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#1ASX Announcement CASTILE RESOURCES LIMITED 16 March 2022 March 2022 Investor Presentation Castile Resources Limited (ASX: CST) (CST or the Company) is pleased to provide the Company's March 2022 investor presentation which is attached to this announcement. The Company also advises that the informational video in respect to the Rover 1 Project has been updated and is available on the Company's website at the following link: For further information please contact: Mark Hepburn Managing Director Castile Resources Limited [email protected] Phone: +61 89488 4480 Castile Resources Limited 7/189 St Georges Terrace Perth, WA, 6000#2D CASTILE RESOURCES Buried Treasure in the Territory Investor Presentation March 2022<]: Compliance & General Disclaimer COMPETENT PERSONS STATEMENTS The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results and Mineral Resources and Exploration Data is based on, and fairly and accurately represents, information and supporting documentation compiled by Mr. Jake Russell B.Sc. (Hons) MAIG and Mr Mark Savage who each have sufficient experience which is relevant to the styles of mineralisation, the types of deposit under consideration and to the activities being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC 2012)". Mr Russell is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and is a Director of Castile Resources Limited and is eligible to and may participate in any short-term and long-term incentive plans of the Company as disclosed in its annual reports and disclosure documents. Mr Savage is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and a full-time employee of Castile. Mr Russell and Mr Savage each consent to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on this information in the form and context in which it appears. The information contained in this report is based on, and fairly and accurately represent the information and supporting documentation prepared by Damian Connelly. Mr Connelly is a full time employee of METS Engineering who are a Contractor to Castile, and a Fellow of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Connelly has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration, and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Exploration Targets, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Mr Connelly consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on the results in the form and context in which they appear GENERAL DISCLAIMER This presentation has been prepared by Castile Resources Limited. It should not be considered as an offer or invitation or inducement to subscribe for the purchase of any securities in the Company. This presentation may contain forecasts and forward-looking statements. Such forecasts, projections and information are not a guarantee of future performance, involve unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual results and developments may differ materially from those expressed or implied. Castile has not audited or investigated the accuracy or completeness of the information, statements and opinions contained in this presentation. Accordingly, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, Castile makes no representation and can give no assurance, guarantee or warranty, express or implied, as to, and take no responsibility and assume no liability for, the authenticity, validity, accuracy, suitability or completeness of, or any errors in or omission, from any information, statement or opinion contained in this presentation. This overview of Castile does not purport to be all inclusive or to contain all information which its