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#1CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED CYU China Yunnan Copper Australia Ltd Investor Presentation June 2010 YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED Agenda - CYU- Company Overview. China Copper Copper Uranium and, REE Gold ■ Asia Pacific Project Suite - CYU 2010#3CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED Company Overview CYU Daily Line Chart [Close] XJO Daily Line Chart [Close] 5000 CYU- Simple MA [20, Close, 20, Close] 4900- 4800- 0.320 0.280 Price A$0.13 4700 ASX Code CYU 4600 Shares 108.6M 4500 Options 18.4M 4400 Market Cap A$14M 4300 Cash A$1.9M CYU - Volume - 0.240 0.200 0.160 Board and Management Norm Zillman - Co Chairman Liang Zhong Co Chairman Jason Beckton - Managing Director Zewen Yang - Executive Director Richard Hatcher - Exploration Manager Jim Cran - Chief Geologist וייןייי November December 2010 February 3000000 2000000 1000000 0 March April May June Major Shareholders China Yunnan Copper (Australia) Development Co. 21.7% Norm Zillman 7.4% Elliott Nominees Pty Ltd 6.8% Paul Marshall - Company Secretary Discovery in Right Jurisdiction - Best Way to Add Value#4CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED China Copper Chinalco 49% Yunnan Copper Industry Group (YCI) 22% China Yunnan Copper Australia (ASX:CYU)#5CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED A 云南铜业股份有限公司 CHINALCO YUNNAN COPPER CO.,LTD ☐ ப L 6 mines in production 3 mines in development Most are IOCG Style Yunnan 2008 ■ 660 tonnes silver 10 tonnes gold ■ 12,000 employees ■Revenue US $5.88 Billion Yangla Lala 426,000t copper cathode Dayao Dongchuan Mouding Dahongshan Elsewhere ▪ Zambia Laos, Philippines Dahpingzhan TETNAM Laos Copper LAOS#6CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED Value Increase Risk Decrease CYU Objectives - 2010 Production Chinese SOE Investment normally here Construction Feasibility Pre-Feasibility Resource Development Drilling Prospect + Exploration Drilling Detailed Surface Evaluation Cu-Gem, U- Elaine Dorothy YCI Investment on IPO Prospecting Geologic Targeting Stanley's Au, Chile Cu Au Mt Isa, Chile Australia, Chile Chile#7CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED CYU Existing Projects. AUSTRALIA Queensland CHILE Humitos#8CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED Chile Copper Porphyry Target - Humito Damiana El Salvador Potential Company Maker. Chile - Mining and Exploration friendly juristiction. CYU Management has proven track record in Chile. Large scale system mapped and lightly drilled by Kennecott at Humitos. July ground magnetics then drilling. Concealed supergene Copper blanket target. Caballo Muerto Potrerillo 7100 000mN Can Can 050 000mN Pueblo de Inca de Oro La Coipa Humitos 400 000mE El Timon Relincho 40 Kilonietres 450 000mE 500 000mE 6 950 000m#9CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED Chile Copper Porphyry Target - Humito W 0m 400 PORFIDO SIERRA EL HUMITO: PERFIL ESQUEMATICO TENTATIVO E Antiguo Sondaje (100 m) Untested Copper Porphyry Target at Depth#10CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED CYU-Australian Projects Normanton Burketown Georgetown Innisfail Ingham Townsville Pentland Project Cloncurry North Project Charters Towers -20° Mount Isa Cloncurry Mount Isa Project Bowen -20° Julia Creek Hughenden Pentland Ravenswood Project Winton Tenement Boulia Office Town Longreach 100 kilometres 200 Barcaldine Road Clermont Emerald#11CHINA YUNNAN COPPER Copper and Uranium - Discovery to Resources AUSTRALIA LIMITED Copper Gold Uranium Target Dimensions Cu - Ernest Henry. Century WATERFORD PROJECT Western Fold Belt Province Kalkadoon-Ewen Province Eastern Fold Belt Province Granite CYU Tenements CYU JV Tenement Cu-Au Deposit Pb-Zn Ceposit U Deposit Mt Gordon Lady Annie 167 Mt @ 1% Cu, 0.5 g/t Au Mary Kathleen Lady Loretta Mt Roseby Dugald River GEM Skal Andersons Ernest Henry Rocklands Mount Isa Mary Kathleen Elaine Dorothy Eloise 9.2 Mt @ 1200 ppm U308 CYU Discovery to Resource - Cu Au ▪ Gem ■ 492,000t @ 0.5% Cu CYU Resource Definition - REE U ■ Elaine Dorothy ☐ 83,000t @ 3200 ppm REE ■ 280 ppm U308 Valhalla George Fisher Hilton 50 Tick Hill Selwyn Swan Mt Dore Cannington Osborne#12CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED NE Queensland - Gold Stanley's Hope represents Pajingo style epithermal gold target drilling April. CYU proven track record of discovery of porphyry gold in Chile, Mexico and Slovakia. Ground turnover of 60% to focus on large scale porphyry gold only. Most narrow quartz vein style ground dropped since 2007 IPO. Ingham N Townsville Pentland Project Charters Towers Bowen Hughenden Pentland Stanley's Hope ML1631 Ravenswood Project area 50 Clermont Barcaldine kilometres Cran REM 148 