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#1WEBINAR FEDERTERME-ICE-ENIT 6th November 2020 PRESENTATION GERMAN MARKET Antonella Rossi Head of ENIT Frankfurt with Csilla Mezösi Secretary General ESPA European Spas Association as Special Guest NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD HOME REISETHEMEN Home / Reisethemen / Thermalorte REISEPLANUNG REISEZIELE PRESSE TRADE ITALIA= Thermen und Wellness in Italien Italiens großes Thermen- und Wellness-Angebot zeigt sich äußerst vielfältig. Von den Dolomiten bis zum Ätna finden Erholungssuchende Thermalorte in Italien. Überall sprudeln und dampfen heilende Quellen, die Italien zu einem wahren Thermal- und Wellness-Paradies machen.. Bereits in der Antike wussten die Römer die wohltuende Wirkung der Thermal- und Heilwasser zu schätzen. Zu den Anwendungen in den verschiedenen Thermalorten zählen Thermalbaden, Fango, Dampfbäder, Inhalation in naturbelassenen Grotten, Trinkkuren und Heubäder, die Italien als Kur- und Wellness-Destination so attraktiv machen. AGENZIA NAZIONALE TURISMO Menu Q DE▾ Sie sind in Home / Reisetipps/Sport und Wellness Sport und Wellness Das abwechslungsreiche Thermalangebot steht für unterschiedlichste Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und verspricht Linderung bei zahlreichen Leiden und Krankheitsbildern. Darüber hinaus entwickelten sich zahlreiche Thermalorte in den vergangenen Jahren zunehmend zu wahren Wellness-Oasen, in denen hoch qualifiziertes Personal und moderne Einrichtungen auf gesundheitsorientierte Gäste warten. In unserer stressgeplagten Zeit gewinnen Begriffe wie Wohlbefinden. Fitness, Vitalität sowie Harmonie von Körper und Geist immer mehr an Bedeutung. Vor diesem Hintergrund verwundert es kaum, dass immer mehr Urlauber die Wohlfühl-, Relax- und Wellness- Angebote unserer Urlaubsdestination nutzen. Denn gerade in Italien bilden Thermen, Wellnessprogamme, sanfte Landschaftsbilder, mildes Klima, die leichte mediterrane Küche, südliche Lebensfreude sowie ein reiches Kunst- und Kulturangebot geradezu eine ansprechende Symbiose für Erholungssuchende. Viele Kurzentren erfreuen sich in Mountainbiken Windsurfen am Comersee ALiA NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD ITALIA=#3THE GERMAN TOURISTS IN ITALY... Germany is the first source market for Italian tourism with 58.7 million nights (+0.1% vs 2018). Preferred Italian regions: Trentino Alto Adige, 19 million nights, i.e. 32.6% of total - Veneto,16 million nights, i.e. 27.4% of total - • Lombardia, 5.2 million nights, i.e. 8.8% of total These regions together make 69% of total. Preferred accommodation: Hotel, 53.6% of the total (31.5 million nights in 2019 from Germany, i.e. -1.8% vs 2018). The segment,,extra alberghiero" makes 46.4% of the total nights (27.2 million, i.e. +2.4% vs 2018). Ufficio Studi ENIT on data Banca d'Italia -2019 İTALİA NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD ITALIA=#4...AND THEIR SPENDING German tourists have spent in Italy 7.6 billion Euro in 2019 (+7.4% vs. 2018). This is 17.2% of the total international spending of 44.3 billion Euro. • Spending received by regions: 1° VENETO ca € 1.5 billion (+4.8% vs 2018) 2° LOMBARDIA € 1.2 billion (+18% vs 2018) Spending for different types of holiday: SEASIDE 30% of total € 2,3 billion Euro (+2% vs 2018) Ufficio Studi ENIT on data Banca d'Italia -2019 CULTURE, ART CITIES 21% of the total € 1.6 billion Euro (ca +0.9% vs 2018) 3° TAA € 945 million (+10.7% vs 2018) LAKE 10% of total 762 million Euro (+14.7% vs 2018) ITALIA NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD ITALIA=#5INT. HEALTH TOURISM IN ITALY 2019 Ufficio Studi ENIT on data Banca d'Italia -2019 Spending, Travellers and Overights var. % 2018 SPENDING €178 MLN +21,2% TRAVELLERS 293,600 -6,3% OVERNIGHTS 1.2 MLN -3,0% NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD ITALIA=#6WHERE DOES THE MONEY COME FROM? International spending for health and thermal treatments in million Euro TOP 10 countries Ufficio Studi ENIT on data Banca d'Italia -2019 Country 2019 % Austria 95.3 53.5 Germany 29.2 16.4 Principality of Monaco 11.6 6.5 Switzerland 9.0 5.1 France 8.8 4.9 UK 8.0 4.5 Ireland 5.3 3.0 Belgium 2.7 1.5 Romania 2.6 1.5 Luxemburg 1.1 0.6 Total 178.0 100 NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD ITALIA=#7WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO TO? International spending for health and thermal treatments in million € Region 2019 % Veneto 92.3 51.9 Lombardia 38.5 21.6 Trentino Alto Adige 20.2 11.4 Friuli Venezia Giulia Emilia Romagna Sardegna Toscana Valle d'Aosta Piemonte Liguria 8.2 4.6 3.2 1.8 3.1 1.7 2.6 1.5 2.2 1.2 2.0 1.1 1.9 1.1 Campania 1.1 0.6 Lazio 0.8 0.5 Sicilia 0.8 0.4 Puglia 0.6 0.4 Calabria 0.3 0.2 Marche 0.2 0.1 Totale 178.0 100 Ufficio Studi ENIT on data Banca d'Italia -2019 NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD ITALIA=#8TOP SPOTS FOR GERMAN HEALTH TOURISTS Italy, Territory of Wellness and Beauty Italien, das Wohlfühlland The German tourists have since years their preferred thermal and health places in Italy. Throughout the country, from north to south, it is possible for visitors to experience a unique vacation centered on physical and mental well-being at numerous natural thermal springs and baths. The best known are: • Ischia • Abano Colli Euganei • Montegrotto • Saturnia but also spa resorts in Umbria, Emilia Romagna, Trentino and many others. NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD ITALIA=#91) THE HEALTH TOURISM IN GERMANY • 350,,prädikatisierte Heilbäder und Kurorte" (certified thermal sites): particularly apt to cure problems of the locomotor system and respiratory diseases • Wide offer including prevention and physical rehab, relax, wellness, sports and recreational activities • ca 400k jobs and over 30 billion Euro sales ITALIA Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie,,,Innovativer Gesundheitstourismus in Deutschland" iTALiA== NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD#10THE ROLE OF THE HEALTH INSURANCES IS COMPLEX The health insurances (Krankenkassen) have a complex role in prescribing and reimbursing treatments: • After the reform packages in the 90ies it is very difficult to get treatments reimbursed • A lot of,,normal holidays" are simply integrated with some wellness/health treatments, as well as sport activities • Some companies offer fringe benefits linked to health and well-being experiences. NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD ITALIA=#112) THE WELLNESS TOURISM IN GERMANY • Wellness is a very appreciated,,niche product "in a growth trend • Motivation: personal growth, stress reduction, natural cures, healthy food • Health and wellness are status symbols • Wellness + culture + nature New target groups like families and generation Y ITALIA NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD ITALIA=#12WELLNESS TRENDS 2021 • The trends 2021 will probably be: 1. losing weight, detox and fasting 2. strengthening the immune system, also via healthy food 3. active holiday and fitness (especially pilates, walking/nordic walking, trekking) bio-hotels, sustainability 4. 