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#1NO OF GOB 40 FUERT ICO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Desarrollo Profesional a través de la UPR 23 de octubre de 2019 Secretaria Auxiliar del Instituto de Desarrollo Profesional ERSIDAD DE PUERTO 1903 ERTO RICO Universidad DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#2PUERT GOBI OBIERNO RICO. GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Welcome! Please scan the QR code below or access the link to complete the pre-test: oralcomm PUERT ERSIDAD DE UNIVERSID 1903, RICO . Universidad de Puerto Rico DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#3GOB ENO OF FUERT ERTO 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Welcome! Today's Schedule: Registration 7:00am-8:00am 8:15am-9:30am Pre-test and Session 1 9:35am-10:25am Session 2 10:30am-10:40am Break 10:40am-11:30am Session 3 11:30am-1:00pm Lunch 1:00pm-1:45pm Session 4 1:45pm-2:45pm Session 5 Workshop & Post-test 2:45pm-3:00pm Sign out UNIVERSIDA 1903 Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#4Creating Meaningful Learning through Oral Communication Session 1: Oracy: What, How and Why NO OF GOB FUERT 40 ICO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Session 2: Communicative Language Teaching Session 3: Communication, Creativity and Research Session 4: Hands-on Activities that Promote Risk-taking and Increase Participation Session 5: Workshop and post-test PUERT ERTO RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Rico DE#5GOBIERN PUERIC 051 THANK YOU! GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación ERSIDAD DE PUERTO UNI 1903 ICO DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Universidad#6RNO OF GOB FUERT 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Oracy: What, how and why? Created by: Kevin S. Carroll, Ph.D. Associate Professor TESOL Program Coordinator Department of Graduate Studies College of Education University of Puerto Rico - Río Piedras October 23, 2019 RSIDAD DE PUERT RICO Universidad de Puerto Rico DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#7RNO OF FUERT 031 Oracy What, how, and why? GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación 1903 PUERT ERTO RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#8NO OF GOB PUERT 031 How do you think your students feel when they speak English? GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación UNIVERSIDA PUERT RICO RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#9NO OF GOB PUERT 031 • How do you think your students feel when they speak English? How many of you have trouble getting your students to speak in English in your class? GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación UNIVERSIDA PUERT RICO RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#10NO OF GOB PUERT 031 • • How do you think your students feel when they speak English? How many of you have trouble getting your students to speak in English in your class? Do your students find it challenging to understand English speakers who use diverse accents? GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación UNIVERSIDA PUERT RICO RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#11NO OF GOB • • • How do you think your students feel when they speak English? How many of you have trouble getting your students to speak in English in your class? Do your students find it challenging to understand English speakers who use diverse accents? Do your students panic when they have to give an oral report in English? PUERT 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación UNIVERSIDA PUERT RICO RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#12NO OF GOB • • • . How do you think your students feel when they speak English? How many of you have trouble getting your students to speak in English in your class? Do your students find it challenging to understand English speakers who use diverse accents? Do your students panic when they have to give an oral report in English? How many of you have made a mistake in your use of a word or phrase while teaching your students? FUERT 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación UNI PUERT RICO RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#13GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación RSIDAD DE PUERTO INO 1903 RICO Universidad "Most importantly L2 users have to be credited with being what they are―L2 users. They should be judged by how successful they are as L2 users, not by their failure compared to native speakers. L2 students have the right to become L2 users, not imitation native speakers. If there is constant pressure to be like native speakers, students are likely to accept this as their role rather than understanding the advantages of L2 users" (Cook, p.245). DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO BERTO 100 OBIERN ON * BICO#14GOB ENO OF What is First coined in 1965 by Andrew Wilkinson in the UK Oracy? Oracy is a term is used to parallel the literacy with a FUERT ERTO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación 031 focus on speaking and listening Talk is essential in "the development of learners" higher order process" (Walqui, 2019, p. 185) The use of oracy pushes us to think in more communicative terms and less in drill and kill as we adopt a more holistic view of listening and speaking. ERSERT UNI 1903 RICO Universidad DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#15ENO OF GOB FUERT ERTO 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Oracy Speaking & Listening