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#1Democratic Republic of Congo SUSTAINED HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE SUMMARY ANNUAL REPORT | OCT 2021 - SEPT 2022 Key updates • • The humanitarian landscape in the D.R. Congo has been characterised by displacements, hunger, life-threatening diseases, mostly driven by mass people movements caused by spikes in conflict, mostly in North Kivu, Ituri and parts of South Kivu. Renewed fighting between the government forces and the M23 displaced over 340,000 people This worsened the plight of people in a country already home to 5.5 million internally displaced persons -the highest in Africa. In DRC, 64% of the population lives on less than $2.15 daily. Food prices, especially in conflict-affected areas have tripled, and 27 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. DRC is still struggling to address the stubborn and interconnected effects of COVID19, Ebola, the Mount Nyiragongo volcanic eruption and ongoing conflict, as humanitarian funding dwindles. Of the $ 1.88 bn appeal, only $ 703m had been raised (37%) by end of September. In addition to the loss of lives, economic weakening, and the destruction of physical infrastructure, the insecurity disrupted planting and harvest activities. Delayed rains in areas like Ruzizi and below average rains reported by FEWSNET further complicated the food situation for a country where nearly 900,000 children are likely to suffer severe acute malnutrition. Children have dropped out of school, and many face the risk of early marriage. DRC's multiple humanitarian crises exerted pressure on health, economic and social structures. Kasai reported rising incidents of measles, camps around Goma reported cholera outbreaks and the provinces of Ubangi grapple with an endemic refugee challenge. This year, World Vision collaborated with UN agencies, NGO's, DRC Government, communities and donors to meet needs of children and families affected by man-made and natural disasters in nine provinces. Over 3.03m people, 1.81m children, benefitted from World Vision's food, health, water and sanitation, protection, and education programmes this year. World Vision deeply appreciates partners and donors for enabling this life-saving work, and celebrates its revived eligibility to the UNOCHA-coordinated humanitarian fund. FROM World Vision People in need: 27 m* WV response reached: 3,036,692 Children in need: 13.5 m* Children reached: 1,806,718 Displaced: 5.5 m* Refugees: 519488* Refugees supported: 148,642 WV DRC Responded to: Hunger and malnutrition, Displacement in North Kivu, Refugee Challenge, COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Risk Communication, Kalehe Landslides and Recovery work in Kasai and South Kivu Sources: *UNOCHA - Humanitarian Response Plan *UNHCR March 2022 *UNICEF 1The renewed fighting between the Democratic Republic of Congo Forces and the M23 has displaced more than 340,000 people since March. World Vision has provided food, nutrition services, water collection, water storage and water treatment supplies to help alleviate the impact of the humanitarian crisis.#2Democratic Republic of Congo SUSTAINED HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE SUMMARY ANNUAL REPORT | OCT 2021 - SEPT 2022 Response Highlights FAITH LEADERS AND ACTION TEAMS Faith leaders worked as change agents to mobilise and train 311,800 people to address stereo types, negative norms about education, child protection, inequalities and gender-based violence. PROTECTION & PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT Protection of children and the most vulnerable people groups is integral to all World Vision response activities World Vision worked with faith and community leaders to identify children most affected by conflict, hunger and disease. Displaced and hungry children are more vulnerable to exploitation, violence, neglect, early marriage, dropping out of school, conscription and at times marrying before their time. DRC HUNGER RESPONSE The World Vision food assistance program with the support of WFP through its general food distribution, cash, school feeding and nutrition efforts variedly assisted 1,936,961 people in the DRC. About 67% of the people reached were children. WV working closely with early warning team in generating IPC data. WASH SANITATION AND HYGIENE Protected 100 water springs, rehabilitated 78 boreholes, built 6855 toilets, water treatment supplies helped protect children and families against deadly waterborne diseases, especially in times of crisis. Additionally, the affected were reached with messages on healthy hygiene and sanitation practices to stop the spread of