Life of Young Syrians Post-Conflict

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10 years since the start of the Syrian conflict



#1YOUNG SYRIANS PROJECT REPORT Ipsos Public Affairs, Switzerland 24 February, 2021 COMITE INTERNATIO NATIONAL + GENEVE ICRC GAME CHANGERS Ipsos#2SUMMARY 1 BACKGROUND & METHODOLOGY 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 RESEARCH FINDINGS 4 APPENDIX 2- O Ipsos | Mental Health Day Ipsos#3BACKGROUND & METHODOLOGY 1 3 - Young Syrians Ipsos#4BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Background ICRC would like to conduct a study marking 10 years since the start of the Syrian conflict. This project should focus on Syrians aged 18-25 based across three countries; Syria, Lebanon and Germany Objective To collect information from the young Syrians (18-25) in selected countries on the effects that the conflict has had on their day to day lives 4 - Young Syrians Ipsos#5STUDY DESIGN OVERVIEW MARKET Syria, Lebanon, Germany • METHODOLOGY • Data collection: mixed method Lebanon: Face to face interviews Syria: Telephone interviews based • Germany: Telephone interviews RESPONDENT QUALIFICATION TIMING METHODOLOGICAL NOTE Target group: Young Syrians aged 18 to 25 currently living in Syria, Lebanon and Germany Sample size: 800 in Syria; 400 in Lebanon and 200 in Germany Sample type: Syria: sample representative of Syrian population 18-25 by gender and region, excluding governorates: Idleb, Al-Rakka, Deir-ez-Zor and Al-Quneitra based on random digital of landline phones Lebanon: quota sample in areas known to have high density of Syrians residing there based on estimated numbers of Syrian refugees Germany: sample reached based on the contacts provided by respondents in Syria and Lebanon 23rd December 2020 - 20th January 2021 The interviews were collected using different sampling approaches and data collection methods which could have influence on results. The country average presented in this report reflects the simple average of result for three countries where the survey was conducted. Results are weighted to have country representation with equal shares (N=200 per country) and have not been adjusted to the population size of each country. Therefore, country average is not intended to suggest a total result but the average result across three country settings. 5 - Young Syrians Ipsos#6EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 6 - Young Syrians Ipsos#77 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Personal experience of the conflict The impact of conflict on young Syrians' families and friendships has been devastating and tragical. Many lost their relatives or could not continue their education or were forced to leave their home: • • Nearly half of young Syrians in Syria (47%) and two in five Syrians in Lebanon (41%) and Germany (40%) have had a member of their immediate family or close friend killed. Two in five in Syria (41%), two in three in Lebanon (68%) and more than half in Germany (55%) lost contact with a close relative. More than half of young Syrians in Syria (51%) and Germany (51%) and over four in five in Lebanon (84%) were forced to leave their home. More than one in three (38%) young Syrians in Syria, almost half in Germany (49%) and over three in four in Lebanon (77%) had interrupted education. Many recounted interrupted plans, with approximately one in five young persons in Syria (22%), Lebanon (24%) and Germany (17%) reported having postponed their wedding because of the conflict. Currently, young Syrians in all three countries still face many challenges related to their financial situation, education, opportunities to find adequate jobs and other everyday situations. Findings of this report further explores different aspects of their lives. Financial situation On average, across the three countries, more than half indicate salaried employment as the main source of income in the last year (53%). However, nearly two in ten (17%) have temporary employment as their main source of income or do not have any income (16%). In all three countries, more young women than men indicate that they do not have an income to sustain their household. Amongst young Syrians in Syria, three in four (75%) live in households which struggled to meet their basic needs. This number is even higher in Lebanon, where nearly nine in ten (88%) indicated this, whereas in Germany just over half (54%) also indicated this. In Syria, the most common coping strategies include relying on less nutritious food (85% of those not being able to meet their basic needs), spending their savings (76%) and restricting food consumption (72%). In