Literacy Reading & Writing Moving away from sentence level linguistic articulation and a focus on the larger message. Focusing on the quality communication where the students' uses their whole linguistic repertoire Understanding of texts, the contexts they are written in and what implications they have for our own life, the lives of those around us as well as how it relates to other texts we have read UNI ERSIDAD DE PUERTO RICO Universidad 1903 DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#16ENO OF GOB ERTO 031 How do we promote oracy? Creating authentic language environment S . . • Role-plays using a variety of different contexts Communication with English speakers • Using audio and / or video of songs or portions of movies and shows that motivate students Creating scenarios where English language use is required GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación UNI ERSIDAD DE PUERTO RICO 1903 Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#17ENO OF GOB ERTO 031 How do we promote oracy? Creating a classroom of trust GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación • . . Creating an environment where students trust one another and are willing to take risks is essential in the development of students' oracy. Team building strategies • games-and-activities/ Point out your own errors, miscues, and mistakes. ERSIDAD DE PUERTO UNI 1903 RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#18Bridging Makes connections between course content and students' daily lives. Personalizes course activities so students find meaning in them and are more motivated to participate. ERSIDAD DE PUERTO UNI 1903 ICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#19An example of bridging - From Walqui (2019) The three-step-interview: Put students in groups of 4 (Assign each student: A, B, C or D) Step 1. Students A & C simultaneously ask students B & D questions provided by the teacher. Step 2. Students B & D ask the same questions to their pair A or C. Step 3. Students A, B, C & D come together as a group of 4 and each student shares what their peer said in response to the prompt without interruption from their group members. NO O PUERTO GOBI RICO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación PUERT ICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#20NO OF GOB 40 • The three-step interview continued: Possible prompts: Think of a time when you or someone you know had an accident. What happened? How did the accident affect you or the person in your story? Things to remember: 1. Before getting students started on their exchanges the teacher asks students to think of consequences or the lasting impact of accidents. 2. Teacher provides an example from their own life before students are expected to do so PUERT RIO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación ICO ERSIDAD DE PUERTO UNI 1903 RICO Universidad DE DEPARTAMENTO DE de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO EDUCACIÓN#21Why is oracy development important? ENO OF GOB Focusing on oracy moves us away from solely incorporating oral or "repeat after me exercises". It is more realistic in that it puts the focus of English classes on developing listening and speaking skills that will facilitate real communication It brings together both listening and speaking so that they developed in tandem. FUERT ERTO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación 031 ERSIDAD DE PUERTO 1903 RICO RICO DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Universidad#22ENO OF GOB FUERT 031 Why is oracy development important? • Most importantly, oracy development does not require a native speaker norm and thus allows students to evolve as second language users of English. ● Students are encouraged and applauded for using their entire linguistic repertoire in speaking and listening as oracy takes into consideration: Physical, Linguistic, Cognitive and Emotional/Social factors at play in listening and speaking (See handout for details) GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación ERSIDAD DE PUERTO Universidad RICO UNI 1903 DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#23GOB RNO OF ERTO FUERT 031 Progression in Oracy SKILLS Physical Linguistic Apprentice I am starting to project my voice so everyone can hear. I am starting to vary the pitch, tone and rhythm of my voice. • I am beginning to use gestures and body movements to help convey the points I want to make. • I can use a limited vocabulary well. I am starting to choose my words more precisely. GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación I can distinguish between informal and formal settings. • I can identify different types of language: metaphor, tripling, emphasis. Developing I can develop my presence as a performer, controlling my voice and movement. I can use several different tones of voice and adapt my voice to the context. I can use subtle gestures and body language to indicate a range of different emotions. I can use a range of descriptive words to suit different situations and use the 5 senses to ground my story. I can use full sentences with connectives and speak fluently without repetition for several sentences. I can speak formally, e.g. without using filler words (such as 'like'), and with dictionary words instead of street slang. ERSERT . UNI 1903 RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#24ENO OF GOB Tips and tricks: Developing oracy in Puerto Rico . Modeling what it is that you want students to do. Don't just give directions... actually