recipients may require in order to make an informed assessment of the Company's prospects. You should conduct your own investigation and perform your own analysis in order to satisfy yourself as to the accuracy and completeness of the information, statements and opinions contained in this presentation before making any investment decision. The information in this presentation is general in nature and does not purport to be complete. This presentation is not a prospectus, disclosure document or other offering document under Australian law or under the laws of any other jurisdiction. This presentation is provided for information purposes and does not constitute an offer, invitation, inducement or recommendation to subscribe for or purchase securities in Castile Resources in any jurisdiction. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED INFORMATION This presentation refers to information previously announced to the ASX, including mineral resource estimates and exploration results announced to the ASX on 12 February 2020 in its Prospectus dated 3 December 2019, and exploration results announced to the ASX on 14 and 20 October 2020 and also on 2 November 2020 and ASX:CST Announcement 26 November 2020 "Castile Resources Drilling Program Update" and ASX Announcement 24 May 2021 "High Grade Gold and Copper Results in Drilling at Rover 1", ASX Announcement 2 June 2021 "30g/t Gold and 4% Copper In Assays From Rover 1", ASX Announcement 29 June 2021 "Latest Hits Expand High Grade Gold Zone at Rover 1", ASX:CST August 23, 2021 "More Bonanza Gold Hits Expand Rover 1", ASX:CST August 30, 2021 "Spectacular Copper Hits at Rover 1", September 3, 2021 "ASX:CST Outstanding Metallurgical Results from Rover 1", ASX:CST October 12, 2021 "Castile Resources Drilling Program Update" and ASX:CST November 19 2021 "Additional Environmentally Sustainable Product at Rover 1", CST:ASX 4 March 2022 "Outstanding Recoveries in Gold, Copper and Cobalt at Rover 1" CST:ASX 8 March 2022 "Large Increases in Gold, Copper and Cobalt at Rover 1" The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the original market announcements or this presentation, and that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the mineral resource estimates continue to apply and have not materially changed. This presentation was released on 16 March 2022 and was authorised for release by the Board of of Castile Resources Limited Castile Resources Limited - Level 7, Ashton Chambers, 189 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000. 2> Investment Summary 1 Flagship Rover 1 Project with potential multiple revenue streams in Gold, Copper, Cobalt and an Industrial Mineral EL> CASTILE RESOURCES AU CU CO 2 Potential for a multi-deposit mining precinct situated in the highly prolific Tennant Creek region O Rover (Au-Cu-Bi) O Warumpi (Au) 3 3 用 Products can supply battery producers and end users in Australia with the critical ingredients for electrification#54 EL> Corporate Snapshot SHAREHOLDERS 12.0% 0.2% 15.0% 7.0% 33.9% RESEARCH COVERAGE CAPITAL STRUCTURE ■ Australia ■ UK ■ North America Europe (ex UK) ■ Asia PETRA CAPITAL 10.9% ■ Board and Management 1YR SHARE PRICE CHART 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 2400000 199.7 MILLION SHARES ON ISSUE A$6.67 MILLION CASH (AT 31-DEC-21) CAPITAL STRUCTURE A$0.18 1800000 SHARE PRICE (at close 15-Mar-22) Чит www 1200000 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 600000 0 A$36.0 MILLION MARKET CAPITALISATION (at close 15-Mar-2022) A$0.27/ $0.16 SHARE PRICE 6 MONTH HIGH/LOW N&N 259,000 SHARES TRADED DAILY VOLUME 6 MONTH AVERAGE#6L> The Rover Mineral Field - A Multi-Deposit Strategy Explorer 