Lebanon, these strategies are accompanied with others, such as withdrawing children from school (60%). Ipsos#8EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Educational status Most young Syrians in Syria have been educated to secondary (56%) or university level (20%), however, more than one in three within this country have missed at least one year of education because of the Syrian conflict. • Even in Germany, where 70% young Syrians has completed secondary education and 20% university level, more than half (52%) lost at least one year of schooling due to the conflict. However, the situation is most striking in Lebanon where four in five young Syrians have missed at least one year of schooling and where, currently, more then eight in ten (84%) has not finished secondary school. Of this, one in twenty (5%) are illiterate. The primary reason for missing some years of schooling was because the individual needed to flee their home. This is followed by school closure, or schools being damaged due to the conflict. Employment status Two in five young Syrians residing in Syria (40%) are currently full-time students and therefore not working for wages. More than one in four (28%) are working full or part time or in temporarily jobs. However, the same number is currently not working or is looking for a job (28%). On the other hand, in Lebanon, young Syrians are not studying. Almost half of them are working (47%) with another half being unemployed or inactive (50%). • The situation looks better among young Syrians in Germany where most of them are full time students (45%) or are part of the working population (46%) with only a few being unemployed (7%). Gender differences by employment status can be seen in all three country settings. However, the patterns are different: In Syria, there are more women than men who are unemployed or not working (53% women compared to 13% men). Similarly, in Lebanon, a large majority of young women are working at home as housewives/househusbands (59% women compared to 2% men). Conversely, young Syrian women living in Germany are primarily students (60% women compared to 29% men) whereas young Syrian men in Germany are predominantly working, either part time or full time (25% women compared to 64% men). Ipsos#9EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Access to services and the main challenges Currently, access and use of different services among young Syrians vary significantly depending on their country of residence and type of services trying to be accessed. Thus, in Syria, four in five young persons (80%) indicated that they have access to education, however only one in five indicate this for employment assistance (21%) or cash assistance (23%) too. Situation in Lebanon is even worse, where only half (53%) have access to education and less than half of them use these services (45%); this is far less than persons in Syria (94%). In Syria, electricity is indicated by nearly seven in ten young people as the top resource they currently have most difficulty accessing. On the other hand, more than half of Syrians in Lebanon lack food and financial means. At the same time, it seems that Syrians in Germany are the least deprived of these three groups - six in ten indicated that there are no resources which they currently lack, compared to none in Lebanon and only one in five in Syria. Findings further indicate that Syrians in Germany have better access to all resources and services compared to Syrians living in Syria and Lebanon and also use them personally to a much higher extent. Furthermore, young Syrians in Syria and Lebanon much more often than Syrians in Germany highlighted that they wanted to access to a variety of resources and services but were not able to. In all three countries, the most common aspect people need help with is information and access to employment. In Germany, however, a significant majority (56%) indicate that they need help accessing psychological support while in Lebanon humanitarian support is indicated by almost half (49%). Young people in Syria indicate finding an adequate job (27%), having enough money to live (21%), and getting a good education (16%) are their greatest challenges they are currently facing. Over half of young Syrians in Lebanon (54%) indicate not having enough money to live whereas one in four young Syrians in Germany indicate language difficulties and not being able to get a good education. Ipsos#10EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Everyday life Over seven in ten young Syrians residing in Syria are currently single, 15% are in relationship and 12% are married. While the