do it in front of the class before you expect students to do it. • Examples: Role-play an interview with the author of the book you are reading Oral presentation Ordering food at a restaurant • Dialogue Phone call FUERT ERTO 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación ERSIDAD DE PUERTO UNI 1903 ICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#25ENO OF GOB Tips and tricks: Developing oracy in Puerto Rico Use as much English as possible in your own classroom Having a clear language policy in your class is important. This doesn't mean it has to be 100% in English all the time, but designate a time and a place where Spanish can be used. The development of oracy requires copious amounts of access to English. Teachers therefore need to only use Spanish in strategic ways • Instead of using spoken Spanish, yourself, have students in the class translate for you Consider bringing in a short text in Spanish and having a class discussion about it in English or vice versa when the focus is on reading comprehension FUERT ERTO 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación UNIVERSID 1903 QUERTO RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#26ENO OF GOB Tips and tricks: Developing oracy in Puerto Rico Develop formulaic expressions which are expressions that are often used to start participation in an interaction: I liked when in the story.... I think the author meant.... • May I suggest that.... • Another point we can consider.... While these expressions are pre-fabricated, they can be used throughout the year FUERT GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación 031 ERSIDAD DE PUERTO RICO 1903 Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#27References Cook, V. (2007) The goals of ELT: Reproducing native-speakers. or Promoting multicompetence among second language users? In J. Cummins and C. Davison (Eds). International Handbook on English Language Teaching (p 236-248) Springer: New York. Walqui, A. (2019). Shifting from the teaching of oral skills to the development of oracy. In L. C. Oliveira Ed). The handbook of TESOL in K-12. Wiley Blackwell: Hoboken, NJ, pg 194.#28NO OF GOBIER FUERT ERTO P GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación 031 QUESTIONS? IDAD DE PUERT 1903 RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#29RNO DE VERTO 031 GRACIAS! GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación RSIDAD DE ERSIDA UNIV 1903 03. UERTO RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#30NO OF GOB CREATED BY DR. ELENITA IRIZARRY RAMOS, ED. D. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO RIO PIEDRAS CAMPUS DEPARTMENT OF GRADUATE STUDIES COLLEGE OF EDUCATION FUERT 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING: AN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING RESOURCE ERSIDAD DE PUERT Universidad UNI 1903 RICO DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#31RNO GOB RTO RICO PUERTO Hands on activities that promote risk taking and increase student participation Objective: Identify methods and approaches that promote oral participation of students in English Language Teaching. GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación PUERT Universidad de Puerto Rico DE EDUCACIÓN DEPARTAMENTO DE GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO 1903#32ENO OF GOB FUERT 031 English Program of the DEPR Mission Goal To develop communicatively competent students in the English language The development of a student who is able to communicate effectively, both orally and in written form in the English language. GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación ERSIDAD DE PUERTO UNI 1903 ICO DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Universidad#33What is Communicative Competence? Communicative competence is the ability to use the language correctly and appropriately to accomplish communication goals. The desired outcome of the language learning process is the ability to communicate competently, not the ability to use the language exactly as a native speaker would. NO OF FUERT ERTO RICO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación IN 1903 VERTO RICO Universidad de Puerto Rico DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO K#34ENO OF GOB ERTO 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación GOALS Learning Focused Goals of the English Program (DEPR) COMPETENCE NEEDED Linguistic Understand what they hear. Express their ideas in formal and informal conversations with correct grammar, intonation and pronunciation. Make use of English as a communication mechanism for different purposes framed in a variety of contexts. Discourse Linguistic Sociolinguistic Discourse Linguistic Sociolinguistic Discourse Strategic ERSIDAD DE PUERT RTO RICO UNI 1903 Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#35GOBIER NO OF 40 FUERT 031 ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING: METHODS, APPROACHES, & STRATEGIES GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación ERSIDAD DE PUERTO 1903 RICO Universidad de Puerto Rico DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN DEEDING GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#36Communicative Language Teaching (DEPR) Focus on meaning Focus on functional aspects of language Emphasis on interaction Group work Classroom Activities Activities focused on communication Activities focused on fluency Information, opinion, and reasoning activities Role plays • Emphasis on authenticity of input • Learning by doing through direct practice Learner