5. Ayurveda 6. luxury, beauty, romantic and green holiday CAG Study <<Wellness Trends 2020»>,, Wellness-Hotels & Resorts GmbH ITALIA= NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD#13THE WELLNESS TOURISM IN GERMANY • For 80% of the guests the most important aspect of a wellness stay is relax → relax means different things for different people: -30% of men,,relax" by exercising/ doing sports - 50% of women,,relax" reading • The young target group < 29 years is particularly interested in: sports and sleep healthy food and 30% would like to have cooking lessons and seminars on nutrition whereas,,golden ager" prefer walking and reading Study <<Wellness Trends 2020»>,, Wellness-Hotels & Resorts GmbH ITALIA ITALIA NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD iTALiA=#1480 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ... nichts machen. THE WELLNESS TOURISM IN GERMANY Entspannung unbedingt! SPA MEANS RELAX Ich entspanne am besten durch... ... lesen. ... Musik hören. Study <<Wellness Trends 2020»,, Wellness-Hotels & Resorts GmbH fernsehen. ... Sport treiben. ©2020 Wellness-Hotels & Resorts und, Gästeumfrage ... Zeit im Spa. ... genug schlafen. ... Zeit in der Natur. NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD ITALIA=#15THE WELLNESS TOURISM IN GERMANY DETOX ALSO MEANS DIGITAL DETOX Digital Detox gehört zu Wellness Welche Rolle spielen digitale Geräte in Ihren Entspannungsphasen? ■ Ich möchte komplett ohne 20% Mobile Devices entspannen. Ich brauche meine Mobile Devices, um zu entspannen. ©2020 Wellness-Hotels & Resorts und, Gästeumfrage Study <<Wellness Trends 2020»>,, Wellness-Hotels & Resorts GmbH 80% NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD ITALIA=#16THE WELLNESS TOURISM IN GERMANY REGIONAL PRODUCTS OF HIGH QUALITY ARE IMPORTANT Wellness-Gäste achten auf Siegel Auf welche Siegel legen Sie bei Lebensmitteln besonders viel Wert? 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Bio Fairtrade Regional & fair Vegan Vegetarisch ©2020 Wellness-Hotels & Resorts und, Gästeumfrage Study <<Wellness Trends 2020»,, Wellness-Hotels & Resorts GmbH NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD ITALIA=#17THE WELLNESS TOURISM IN GERMANY THE TYPICAL GUEST IS THE COUPLE, BUT THE SHARE OF FAMILIES IS GROWING (17.3% in 2019, i.e +4% vs. 2018) Gästeanteil 2019 in % Welchen Gästeanteil stellten 2019 die folgenden Personengruppen in Ihrem Wellnesshotel? (Gesamt 100%) 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 20 10 ©2020 Wellness-Hotels & Resorts und, Hoteliersumfrage 0 Paare Freunde Familien Alleinreisende Study <<Wellness Trends 2020»,, Wellness-Hotels & Resorts GmbH NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD ITALIA=#18THE WELLNESS TOURISM IN GERMANY GUESTS WILLING TO SPEND MORE FOR HIGHER QUALITY Was wären Sie pro Person bereit für ein Beispiel-Wochenende zu bezahlen? 35 30 25 20 15 10 ©2020 Wellness-Hotels & Resorts und, Gästeumfrage 5 0 Unter 150 151 - 200 EUR 200 - 299 EUR 300 - 399 EUR 400 - 499 EUR 500 EUR + EUR Info: Gefragt wurde nach einem Wochenende mit 2 Übernachtungen inkl. Frühstück und Abendessen sowie einer Anwendung pro Person à 30 Min. und die freie Nutzung des gesamten Spa-Bereichs. Die Preise sind pro Person. Study <<Wellness Trends 2020»>,, Wellness-Hotels & Resorts GmbH VALIA NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD#19WEBINAR FEDERTERME ICE ENIT 6th November 2020 THANK YOU! For any query please contact the Italian National Tourist Board ENIT in Frankfurt [email protected] | NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD ITALIA=

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