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#1Smolensk region 2014 PRESENTATION OF SMOLENSK REGION НЕСГИБАЕМЫЙ ДУХ ВСЁ ПPEBO3MOXET 4#2Smolensk region 2014 Geographical location Hamburg Brest Bremen cents Kers Sea Laptry Se Moscow Yekaterinburg Novosibirsk Irkutsk Chita Smolensk Khabarovsk Zabaikalsk: Vladivostok Beijing. Tokio Phili Seth China lee The population size 975,2 thousand people The total area of the region: 49,8 thousand square kilometers Riga St. Petersburg Moscow Smolensk Minsk Hamburg Warsaw Bremen Berlin Brest Kiev Novorossiisk 2#3Smolensk region 2014 VELIZH RUDNYA P-133 KHOLM-ZHIRKOVSKIY P-136 ODEMIDOV DUKHOVSHCHINA YARTSEVO KARDYMOVO SMOLENSK 0 KRASNY Transport infrastructure SYCHYOVKA VYAZMA M-1 (E-30) SAFONOVO P334 DOROGOBUZH GLINKA O YELNYA A-141 POCHINOK MONASTYRSHCHINA о KHISLAVICHI DESNOGORSK A-101 ROSLAVL SHUMYACHI ERSHICHI ONOVODUGINO GAGARIN P-132 UGRA TYOMKINO Federal highway M-1 «Belarus >> Federal highway A-141 «Orel - Rudnya>> Federal highway A-101 «Moscow Bobruisk >> Lateral transportation corridor <<North - South >> Perspective transportation corridor <<The Golden Ring» Perspective fiber-optical communication link Moscow St. Petersburg Fiber-optical communication link Moscow - Bryansk Smolensk - Belarus - Gas transmission pipeline «Yamal - Europe >> ■Baltic Pipeline System (BPS-II) 3#4Smolensk region 2014 Power supply The Smolensk region produces excessive power. The power industry of the region is represented by such large enterprises as the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant and the Smolensk Thermal Power Station, which is a partner of the German power-producing concern E.ON. The annual volume of electricity generated is 25 bln. kWh. region 2014 Institutions for vocational training Basic vocational training: Number of institutions -18; number of trainees 3879 in 14 degree programs (94 professional majors). Intermediate vocational training: Number of institutions - 49; number of trainees - 18014 in 21 degree programs (87 professional majors). Higher professional training: Number of institutions - 34; number of trainees 48219 in 20 degree programs - (about 80 professional majors). 5#6Smolensk region 2014 Gross Regional Product bln. The volume of the Gross Regional Product of the Smolensk region contains 199,1 bln. rubles. rubles 250,0 235,4 199,1 208,1 183,2 200,0 The growth rate of the Gross 150,0 Regional Product: 100,0 2011 – 104,7% - 2012 100,9% 50,0 2013(estimated) - 99,0% 0,0 2014(predicted) – 106,3% 2011 2012 2013 2014 6#7Smolensk region 2014 The Structure of the Gross Regional Product 22,90% ■Manufacturing activities 0,40% 7,30% 10,70% Trade Transport and communication 22,30% Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water Construction | Agriculture, forestry, hunting Mining and quarrying 7,40% 19,70% L9,30% Others types of economic activities 7#8Smolensk region 2014 5,90% 6,20% The structure of industrial production 9,50% 4,00% 7,60% 5,50% 6,30% \8,50% 8,80% 26,8% _10,60% Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water Chemical production Production of food, beverages and tobacco Production of electrical equipment 1 Jewelry industry Production of vehicles and equipment I Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products Production of other non-metallic mineral products Manufacture of rubber and plastic products Processing of wood and of products of wood 8#9Smolensk region 2014 The enterprises with foreign investment ЮНИ МИЛК E EGGER RHENUS LOGISTICS OSRAM OSRAM e.on voestalpine ONE STEP AHEAD ЕВРОДИЗАЙН ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ИНТЕХ ИНТЕНСИВНЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ESAB 9#10Smolensk region 2014 The largest enterprises of the region «KRISTALL» PRODUCTION CORPORATION one of the largest diamond manufacturers in the world JSC <<DOROGOBUZH>> - production of mineral fertilizers КРИСТАЛ 10#11Smolensk region 2014 Industrial production: machine-building complex Machine-building complex of the region. integrates more than 200 enterprises employing more than 35 thousand people. ◉ ◉ It includes: enterprises of power engineering industry enterprises of instrument-making industry and electrical engineering enterprises of transport machine building. A 11#12Smolensk region 2014 Industrial production: food industry Production of foods and beverages: 8 creamery plants ■ 16 milk