centered GOBI OBIERNO RTO RIC 03 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Communication Facilitator Teacher Role Encourages fluency Learner Role . Active communicative participant Collaborator PUERTO 1903 RICO Universidad de Puerto Rico DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#37GOB ENO OF Provide Context Knowledge of the topic or content FUERT ERTO 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Learner The vocabulary and language structures in which the content is usually presented The social and cultural expectations associated with the content Centered Instruction Strategies Use Language in Authentic Ways UNIVERSIDA 1903 Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#38Use Task- based Activities Fluent speakers use language to perform tasks such as solving problems, developing plans, and working together to complete projects. The use of similar task-based activities in the classroom is an excellent way to encourage students to use the language. Tasks may involve solving a making a video, preparing a presentation, or practicing a tongue twister. Learner Centered Instruction Strategies Use Language in Authentic Ways ENO OF GOB FUERT ERTO 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación 1903 QUERTO RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#39ENO OF GOB Encourage Collaboration Effective collaborative activities have three characteristics: Communication gap: Each student has relevant information that the others don't have FUERT ERTO 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Learner Task orientation: Centered Activity has a defined outcome, such as Instruction solving a problem or Strategies drawing a map Time limit: Students have a preset amount of time to complete the task Use Language in Authentic Ways ERSIDAD DE PUERTO RICO 1903 Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#40ENO OF GOB Activity #1 BINGO FUERT GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación 031 Motivate students to learn and use communicative skills 1903 FREE QUERTO RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#41BINGO Ask classmates to see who fits at least one of the criteria listed in the boxes ✔ This student must sign their name in the box that applies to them ✓ Each student can only be used for 2 boxes ✔ A bingo is 4 in a row or diagonally ✔ Bonus for a completed board T Find someone who has a pet Find someone who plays a sport here (or wants to this year) Find someone who went to Summerfest or another festival this summer. Find someone who has the same lunch hour as you E Find someone who has a same class as you Find someone who is new to this school Find someone who has traveled out of the state Find someone who is an only child. A Find someone who knows what college they want to go to. Find someone who has an older sister. Find someone who saw the same movie as you this summer. M Find someone who knows what career they want after high school. Find someone who takes yellow bus Find someone who had a summer job Find someone who Find someone who you have never met before has an older brother NO OF GOBIE PUERTO RICO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación 1903 ERTO RICO Universidad de Puerto Rico DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#42Activity #2 Communicative Drawing Step 1. Have two students sit back-to-back. Step 2. Teacher gives 1 student in each pair an object Step 3. Make sure the 2nd student has colored pencils and paper. GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación ERSERT 1903 Universidad de Puerto Rico RICO DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO PUERTO RICO#43Activity #2 Communicative Drawing Step 4. The student with the object must describe it in as much detail as possible, without directly saying what it is. Step 5. The second student must draw the object as best they can, based on the communication of the student with the object. ERPUERTO 1903 ICO Universidad de Puerto Rico DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO BERTO RICO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación#44UER 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Activity #3 Guess the Object This is a fun game for kids to practice the power of description: 1. Using a large cardboard box, cut a hole. large enough for a student's hand. 2. Make sure that students understand that the person who puts their hand in the box is not allowed to peek into the hole and that they cannot guess what it is. D DE 1903 PUER RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#45UER 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Activity #3 Guess the Object 3. Place an object in the box. 4. Have the student describe what the object feels like to the rest of the class. 5. Have the class take turns guessing what it might be. ERSIDAD DE UNIVERSID Universidad DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#46GOB ENO OF 031 "Teaching and learning should bring joy. How powerful would our world be if we had kids who were not afraid to take risks, who were not afraid to think, and who had a champion? Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists. that they become the best that they can possibly be." FUERT GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Rita Pierson Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#47NO OF GOBIER References August, D., & Shanahan, L. (2006). Developing literacy in second-language learners: Report of the National Literacy Panel on Language Minority Children and Youth. Washington, D.C. : National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth (U.S.). Bennett, S. (2007). That Workshop Book: New Systems and Structures for Classrooms That Read, Write, and Think. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Books. Block, C. C., & Pressley, M. (2002). Comprehension instruction: Research-based best practices. New York: Guilford Press. Canale, M., & Swain, M. (1980). Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing. Applied linguistics, 1(1), 1-47. Collins, J. (2001b, October). Good to great. Fast Company, 51(1), 90–104. Harste, J. C., Short, K. G., & Burke, C. L. (1988). Creating classrooms for authors: The reading-writing connection. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Miller, D. (2002). Reading With Meaning. ME: Stenhouse Publishers. Odden, A. (2009, December 9). We know how to turn schools around-we just haven't done it. Education Week, 29(14), 22-23. Palinscar, A. & Brown. A. (1986). Reciprocal Teaching of Comprehension- Fostering and Comprehension- Monitoring Activities. Cognition and Instruction, I (2) 117-175. Pinker, S. (1994). The Language Instinct. New York, NY: Harper Perennial Modern Classics. GRACIAS! PUERTO RICO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación SIDA ERT 1903 RICO Universidad de Puerto Rico DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#48GOB NO OF FUERT 031 Created by: Fiorelys Mendoza, Department of English, General Studies, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Communication, Creativity, and Research: Creating Significant Learning Experiences through Oral Presentations Wednesday October 23, 2019 Secretaria Auxiliar del Instituto de Desarrollo Profesional ERSIDAD UNIV 1903 DE PUERTO Universidad DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#49NO OF GOB 40 FUERT ICO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación 1. Reflection 2. Objectives AGENDA: 3. Theoretical Framework 4. Examples & Demonstration 5. Questions & Answers ERSIDAD DE PUERTO 1903 RICO Universidad DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#50NO OF GOB 40 FUERT ICO "If you can't communicate and talk to other people and get across your ideas, you're giving up your potential." GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación VERSIDAD PR UNIVERSID . 1903 PUERT ICO -Warren Buffet ODUCT SCHOOL Universidad de Puerto Rico DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#51Objective: Identify and create meaningful communicative and learning experiences through the use of oral presentation activities. RNO D GOB PUERTO RICO PUERTO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación RSIDAD DE UNIV 1903 RICO Universidad de Puerto Rico ☑ DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#52Impact of Oral Presentations in the Classroom NO D FUERT GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación * 03 • Provide learner-centered activities Integrates four language skills in a natural manner • Create understanding of diverse topics • Foster clear expression of ideas in spoken English • Develop pronunciation awareness • Increase autonomy (fosters initiative and leadership) • Prepares for real life (Negotiate meaning with a broader community) ERSIDAD DE PUERT Universidad . UNI 1903 RTO RICO DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#53"Oral presentations increase students' motivation, confidence, sense of community, ownership over learning, speech fluency and accuracy." Masmaliyeva (2014) OBIERNO GOB PUERT GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación ERSIDAD DE PUERTO Universidad 1903 ICO DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#54GOB ENO OF 031 Downsides of Oral Presentations B Foreseeing challenges Students might encounter difficulties with oral presentations due to unclear instructions, students' lack of vocabulary, underdeveloped listening and attention skills, and class time. FUERT GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación BEING INTENTIONAL Providing target vocabulary and practicing expected sentence structure allows for students to apply lesson knowledge into an assignment. Clear instructions and peer-evaluations also allow for an environment of understanding, comprehension, and student integration in all aspects of the presentation process. UNIVERSID 1903 QUERTO RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#55Purposefully Targeting Cognitive Skills to Oral Presentation Tasks: Bloom's Taxonomy Produce new or original work create Design, assemble, construct, conjecture, develop, formulate, author, investigate evaluate analyze apply understand remember Justify a stand or decision appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, critique, weigh Draw connections among ideas differentiate, organize, relate, compare, contrast, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test Use information in new situations execute, implement, solve, use, demonstrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch Explain ideas or concepts classify, describe, discuss, explain, identity, locate, recognize, report, select, translate Recall facts and basic concepts define, duplicate, list, memorize, repeat, state Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching#56NO D 1 Identifying Emotions PUERTO RTO RIC My Emotions Students select an emotion out of a bag. Distribute a blank sheet of paper or a handout. • Use crayons, markers or colored pencils. • Students make a poster about the emotion. • Students write their word at the top of their poster and draw a picture of what they were doing when they felt that emotion. • Students present their work. GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación RSIDAD DE NIVERSI 1903 PUERT ICO Learning domain: remember, understand Universidad DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO K#57ENO OF GOB Understanding My Emotions Learning Objectives: - Plan and describe personal experiences, using some new vocabulary and details about familiar topics, appropriate to the situation. - Deliver brief oral presentations on a variety of familiar topics. This is how I look when I feel Draw and share an experience where you felt that specific emotion. Your presentation must address the following: 1- When did it happen? 