Emerald#13Stanley's Hope - Shallow Gold on a Granted Mining Lease 7 733 500mN 7 733 600mN S SHD002 PSRC PD PSAC 317 PSRC 349 344 04 SPD 11 [email protected] 7 733 700mN [email protected] incl 3m@3,24 incl [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] incl [email protected] incl [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 518.4m 497.6m 7 733 800mN [email protected] incl [email protected] SHD001 7 733 900mN Om 100m 7 734 000mN 7 734 100mN N SHD 200m Reference Drillhole current, previous Release Mineralised intercept [email protected] Assay result 14 metres @1.13g/t gold red=current, black-previous Release Mineralised zone 0 10 20 40 60 80 100 Metres China Yunnan Copper Australia Limited EPM14332 Pentland QLD Stanleys Hope Prospect Section 331,038mE Drillholes SHD001 & 2 17 June 2010 RL 400m 300m#14CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED Why APEC Project Suite for CYU? Total Production Africa Europe 6% 2% 12,049,485 tonnes/year Australasia 10% Asia 11% North America 15% Central & South America 56% Share of potential new annual copper production of 62 projects profiled by CRU 92% of future copper production in the APEC area#15CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED Why Chile? The attractiveness index Attractiveness of mining destinations to investors Ranked AMERICAS AFRICA AUSTRALIA on Ranked on mineral policy endowment SA 16 10 NT 20 19 WA 21 7 NSW 23 12 Queensland 25 13 Victoria 29 33 Tasmania 31 25 Botswana 18 17 Namibia 34 Ghana 35 Burkino Faso Tanzania 44 42 48 3222 34 27 20 Quebec 1 2 Wyoming 15 Chile 7 1 Source: Australian Financial Review OCEANIA NZ 45 62 PNG 61 48 Indonesia 62 41 Note: 1-top rank, 71= bottom rank SOURCE: FRASER INSTITUTE#16CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED CYU Supports Foreign Direct Investment FDI is Key to ramping up Domestic Copper Industry as it did for Iron Ore Key investments in Australia's iron ore industry Millions of tonnes of Australian iron ore production Mitsui buys stake in Robe River Pilbara start-up Mitsui buys stake in Mt Newman joint venture obord Chinese steel mills and BHP Chinalco and Rio Tinto tie up Mitsui participates in Yandi and Mt Goldsworthy joint venture form the Wheellara joint venture 400 Channar joint venture POSCO invests in Pilbara joint venture 350 -300 250 200 -150 -100 50 1961 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 2000 Source: Australian Financial Review 33 03 06 09 Tg#17CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED CYU 2010-2011. Obiective Resources from Exploration Success. Copper REE Uraniumi Chile Humito Porphyry Magnetics and Drilling - China and Region - Project Generation - Australia - Drill Mount Dorothy Australia - Review Gem Copper and Elaine Dorothy REE U Gold Australia - Stanley's Hope-short term evaluation.#18CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED ASX: CYU 上市代码:CYU Ph 07 3303 0653 YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LIMITED Disclaimer Cautionary Note Whilst this document and presentation is based on information from sources which are considered reliable, China Yunnan, its employees and consultants do not represent, warrant nor guarantee, by expression nor implication, that the information in this document and presentation is complete or accurate. To the maximum extent permitted by law, China Yunnan Copper Australia Limited disclaims any responsibility to inform any recipient of this document and presentation of any matter that subsequently comes to its notice, which may affect any of the information contained in this document and presentation. Competent Persons Statement The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results for Gem, Pentland, Stanleys Hope and Humito is based on information compiled by Jason Beckton, who is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geologists and a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and is the Managing Director of China Yunnan Copper Australia Ltd. Mr Beckton has sufficient experience relevant to the styles of mineralisation and type of deposits under consideration and to the activity he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results and Mineral Resources". Mr Beckton consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. The information in this report that relates to the Exploration Target for the Elaine One Anomaly is based on information compiled by Arnold van der Heyden, who is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and is a Consulting Geologist for Hellman and Schofield Pty Ltd. Mr van der Heyden has sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results and Mineral Resources". Mr van der Heyden consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

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