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#1ONREL Transforming ENERGY Hydrogen Production, Grid Integration, and Scaling for the Future DOE Hydrogen Program Sam Sprik, Kylie Saddler, Kaz Nagasawa, Taichi Kuroki, Mayank Panwar, Rob Hovsapian, Brittany Westlake, Samantha Medina, Elizabeth Collins, Daniel Leighton National Renewable Energy Laboratory WBS # June 5-8, 2023 2023 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting Project ID: ta064 Photo from iStock-627281636 This presentation does not contain any proprietary, confidential, or otherwise restricted information#2Project Goal The project will explore near and long-term visions towards the commercialization of grid integrated electrolysis systems to inform deployment across the planning, procurement, and operation stages of hydrogen production on the grid. It will leverage NREL's state-of-the-art 1.25 MW polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzer system to characterize system performance in relevant scenarios, also creating a digital twin for emulation in the Advanced Research on Integrated Systems (ARIES) virtual environment and performing hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing of pilot scale, decentralized, and centralized hydrogen systems. NREL 2#3Overview • • • Timeline and Budget Project start date: 08/01/2022 (estimated) Project end date: 05/31/2025 Total project budget: $1,653,170 - - DOE share: $1,157,219 Cost share: $165,317 — In-Kind: $330,634 DOE funds spent: $80,393 - - Cost share funds spent: $3,400 • Partners NREL, Sam Sprik (PI) Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Brittany Westlake Barriers Lack of system performance understanding to guide. commercial deployments of electrolyzers with renewables and the grid NREL 3#4Relevance/Potential Impact • This project will provide insights into building a clean hydrogen energy infrastructure through multiple scenarios and hardware testing of a 1.25 MW electrolyzer and hydrogen support equipment. It will help stakeholders in decisions about deployments of clean hydrogen production with system characterization examples, multiple configurations, optimizations, suggested metering and custody transfer points. Hydrogen production from renewables is a clean source of fuel which is near zero for greenhouse gas emissions and criteria pollutants. The results from this project will inform entities looking to build clean energy projects that produce good paying jobs in manufacturing, installation, maintenance and operation of these facilities. NREL | 4#5Approach: H2@Scale - Grid Integration of Hydrogen Electrolysis Conventional Storage Power Generation Renewables Waste Exploring H2@Scale concepts: Integrating hydrogen electrolysis with renewables and the grids. Vision towards deployments and commercialization. Nuclear Fossil with CCUS Electric Grid Infrastructure Hydrogen Transportation 貝 Synthetic Fuels Upgrading Oil/ Biomass H₂O Hydrogen Generation H2 Ammonia/ Fertilizer Gas Infrastructure Heat/Distributed Power Metals Production Chemical/Industrial Processes NREL 5#61. Approach: Project Tasks Determine system boundary and scenarios with grid, wind and solar. Electrical custody transfer points: Grid connected, islanded, behind the meter with renewable energy mix, and power purchase agreement. H2 custody transfer points: tube trailer, natural gas blending, hydrogen pipeline. 2. Metering and monitoring needs for research vs. commercial systems. 3. Prepare hydrogen system sizing and demand scenarios along with system testing and characterization procedures. 4. 5. Hardware system characterization using demand profiles and test procedures from scenarios above. Create scalable digital twin. Explore the advantage of shared balance-of-plant (BOP) opportunities, maintenance schedules, degradation characteristics, and best practices for modular systems. 6. Use the Renewable Energy Integration and Optimization (ReOpt) tool for short-, mid- and long-term scenarios for optimizing system sizes. Compressor efficiency and major electrical loads considered in optimization. 7-9 HIL testing along with emulation in the Advanced Research in Integrated Energy Systems (ARIES) virtual network for pilot scale, decentralized and centralized hydrogen production. 