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#1日照市人民政府 Rizhao Municipal People's Government 1312 企业 旅 政府 市民 Rizhao City, a famous coastal tourist city, is located in Chinese central coast, southeast of Shandong Province. The city's total area of 5310 square kilometers, total population of 2.8 million. Having two national ports-Rizhao port and Lanshan port, Port cargo throughput of 318 million tons in 2013. In the same year, the city's GDP reached 25 billions USD$. 963- 470 asen CBR 825 109 02 POL 50 Rober add PER USA#2日照市人民政府 Rizhao Municipal People's Government 1312 政府 市民 企业 旅 In 2009 Rizhao City was awarded the “United Nation Habitat Scroll of Honor”. In 2011 Rizhao City became one of China's Top 10 Pilot Cities of Renewable Energy.#3ASIA SYMBOL Rizhao has a good cooperative relation with GIZ, and carried out a number of technical communication issues. Here we mainly introduce the project on Asia Symbol's energy saving. The Feasibility Report on Heat Recovery of Pulp Washing Effluent --Asia Symbol (Shandong) Pulp And Paper Co., Ltd. T N Efficient production with excellent quality, energy saving, and operating in harmony with environment. 11111111 October 201#4ASIA SYMBOL About us Asia Symbol, a member of RGE Group(Singapore), the world's leading paper manufacturers, annual production of 1.5 million tons of pulp, cultural paper (including office copy paper) 450000 tons of 450,000 tons, cardboard, paper products are exported to more than 20 countries and regions of the world. ➤ Asia Symbol currently operating the following enterprise project : Asia Symbol (Shandong) Pulp And Paper Co., Ltd. Asia Symbol (Guangdong) Paper Co., Ltd. ➤ Asia Symbol (Shandong), located in Rizhao City in Shandong Province along the east coasts of our country. This is a large modern, highly automated and operating international pulp paper enterprises, is currently China's largest pulp production enterprise. 00000#5ASIA SYMBOL The goal of our sustainable development: Efficient production with excellent quality, energy saving, and operating in harmony with the environment. Environmental protection investment 3.9 billion RMB YUAN, accounting for 26% of the total investment, a domestic individual pulp paper factory investment of the environmental protection. Our pulping process technology & equipment reached world leading level. The consumption and emissions targets totally better than that of the country and the relevant standards of Shandong Province, most of the indicators are better than that of northern Europe, Japan and other international standards strictly. At present, Asia Symbol taking the lead in the pulp paper industry to implement cleaner production and acted as "advanced Co. of cleaner production, energy conservation and emissions reduction, etc. Our business philosophy: to be a leader in sustainable development, a responsible member of the community-Good for the community, good for the country, good for the company. 