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#1BHINNEKA TUNGGAL IKA PRESIDENT'S DELIVERY UNIT FOR DEVELOPMENT MONITORING AND OVERSIGHT TAMBAKLANGON Indonesia ONE MAP: Assuring Better Delivery of National Development Goals Monetizing Geospatial Value and Practices For National Developmental Goals BUNTARAN Dr. Nirarta Samadhi 5th Deputy Head of President's Delivery Unit for Development Monitoring and Oversight Republic of Indonesia Geospatial World Forum 2013 Rotterdam, May 12-13, 2013 GREGES KALIANAK SEMROWO ASEMROV BALONGSARI GEDANGASIN BIBIS KARANG POH TINI ROUGHANSE MANURAN KULONI EMANUKANIWETAN TANDES KIDUL SUKOMANUNGGAL TANDES LOR ASUKOMA TANJUNGSAR GADEL TUBANAN KAD SONOKWI JENAN#2Balancing 7% economic growth while reducing 26% emission is a challenge for Indonesia ... special measures on reducing emission from forest and peatlands "We all aspire to reach better living conditions. Yet, this will not be possible by following the current growth model ... We need a practical twenty-first century development model that connects the dots between the key issues of our time: poverty reduction; job generation; inequality; climate change; environmental stress; water, energy and food security." UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon "We are devising an energy mix policy including LULUCF (land use, land use change and forestry) that will reduce our emissions by 26 percent by 2020 from BAU (business as usual). With international support we are confident that we can reduce emissions by as much as 41 percent" Indonesia President Susilo B. Yudhoyono 2 Blok C ok D#3Papua Primary Forest 2009: a comparison between MoEnvironment and MoForestry maps MoE 2 00 Ministry of Environment 27.2 32.6 11.6 59.8 million Ha Gami-aing MoF Ministry of Forestry 44.2 million Ha dalan Blok C Ok D 3 Jalan Puncak Mandala#49 B B op G po 0 08 Legend Agreement Not in KLH Not in MoF 4#5One map for national reference... ❝❝ ... there should be one authoritative map for national reference ..! " President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Cabinet Meeting on measures for emission reduction from deforestation and forest degradation, December 23, 2010 LO 5 Blok C ok D#6Presidential Instruction No. 10/2011 provides momentum to improve governance and reform the bureaucracy through ONE MAP processes st Nomor BBC News Sport Weather Travel Culture Autos NEWS ASIA-PACIFIC Home UK Africa Asia Europe Latin America Mid-East US & Canada Business Health Sci/Enviro 27 May 2010 Last updated at 06:30 GMT Share Indonesia pledges two-year deforestation moratorium Indonesia will introduce a two-year moratorium on deforestation to help tackle climate change, the country's president has said. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono made the announcement in Norway on the eve of a climate conference in Oslo. The decision is part of a deal reached with Norway, which has agreed to contribute up to $1bn (£694m) to help preserve Indonesia's forests. Deforestation can lead to significant levels of carbon dioxide emissions. Deforestation accounts for up to of all CO2 emissions GETTY IM "Presidential Instruction No. 10/2011 on New License Issuance Moratorium on Forest and Peatlands aims at improving the governance of 18 forest and peatlands management ... to instruct the National Geospatial Information Agency, Ministry of 14 Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture, National Land Agency to update the Moratorium Map every months ... "I 6 Minister Kuntoro Mangkusubroto Head of President's Delivery Unit Head of National Taskforce on REDD+ cak Mandala May 2011 00 6 ok D#7Sigura gura ONE MAP processes create collaboration opportunity