108 Google Earth BOY OF ROOT ONE 37 5 Tennant Creek Potential for Multi - Deposit Strategy Beginning with the Rover 1 Project Adelaide to Darwin Railway Explorer 142 Rover 4 ASX:CST 8 MARCH 2022 "Large Increases in Gold, Copper and Cobalt At Rover 1" T Stuart Highway Rover 1 Amadeus Gas Pipeline 57kms#7L> Significant High-Grade System Gold Intercepts AU 10m @47.97g/t Au from 471m in R1ARD41-1 7m @ 125.93 g/t Au from 542m in WGR1D034 12m @ 58.40 g/t Au from 555m in WGR1D002-5 30.4m @ 35.6 g/t Au from 506m in 20CRD001 20m @ 32.61 g/t Au from 469m in WGR1D003 6 ROVER 1 Drilling Highlights ED CU Copper Intercepts 21m @ 6.86% Cu from 469m in WGR1D011 27m @ 4.75% Cu from 429m in WGR1D024-1 42m @ 4.10%Cu from 360m in R1ARD30 30.2m @ 4.46% Cu from 827m in WGR1D059-2A1 29m @ 3.60% Cu from 399m in WGR1D034-1 95,000 METRES OF DIAMOND DRILLING (85km pre CST, 10km with CST) The Company refers to the exploration results contained in this presentation as sourced from ASX:CST 14 October 2020 "Stunning Gold Intercepts From Rover 1" and its Prospectus dated 3 December 2019 and released on the ASX on 12 February 2020,#8EL> Large Increases in Key Metals for the Pre-Feasibility Study Engineers designing a 500,000tp/a Processing Plant for the PFS Classification Rover 1 Mineral Resource Estimate Gold (Oz) Copper (T) Cobalt (T) Magnetite* Indicated 242,600 63,400 2,900 TBA Inferred 20,900 14,000 900 TBA Total 263,500 77,400 3,800 TBA 2g/t Eq Cut Off Grade Classification Grade Tonnes Gold (g/t) Copper (%) Cobalt (%) Magnetite (T) Indicated 3,882,000 1.94 1.63 0.07 TBA Inferred Total 865,000 4,747,000 0.75 1.62 0.10 TBA 1.73 1.63 0.08 TBA 7 CST:ASX 8 March 2022 "Large Increases in Gold, Copper and Cobalt at Rover 1 AU <F CU <#9EL> Rover 1 - Large Increases in Indicated Resources of Key Metals Gold, Copper and Cobalt¹ AU CU öööö GOLD COPPER COBALT MAGNETITE 40% 65% 61% INCREASE INCREASE INCREASE 95%+ GRADE PRODUCT 2,900 Maxfine Grade Magnetite Density Modifying Industrial Mineral TONNES 242,000 63,400 OUNCES TONNES TONNES TBA 8 'The Company refers to the exploration results for comparison in this presentation as sourced from its Prospectus dated 3 December 2019 and released on the ASX on 12 February 2020 and CST:ASX 8 March 2022 "Large Increases in Gold, Copper and Cobalt at Rover 1"#10L> 9 Fully Engineered Mining Plan Complete For the Pre-Feasibility Study Castile Resources | Rover 1 Project from Moon Patrol VR Inc. ESCAPEWAY VENTILATION SHAFT LEVEL DEVELOPMENT MAIN DECLINE 1:7 Slope Down Level Intervals 25m Stope Strike 40m Voids to be Paste Filled#11EL> AU ED CU D By-Products To Significantly Enhance The Economics Of The Project HIGH TOTAL RECOVERIES OF Proposed Rover 1 Processing Flowsheet Grinding Magnetic ㅁ Separator Gravity Bulk Sulphide Float CO CU GOLD, COPPER AND COBALT METALS Crushed ore 500,000t PROCESSING PLANT > CAPABILITY PROPOSED FOR PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY Fine Grind ☐ ☐ ☐ SA Magnetic Separator Fine Grind Oxidation END USER PRODUCTS FOR ELECTRIFICATION > INDUSTRIES 95%+ Magnetite Concentrate Product Gold Bullion Pure Copper Pure Cobalt Metal Metal Total Recoveries TBA 92.8% 95.8% 82.8% 10 ASX:CST 4 MARCH 2022 "Outstanding Recoveries of Gold, Copper and Cobalt At Rover 1"#12EL> FE :D High Grade Industrial Mineral By-Product at Rover 1 Magnetite is used to produce a dense medium separation slurry for coal washing, mineral processing and recycling of metals and plastics. Al2O3 Sample Magnetite Fe30% SiO2 (%) Total Fe (%) FeO (%) SG (%) P60 53mm Concentrate 96.6 0.33 2.99 66.0 28.8 4.8 P95 53mm Concentrate 96.4 0.26 2.05 67.3 30.1 4.9 Standard Industry Specifications Maxfine Grade - 96-99% – Passing 