5 LO#6项目 污染物名称及单位 Emission & Unit ASIA SYMBOL Item The environmental protection index and consumption Performance in 2013 山东省2013年标准 Shandong Province Standard in 2013 国家2013年标准 National Standard in 2013 亚太森博2013年水平 APRIL SSYMB 欧盟标准 EU Level 化学需氧量 50 60 100 CODer (mg/L) 生物需氧量 污水 10 20 20 30 BOD5 (mg/L) Effluent 色度 25 30 50 Color (times) 总悬浮物 25 30 50 30 TSS(mg/L) 二氧化硫 50 200 400 400 废气 Air Emission SO2 (mg/Nm3) 烟尘 25 30 50 80 Particle (mg/Nm3) 吨浆水耗 Water Consumption for Pulp (m²/t) 22 90 35 吨纸水耗 (m²/t) 9.7 30 12 Water Consumption for Board 吨浆综合能耗 标准煤 110 ≤170 550 287 Energy Consumption for Pulp 吨纸综合能耗 Standard Coal(kg/t) 标准煤 217 ≤320 680 391 Energy Consumption for Board Standard Coal(kg/t) SYMBOL Green Process of Forest-Paper Integrated Pulping I Lime kiln Wood yard Cooking Recausticizing Gren Black Bleaching Evapo ration Board PAMO Oxygen plant Effluent treatment Recovery boller Power generation Power boller Bleaching chemical preparation#8ASIA SYMBOL Green Process of Forest-Paper Integrated Pulping II Generator Turbine El.precip งา White liquor filter Recovery Cycle Evaporation Power Doiler Cooking Washing Screening Recovery Boiler Wood handling Fibre Line Oxygen delignification Washing El. precipitator Lime kih Green liquor filter Chemical pulp Slaker Bleaching#9ASIA SYMBOL The Feasibility Report on Heat Recovery of Pulp Washing Effluent Blow Tank 1xKFA TO COOKING 3x015 1x015 1x08 1x054 3x x 3xTRPA1ST TRPB172 Alkaline effluent (washing bleached pulp) TRPW14 Heat Recovery of Pulp -Washing Effluent FT D1 Liquor Suffer Tark 02 2TP-1 DIP TRPW MC FT#10ASIA SYMBOL The Feasibility Report on Heat Recovery of Pulp Washing Effluent POD 日本塔补水 250/15 125t/h) 碱性交水 (30000t/d)80°C 门 800.328 250t/h 常溫水15C 金告回收: 换热器‡ 250t/h 工艺热水60C 449.672t/h 碱性废水 余熱回收: 换热器2 55C 工艺热水35C 热饮料 BADECHAND 污水处理站61℃ 800.32800/ 碱性废水 MAT 134th PL2制或车间 工艺药水+2C#11ASIA The Feasibility Report on Heat Recovery of Pulp Washing Effluent SYMBOL 2、技改思路: (1) 根据目前各车间统计的工艺热水需求量总额和热负荷计算,针对碱性废水作余热回 收的初步设计方案。 (2) 根据锅炉高温水需求量总额和热负荷计算,针对酸性废水加热锅炉补水作余热回收 的初步设计方案。 3、技改目的: (1)废热回收利用:利用制浆车间80℃碱性废水,来加热分别来自两个车间的工艺热水,利 用 80℃酸性废水米加热锅炉补给水,从而节约蒸汽耗量, (2)废水降温后可以降低污水排放管和混合水池内壁的结垢倾向:温度越低,结垢倾向越低。 (3)废水余热回收降温后,排至末端污水处理站通过循环水冷却的热负荷大大减轻,一是减 少循环水总耗量和循环泵运行电能,二是可以改善目前板換在高温季节降溫效果不佳的 现状 4、碱性废水余热回收-经济性分析: 4.1、碱性废水总流量分配:30000t/d 换热器1碱性废水流量 + 换热器2碱性废水流量 =449672 kg/h +800328 kg/h=1250000 kg/h= 30000t/d 4. 2、碱性废水余热回收热量统计分析:士 (1)碱性废水余热回收换热器1热负荷(用于PD2/3 车间工艺热水供应) Q1=13075 KW (2)碱性废水余热回收换热器2热负荷(用于PL12 制浆车间工艺热水供应) |Q2=14356 KW (3)每小时回收总热量 Q= Q1+Q2 = 13075KW+14356 KW = 27431 KW = 23590660 kcal/h = 98751600 kj/h (4) 上述热量若由0.4mpa 饱和蒸汽提供,则蒸汽耗量计算如下: 0.4mpa 饱和蒸汽汽化热 = 2133.8kj/kg 蒸汽小时耗量 q = 98751600 kj/h + 2133.8 kj/kg= 46279kg/h = 16.279 t/h 蒸汽日耗量 = 1110.7 t/d (5) 年节约耗汽量计算(全年按300天计,同时考虑季节因素): 冬季+其它季节=133284 +163939 #297223t/年 a、冬季蒸汽年耗量 = 1110. 