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#1الأول АДМИНИСТРАЦИЯ ГОРОДА КРАСНОЯРСКА OBERON Development strategy of the Big Krasnoyarsk in conditions of modernization of the economy CHO#2Map of the priority development areas in Russia (web-site of the Ministry of regional development of Russia) Largest agglomerations 1 Московская агломерация 2 Санкт-Петербургская агломерация 3 Нижегородская агломерация 4 Самараско-Тольятинская агломерация 5. Казанская агломерация 16 Ростовская агломерация 17 Екатеренбургская агломерация 8 Челябинская агломерация 1. 9. Иркутская агломерация. 10 Красноярская агломерация 11. Хабаровская агломерация 12 Владивостокская агломерация Transport corridors Международный Евроазиатский транспортный коридор (Основной) Паньевропейский коридор. . Существующий. Area category Международный Евроазиатский транспортный коридор Транссиб (переспектива на 2010 г.) Международные Евроазитские транспортные коридоры Транссиб (Ответвление) Международный Евроазиатский транспортный коридор Север-Юг (Переспектива на 2010 г) Паньевропейский коридор (Существующий) Основной Международн Евроазиатский транспортный коридор. Приморье-1 Международный Евроазиатский транспортный коридор Север-Юг Agricultural sector Extraction of natural resources Tourism and recreation New economy Manufacturing activities B Внутренние водные пути Железнодорожный маршрут (Ответвление) Северный морской путь#3thous. ppl. 1150 Demography by 2020 1100 100 Structure of population growth, % 1100 1046 1050 989 90 1000 70 935 950 60 900 45 850 2007 2011 2015 2020 680 669 20 80 60 40 20 Population of the Agglomeration core Commuting in the Agglomeration core 46.1 34.4 19.5 0 Natural increase In-regional migration Other migration The Krasnoyarsk Agglomeration in 2020- 1500 thous. ppl. ("change the business" scenario) Population of Krasnoyarsk as of 01.06.2012 - 1004 thous. ppl. The Krasnoyarsk Agglomeration in 2020 - 1300 thous. ppl. ("business as usual" scenario)#4Preconditions to agglomeration – substantial commuting Scheme of commuting. Functional zoning Переработка с/х продукции Сухобузимское Сухобузимский район Емельяновский район Транспортный узел Переработка с/х продукции 380000 15000 Емельяново Красноярск Туристко-рекреационный центр Выставочный центр Дивногорск 14000 30600 Дивногорск Условные обозначения 15000 Поездки с трудовыми целями 30600 Поездки с рекреационными целями 10000 Научно-производственный центр Выставочный центр Commuting from neighboring Железногорс areas to the core of the Сосновоборск Agglomeration: 7000 12000 Березов: 15000 115000 Промышленный подцентр Спальный район 36000 Предприятия малого и среднего бизнеса. Березовский район Манский район 2010 - 61.5 thous.ppl. to be increased by 2020 up to 90.0 thous.ppl. Переработка с/х продукции Шалинское 4 Деловой центр Культурный центр Административный центр Промышленный центр Научно-образовательный центр#5Structure of manufacturing by type of economic activity in 2011, % transport and equipment production;- 3,8% shoe production; 0,1% foodstuff production; - textile and clothing 11,8% production; 0,2% other productions;. 4,7% electronic and optical equipment production; 2,2% woodworking; 0,5% pulp and paper production; 2,3% chemical production; 2,3% rubber production; 0,8% machine and equipment. production; 10,0% metallurgical production; 55,9%. nonmetallic mineral products; 5,4% 50#6Share of Krasnoyarsk in indicators of the Krasnoyarsk Krai in 2011 Resident population 80 60 20% 10% 1993 Number of employed in the economy 40 Retail trade turnover 34,9% 57,1% 31,0% 20 Products shipped (CDE) 19,6% 65,8% 20,6% New housing Investment in fixed capital 1.4 1994 1995 1996 1997#7Structure of manufacturing by type of economic activity in 2020 (large and medium