4- What happened? FUERT ERTO 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación 2- Where did it happen? 3- Who was there? 5- Why did it happen? 6- How was it solved? Elementary School Idea 1 ERSIDAD DE PUERTO UNI 1903 Universidad de Puerto Rico DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#58NO D 2 Identifying and Dealing with my Emotions When do you feel...? Learning domain: remember, understand, * apply Objective: Identify and discuss situations that trigger various emotions. Provide multiple choices or narrow it to three. Example: happy, sad, scared, angry, etc. Have students draw these situations and share with class how they feel. * Adaptation: Have them explain what happened (in the case of negative situations). What would they would have done differently? FUERT GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación * 03 I feel happy when... my family is together I feel scared when... I feel angry when... I see a ghost on TV I can't use the cellphone UNIVERSIDA UERTO RICO RICO Universidad de Puerto Rico DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#59GOBIER NO PUERTO RICO Fostering Decision-Making in Presentations: Evaluating Source Credibility 3 "Trending Topics" Select an artist, event, or issue that is in current news. Learn more about it in three different sources (online blog, social network, local newspaper, television station, radio, etc.). Compare the information learned in each source and evaluate the ways in which each cited the research, verified the facts, and acknowledged the credentials of the sources. Target questions: Which source seems the most credible? How did you come to that conclusion? Learning domain: understand, analyze, evaluate GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación 1903 PUERT RICO Universidad de Puerto Rico DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Por qué comer chocolate todos los días hace bien NUTRIGLAM Llegó el invierno y el cuerpo reclama más calorias, una forma de estar más energizados para las exigencias diarias. Y el chocolate se convierte en un aliado ideal, con beneficios reconocidos a la salud 7 de julio de 2017 Compartir en Facebook Compartir en Twitter Advierten no cantarán en la ceremonia 40x Junk cleaner for macOS Catalina: Old apps, viruses cookies Molestos artistas urbanos con el Latin Grammy Daddy Yankee les recordó que "sin reggaeton no hay Latin Grammy" Redacción, EL VOCERO 24/09/2010 Actualzado hace 3 hores 17 Guaynaa: "Pensé que me dedicaría toda mi vida" a ser ingeniero químico Por El Comercio / GDA 09/21/2019 10:05 pm. TELEMIN beboard Guaynaa (Archiva}#60NO GOBIER PUERTO *031 Autonomy and Leadership in Presentations 4 The Travel Agent Each student will plan a class trip. They must select a country to visit and make all related decisions: 1) Where to buy the tickets 2) Why buy them there 3) Important sights 4) Transportation routes (metro, car, bus), 5) Scheduling, 6) Budget, among others. GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación RSIDAD DE NIVERSID Universidad *Possible Adaptation: Use PR municipalities de Puerto Rico DE 1903 DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Learning domain: understand, analyze, evaluate COD#61RNO GOBIE D PUE ER Anche Home Lin Adjemia ATLANTIC OCEAN T Ph Came Casey Caribbean Sea GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación All Hands-on Research Oral Tasks 5 Learning about my Town PUERTO RICO MUNICIPALITIES Report back on renowned athletes, celebrities, and community leaders who were born in the municipality where the school is located. Students may also research individuals who had schools, buildings or streets named after them. Talk about their contribution to the town, country, and to society. Students might need to conduct interviews, go through historical archives, or other ways to find this information. Provide visuals of the information gathering process and all related documents. UNI PUERT Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#62Hands-on Research Oral Tasks 6 Project: I Care Students identify problems within their town and work on investigating and responding to genuine and challenging questions or problems. For example: In which ways to help the elderly population to get to their appointments and errands? How can the local transportation system be more effective? Learning domain: understand, apply, analyze, evaluate RNO O GOBI PUER 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación PUERT RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#63BIERNO GOB Interdisciplinary Learning Approach Puerto Rican Identity Reflected on Street Art PENKKN KEN KEN ++ + + Ciuda 1. Identify elements of the mural 2. How do these elements represent Puerto Rican culture, identity, life, citizens, traditions, beliefs. Mural by: Ciudad Museo PR Location: Añasco, Puerto Rico 3. Provide references at the end of the slide show and in a word document for the professor. *Cite at least two credible sources of information (using format instructed in class). GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO RSIDAD DE PUERTO Universidad . 