diseases. In total World Vision reached 394,272 people through its emergency WASH interventions. Communities were also supported to establish Water Management Committees (WMCs), members were trained on water point management, resource mobilisation, managing water-borne-diseases, and repairs of common water point break downs.. Humanitarian Response Advocacy WV DRC engaged in, and led, efforts to end violence against children in conflict-affected areas; a study that led to marginalized populations like the refugees and displaced persons access COVID-19 vaccines, in addition to launching a response to the hunger crisis in DRC. DRC is part of World Vision's $2 billion Global Hunger Response targeting 22 million people in 26 countries. • Championed interagency development of DRC hunger response / food security advocacy framework Conducted a COVID-19 vaccine access assessment among refugees and the displaced Children's concerns were enormous: • 46% reported that communities are less safe for children 41% indicate that children are exposed to protection problems • 41% report that children have limited or poor nutrition • 50% said that children are not in school due to lack of resources Study revealed major gaps, and led to inclusion of the excluded -mainly refugees- in the government-led COVID-19 vaccination plan. World Vision appeal (US$) $ 70 M RESPONSE DONORS: WFP United Nations Peacebuilding Canada Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands german cooperation DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBET $99.2M Funding received ENCY FO NTERNATION UNFPA www World Vision 1,806,718 children reached with life-saving interventions 311,800 Awareness raising through faith and leaders 290,008 children suffering malnutrition attended to 418,497 community health reach 374,416 benefitted from cash based transfers 148,642 refugees supported in the Ubangis 1,936,961 reached with food and/or cash 394,272 people reached with water, hygiene, school and vanity kits 3,036,692 people cumulatively reached in 2022 unicef Primary contact information MUNHCR The UN Refugee Agency Aktion Deutschland Hilft Bündnis deutscher Hilfsorganisationen Aline Napon National Director Email: [email protected] Patrick Saah Humanitarian Response Director Email: Patrick [email protected] Geoffrey Denye Communications Specialist Email: [email protected] *The numbers of reach per sector should not be aggregated, since some people benefit from multiple interventions#3Democratic Republic of Congo SUSTAINED HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE SUMMARY ANNUAL REPORT | OCT 2021 - SEPT 2022 DRC SHR MAP DRC SHR MAP Central African Republic South Sudan Cameroon Gabon Congo Nord-Ubangi Bas-Uele Haut-Uele Sud-Ubangi Mongala Equateur Tshuapa Tshopo Nord-Kivu Ituri Rwanda Uganda World Vision Sum of Total FY22 ■CBT ■Education ■Faith & Development Food Assistance ■FSL ■■Health ■Multisector ■ Nutrition ■Protection ■WASH Mai-Ndombe Congo DRC Maniema Sud-Kivu Burundi Sankuru Kinshasa Kwilu Kasai Kongo Central Lomami Kasai Central Kasai Oriental Tanganyka Kwango Lualaba Angola Haut-Lomami Haut-Katanga Tanzania Zambia A video showing the impact of our food programmes in the communities where we responded famine-en-rd-congo SUM OF REACH BY INTERVENTION This could not have been possible without the generous support of our donors, and the World Vision Support Offices that supported DRC work to save lives of children and communities affected by multiple disasters. Refugee Crisis Response World Vision DRC collaborated with the Government of DRC to promote uptake of COVID 19 vaccines, in addition to providing general health sector support in the 2 provinces of North Ubangi and South Ubangi. The organization, through the PRM II project, reached communities supported by 8 general hospitals collaborating with WV. Main activities included raising awareness and encouraging people to take the COVID 19 vaccination. The project targets Central Africa Republic's refugee population and the host communities. Kalehe Flooding Response World Vision reached over 8,000 people, in Nyamukubi (Kalehe Territory), when the swollen River Chishova washed away their homes and gardens. The project funded by UNICEF ensured that the most affected families received mattresses, water collection and storage jerrycans, buckets, as well as chlorinating powder to purify water and minimise waterborne diseases. Julienne, 34-year-old said "I was sleeping on plastic tarpaulin but I found it too hard and I started experiencing a backache. Now I am so happy with the mattress and WASH assistance," Julienne (34) said,#4Empty

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