situation is similar in Germany, in Lebanon more than half young Syrians is already married (51%). Unfortunately, nearly three out of ten young persons in Syria have lost touch with their friends from before the conflict. Those who have been able to keep in touch do so mostly via social media. In Lebanon, sadly, seven out of ten lost contact. They also use social media less frequently for staying in contact than Syrians in other two countries, relaying more on telephone contact. In the past twelve months, the majority of young people in Syria have experienced anxiety (73%), distress (69%), frustration (62%), depression (58%) and sleep disorders (54%). These emotional changes occur even more frequently among young Syrians in Lebanon. Hopes for the future Despite the many challenges they have faced, over seven in ten (73%) young Syrians in Syria, nearly nine in ten (87%) in Germany, and half (50%) of those living in Lebanon are optimistic about their future. They are hoping to find stability, to be 'happy' in general and to have a family. These hopes reflect what they consider to bring them happiness, so, reflecting on this, almost four in five young Syrians in Syria name safety and security (78%), and more then seven in ten family and friends (73%) as the greatest sources of happiness. Further, over nine in ten (94%) in Germany, and seven in ten (71%) in Lebanon feel accepted in their new country of residence. However, in both countries, the majority of respondents continue to consider Syria their home (80% in Lebanon and 60% in Germany). While an overwhelming majority of young Syrians in Germany project to stay there for another five years (80%), those in Lebanon are almost equally divided between returning to Syria (30%), remaining in the region (26%), or going to Europe (33%). Finally, many young Syrians continue to feel that their experiences are not well understood by the wider public. They wish more people knew about the negative experiences caused by the conflict in Syria (51%) and how they felt through these years (33%). 10- Ipsos#11RESEARCH FINDINGS 3 11 Young Syrians Ipsos#12KEY FINDINGS Ipsos | Mental Health Day Ipsos#13PERSONAL EXPERIENCE IN SYRIA AND AFTER 13 | O Ipsos | Mental Health Day Ipsos#14WHEN ASKED ABOUT PERSONAL EXPERIENCES DURING THE CONFLICT, MANY YOUNG SYRIANS INDICATED A VARIETY OF DIFFERENT TRAGIC EXPERIENCES. ON AVERAGE, ACROSS THREE COUNTRIES, MOST MENTIONED ARE LACK OF ACCESS TO BASIC NECESSITIES, BEING FORCED TO LEAVE HOME AND INTERRUPTED EDUCATION. E2. I'm going to ask you about your personal experiences during the conflict, [ADD FOR LEBANON AND GERMANY: while you still were in Syria]. Please tell me whether any of the following things happened to you personally or did not happen as a consequence of the conflict in Syria? For each one, please indicate whether it happened or did not happen to you. No or very limited access to basic necessities (water, electricity, etc...) Forced to leave your home and live elsewhere 77% 62% Had to interrupt your education Lost your belongings or your property Lost contact with a close relative No or very limited access to healthcare Lost your means of income (e.g. job, revenue, farm land, etc.) A member of your immediate family or a close friend was seriously wounded A member of your immediate family or a close friend was killed Had to postpone a marriage or engagement 55% 54% 54% 53% 49% 45% 42% 21% Wounded during the conflict 12% One of your parents or both were seriously wounded 10% Imprisoned or taken as a hostage 6% 1 You, or somebody you knew well was a victim of sexual violence 6% One of your parents or both were killed 6% T T Base: Country average reflects the simple average for three countries. Results are weighted to have country representation with equal shares T T T 1 T T T Ipsos T#15IN LEBANON SPECIFICALLY, MORE THAN IN SYRIA AND GERMANY, YOUNG PERSONS INDICATED THAT THEY WERE FORCED TO LEAVE THEIR HOME, THAT THEY HAVE LIMITED ACCESS TO HEALTHCARE, INTERRUPTED EDUCATION AND OTHER EXPERIENCES E2. I'm going to ask you about your personal experiences during the conflict, [ADD FOR LEBANON AND GERMANY: while you still were in Syria]. Please tell me whether any of the following things happened to you personally or did not happen as a consequence of the conflict in Syria? For each one, please indicate whether it happened or did not happen to you. No or very limited access to basic necessities Forced to leave your home and live elsewhere Syria: 85% GE 51% A member of your immediate family or a close friend was killed No or very limited access to healthcare 47% 45% A member of your immediate family or a close