1903 RICO#64Focusing Academic Presentations on Students' Interest 8 Critical Karaoke - - - - Critical Karaoke Project is an overturn of the criticism towards music genres and lyrics. Must be done within the time span of the song with the tune playing in the background. Provides a space for students to present a melody of personal reflections and narratives that helped influence their points of view, introspection, and decision-making. The activity fosters a sense of ownership of the piece. Fosters self-reflection, encourages connections, and develops critical thinking skills *Adaptation: Provide a handout with the citation of the song used in MLA or APA Learning domain: create#65NO OF GOB FUERT ICO GRACIAS! References Masmaliyeva, L. (2014). Using Affective Effectively: Oral Presentations in EFL Classroom. Dil Ve Edebiyat Egitimi Dergisi, 2(10). GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO ERSIDAD DE PUERTO Universidad UNI 1903 ICO#66RNO OF PUERT 031 Hands-on activities that promote risk taking and increase student participation Created by Jacelyn Smallwood Ramos, University High School, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Objective: Synthesize practical activities to fit your students' needs and interests in order to improve oral proficiency. GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación 1903 Universidad DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#67OBIERNO PUERTO RTO RIC GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación "Daily contact and personal interaction foster bilingualism far more than any other single factor." (Barreto, 2000). PUERT RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#68NO OF GOB 40 FUERT ICO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Workshop Overview Oral Activities 1. Find your missing half 2. What's your take? 3. Do you copy? 4. Character interviews ERSIDAD DE PUERTO ERTO RICO 1903 Universidad DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#69NO OF Level Elementary Intermediate High School Proficiency Advanced Beginning Intermediate Group Structure 1/2 to Whole Small group Pairs class PUERT GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación 031 UNIVERSIDA 1903 PUERTO RIC Universidad Rico DE de Puerto Rico DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#70NO OF GOB 40 FUERT ICO Activity #1 Find your missing half GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación One student has a word/phrase. Another student has the matching definition. ERSIDAD DE PUERTO UNIV 1903 RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#71Elementary Adverbs of Time Word Never - The boy drinks milk. Sometimes - Juan watches TV. Usually - I go to school at 8 o'clock. Rarely - My puppy is sleepy. NO OF GOBI PUERTO 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación QUERTO RICO RICO 1903 Universidad Picture 11 12 1 8 O'CLOCK DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#72NO OF FUERT 03 Upper Elementary Intermediate You've got mail! GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Message cards From: bank Message: Your overdraft has been approved. Please check your email for details. From: travel agent Message: Managed to get a cheap flight to Italy for your holiday. Please call back. From: phone company Message: Your new phone line is going to be installed on Saturday morning. Call to confirm this is ok. Who's got a message from your car mechanic? Who's got a message from your school? Who's got a message from your plumber? UERTO RICO RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#73GOB NO OF ERTO PUERT 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación High School Advanced Idiom He's hard on her Beat around the bush A dime a dozen Get out of hand Definition He's critical of her Avoid something Something common Out of control ERSIDAD DE PUERT RICO ERTO RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#74Mackey (1999) suggests that "taking part in interaction can facilitate second language development" having a positive impact on L2 learning. LMPAT Debes ostrar consideración po ensar cómo les afectan ceptar tus limitaciones y ratar de colocarte en su nteresarte y ofrecer ayuda sumir posiciones en pro de su (as cited in Mitchel et al, 2013) NO ON GOBI PUERT RICO BOOKS TAKE YOU S GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Universidad de Puerto Rico DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#75* ERT 031 Activity #2 What's your take? A great icebreaker for beginning a new unit! Each suit will represent a new way to analyze the text. GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación NIVERSIDA D DE 1903 PUERTO RICO Universidad de Puerto Rico DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#76RNO OF GOB FUERT ERTO 031 Making Connections || = II = Text to Text Text to Self = Text to World "It reminds me of the story "1 "It reminds me of when I 11 "It reminds me of that place in 11 Using symbols to assign a strategy = Wild Card (choose your strategy) GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación 1903 ERTO RICO Universidad de Puerto Rico DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN DE EDUC GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#77GOB NO OF 031 