEWORLD Update of CORSIA Implementation ICAO Secretariat 000000000000 00000 CORSIA#2CORSIA The first global market-based measure for any industry sector To achieve ICAO's global aspirational goal of carbon neutral growth from 2020 (CNG 2020), CORSIA is one complementary element in the basket of measures to: - - aircraft technology operational improvements sustainable aviation fuels International Aviation Net CO2 Emissions (MT) 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 CONTRIBUTION OF MEASURES FOR REDUCING INTERNATIONAL AVIATION NET CO2 EMISSIONS Aircraft Technology Operational Improvements OFAAF Sustainable Aviation Fuels and CORSIA Carbon Neutral Growth from 2020 0 2010 2015 2020 2025 © ICAO 2021 2030 2035 2040 2045 CORSIA addresses the remaining "emissions gap" to achieve CNG2020 Basket of Measures 2#3CORSIA Implementation Package Rin A40-19: Comidated statement of continuing ICAO padicles and practices related to environmental profection - Carbon Offselling and Reduction Scheme for Тастан Ама (CORSIA) Why Ambly Resolution AR-18 decided to develop a global market-based mesure MBMcheme for international aviation, for decision by the 39th Scion of the Assembly: Recalling that Abby Resolution 438-18 posted the Council, with the support of Momber Sa identify the major in and problem, including for Member States, and make a mmmendation on a GMRM scheme that appropriately sides them and key design elements, including a means to take into account special circumstances and pective capabilities and the mish for the implement of them from 2020 an at of a lake if which abso include technologies, operational improvements and santainable aviation foels to achieve ICA's global pirational, When Ambity Resedution 39-3 decided to implement a GMBM scheme in the form of the Can Offing and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) in part of a toket of mares which also include aircraft technologies, operational improvements and static aviation ICA's global aspirational goal Recognizing that A is the appropriate forum to address omialem from international aviation and theft by the Cunst, in Autry Cap CORGIA (AGC) it Tachical Advisory Body (TA) and its Commitee on Aviational Protection (CAD) in the pain of CORSIA Welcome the adoption of the fint edition of Annex - Exviul Protection, Volume IV -CORSIA. the pinions of which include Monitoring. Reporting and Verification (MKV) for CORSA Also welcoming the publication of the fint edition of Final Technical Manual (TM, Doc 8011, Volume IV-Procedures for demonstrating complianor which ale CORSIA; Winding the progress made for the development WAO CORSA Implementation Elements which allied in 14 M documents directly referenced in Annes 1, Volume IV, containing that are aggraved by the Council, and are sential for the implantation of CORSIA; Alming the establishment by the Commol of the Technical Amery Besty (TAB), with the recommendation to the Concil on the COSIA eligible ons units; King the port of a coach for capacity building activities by ICAO and its Member Sus, in cooperation with the aviation industry, to support the implementation of CORSIA, in particular through the ICAO Asistance, Cagusity Building and Training for CORSIA (ACT CORSIA) programme that includes the organization of seniors, development of outreach materials, and establishan of CORSIA partonhigan Stat Welcoming the increasing number of announcements by Member States of their intention to ly participate in CORSIA in the pilot phase from 2021: Recognizing that strong capacity building activities can facilitate the decision of Member Ses to voluntarily participate in CORDEN; ICAO International Standards and Recommended Practices Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation Environmental Protection Volume IV, Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) First Edition, October 2018 INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION ICAO Doc 9501 Environmental Technical Manual Volume IV-Procedures for demonstrating compliance with the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA Second Edition, 2019 ICAO INTER ICAO ICA INTERI COR COR ICAO ICAO INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION CORS Carbon INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION Carbon ICAO document CORSIA Aeroplane Operator to State Attributions December 2019 Assembly Resolution A40-19 Annex 16, Volume IV (CORSIA SARPs) Doc 9501 (ETM), Vol. IV (CORSIA) (2nd edition) CORSIA Corbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation CORSIA Implementation Elements (ICAO documents) © ICAO 2021 3#4CORSIA Implementation Elements CORSIA SARPS (Annex 16, ETM, Volume IV) CORSIA States 2018 Overview of CORSIA Implementation Status 2020 2021 2019 CORSIA MRV started on 1 January 2019 *1040 LYO Annex 16, Vol. IV [ 9001 ETM, Vol. IV (1st edition) (2nd edition) ETM, Vol. IV (1st edition) ICAO CORSIA CERT CERT ICAO CORSIA CO2 Estimation and Reporting Tool (2018 version) CERT ICAO CORSIA COz Estimation and Reporting Tool (2019 version) CORSIA Eligible Fuels CORSIA Eligible Emissions Units CORSIA Central Registry (CCR) COC ICAC Sustainability Criteria con Emissions Units Criteria ICAC CORSIA CAD CORSIA Establishmen t of TAB Ooka.ard ICAC Kanwa CORSIA ICAC ICAC ICAC for Stall Ca ICAC ост Ch Default life cycle values Methodologies for actual life cycle values SCS requirements CORSIA List of operators regularly updated) List of verification bodies (regularly updated) CORSIA 88 volunteer States for 2021 CERT ICAO CORSIA CO2 Estimation and Reporting Tool (2020 version) ICAO Eligible emissions units 20 ICAC Lar CORSIA ICAO Eligible SCS Pilot Phase ICAC ICAC Char 107 volunteer States for 2022 Ja CORSIA yes Updated default life cycle values Updated methodologies for actual life cycle values CORSIA Updated eligible emissions units ICAO FA concedat CORSIA Updated eligible emissions units States reporting of 2019 and 2020 CO₂ data through the CCR ICAO CORSIA CORSIA Establishment of CCR All essential elements for CORSIA implementation were finalized, ahead of CORSIA's pilot phase from 2021, and these elements are kept updated © ICAO 2021 4#5· Latest Updates At its 224th Session (Nov 2021), the ICAO Council: . . Approved new Sustainability Criteria for sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) eligible under CORSIA, together with the compliance assessment guidance; • Approved updates to the CORSIA eligible emissions units; Considered updated information on the impact of COVID-19 and associated issues relating to the 2022 CORSIA periodic review; and Considered the 2022 process for the Organization's work on the feasibility of a long- term aspirational goal (LTAG) for international aviation toward the next ICAO Assembly. Currently, the ICAO Council is considering: • • The 2021 version of the ICAO CORSIA CERT for approval in December 2021 CORSIA CO2 emissions data for 2019 and 2020 for approval by end of November 2021, including: Baseline CO2 emissions on each State pair based on 2019 and 2020 data; and • CORSIA 2020 emissions, which are used to determine new entrants. © ICAO 2021 5#6107 CORSIA Volunteer States for 2022 Afghanistan El Salvador Kenya Albania Equatorial Guinea Latvia Armenia Estonia Lithuania Australia Finland Austria France Madagascar Luxembourg San Marino Rwanda Azerbaijan Gabon Malaysia Belgium Georgia Malta Saudi Arabia Serbia Benin Germany Marshall Islands Singapore Bosnia and Herzegovina Ghana Mexico Botswana Greece Monaco Slovakia Slovenia Bulgaria Guatemala Montenegro Burkina Faso Guyana Cameroon Canada Hungary Costa Rica Iceland Honduras Namibia Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand Turkey Côte d'Ivoire Indonesia North Macedonia Uganda Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Romania + Bahamas Grenada Palau Trinidad and Tobago Barbados Kiribati Saint Kitts and Nevis Tuvalu Belize Mali South Sudan Vanuatu Cook Islands Nauru Suriname Gambia Croatia Ireland Ukraine Cyprus Israel Czechia Italy Democratic Republic of Jamaica the Congo Denmark Japan Dominican Republic Kazakhstan Norway Papua New Guinea Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States Zambia Oman Tonga Uruguay 19 additional States volunteered to participate from 2022, making a total of 107 Volunteer States © ICAO 2021 6#7Benefits of CORSIA Participation . More States join CORSIA = More covered emissions . • Higher environmental