friend was seriously wounded 42% Lost contact with a close relative 41% Had to interrupt your education 38% Lost your belongings or your property 36% Lost your means of income 33% Had to postpone a marriage or engagement 22% Wounded during the conflict 9% 40% 41% Lebanon: 81% GE 84% 74% 68% 77% Germany: 65% 51% 41% 41% 53% 55% 49% FP 24% 12% One of your parents or both were seriously wounded 8% You, or somebody you knew well was a victim of sexual 12% violence 4% 69 One of your parents or both were killed 3% 8% SY Imprisoned or taken as a hostage 3% 7% SY Base Syria N=800 Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 81% 70% 17% 14% 12% 9% 7% 8% SY 46% 45% Ipsos#16BY GENDER, MORE YOUNG MEN THAN WOMEN INDICATED THAT THEY WERE WOUNDED OR IMPRISONED DURING THE CONFLICT AND THAT THEY HAD TO POSTPONE THEIR MARRIAGE. E2. I'm going to ask you about your personal experiences during the conflict, [ADD FOR LEBANON AND GERMANY: while you still were in Syria]. Please tell me whether any of the following things happened to you personally or did not happen as a consequence of the conflict in Syria? For each one, please indicate whether it happened or did not happen to you. Syria: 84% No or very limited access to basic necessities Forced to leave your home and live elsewhere 86% 49% 54% A member of your immediate family or a close friend was killed No or very limited access to healthcare 39% 45% 44% A member of your immediate family or a close friend was 48% seriously wounded 3170 41% Lost contact with a close relative 41% 39% Had to interrupt your education 37% 40% Lost your belongings or your property 33% Lost your means of income 37% 28% 27% Had to postpone a marriage or engagement Wounded during the conflict 17% 14% 570 9% One of your parents or both were seriously wounded You, or somebody you knew well was a victim of sexual 4% violence 5% 2% One of your parents or both were killed 4% Imprisoned or taken as a hostage 15% 0 Base Syria N=800 Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 Lebanon: 82% 81% 81% 88% 37% 43% 76% 72% 39% 43% 64% 71% 79% 74% 81% 82% 73% 67% 33% 15% 17% ■ Male 07 8% ■Female 15% 79 5% 9% 9% 4% Germany: 65% 65% 49% 52% 43% 38% 35% 46% 53° 52% 64% 45% 46% 52% 45% 46% 50% 39% 19% 14% 17% Male 11% 10% Female 13% 7% 11% 9% 5% 13% 30 570 Ipsos#17ACCESS TO RESOURCES AND SERVICES 17 O Ipsos | Mental Health Day Ipsos#18CURRENTLY, FOUR IN FIVE YOUNG PERSONS IN SYRIA INDICATED THAT THEY HAVE ACCESS TO EDUCATION, HOWEVER, ONLY ONE IN FIVE INDICATE THAT FOR EMPLOYMENT OR CASH ASSISTANCE The situation in Lebanon is even worse, where only half indicate they have access to education and only 13% that they have access to employment assistance. Across the board, persons residing in Germany have better access to all resources and services compared to Syria and Lebanon. S1. IF GERMANY OR LEBANON: To the best of your knowledge, are the following resources and services available to Syrians in [COUNTRY]? IF SYRIA: To the best of your knowledge, are the following resources and services available to people living in Syria Education Syria: 80% LE Lebanon: Germany: 53% 98% Sanitation (access to facilities) 68% 74% 99% Safe access to water 65% 78% SY 100% Healthcare 63% LE 47% 98% Transportation 58% LE 36% 99% Food-based aid 51% 64% SY 91% Psychological and psycho-social support 31% services 25% 91% Legal services and aid 27% 31% 86% Cash assistance 23% 42% SY 96% Employment assistance 21% LE 13% 85% Ipsos Base Syria N=800 Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200#19AMONG THOSE YOUNG SYRIANS IN SYRIA WHO INDICATED THAT CERTAIN RESOURCES AND SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE TO THEM, LEGAL, EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT SERVICES ARE THE LEAST USED Even among people who indicated that educational services are available to Syrians in their country, young Syrians living in Lebanon have personally used these services (45%) far less than persons in Syria (94%) and Germany (94%). Findings indicate that persons residing in Germany not only have better access to all resources and services compared to Syrians living in Syria and Lebanon, but also use them personally to much higher extent. S2. Which of the following resources and services, if any, have you accessed in [COUNTRY]? I am speaking specifically here about services that you, yourself, have used. Safe access to water Education Syria: 95% LE 94% LE 45% Lebanon: 88% Germany: 99% LE 94% LE 88% 99% 71% 99% 73% 92% 65% 79% 55% 94% 48% 61% LE 28% 56% 71% Ipsos Healthcare Food-based aid Sanitation (access to facilities) 87% Transportation 86% LE 75% 61% Cash assistance 