entities) other productions - 3.2%, ▲ by 1.7% by 2011. food production - 17.9%, ▲ by 6.1% by 2011 machine building – 19.4%, by 3.4% by. 2011 textile and clothing production -0.04% shoe production 0.17%, by 0.06% by 2011 woodworking - 0.3% pulp and paper production - 1%, by 1.3% by 2011 chemical production - 1.2% rubber production - 1.4%, by 0.5% by 2011 metallurgy - 46.8%,- by 7% by 2011 nonmetallic mineral products - 9.1%, by 3.7% by 2011 7#8Achievability, weighted index Priorities of sectoral development Comparative analysis of the priorities of sectoral development Лесное X03-BO Добыча Стройматери алы Деревообработка Строительство Металлургия Пищевая промышлен Связь НОСТЬ Туризм Здравоохранение Культура и спорт 1,50 Недвижимость Финансы! 070 Д Машиностроение Химия Attractiveness, weighted index *Размер круга символизирует выручку отрасли (сектора) в инновационном сценарии в 2020 г. HOK 1.20 1.30 8#9Dynamic of fixed capital investments Investments in fixed capital in Krasnoyarsk, bln. rub. Investments in fixed capital in the Agglomeration area, bln. rub. bln. rub. bln. rub. 102,6 120 110,8 100 89.8 96.1 78.4 100 82.3 80 69.0 60.9 62,7 60 80 69,3 72.1 62.0 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 year year Investments in fixed capital by large and medium entities per capita in 2011, thous. 60 54.7 50 40 30 20 10 0 Krasnoyarsk Kemerovo rub. 20,8 26.4 Barnaul Novosibirsk 54.4 42.5 28,9 Tomsk Irkutsk Уральский регион Омск • Норильск Новосибирск Красноярск Барнаул Иркутск Дальневосточный регион 9#10Analysis of the gross value added indicators per capita (thous. RUR) per one person employed (thous. USD) year 2010 224.6 2014 China 213.8 7.4 Brazil 10.9 205.1 2013 197.3 Germany 35.9 Australia 41.3 188.9 ■City of USA 47.4 2012 Krasnoyarsk 180.2 The Krasnoyarsk Norway 59.1 Agglomeration Ukraine 6.7 174.9 2011 165.3 Russia 15.9 2010 168.3 157.7 Krasnoyarsk Krai Krasnoyarsk 11.2 10.4 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 10 10 20 20 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 10#11Successful implementation of the chosen strategy will result in economic diversification and growth and, together with a rise in labor productivity, will lead to growth of household income GRP of the Krasnoyarsk Agglomeration in prices of 2008, bln. rub. 332 2008 862 2020 Innovative +by 2.6 times Structure of economy of the Krasnoyarsk Agglomeration*, mln. rub. In prices of 2008. 52 724 28 081 90 635 143 284 3 068 Agriculture, timber industry and mining Processing industry Power, gas and water distribution Trade Construction, tourism, finances, transport and communication 2 836 41 800 29 437 68 269 16 818 44 546 State sector and social services 20 276 130 200 Science and education, commercialization of scientific research results ** 7 950 2008 2020 Productivity of enterprises and organizations in prices of 2008, thous. rub. Annually per person employed Level of per capita income in prices of 2008, thous. rub. per year 1 167 2008 2 800 2020 Innovative +by 2.4 times 198 2008 456 2020 Innovative by 2.3 times * - assessment of GRP without PE; ** - benefit of commercialization of scientific research results was calculated on the basis of international data about multiplicative effect of R&D sector development (innovation sphere)#12Increase of basic indicators due to industrial capacity utilization Shipping volume C D E Average number of employees C D E bln. rub. by 1,7 times thous. ppl. 400 358 120 301 107 109 300 247 110 104 201 100 200 91 90 100 80 0 2011 2014 2017 2020 2011 2014 2017 2020 Priority clusters Metallurgy Machine building Building industry Food industry Cluster of services Power industry Timber industry 1213#13Infrastructure to support business in the Agglomeration Business incubators