and trust building among ministries and state agencies ... and gaining authoritative map quality 3+ For the first time in Indonesia ministries and state agencies work together and dala collaborate to conceive and update a common map! ok D iding Ω GAL MERINI 7#8ONE MAP processes are a movement towards... Reference Jalan Squra gura di Nemor one Standard Database Jalan Candi 4 Geoportal Jalan Puncak Mandala enggang SUROMASI CA 8 ok D#9A robust, credible and authoritative ONE MAP should adhere to ... ONE MAD FOR THE NATION Asia Aws March 2013 1 principles patial Information Act (Law No. 4/2011) in April 2011 launched Indone- sia's 'ne Map' initiative, which aims to improve access to reli- able geospatial data and inte- grate geospa informatio among government ministries and agencies. Under this law, an l uti With the fied in orm Jalan Squa-gura di Nemor Consistency Accessibility data provid Transparency is in he pul be used by ave to go to everybody Participatory geospatial d governmen Jalan Puncak Mandala enggang ok D Candi 9#10ONE MAP principles: consistent between land class and reality on the ground Other Land Use Conservation Area Waterways Protected Forest Production Forest Convertible Production Forest Limited Production Forest Forest Park Touristic Natural Forest Park 10 at Nomor ok D#11JOUL Ba ONE MAP principles: consistent among the sources of information Sunbi nuna-gura MUSI BANYUASIN BANYUASIN Map of administrative areas and boundaries in South Sumatera Province from two official sources show different boundary and geometrical shape of the same administrative area. Creates inconsistencies of geospatial information, leads to unaccountable spatial planning and development policy. PRABUMUH JARA ENIM ok D BANGKATENGA BANGKA SELATA PALEMBANG OGAN KOMERING ILI OGANTUR OGAN KOMERING ULU TIMUR MESUJI TULANG BAWANG BARAT WAY KANAN TULANGBAWANG#12ONE MAP principles: accessible and free of charge (1/2) Ina-SDI GALERI PETA GROUP KONTENKU Cari peta, aplikasi, dll... HL KORY BANJARMA Geospasial Untuk Negeri Informasi geospasial menambah dan memperkuat pengetahuan kita memecahkan berbagai masalah Use this site in English Ina-SDI GALERI Gami and suter Nomor ok D PETA GROUP KONTENKU Cari peta, aplikasi, di... a Galeri peta-peta untuk portal INA-SDI Maps Web Apps Mobile Apps Peta Sebaran Instalasi Air Minum Berdasarkan Debit Keluaran Tahun 2010-Copy Pata yang menunjukkan sebaran instalasi air minum yang dibangun oleh Ditjen Cipta Karya Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum Web Map by admin (last modified: September 28, 2011) hasbak (0 ratings. 0 comments. 2 views) Open Details HPK Open in Geospasial Untuk Negeri viewer Lihat Galeri Lihat peta dan aplikasi dari pengguna dan gugus kerja portal INA-SDI. Lihat Grup Bekerja bersama dengan pengguna lain dan saling bertukar minat. Membuat Peta Buat peta untuk ditampilkan di Web, des dan perangkat mobile. Mulai ArcGIS Explorer Online Cara lain untuk untuk memanfaatkan pet di portal INA-SDI. Search for more maps or click below to find the: Highest Rated Most Recent Batas Administratif Most Viewed Rumah Sakit Sarana Bantu Navigas Pelayaran (SBNP) Koridor Ekonomi Sumatera Pelabuhan Penyeberangan Bandar Udara 2 Alur Pelayaran alan Puncak Mandala ggang What is a map? Create your Web map and save it online. 