44% Psychological and psycho-social support 37% services Employment assistance 26% Legal services and aid 24% 37% Base Respondents who indicated that this [RESOURCE OR SERVICE] is available for Syrians in [COUNTRY]#20AMONG THOSE WHO ARE AWARE THAT CERTAIN RESOURCES AND SERVICES EXIST, SYRIANS RESIDING IN SYRIA AND LEBANON MORE OFTEN EXPERIENCE LACK OF ACCESS THAN PERSONS IN GERMANY In Lebanon, over half of those aware that certain services exist, wanted access to cash assistance (63%), food based aid (56%) and legal services (55%) but were not able to receive it. S3. Were there any resources and services on this list that you wanted to access but couldn't? Syria: Lebanon: Germany: Cash assistance 41% GE 63% 6% Employment assistance 40% GE 48% GE 10% Psychological and psycho-social support 32% GE 33% GE services Food-based aid 31% GE 56% 8% 2% Legal services and aid 28% GE 55% 6% Transportation 24% GE 30% GE 5% Healthcare 19% GE 40% 4% Education 19% GE 47% 7% 3% Safe access to water (12%) GE Sanitation (access to facilities) (10%) GE Base Respondents who indicated that this [RESOURCE OR SERVICE] is available for Syrians in [COUNTRY] 34% 26% 3% Ipsos#2121 EDUCATIONAL STATUS 1 O Ipsos | Mental Health Day Ipsos#22MOST YOUNG SYRIANS IN SYRIA HAVE BEEN EDUCATED TO SECONDARY LEVEL (56%). A FURTHER ONE IN FIVE ARE EDUCATED TO UNIVERSITY LEVEL Similar to young Syrians in Syria, those in Germany have also been educated to secondary level (70%) and have one in five persons educated to university level. Young Syrians in Lebanon, however, lack education the most, with more then eight in ten (84%) not having finished secondary school. Of this, one in twenty (5%) are illiterate A4. What is the highest level of education you have completed? Illiterate Uneducated 1% Syria: Primary/Elementary 22% GE Secondary Lebanon: 5% 4% 56% LE 12% University 21% LE PhD or Masters Refused Base Syria N=800, Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 5% 1% 75% 6% 90 23% LE 2% SY 1% Germany: 70% Ipsos#23WITHIN SYRIA, THERE ARE MORE YOUNG SYRIAN WOMEN THAN MEN WHO HAVE BEEN EDUCATED TO UNIVERSITY LEVEL There are no significant differences in level of education attained by gender in either Lebanon nor Germany. A4. What is the highest level of education you have completed? Syria: Illiterate 1% Uneducated 1% 25% Primary/Elementary 18% 61% Secondary 52% 1% Lebanon: Germany: 2% 7% 4% 3% 77% 4% 72% 8% 11% 12% 70% 69% 5% Diploma 1% |1% 12% 5% 20% University Male ■ Male 29% 5% 19% ■Female Female 1% 1% PhD or Masters 1% 3% Refused Base Syria N=800, Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 1% Ipsos#24MORE THAN ONE IN THREE YOUNG SYRIANS RESIDING IN SYRIA HAVE MISSED AT LEAST ONE YEAR OF THEIR EDUCATION DUE TO CONFLICT Although there has been a high number of Syrians who have been deprived from schooling in all country settings, the situation is most striking in Lebanon, where four in five young Syrians have missed at least one year of schooling. A5. Did you miss any of your education because of the Syrian conflict? If yes, how many years of education did you miss? I did not miss any years of my education 1 year or below 18% LE Syria: 63% Lebanon: 19% 5% 1-2 years 10% 12% 36% 3-5 years 5% 6-10 years 4% I never went to school Don't know 1% Prefer not to answer 1% Base Syria N=800, Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 8% | 1% Germany: 48% LE 20% LE 21% 52% 81% 25% 11% SY 32% 2% Ipsos#25OUT OF THOSE WHO MISSED SOME SCHOOLING, THE PRIMARY REASON INDICATED WAS BECAUSE THE INDIVIDUAL NEEDED TO FLEE THEIR HOME This is followed by highlighting that their school faced closure, and that their school was damaged due to the conflict. A6. Why did you miss [PIPE IN ANSWER FROM A5] of education? AND A6.5. Why did you not go to school? Combined I had to flee and couldn't access school anymore My school was closed 15% My school was destroyed/damaged in the conflict 12% 6% I needed to work instead 5% School is too far from home 5% School was too expensive 34% I needed to support other family members at... 5% There was no teacher anymore 2% I faced language barriers We didn't know how to register 1% 1% I was sick/wounded, so could not attend school Other 12% Don't know 0% Prefer not to answer 1% Base: Country average reflects the simple average for three countries. Results are weighted to have country representation with equal shares Ipsos#26THE MOST COMMON REASON FOR YOUNG SYRIANS RESIDING IN SYRIA TO MISS SOME YEARS OF SCHOOLING IS DUE TO THEM NEEDING TO FLEE THEIR AREA More persons residing in Lebanon indicate that they missed some years of schooling because their school was damaged or closed than persons