PUERT POWER & CORRUPTION tetetet TO KILL A Mockingbird MACBETH William Shakespeare EWWORSE MY HARPER LEE Coming of age GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Be careful what you wish for THE MONKEY'S PAW A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM 1903 Universidad Love is blind DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#78RNO OF GOBIER BERTO 031 and GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Activity #3 Do you copy? 88 TALK Students relay specific information to each other 1903 Universidad DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#79Adjusting for proficiency levels Beginning • Single words • One specific grammar point • Whole text provided Intermediate • Shorter, simpler sentences • Gap text provided Advanced Reconstruct a paragraph using a passage from the current text • Complete a poem PUERT ERTO NO OF OBIERNO GOB RICO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación ERSERT 1903 Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#80Student 1 receives text A My name is Ella Taylor. I'm a receptionist. I wake up at 7:30 in the morning. I have toast and coffee for breakfast. After breakfast, I get ready for work. I start work at 9:00 a.m. In the morning, I answer phone calls and greet visitors. At lunchtime, I usually have a salad at the staff canteen. In the afternoon, I reply to emails. I finish work at 4:00 p.m. After work, I go jogging in the park. In the evening, I cook dinner and watch TV. I go to bed at 11:30 p.m. Student 2 receives worksheet A 1. Her name..... 2. She ....... 3. She 4. She a up at for breakfast. 5. After breakfast, she .... ....... 6. She ............. work at 7. In the morning, she 8. At lunchtime, she usually 9. In the afternoon, she 10. After work, she and at ...... 11. In the evening, she and 12. She to bed at 80#81GOB OBIERNO NO ON Activity #4 Character Interviews Would you mind answering a few questions? 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación IDAD DE PUERT Universidad . 1903 . ICO DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#82NO D Could you tell me Three students assume the role of selected main characters I'd like to know Could I ask you In small groups, students create the questions for each interview Do you know .? Would it be possible... ..? FUERT GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación * 03 .7 3 characters ERSIDAD DE PUERTO 1903 ICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#83According to Shaw and Newton (2014), "If the most precious product developed in education is the student, then our most prized commodity should be the classroom teacher" (p. 101). ENO OF GOB FUERT ERTO 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación 1903 PUERT RICO Universidad de Puerto Rico DE! DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#84NO OF GOB ¡GRACIAS! References Barreto, A. A. (2000). Speaking English in Puerto Rico: the impact of affluence, education and return migration. Centro Journal 2000, XII (1). Mitchel, R., Myles, F., Masdem, E. (2013). Second language learning theories: Interaction in second language learning. Routledge, London Shaw, J. & Newton, J. (2014). Teacher Retention and Satisfaction with a Servant Leader as Principal. Education, v135 n1 p101-106. FUERT ICO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación ERSIDAD DE PUERTO UNI 1903 ICO Universidad DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#85NO OF GOB 40 FUERT ICO GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Desarrollo Profesional a través de la UPR 23 de octubre de 2019 Secretaria Auxiliar del Instituto de Desarrollo Profesional ERSIDAD DE PUERTO 1903 ERTO RICO Universidad DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#86GOB NO OF FUERT 031 WORKSHOP In groups of 4-5, you will design an activity-guide where you integrate concepts learned today which are aligned with PRDE's Standards of Excellence related to Speaking and Listening in the particular grade/level in which you teach. GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación SIDA ERT 1903 RICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#87ENO OF GOB Requirements 1. Use PRDE's Standards of Excellence for the English Program 2. Identify where, in the current unit you are working in, will you incorporate potential activities 3. Select 2-3 different activities (from those presented today or others you have used in the past) and describe how you would modify them given the four talks you have experienced today. 4. Each group will have time at the end of the period to share what they came up with. FUERT ERTO 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación ERSIDAD DE PUERTO UNI 1903 ICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#88GOB ENO OF Presentation Time! FUERT ERTO 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación UNIVERSID 1903 PUERT ERTO RICO Universidad DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#89ENO OF GOB Post Workshop Assessment FUERT ERTO 031 GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación Please scan the QR code below or access the link: 1903 PUERTO ERTO RICO Universidad DE DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO#90NO OF GOB FUERT ICO GRACIAS! GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO Departamento de Educación NIVERSIDA PUERT 1903 ICO Universidad DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN de Puerto Rico GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO

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