12#13ONE MAP principles: accessible and free of charge (2/2) RSS Downloadable shapefile of Forest License Moratorium Map from MoF, UKP4 and REDD+ Taskforce websites. MULTIMEDIA et Nomor Q satgasreddplus Fw: [Fwd: Dr...Yahoo! Mail' Apple + Jadwal-Misa....karta Pusat The Best Nig...ican Bistro) Kalender Bali Digital Afforestation - Wikipedia, the fre... Inbox (3411)-Yahoo!7 Mail' Satgas REDD+ - Satuan Tugas Per... Login | UKP...ment System Tender-Indo...rioritaskan BERANDA TENTANG REDD+ Climate Calamity AsiaViews Januari 2013 (Magazine, 1.2 MB) SATGAS REDD+ AKTIVITAS DOKUMEN RUANG MEDIA AKUNTABILITAS AGENDA DIALOG PUBLIK Bali Ten Years After REDD Strategi Daerah REDD+ BAL AsiaViews Provinsi Kalimantan November 2012 (Magazine, 1.2 MB) Tengah (Dokumen, 120 MB) Download Bahasa Inggris (PDF, 7.8 MB) Moving Towards Sustainability (Booklet, 5.4 MB) REDD+ dan Satgas REDO REDD+ in Indonesia Kelembagaan REDD+: INDONESIA (Flyer, 3 MB) Sebuah Pengantar (Booklet, 900 KB) (Indonesia) (English) Catalyst for change (Book, 23.7 MB) Overview Special Project ex-MRP Central Kalimantan (Flyer, 2 MB) Laporan Akhir Tahun 2012 Sekretariat Bersama REDD+ Kalimantan Tengah (E-Book, 7 MB) REDD+ Bahasa Indonesia (PDF, 7.8 MB) DOWNLOAD PIPIB REVISI 3 Download peta geodatabase Peta dikatif enundaan Pemberian Izin B (PIPIB) Pemanfaatan Hot Revisi III. PIPIB Rev.3 (47.3 MB); PIPIB Rev.2 (49 MB); PIPIB Rev.1 (71 MB); PIPIB Rev.0 (104 MB). SK Menhut No. 2771/Menhut- VII/IPSDH/2012. Visualisasi PIPIB Revisi 3 dapat dilihat melalui: baru dan 13 Ok D#14One Map principles: transparent and collaborative (1/5) SULAVESSE WULAMES TENGGARA LAUT BA Gami-aing DA ok D Blok C 14#15One Map principles: transparent and collaborative (2/5) Gami-aing Blok C ok D 15#16One Map principles: transparent and collaborative (3/5) Sibolga Legend: Kabupaten Boundary Forested Cover PT Teluk Nauli Forest Primary Forest: Protected Primary Forest: Conservation Proposal to be included in IMM Proposal to be included in IMM Pandan Adian Koting Pinangson Sibabangun Sarulla Sipirok 16 Blok C ok D#17One Map principles: transparent and collaborative (4/5) $7.0.0.€ 2°50'0'LS 2°40'0"LS 2°30'0'LS 2*200*LS HASIL CEK LAPANG PETA INDIKATIF PENUNDAAN PEMBERIAN IZIN BARU REVISI 3 DI PROVINSI KALIMANTAN TENGAH OKTOBER 2012 113°50'0"BT 114°0'0"BT 114°10'0"BT LEGENDA: SunKahayan Sungai Kapuas Sungai Murung KUALA KAPUAS BARIMBA 114°20'0"BT U Lokasi cek lapang Jalan Utama B T Jalan Lokal PIPPIB Revisi 3: S Sungai Hutan Primer Ibukota Kabupaten 0 5 10 15 Gambut Konsesi Kelapa Sawit Km · Ibukota Kecamatan GREENPEACE FWI Sumber: 1. Peta Rupabumi, Badan Informasi Geospasial 2. PIPPIB Revisi 3, Kementerian Kehutanan 3. Konsesi Kelapa Sawit, Kementerian Kehutanan 4. Survei Lapang, Oktober 2012, FWI 114°30'0"BT Inset MANTANGAI 114°40'0"BT 114 500 BT 112°0'0"BT 114°0'0"BT 116 0 0 BT Provinsi Kalimantan Barat Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah Palangkaraya Lokasi Cek Lapang 112 0 0 BT 114'00 BT Provins Kalimantan Timur Provins Kalimantan Satan Banjarmasin 116 00 BT 2°0'0°LS Koordinat Lokasi: 114°31'3.72"BT, 2°33'46.08"LS Arah Utara Arah Timur 23/10/2012 23/10/2012 Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit PT. Globalindo Agung Lestari. Lokasi ini telah dikeluarkan pada PIPIB Revisi 3. Sebelumnya, wilayah ini termasuk Lahan Gambut pada PIPPIB Revisi 2. Koordinat Lokasi: 114°12'35.28"BT, 2°40'39.36"LS Arah Utara 21/10/2012 Arah Timur Konsesi kelapa sawit milik PT. Sangkowong Sinta. Pada bagian utara banyak kebun karet milik masyarakat. Pada bagian selatan sedang dilakukan pembangunan perkebunan kelapa sawit. wilayah ini termasauk Lahan Gambut pada PIPPIB Revisi 3. Koordinat Lokasi: 114°24'27.00"BT, 2°44'47.04"LS Arah Utara Arah Selatan 25/10/2012 25/10/2012 Pembukaan lahan di dalam Konsesi PT. Graha Inti Nugraha. Pada PIPPIB Revisi 3, wilayah ini termasuk Lahan Gambut. Koordinat Lokasi: 114° 9'5.76"BT, 2°39'26.64"LS Arah Utara Arah Timur Arah Selatan Rawa galam yang setiap tahun terbakar; tinggi semak hingga 1 meter, didominasi oleh anakan galam (Melaleuda caju puti) dengan