Support of startups Office maintenance Purpose-oriented development programs Sites of technological and innovative development Centers of permanent support Technoparks Consulting Micro-financing, Industrial parks Travelling assistance Municipal innovative business incubator Regional innovative business incubator Municipal manufacturing business incubator Technopark <<Nauka>> ("Science") Industrial park of Zheleznogorsk Technopark of Krasnoyarsk Industrial park of Krasnoyarsk (Krasmash, Biryusa) guarantees Documentation support Cluster development Regional agency of SME support Municipal Center of SME assistance Municipal center of cluster development 13#14Trends of residential houses commissioning in the Krasnoyarsk Agglomeration thous. m² 1750 1500- 1880 2.5 m² 1500 2.0 1065 1250 1100 1.5 950 1,4- 1000 850 780 1,7 695.2 750 624.9 1.0 1.02 469.1 0.91 500 0.78 0.82 0.71 0.64 0.5 250 0.49 0 0.0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2020 in total per capita Housing situation in the Krasnoyarsk Agglomeration To reach the level of quality housing for population up to 28 sq.m. per person 22,6 28,0 +24% 2010 2020 14#15Number of hospital beds in territories of the Krasnoyarsk Agglomeration Number of physicians per 10 000 residents 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 0 Красно Соснов Дивног Берёзл Емелья Сухобу Манск ярск оборск орск вский НОВСКИ зимски ий й й По нормативу к 2020 году 16887 Факт 2007 11011 547 202 556 698 826 417 585 338 198 385 320 139 HN WE 30 * 20 10 0 2000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Красноярская агломерация • Красноярск •Дивногорск Сосновоборск • Березовский • Емельяновский Манский • Сухобузимский Investment projects in the field of health protection and sports, which are implemented at the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Agglomeration No Name of project Period of implementation Investments, mln. rub. 1 Reconstruction and expansion of the Krasnoyarsk regional oncologic dispensary in Krasnoyarsk 2005-2012 2250,00 Construction of the ice stadium in Krasnoyarsk with a capacity of 2500-3000 2 2006-2011 3041,20 spectators Re-equipment of the Municipal Enterprise «Left-bank School Food Combine 3 2011-2014 539, 81 No38»> 3 Park of Health in the center of megapolis 2007-2020 180,22 4 Sports and health 2011-2015 25,00 5 Healthy nutrition 3,00 The Krasnoyarsk biomedical cluster: new technologies of the translational medicine 2010-2020 600,00 7 Physical and sports center with pool and gym in Sosnovoborsk 2008-2014 245,54 15#16Volumetric-spatial solution of the Siberian Federal University area Number and composition of students of the state universities of the KA, 2009, ppl. 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 СФУ СибГАУ СибГТУ КГПУ КрасГАУ КГТЭЙ КрасГМУ СибЮИ КГАМИТ ИХІЯ НИИ СИБУП Students in total Students of specialist programmes Students of bachelop's programme Students of master's programme 16#17Universiade as a factor of the Agglomeration development 7 sports venues: •4 ice stadiums •Complex of ski jumps • Ski stadium •Academy of biathlon Modernization of transport infrastructure UNIVERSIADE KRASNOYARSK 2019 RUSSIA U FISU Construction of unique student's village Construction of hotels About 40 bln rub of investments 17#1840 30 20 10 0 R2 90 80 70 60 50 Targets of development. Infrastructure 37 80 Electric power, thous. TWh 180 160 140 120 100 100 2011 80 60 2020 40 20 0 165 Road density, km per thous. sq. kms of area 25 20 400 30 345 335 350 300 20 250 20 200 150 117 200 2011 15 2020 10 100 50 5 0 Cargo traffic, mln Passenger traffic, tons mln passengers 28 2011 2020 2011 2020 0 Housing, sq. m per capita 18#19الأول Thank you for your attention! NBEROR

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