10. Interim reporting on tasks and final report. Go/NoGo decision 3/30/2023: Testing and Characterization of NREL 1.25MW Electrolyzer. (Pending system commissioning: May) NREL | 6#7Approach: Utilize the MW Scale Hydrogen Systems Capabilities at NREL ESIF HPC, Visualization and HIL Capabilities Control Center "Under Development Grid Research Pads 1MW/1MWh Switchgear Building Dynamometer Flatirons Campus 20-MW Substation 5-MW 20 MW CGI "Under Development TMW CGI Research Grids Li-Ion Battery 3MW Load Bank Utility Grid Large PV Arrays Megaw Wind Tu Dynamometer 2.5-MW Megawatt Scale Hydrogen System "Under Development C Integrated Megawatt Scale Hydrogen System 1.25MW PEM Electrolysis 600 KG 3k PSI Ground Storage H, Compression 20 MWh Chemical Aerial view of H2 Systems at Flatirons Campus 1.0 MW PEM Fuel Cell TOYOTA TOYOTA NREL 7#8Accomplishments and Progress . • Determined system boundary scenarios related to electricity supply (Grid/Solar/Wind) Determined system boundary scenarios related to hydrogen production scale (pilot, distributed, and centralized production) Determined system boundary scenarios related to end-use (hydrogen pipeline, hydrogen blending with natural gas pipeline, transportation via tube trailer, storage via tanks) Determined potential custody transfer points for electricity and hydrogen For Task 1, the following work was initiated: Preliminary design for a generalized scenario • Power plant to substation • Substation to end use (Flatirons) For Task 2, the following work was initiated: • Identified key sensor measurements (electrolyzer and H2 testbed) NREL 8#9Task 1: System Boundary Scenarios Electrolyzer Dominant ID Category Size (MW) Electrical Source Hydrogen Demand Coupling with RE? 1 Pilot 1.25 Grid LP Storage 2 Pilot 1.25 Grid + Solar LP Storage 3 Pilot 1.25 Grid + Wind LP Storage 4 Piloti 1.25 Grid + Solar + LP Storage Wind 5 Pilot 1.25 Grid HP Storage 6 Pilot 1.25 Grid + Solar HP Storage 7 Pilot 1.25 Grid + Wind HP Storage 8 Pilot 1.25 Grid + Solar + HP Storage 9 Pilot 1.25 Wind Grid 10 Pilot 1.25 Grid + Solar 11 Pilot 1.25 Grid + Wind Transportation Transportation Transportation 12 Pilot 1.25 Grid + Solar + Transportation Wind 13 Decentralized 5 Grid LP Storage 14 Decentralized 5 Grid + Solar LP Storage 15 Decentralized 5 Grid + Wind LP Storage 16 Decentralized 5 Grid +Solar+ LP Storage Wind 17 Decentralized 10 Grid HP Storage 18 Decentralized 10 Grid + Solar HP Storage 19 Decentralized 10 Grid + Wind HP Storage 20 Decentralized 10 Grid + Solar + HP Storage Wind 21 Decentralized 10 Grid 22 Decentralized 10 23 Decentralized 10 Grid + Solar Grid + Wind Transportation Transportation Transportation 24 Decentralized 10 Grid +Solar+ Transportation ཙཚོཙོན་ཙནཙཙ་ནའི་ནོནོརཎཙ ཙནཙཙ, ཙནཙོ ཙ བྷི སྤྱི སྤྱི Geospatial Balancing Far Identified 32 system scenarios Far Far Far Far Far Far Far Far Far Far Far Close Yes, solar Close Yes, wind Close Close Far Far Far Far Far Far Far Far Wind 25 Decentralized 10 Solar LP Storage Yes, solar Close 26 Decentralized 10 Solar + Wind LP Storage Yes, solar Close 27 Decentralized 10 Wind LP Storage: Yes, wind Close 28 Decentralized 10 Wind + Solar LP Storage Yes, wind Close 29 Centralized 100 Grid, 25% RE HP Storage No Far Source 30 Centralized 100 Grid, 25% RE HP Storage No Close Hydrogen production scale references: Pilot = 1 MW (450 kg/day), Decentralized = 10 MW (4,500 kg/day), Centralized = 100 MW (45,000 kg/day) Renewable energy (RE) source and grid mix RE source location relative to the hydrogen system Source 31 Centralized 100 Grid, 50% RE HP Storage No Far Source 32 Centralized 100 Grid, 50% RE HP Storage No Close Source NREL 9#10Accomplishments and Progress • Preliminary design for a generalized scenario . • The major custody transfer points include 1) electrical, 2) hydrogen, and 3) water and oxygen from/to the electrolyzer system. Electrical Source Scenarios Grid Decentralized (P2) H Capacity: P1 P2 <P3 Water Source Scenarios (Tap water, Seawater, etc.) D Deionization End-Use Scenarios (Transportation, Datacenter, etc.) AC Controllable Grid Interface (CGI) Flow Key AC AC AC/DC Rectifier DC Hydrogen Water 02/Air Coolant DC Delonized Water Low- and High-Pressure H2 Storage Wet H2 Dry H2 LP/HP H2 Gas Management Panel PEM Electrolyzer Dryer Thermal (Cooling/Heating) Systems Compressor NREL 10#11Accomplishments and Progress • Preliminary design for an electric grid configuration from a power plant to a substation Key highlights: power quality monitoring across electrical interconnection and transmission connected equipment points • . Major parameters Waveforms/phaser measurements for AC to calculate P, Q, f • Distance for transmission/distribution losses Generators Transmission level 11 kV, 33 kV 132 kV, 220 kV, 400 kV AC: m ий Sub-transmission level 69 kV ли ий Primary distribution 33 kV, 11 kV Secondary distribution 440 V, 480 V NREL 11#12Accomplishments and Progress • Preliminary design for substation to end use (Flatirons) • Key highlights: monitoring electricity input to the stack (DC) and BoP (AC) Major parameters . P, Q, f Transducers: V DC, A DC Distance 115 kV utility connection AC: DC: m ३६ 115 kV to 13.2 Rectifier Container Electrolyzer Container 13.2 kV electrical bus 1.25 MW AC/DC rectifier ३६ 13.2 