45 micron 98-100% - Passing 53 micron Ultrafine Grade 90-95% - Passing 45 micron 95-99% - Passing 53 micron Testing was supervised by METS Metallurgy and performed by ALS Laboratories according to Australian Standard 4156.3-2008 (Coal Preparation, Part 3 L Magnetite for coal preparation plant use - Test Methods) 11 ASX:CST 19 November 2021 "Additional Environmentally Sustainable Product At Rover 1"#13C L> Rover 4 - Expanding the Footprint of the Rover 1 Strategy Potential To Add A Resource at Rover 4 to the Rover 1 Development Schematic of Rover 1 Engineering Design with Rover 4 Location Facing West Plan View of Rover 1 Proposed Engineering Design with Rover 4 Location Surface Rover 1 - Proposed Mine Design Decline Jupiter West Rover 4 Mineralised Zone Key Jupiter Copper Zones Gold Zones Jupiter Deeps Ironstone Zones Decline Rover 1-Proposed Mine Design 12 ASX:CST 2 February 2022 "Copper At Rover 4 Adds to Plans at Rover 1" Rover 4 Ironstone Boxcut Boxcut#14EL> Rover 4 - Further Drilling and Analysis to Estimate A Resource Prop Prop 1 R4ARD21: 23m @ 1.6% Cu and 0.08g/t Au from 306m downhole R4ARD27: 17m @ 1.8% Cu and 0.03g/t Au from 309m downhole R4ARD28: 21m @2.4% Cu and 0.87g/t Au from 378m downhole R4ARD42: 5m @ 0.7% Cu and 0.09g/t Au from 149m downhole R4ARD40: 17m 1.6% Cu and 1.23g/t Au from 163m downhole and 21m @ 1.8% Cu and 1.25g/t Au from 212m downhole R4ARD52: 28m @ 1.6 % Cu and 0.04g/t Au from 221m downhole R4ARDIO: 17m @ 1.9% Cu and 0.15g/t Au from 220m downhole 13 ASX:CST 2 February 2022 "Copper At Rover 4 Adds to Plans at Rover 1" LL#15Potential for a Multi-Deposit Project#16EL> Potential for a Multi-Deposit Mining Jurisdiction apperEXPLORER 108 Existing Resource of 11.8Mt 3.2% Zn, 2.00% Pb, 11.1g/t Ag and 5.7Mt @ 0.36% Cu 6 EL2/292 PF27 R3 ROVER 4 R13 R15 2 EXPLORATION HOLES TO BE DRILLED R12 R27 R5 R7 EL25511 PF 9 R18 R14 R19 R2 R17 EL27372 R11 PF14 PF4 Explorer 108 Curiosity PF17 PF15 PF34 Explorer 120 Explorer 142 R9 R8 PF42 PF 2 PF 7 PF38 PF39 PF36 PF 6 PF 8 PF35 PF40 PF11 EXPLORER 142 Existing Resource of 176Kt @ 5.2% Cu 15 PF 1 Explorer 143 EL24541 R20 R4 R21 R22 R23 Rover 1N Rover 1 Explorer 133 ELR29957 PF20 PF10 PF19 PF12 46kms ROVER 1 PFS continues#17L> - Explorer 108 – The Treasure Hunt for the Primary Copper Source 300m NR108D001 324,400mE NR1080002 NR108D035 NR108D006 324,600mE NR108D036 West 324 400mE 324 500mE Wiso Basin Cover Sequence 200mRL NR108D023 324 600mE NR108D018 200m -100m 4m 1.0 % Cu Om 39m 0.7% Cu -100m -200m Sediment Silica-Dolomite Breccia Zn-Pb Zone Upper Fisic Unit Lower Felsic Unit Shearzones Om 100m Remobilised Copper Horizon 100mRL [email protected]%Zn,1.4% Pb including 6m @ 8.8% Zn, 2.2% Pb and NR108D024 324 700mE NR108D015 Cover Sequence Brecciated Dolomite 234.0m 7m @ 6.5%Zn,2.0% Pb ZONE 353.0m 40m @ 4.3% Zn, 2.2% Pb including 4m @ 10.5%Zn,6.6% Pb and Lower Felsics East NR108D016 NR108D025 NR108D026 Upper Felsic 21m @ 1.2% Zn,0.5% Pb Sediments 81m @2.3% Zn,0.9% Pb including 16m @ 5.8% Zn, 2.4% Pb 64m @ 4.8%Zn,4.1% Pb including 46m @ 5.9%Zn,5.2% Pb 34m @ 1.6%Zn,1.1% Pb including 4m @ 4.8%Zn,4.1% Pb Felsic Volcanics 5m @ 17.7% Zn, 7.0% Pb Sediments 468.8m 485.1m. 509.3m 24m @ 3.0%Zn, 1.4% Pb including [email protected]% Zn, 5.3% Pb and 3m @6.8% Zn, 2.8% Pb 470.0m Open Current Resource at Explorer 108 11.8Mt 3.2% Zn, 2.00% Pb, 11.1g/t Ag with 5.7Mt 0.36% Cu The Explorer 108 resource is comprised of the following: Indicated Resource of 8.438Mt @ 3.41% Zn, 2.05% Pb, 14.32 g/t Ag; and Inferred Resource of 3.43Mt @ 2.81% Zn, 1.88% Pb, 3.32% Ag. A -300mRL RC drillhole 3m @ 5.0% Zn, 2.7% Pb Diamond drillhole ° 674.0m 100m [email protected]% Zn, 3.4% Pb including 5m @11.2%Zn,4.4% Pb