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#1invest I innovate I grow israel corp Israel Corp Q4 2022 Results Presentation March 16, 2023 O الس#2• Translation and Forward-Looking Statements Convenience Translation The financial information found in this press release is an English summary based on the original Hebrew financial statements and is solely for the convenience of the reader. The binding version is the original financial statements in Hebrew. Forward Looking Statements This press release may contain forward-looking statements, which may not materialize and are subject to risks and uncertainties that are not under the control of IC, which may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the disclosures. israel corp 2#3About Israel Corp • Israel Corporation Ltd. (TASE: ILCO) ("IC") is a reputable public investment company, which owns and invests in high quality companies with established managements and go-to markets. In November 2019, IC announced its updated strategy, IC plans to expand its portfolio through new investments. IC current core holdings* include c.44% stake in ICL Group (NYSE:ICL, TASE: ICL) and c.18% stake in AKVA Group (OB:AKVA). IC is publicly traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange under the ticker ILCO and is included in the TA-35 index. ICL Specialty Minerals and Chem israel corp israel corp invest I innovate I grow AKVA Aqua- culture New Investments * For more details on the sale of 7.3% of Bazan shares please refer to IC 2022 annual financial statements and immediate report dated February 9, 2023 3#4• About Israel Corp - Recent News In January 2023, IC announced that the Board of Directors approved the adoption of a dividend policy. IC will distribute dividend for each calendar year starting at 2023, amounting to 45% out of the amount received from: the total net dividend cash flow received from its held companies for that calendar year, less an annual amount of $75m (from the amount of said cash flow). The actual dividend distribution will be subject to IC Board approval. Further to the IC's Reports regarding a transaction for the sale of approximately 9% of the shares of Bazan on November 2021 in which IC granted a call option to each of the purchasers, on February 9, 2023, agreement was reached with the purchasers regarding the exercise of the entirety of the said options, which was implemented on February 13, 2023, for approximately NIS 227m (equivalent to approximately US $64m) ICL Specialty Minerals and Chem israel corp israel corp invest I innovate I grow AKVA Aqua- culture New Investments 4#5• About Israel Corp - Recent News (cont') On February 9, IC announced that subject to the completion of the sale of the underlying shares of the said options and the actual receipt of the consideration thereof by IC, the Board of Directors of IC intends to consider adopting a buyback plan for shares of the company during 2023 in a scope of approximately half of the amount of the consideration. On March 3, 2023, IC completed an investment into Nordic Aqua Partners A/S, which is building an Atlantic Salmon land-based facility in China with AKVA as its technology provider, in an amount of NOK 89m (~$9m). israel corp israel corp invest I innovate I grow ICL Specialty Minerals and Chem AKVA Aqua- culture New Investments 5#6Selected Financial Figures for Q4 2022 IC announced today its fourth quarter $m results for the period ending December 31, IC share in ICL profit 2022. As a holding company, the financial results of IC are mainly affected by the results of its held companies. For more details see detailed financial report. Amortization of excess cost Q4/22 Q4/21 2022 2021 146 129 958 357 (1) (1) (4) (4) (3) (18) (67) (84) (10) (16) 132 110 871 269 Net profit (loss) from discontinued operations* Net Profit (loss) to company's shareholders 50 50 (181) 132 160 921 88 Financing, G&A and other expenses at IC headquarter level Tax expense of IC headquarters Net profit from continuing activities * For more details on the sale of 16.687% of Bazan shares please refer to IC Q3/2022 financial statements and immediate report dated September 15, 2022 israel corp 6#7• • Debt and NAV - December 31, 2022 Debt* As of December 31, 2022, total financial liabilities* were $1,132 million, and investments in liquid assets amounted to $982 million of which $8 million are pledged deposits. Net debt as of December 31, 2022, totaled $179 million. The net debt includes the fair value of derivatives transactions, which increases the economic value of the financial liabilities by $10 million, and the fair value of the Bazan call options** which increases the economic value of the financial liabilities by $19 million. As of September 30, 2022, the net debt* was $234 million. Net debt YoY: 1,200 1,000 800 951 Net Assets Value $m Assets ICL (~567m shares, market value*) Bazan (~234m shares, market value**) AKVA Group (~6.6m shares, market value*) Total Public Assets IC's Net Debt Total Assets, net 31/12/2022 4,101 64 39 4,203 179 4,024 600 400 200 31/12/2021 179 31/12/2022 * Israel Corp and its wholly owned controlled headquarter companies. *** Relating to options granted to qualified investors as part of the November 2021 9% share sale and to options granted to Petrochemical Group as part of the Bazan ~16.7% stake sale in September 2022.. israel corp * As of December 29, 2022, for ICL and December 30, 2022, for AKVA Group *** Based on the exercise price of agreed by the company with the call option purchasers on February 9, 2023. 7#8More About Israel Corp For further information on IC, see IC's publicly available filings, which can be found on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange website at Please also see IC company website for additional information. israel corp 00 8#9israel corp invest I innovate I grow thank you Investor Relations Contact Idan Hizki Vice President, Business Development & Investor Relations Tel: +972 3 684 4500 [email protected]

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