tinggi rata-rata hingga 6 meter. Termasuk Hutan Primer pada PIPPIB Revisi 3. an Candi 4 21/10/2012 17 17 ok D#1872000.000 9674000.000 2000.000 9676000.000 9678000.000 172000.000 One Map principles: transparent and collaborative (5/5) 174000.000 176000.000 178000.000 180000.000 182000.000 A B.RAPPEN B.SAMPUNA B.TILLE B.PA 00 8.SOKKORAN PAROPO B.SARRE 674000.000 184000.000 9676000.000 9678000.000 Participative Map Ancestral Domain Map of Ba'tan, Sub District Wara Barat, Kota Palopo, South Sulawesi (Source: JKPP/BRWA) Jalen Candy 174000.000 176000.000 Peta Wilayah Adat Ba'tan Kelurahan Padang Lambe Kec. Wara Barat Kota Palopo Published on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 23:34 SHARE Indonesia: Indonesian Government Accepts Ancestral Domain Maps Indigenous Peoples Visible Within The Nation State 17800 Making Keterangndigenous Peoples' Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN) and Network for Participatory Mapping (JKPP) have BATAS officially handed over ancestral domain map registered in Ancestral Domain Registration Agency (BRWA) to the Indonesia's Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) and Presidential Delivery Unit for Supervision and Control of Development (UKP4). This is the initial handover done by AMAN and JKPP. As a start, being submitted are 265 Uma/maps of ancestral domains covering 2,402,222 hectare wide. LALANG Hutan Ancestral domain maps available in BRWA, of which process facilitated directly by AMAN and JKPP as well as NGOs advocating the archipelago's indigenous peoples, are prominent information to support One Map Indonesia Bela'/Kearried out by the government through UKP4 and BIG. It is a collective movement of all including indigenous eoples for mandiborovement of Indoredibles order to be a better Country 18 ok D#19Monetizing geospatial value and practices for National Developmental Goals: ONE MAP next steps and challenges ... ok D 1 2 The acceleration of the basic map of Indonesia provision at the scale of 50K, free of charge, to be used as 'one standard' by everyone from every sector, institution and government level, also for any kind of purpose. The acceleration of thematic map of Indonesia provision by initiating 11 working groups on mapping themes consist of various ministries and state agencies using ONE MAP collaboration model. The acceleration of forest area gazettement as one of the strategic initiative of forestry theme. Anian Cancr4 3 The continuous improvement of and campaign on the national geoportal as the authoritative source of national geospatial information. 4 5 The acceleration of national vertical spatial data integration process. Establishing sub-national geospatial information custodian unit. The reformulation of survey and mapping vocational school curriculum and system to facilitate the acceleration of skilled labor provision. The development of survey and mapping professional licensing system and institutional building. Jalan Puncak Mandala ggang 19#20BHINNEKA TUNGGAL IKA PRESIDENT'S DELIVERY UNIT FOR DEVELOPMENT MONITORING AND OVERSIGHT TAMBAKLANGON Indonesia ONE MAP: Assuring Better Delivery of National Development Goals Monetizing Geospatial Value and Practices For National Developmental Goals BUNTARAN Dr. Nirarta Samadhi 5th Deputy Head of President's Delivery Unit for Development Monitoring and Oversight Republic of Indonesia Geospatial World Forum 2013 Rotterdam, May 12-13, 2013 GREGES KALIANAK SEMROWO ASEMROV BALONGSARI GEDANGASIN BIBIS KARANG POH TINI ROUGHANSE MANURAN KULONI EMANUKANIWETAN TANDES KIDUL SUKOMANUNGGAL TANDES LOR ASUKOMA TANJUNGSAR GADEL TUBANAN KAD SONOKWI JENAN

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