Westgold Resources NL EXPLORER 108 SECTION 7 795 780mN Existing Lead/Zinc Mineralisation at Explorer 108 a potential feed source for the Rover 1 infrastructure Extensional Drill Hole NR108D049-1 drilled by Castile in 2021 returned sections of high grade zinc and lead with trace copper from a massive 145m mineralised interval Highlights from Hole NR108D049-1 include the following intercepts: 145m @ 1.6% Zn and 0.9% Pb with 9.3g/t Ag and 0.6g/t Au from 485m downhole. inc 4.9m @ 5.7% Zn and 3.1% Pb with 57.8g/t Ag, 0.1% Cu and 7.6g/t Au from 493.1m downhole. inc 7.1m @ 5.7% Zn and 3.4% Pb with 12.9g/t Ag, 0.1% Cu and 0.7g/t Au from 558.9m downhole. inc 2.2m @ 12.6% Zn and 3% Pb with 17.3g/t Ag, 0.1% Cu and 0.5g/t Au from 581.35m downhole. inc 6m @2.4% Zn and 1% Pb with 6.5g/t Ag and 0.2g/t Au from 607m downhole. 16 ASX:CST 29 December 2021 "Results From Explorer 108"#18EL> Explorer 142 - The Rover 4 Lookalike EXPLORER 142 Similar size and geophysical properties to Rover 1 2021 drilling designed to explore for the gold cap at Explorer 142 ROVER 1 17 Scale: 500m Copper zone Hole NR142DD003 clean out complete for DHEM Targeting Gold structures Jupiter West Copper zone Scale: 500m Jupiter Copper zone Gold zone Gold zone Jupiter Deeps Gold zone ROVER 1 Explorer 142 Resource: 176kt @ 5.2% Cu Explorer 142: Regional Magnetic TMI over existing drilling and identified ironstones The magnetic anomaly is of a similar size and intensity as Rover 1 Only a fraction of the ironstone has been identified to date. Ironstone is open to west and down dip. Gold rich 'root zone' to be discovered. Rover 1: Regional Magnetic TMI over existing drilling and identified ironstones Scaled to provide a direct comparison with Explorer 142 Rich gold zone in the 'root zone' of ironstones The Explorer 142 Resource is comprised of the following Inferred Resource of 176kt @ 5.21% Cu and 0.21g/t Au.#19EL> 18 7427000.000 7426500.000 Warumpi Project - Potential for Significant Base Metals Mineralisation 712000.000 712500.000 7.7% Cu, 3.2% Zn and 90.6g/t Ag 4.8% Cu, 3.0% Zn and 182 g/t Ag 3.7% Cu, 1.3% Zn and 83.8g/t Ag 2.4% Cu, 1.6% Zn and 85.4g/t Ag 9.9% Cu, 4.7% Zn and 120 g/t Ag 4.6% Cu, 8.6% Zn and 24.9 g/t Ag NT Legend Copper Assays (ppm) 0.1-500 ⚫ 500-1000 1000 5000 5000-10000 10000 25000 25000 50000 50000 100000 7427000.000 Highly prospective grass-roots exploration project located approximately 300 km west of Alice Springs in the West Arunta region of the Northern Territory. The age of the Warumpi Province (1690–1610 Ma) is a particularly significant epoch as the stratigraphy of this period hosts similar world-class stratabound Pb-Zn-Ag mineralisations. The project area includes a significant proportion of tenure that has only had cursory exploration completed on it in the past. 100 200 m 712000.000 712500.000 7426500.000 Favorable structures are evident in aeromagnetic images as well as anomalies in various geophysical survey methods. The Company refers to the exploration results contained in this presentation as sourced its Prospectus dated 3 December 2019 and released on the ASX on 12 February 2020,#20L> Experience Board & Management Peter Cook Non-Executive Chairman Mr Cook is a geologist BSc (App Geol 1983), mineral economist (MSc Min Econ 1995 WASM) and highly experienced veteran of the Australian resource sector. He is currently the Managing Director of and has substantial experience in the exploration, development, mining and financing of development projects within Australia as well as the corporate management of listed public entities. Mark Hepburn Managing Director Mr Hepburn has a degree in Economics and Finance (B.Econ. & Fin 1992 UWA) and