processing factories ◉ 3 milk canning plants ■ 2 meat-packing plants ◉ 3 distilleries on breweries Bo 12#13Smolensk region 2014 Development of wood processing and timber industry The total reserve of timber in state forestry fund 295 mln. square meters. ■ The reserve of exploitable and overripe forests 57 mln. square meters. The amount of exploitable and overripe forests 4,6 mln. square meters annually. - 13#14Smolensk region 2014 Industrial production: wood processing industry LLC «EGGER DREVPRODUCT GAGARIN >>- production of flakeboard and laminated plywood JSC <lgorevsky wood processing integrated plant» Investment into the construction of the facility for medium- density fiberboard production on the terms of private-public partnership funded by the Investment Fund of Russia. 14#15Smolensk region 2014 Dynamics of the investment into capital stock The volume of the investment into capital stock in 2012 was 56,4 bln. rubles, in 2013 (estimated) - 55,9 bln. rubles. bln.rub 60,0 56,9 56,4 55,9 48,8 50,0 40,0 37,6 34,6 30,0 25,2 20,0 10,0 0,0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 15#16Smolensk region 2014 Dynamics of foreign investments 96% of the total amount of investments are into processing industry. The largest major countries-investors are Austria and Germany. mln. dollars 400,0 350,0 300,0 250,0 200,0 150,0 381,9 359,3 334,4 292,6 254,2 100,0 50,0 92,8 31,3 0,0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 16#17Smolensk region 2014 State support of the investors Providing tax concessions, investment tax credits Information and administrative support of investors Provision of grants to organizations of industry Assistance in investment projects Provision of the investment land lots with transport, energetic and engineering infrastructure Forms of State support Providing subsidies to small and medium enterprises Participation of the authorities in the development, evaluation and implementation of investment projects 17#18Smolensk region 2014 Priority investment sites "Березино РУДНЯ) Rudnya Чистик Шеровичи Sherovich ур. Ботьково ворище QVELIZH Мирское Mirskoye Купринк Рабики (ножил.) ур. Новоселки. the tract Novoselki Ermahki АЗС- Тишино Tishine ост. п. 416 км фролы Ермаки Аргеевка Froli Зеньково 311 загон • Лясковка Ром RUDNYA P-133 KHOLM-ZHIRKOVSKIY Р-136 ODEMIDOV DUKHOVSHCHINA YARTSEVO KARDYMOVO SMOLENSK O сад: уч. о KRASNY Старое Купр ост. п. 44 км Исаково Фралы Eroli Isakovo AME Почаево Зеньково Денко Вагон cap. Póchaevo Архиповка Arkhipovka Савенки Savenki • Бакштово (нежил.) Olsha Dolgaya Ольша-Долгая 30 Тверитино Tveriting SYCHYOVKA VYAZMA М-1 (Е-30) SAFONOVO (Р-134 DOROGOBUZH GLINKA YELNYA A-141 POCHINOK MONASTYRSHCHINA о CHISLAVICHI Шестаки Shestaki Nizhnya Dubrovka, Шеломец Ник. Дубровка загон A3C Ольша Olsha O NOVODUGINO, SAGARIN P.132 UGRA DESNOGORSK A-101 Кухарево Kukbar ROSLAVL SHUMYACHI дачи villa's O Аставковичи Astapk ERSHICHI cap. Бывальское Bivalskeye TYOMKINO Плосково Ploskoo Шаразов Augg Polichny Поличия Трубино Черногу бавно Свицове ЛЕСНОЙ to Smolensk Смоленск Столице Тетери Gagarin ГАГАРИН AU 2 to Moscow Покорн - сан турбаза Дионерский лагерь кристалл Липунь puhni Жуково Zhukovo Se mirechye • Семиречье пос. АВБечерск. Быльники Pechersk Bylnihki • Никольское "Козыре Стар. Корявино Starové Koryavno сад уч Рязаново Ryazanovo Stabm the onresidentarea 0 "Стийва Hopbe Edre - Зыколино Zikolina Ивахово 40 ур. Му Нов. Корявин MI Ковши 18#19Smolensk region 2014 Contacts Economic Development Department of Smolensk region Head of Department - Victor Kozhevnikov Phone/fax: +7 (4812) 38-65-40, 38-67-18 E-mail: [email protected] The first deputy head of Department - Rostislav Rovbel Phone: +7 (4812) 29-24-06 E-mail: [email protected] Division of Investment Policy Head of Division - Margarita Goncharova Phone: (4812) 38-77-90, 29-24-79, fax: 29-24-81 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Division for state support of investment activities Deputy head of Division for state support of investment activities - Svetlana Merkushova Phone: (4812) 38-65-67, 29-24-80, fax: 29-24-81 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Division for investment projects support and presentation activities Head of Division - Irina Lazarenkova Phone: +7 (4812) 38-66-42 E-mail: [email protected]#20SMOLENSK Welcome to Smolensk Region!

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