kV to 480 V 1.25 MW PEM electrolyzer stack BOP NREL 12#13• Accomplishments and Progress Identified key sensor measurements (electrolyzer and H2 testbed) • Categorize research vs. commercially necessary sensors (ongoing work) Tap Water Supply Delonization Water Volume Oxygen to Vent or Storage Oy/H₂O Phase Separator Water Quality of H₂/H₂O Dryer Pressure H₂ Pressure Temperature Gaseous Hydrogen Storage Pressure Temperature H₂ Pressure Gaseous Hydrogen Storage H₂ End-Use Application DI Polishing Pump Water Quality Flow Rate > 1 MO-cm Stack Temp. Anode Pressure Circulation Pump H₂/H₂O Phase Separator Cooling Pump Cathode Pressure Heat Exchanger PEM Electrolyzer H₁₂/H₂O DC Power DC current DC voltage AC/DC Rectifier Electrical Power AC Power H₂ Compressor Pressure Temperature Hydrogen Deliveries Gaseous Hydrogen Storage Key Oxygen Desalinated Water Wet Hydrogen Dry Hydrogen AC Power Deionized Water DC Power NREL 13#14. Task 2: Key Sensor Measurements Developing a list of sensors for key measurement points Environmental Enclosure DC Power 1.25 MW PEM Electrolyzer Stack Major parameters Temperature Pressure Current (Power Supplied) DI Water Flow Rate & Resistivity H2: H20: Coolant: Measurement: • Working on refinement Autoclave Engineers & Water Deionization Water Source BOP Compressor Dryer 60 HP (435-3000 psig) Gas Management Panel H2 Process Vent AC Power Integrated Cooling Photo Credit: Daniel Leighton, Low Pressure Gas Management Panel at NREL Flatirons Campus, Insert: Pressure gauges. Measurement Type Electricity input Water usage (Volume) Hydrogen output (calculated with T, P) Low-Pressure Storage (3000 psig) Air Data Center Travel Center Transportation Commercial System くくく NREL 14#15• Accomplishments and Progress: Response to Previous Year Reviewers' Comments This project has not been reviewed. NREL 15#16Collaboration and Coordination Organization National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Low-Carbon Resources Initiative (LCRI) Type National Lab Research Institute EPRI and Gas Technology Institute (GTI) Technical Subcommittee Roles Project lead, testing, modeling, optimization, reporting. Cost share, stakeholder feedback, reporting, scenarios, reviews. Feedback on system testing, performance verification and scenarios that may likely occur at commercial deployments. NREL 16#17Remaining Challenges and Barriers Challenges and barriers: • Delayed commissioning of the electrolyzer system (currently Expected for May 2023) Next steps: . Metering and monitoring needs for research vs. commercial systems. • Preparing hydrogen system sizing and demand scenarios along with system testing and • • . characterization procedures. Hardware system characterization using demand profiles and test procedures from scenarios above. Creating scalable digital twin for modeling and analysis. System optimization with Renewable Energy Integration and Optimization (ReOpt) tool. HIL testing along with emulation in the Advanced Research in Integrated Energy Systems (ARIES) virtual network for pilot scale, decentralized and centralized hydrogen production. Reporting results. NREL 17#18Proposed Future Work • Revise scenarios and system coupling with renewable boundaries. . Publish the results from Task 1. Prepare testing plans for future experiments once the electrolyzer system is fully commissioned at the Flatirons site. Any proposed future work is subject to change based on funding levels NREL 18#19· . Summary This 3-year project is in beginning stage • It will explore several scenarios for hydrogen demand and production from grid, wind, and solar in pilot scale, distributed, and central production. . • NREL'S 1.25 MW electrolyzer and hydrogen hardware will be used for performance characterization and testing scenarios along with emulation. • Results will provide insights into hydrogen production configurations, metering, performance characterization, and integration with the grid and renewables. NREL 19#20Thank You NREL/PR-5700-86028 This work was authored in part by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, operated by Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308. Funding provided by U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office. The views expressed in the article do not necessarily represent the views of the DOE or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this work, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. NREL Transforming ENERGY#21Technical Backup and Additional Information#22. Technology Transfer Activities • No technology transfer activities as this project is just getting . started. Development of standard test procedure for electrolyzer system characterization. NREL 22

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