7×120=133284 t(冬季按 120 天/年) b、其它季节蒸汽耗汽量=0. 82×1110. 7 × 180=163939 t(其它季节按 180 天/年) 其它季节折算系数=(60-23)/(60-15)=0. 82(其它季节PD2/3 车间白水塔补水温升 37℃,即 从: 23℃平均水温温至60℃,与冬季45℃温升的热负荷比较 ) 饱和水蒸汽热焓、汽化潜热表 0.5 绝对压力 MPA 01 02 03 04 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 * kykg 2675.7 2706.9 2725.5 2738.5 2748.5 2756.4 2762.9 2768.4 2773.0 |汽化潜热 kig 2258.2 22023 2164.1 2133.8 2108.4 2086.0 2065 8 2047.5 2030.4 (6) 上述热量若由蒸汽锅炉提供,则折标准煤耗量计算如下: 蒸汽标煤耗量经验值:1kg 0.3MP级蒸汽= 0.091286 kg 标煤 标煤年耗量 =蒸汽耗量×蒸汽煤耗经验值=297223000 kg/h ×0.091286 kg/kg = 28023t/h 4. 3、碱性废水余热回收经济效益分析: 标煤价格若按500 元/t 计算,则年节约标煤费用=28023×500=1401.15万元/年#12ASIA The Feasibility Report on Heat Recovery of Pulp Washing Effluent SYMBOL 1. 1.碱性废水余热回收换热器 1: 总热负荷 Q1=13075KW(用于 PD2/3 车间工艺热水供应) 热側:碱性废水流量= 449672 kg/h 温度按 80℃降到55℃ 冷側:工艺水流量=250000 kg/h ■ 选型结果说明: 温度按 15 C进//60℃出 换热器的热力学和机械设计详见技术数据表,针对上述换热要求,我们的设计选 型结果是:204.6m (DTXASP全焊接板式换热器),内部换热板束为全焊接结构, 无密封胶条。 ■ 型号: DIXASP 3X16/8X6X3000 X 760 ■ 换热面积: 204.6m² ■ 流程安排: 碱性废水侧走8个流程,每个流程有6个换热通道,每个DI型换热通道板间距18mm 工艺水侧走3个流程,每个流程有16个换热通道,每个DI型换热通道板间距8m ■设备主要尺寸: 板來长度= 3000 m 板宽度= 760 m ■ 设备材质说明: 板片材质:不锈钢316L 板片厚度:2.m 板速夹紧板和支脚材质:采用涂漆碳钢 压降:0.658bar/0. 807bar(成水劑/工艺水側) 1.2.碱性废水余热回收换热器2: 总热负荷 Q2=14356 KW(用于 PL12 制浆车间工艺水供应) 热側:碱性废水流量=800328 kg/h 温度按80℃降到64.6℃ 型号: DIXASP_3X20/6×10×4000×970 换热面积: 440. 8m” 流程安排: 碱性废水侧走6个流程,每个流程有10个换热通道,每个DI型接热通道板间距16mm 工艺水侧走3个流程,每个流程有20个换热通道,每个DI型换热通道板间距8mm 设备主要尺寸: 板東长度= 4000 板東宽度= 970 mm ■设备材质说明: 板片材质:不锈钢316L 板片厚度:2 mm 板束夹紧板和支脚材质:采用涂漆碳钢 压降:0.566bar/0.771bar(废水側/工艺水側) 神侧:工艺水流量= 334000 kg/h 温度按 30℃进/72℃出 ■ 选型结果说明: 换热器的热力学和机械设计详见技术数据表,针对上述换热要求,我们的设计选 型结果是:440. sm²(DIXASP全焊接板式换热器),內部换热板束为全焊接结构,#13ASIA The Feasibility Report on Heat Recovery of Pulp Washing Effluent SYMBOL 设备材质说明: 板片材质:双相不括据 SMO 254 板片厚度:2mm- 板来夹紧板和支脚材质,采用欲波碳側 2、换热通道类型和焊接示意图: Type DI PLATULAR TYPE DIXP Duty: 6.383 kW Area: 154.94 m² Material: 316 L Flow Arrangement: 2 x 20 / 10 x 4 x 2750 x 760 STREAM A: Cooling Tower Water 448.745 kg/h 32.22 → 44.4°C STREAM B: White Water 395.092,09 kg/h 60 ✈ 46.11 °C 3. Platular AHZ£#*S. White water in a clear free flow channel with a 24 mm spacing 设计选型计算书和设备外形图: 4.1、碱性废水余热回收换热器1(用于PD2/3车间工艺热水供应) 4.2、碱性废水余热回收换热器2(用于PL12 制浆车间工艺热水供应)#14ASIA SYMBOL CONCLUSION 1. TARGETS • • Energy saving 1100 TONS of steam saved per day 3 million tons of steam saved per year power saved for cooling the effluent 2. Problems to be solved with help of Giz • Scaling of Heat Exchanger Anti-corrosion of Heat Exchanger Looking for a better Heat Exchanger ( Better Design) 3. Economic Benefits . Calculated by standard coal saving, 28,000 tons/year (0.09 kg steam/kg standard coal) CNY ¥14 million saved each year 4. Estimated Investment: Total investment is CNY ¥10 Million.#15ASIA SYMBOL Thanks! 15

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