effectiveness Brings ICAO closer to meeting its global aspirational goal of carbon neutral growth Greening air transport connections (eco-tourism) Participating States will be given priority within the ACT-CORSIA capacity building and assistance programme • Participating in CORSIA will increase the demand for the emissions units to be purchased by aeroplane operators, thus increasing incentives to invest in emissions reduction projects in participating States © ICAO 2021 7#8ICAO ACT CORSIA Programme ICAO Assistance, Capacity-building and Training on CORSIA (ACT-CORSIA): ACT CORSIA is a coordinated approach to harmonize and bring together all relevant actions and promote coherence to capacity building efforts for CORSIA implementation - also enabling the monitoring of global progress / transparency CORSIA Buddy Partnerships Seminars, Online Tutorials Brochures, Leaflets, Videos ACT CORSIA and Training Frequently Asked Questions CORSIA Monthly Newsletters © ICAO 2021 Assistance, Capacity-building a 80#9• ● . ICAO ACT CORSIA Buddy Partnerships Buddy Partnerships - cornerstone of ACT-CORSIA to support States to prepare for CORSIA implementation No expertise or resources for training available at the start of CORSIA Technical experts from supporting States voluntarily helping support-requesting States, by providing on-site training and closely monitoring the required actions Considerations on languages, time-zones/locations, existing relations DONA AUT CORSIA Training Hasse © ICAO 2021 e ARRIVALS AS 6#10ICAO ACT CORSIA Buddy Partnerships • Different phases with specific focus areas in order to support necessary actions by States with different timelines • • • Phase I (Sep 2018 - Apr 2019): 15 supporting States and 98 requesting States • Development and approval of Emissions Monitoring Plans • Establishment of national/regional regulatory frameworks Phase II (May 2019 - Apr 2020): 16 supporting States and 114 requesting States . CO2 Emissions reporting and verification ⚫ Phase III (April 2020-2021): 16 supporting States and 118 requesting States • Use of the CORSIA Central Registry (CCR) ACT CORSIA AUSTRALIA 1. BRUNEI DARUSSALAM 2. INDONESIA 3. NAURU 4. PAPUA NEW GUINEA 5. SRI LANKA 6. THAILAND BRAZIL 1. ANGOLA 2. CABO VERDE 3. MOZAMBIQUE 4. SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE CANADA Facitated by CASSOS) 1. ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA 2. BARBADOS 3. GUYANA 4. HAITI 5. JAMAICA 6. SURINAME 7. TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO CANADA/FRANCE 1. BENIN 2. BURKINA FASO 3. BURUNDI 4. CAMEROON 5. CENTRAL AFRICAAN REPUBLIC 6. CHAD 7. COMOROS B. CONGO 9. DJIBOUTI 10. D. R. OF CONGO 11. GABON 12. GUINEA 13. MADAGASCAR 14. MALI 15. MAURITANIA 16. MAURITIUS 17. NIGER 18. SENEGAL 19. TOGO FRANCE Facilitated by ACADI 1. ALGERIA⭑ 2. COTE D'IVOIRE 3. MOROCCO 4. SAUDI ARABIA" 5. TUNISIA GERMANY 1. ALBANIA 2. ARMENIA 3. AZERBAIJAN 4. BELARUS Phase ill, Assistance, Capacity-building and Training on CORSIA KENYA 1. RWANDA 2. SEYCHELLES 3. SOUTH SUDAN 4. UGANDA NEW ZEALAND 1. FIJI 2. SAMOA 3. SOLOMON ISLANDS 4. VANUATU NIGERIA 1. GAMBIA 2. GHANA 3. LIBERIA 4. SIERRA LEONE 5. SUDAN REPUBLIC OF KOREA 1. LAO PEOPLE'S D. R. 2. MONGOLIA 3. PAKISTAN 4. PHILIPPINES 5. VIETNAM QATAR 1. BAHRAIN 2. IRAN 3. IRAQ 4. KUWAIT 5. LIBYA 6. OMAN SINGAPORE 1. COOK ISLANDS 2. KIRIBATI 3. MARSHALL ISLANDS 4. PALAU 5. TONGA 6. TUVALU SOUTH AFRICA 1. BOTSWANA 2. ESWATINI 3. LESOTHO 4. MALAWI 5. NAMIBIA 6. KAZAKHSTAN 7. NORTH MACEDONIA B. REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA 9. SERBIA 10. TAJIKISTAN 11. TURKMENISTAN 6. ZAMBIA 7. ZIMBABWE SPAIN (Facitated by COCESNA 1. BELIZE⭑ 2. BOLIVIA 3. COSTA RICA 4. CUBA 5. EL SALVADOR * 6. EQUATORIAL GUINEA 7. GUATEMALA 8. HONDURAS 9. MEXICO 10. NICARAGUA 11. PERU 5. GEORGIA 12. URUGUAY © ICAO 2021 ITALY 1. BAHAMAS 2. COLOMBIA 3. ERITREA 4. ETHIOPIA S. PARAGUAY 6. SOMALIA 7. UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA JAPAN 1. AFGHANISTAN 2. BANGLADESH 3. BHUTAN 4. CAMBODIA 5. MALAYSIA 6. MYANMAR USA 1. ARGENTINA 2. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 3. ECUADOR 4. PANAMA 16 SUPPORTING STATES 118 REQUESTING STATES 10#112022 CORSIA Periodic Review • CORSIA periodic review (every 3 years) will allow the ICAO Council to make informed recommendations to the ICAO Assembly on whether it is necessary to make adjustments to the next phases of the scheme • First periodic review of CORSIA in 2022 (prior to 41st Assembly) The ICAO Council has been undertaking the process for the 2022 periodic review of CORSIA, including: Approval of Terms of Reference in March 2021 - structure, process and methodology for the 2022 CORSIA periodic review, including work programme for CAEP's technical and analytical contributions (including the impact analyses of COVID-19 on CORSIA) • State Letter consultation conducted between May - August 2021 to collect input from Member States on their experiences regarding CORSIA implementation; results were considered by the ICAO Council during the 224th session (October/November 2021) © ICAO 2021 11#12ICAO International Standard and Recommended Practices Annex 16 Convention on International Civil nation Environmental Protection Volume V, Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation CORSIA First Edition, October 2018 INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION ICAO Doc 9501 Environmental Technical Manual Volume - Procedures for demonstrating compliance with the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation CORSIA First Edition, 2018 INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION CAD ENVIRONMENT CORSIA CARBON OFFSETTING AND REDUCTION SCHEME FOR INTERNATIONAL AVIATION IMPLEMENTATION PLAN HCHT CORSIA AT A GLANCE SERIES CORIMPLEMENTATION COMPONENTS SECOND PHASE FIRST PHASE 2026 CORSIA PHASED IMPLEMENTATION DIAGRAM BASELINE PERIOD 2028 PILOT PHASE 3827 20 30T 2011 ICAO ENVIRONMENT About ICAO Global Priorities Meetings and Events Information Resources Careers Search ICAO/Environmental Protection / CORSIA ENV Homepage CORSIA Homepage IMPLEMENTATION COR SIA ACT CORSIA Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) CORSIA News (click here to consult the complete list) Trinidad & Tobago and Jamaica received training under the ACT-CORSIA Buddy Partnership with Germany 19-25 Jan 2019 HHH SERIES ENESSIONS MONITORING PLAN CORSIA ATA GLANCE CORSIA AT A GLANCE CORSIA AT A GLANCE CORGULACTION CHEENLIST SERIES CORS OFFSETTING-REDUREMENTSTEPS CORSIA AT A GLANCE PREPARATORY ACTIONS BASELINE PERIOD 3018 2019 2020 BTV5 Starting Jary 2011, p EMISSIONS MONITORINGCUTIONS ADRIA.CO ESTIMATION AND REPORTING TOOL CERTI AO THOMMENT RAG CHARCH CORSIA GLANCE CORSIA ATA GLANCE CORSIA ATA GLANCE SERIES READ TH CORSA CENTRAL REGISTRY Kayteatres C PUBLICATION OF INFORMATION AND BATA FROM CORSA CENTRAL RESTRY INFORMATION AND STA FOR IMPLEMENTATION CORSIA VERIFICATION Hemporiserad by an indunder -ратат своето закритострител ORA CORSIA AT A GLANCE KACHMENT SERIES CORSIA ELIGIBLE FUELS CORSIA SERIES AT A GLANCE CORSIA CHISHIONS UNITS CRITERIA (CUC) Detr - ramilly wife) strindi Amioticbmation like the areas ooooooooo CORSIA >>>>IMPLEMENTATION ACT >>> CORSIA Subscribe • Assembly Resolution A30-3 EN FR SP RU AR ZH SARPS- Annex 10 Volume IV ■ Environmental Technical Manual - Volume IV (New) » Templates (New) ⚫ ICAO CORSIA Implementation Elements » CORSIA States for Chapter 3 State Pairs. ICAO CORSIA CO: Estimation and Reporting Tool (CERT) * CORSIA Eligible Fuels * CORSIA Eligible Emissions Units » CORSIA Central Registry (CCR) Additional Material for CORSIA Implementation CORSIA . CORSIA Buddy Partnerships . Model Regulations - Frequently Asked Questions - Brochure and Leaflets ■ Videos ■ Seminars - Online Tutorials - Background Information ACT CORSIA Assistance. Training Capacity-building a For more information on CORSIA, please visit our website: LOACI. MKAO ايكاد ICAO RECONNECTINGTHEWORLD ICA AO ICAO North American Central American and Caribbean (NACC) Office Mexico City South American (SAM) Office Lima ICAO Headquarters Montréal Western and Central African (WACAF) Office Dakar European and North Atlantic [EUR/NAT] Office Paris THANK YOU Middle East (MID) Office Cairo Eastern and Southern African (ESAF) Office Nairobi Asia and Pacific (APAC) Sub-office Beijing Asia and Pacific (APAC) Office Bangkok

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