has been a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors since 2008. He has significant experience in institutional stockbroking, corporate transactions and the management and corporate development of public companies. He brings 28 years of substantial financial markets experience in the resources sector to Castile Resources. Mr Hepburn is also a Non-Executive Director of ASX listed lithium and gold explorer Firefinch Limited after an acting role as CEO where he oversaw the company's refinancing and corporate re-structuring. John Braham Non-Executive Director Mr Braham is an experienced Mining Finance and Investment professional having a 24-year career with Macquarie Bank until 2017. For the last 11 years of his service, he was an Executive Director and co-head of Macquarie's Global Mining and Finance Division. Mr Braham has vast experience in the provision of debt and equity to mining, exploration and development companies, worldwide. Since November 2018, Mr Braham has served as Managing Director of the ASX listed and South American focused Equus Mining Limited and is currently an NT Government Mineral Task Force Member. Jake Russell Non-Executive Director Mr Russell is a geologist B.Sc. (Hons) MAIG with circa 20 years of experience in exploration, mining, resource development and management. He is currently the group Chief Geologist of Westgold Resources Limited and prior to its demerger from Metals X Limited, he was the Group Chief Geologist of Metals X Limited. Mr Russell brings Castile a second to none knowledge of the assets of Castile and a high degree of technical expertise in their exploration, resource development and exploitation. Michael Poepjes Mining Engineer Mr Poepjes is a Mining Engineer (B Eng) a Mineral Economist (MSc [Min Econ]) and holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA). Mr Poepjes has over twenty years of experience in the mining industry working in gold, copper and tin across Australia in both Corporate and Operational roles. Mr Poepjes previous role was the Chief Operating Officer for Millennium Minerals. Prior to Millennium Minerals, he was the Group Mining Engineer for Metals X (which included the Westgold and Castile assets) for seven years. Mark Savage Geology Manager Mr Savage is a geologist B.Sc. (Hons) MAusIMM with more than 20 years of experience in exploration, resource development and mining brings a wealth of experience to Castile having worked previously for Metals X, RNI and Apex Minerals on pre-development assets. 19> Ö Strong NT Government Support and Community Engagement 20 Castile is committed to maintaining strong Territory and local government support Supporting local indigenous population via employment and community enrichment programs Castile has donated Sporting Equipment to all schools within the entire Barkly Region Welcome to Corella Creek School Establisher 8 CO CU Qi: The production of pure copper and cobalt metals will allow Castile to directly supply key inputs for electrification#22L> Investment Summary 1 Starting with Rover 1 there is potential for a multi- deposit mining jurisdiction situated in the highly prolific Tennant Creek region NEAR TERM CATALYSTS MARCH 2022 2 Diversity of revenue streams and metal products to create a natural hedge for investors APRIL 2022 2022 DRILLING PROGRAM UPDATE EXTENSIONAL DRILLING PROGRAM 3 用 Ability to directly supply battery producers and end users in Australia with the critical ingredients for electrification. MAY 2022 PFS 21 CASTILE RESOURCES Level 7, 189 St Georges Tce Perth WA [email protected] @Castileres Mark Hepburn Managing Director

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