residing in Syria and Germany. A6. Why did you miss [PIPE IN ANSWER FROM A5] of education? AND A6.5. Why did you not go to school? Combined I had to flee and couldn't access school Syria: 38% LE anymore My school was closed 11% I needed to work instead 7% Lebanon: 22% Germany: 52% LE 23% SY 11% 5% 3% School was too expensive 7% 7% 1% My school was destroyed/damaged in the 4% 22% 6% conflict School is too far from home 4% 4% 6% I needed to support other family members at 2% 7% 2% home I faced language barriers 2% | 1% I was sick/wounded, so could not attend school | 1% There was no teacher anymore We didn't know how to register Other 22% LE Don't know Prefer not to answer 1% 1% 4% |1% | 1% 3% 1% Base: Respondents who missed part of their education because of the Syrian conflict, Syria N=72, Lebanon N=161 Germany N=105 16% LE | 1% Ipsos#27EMPLOYMENT STATUS 27 22 I O Ipsos | Mental Health Day Ipsos#28TWO IN FIVE YOUNG SYRIANS RESIDING IN SYRIA ARE CURRENTLY FULL-TIME STUDENTS AND THEREFORE NOT WORKING FOR WAGES Young Syrians in Lebanon are not studying. Further, three in ten are not working outside of home. A3. What is your current job status? Germany: 45% LE Syria: Lebanon: Full-time student, not working for wages 40% LE 2% Working full-time 16% 21% 17% Unemployed and looking for work 12% GE 13% GE 4% Unemployed and not looking for work due to 9% 4% other resaons 2% Working part-time 8% 16% SY 21% SY Not working outside of home 4% 29% 6% Working temporarily, seasonally, or 4% 10% SY 8% inconsistently Unemployed and not looking for work 3% because I can't find any 4% 1% Disabled and unable to work Other 3% 1% Base Syria N=800, Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 Ipsos#29IN SYRIA, THERE ARE MORE WOMEN THAN MEN WHO ARE UNEMPLOYED OR NOT WORKING OUTSIDE OF HOME - a large One third of young Syrian men living in Lebanon are working full time compared to less than one in ten young Syrian women majority of these young women (59%) are not working outside of the home. Conversely, young Syrian women living in Germany are primarily students whereas young Syrian men in Germany are predominantly working, either part time or full time. A3. What is your current job status? Syria: Lebanon: 44% 2% Full-time student, not working for wages 37% 2% 22% 33% Working full-time 11% 8% 6% 19% Unemployed and looking for work 17% 7% Unemployed and not looking for work due to 6% 12% other resaons 12% 7% 11% 26% Working part-time 6% 5% 2% Not working outside of home 59% 9% Working temporarily, seasonally, or 5% 15% inconsistently 3% 6% Unemployed and not looking for work 1% 2% ■Male because I can't find any 5% 6% ■Female | 1% Disabled and unable to work ༠。 1% 5% Other 1% Base Syria N=800, Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 Germany: 29% 60% 25% 8% 4% 3% 2% 1% 29% 12% 1% 10% 10% 5% ■Male 1% ■Female Ipsos#30FINANCIAL SITUATION AND MAIN CHALLENGES 30 I O Ipsos | Mental Health Day Ipsos#31ON AVERAGE, ACROSS THE THREE COUNTRIES, MORE THAN HALF INDICATE SALARIED EMPLOYMENT AS THE MAIN SOURCE OF INCOME IN THE LAST YEAR. However, nearly two in ten (17%) indicated that they are in temporary employment or currently do not have any income (16%) A8. In the last 12 months, what were the three main sources of cash/income used to sustain your household? - Total Salaried employment Temporary/contracted employment No Income Cash from humanitarian organizations Non-agricultural casual labor 53% 17% 16% 11% 7% Agricultural waged labor 6% Savings 3% Formal credits (from banks) 3% Money sent from friends and family who are living abroad 3% Retirement pension 2% Sale of assets 2% Sale of crops 2% Gifts from local family/relatives 1% Sale of food aid (food vouchers or parcels) Informal credits (from shops, friends, hosts) 1% 1% Sale of non-food assistance 1% Sale of livestock and animal products 1% Other NET 7% Don't know Refused 1% 1% Base: Country average reflects the simple average for three countries. Results are weighted to have country representation with equal shares Ipsos#32THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE RESIDING IN SYRIA WITHOUT A SOURCE OF INCOME THAN THERE IS IN LEBANON AND GERMANY The main source of income for the significant majority of people residing in Lebanon is through salaried employment (75%). This figure is much lower in Syria (47%) and Germany (38%). A8. In the last 12 months, what were the three main sources of cash/income used to sustain your household? Syria: Salaried employment 47% Lebanon: 75% No Income 22% LE Temporary/contracted employment 21% LE 9% 11% Non-agricultural casual labor 18% GE 12% GE Germany: 38% 13% 18% 1% Retirement pension 7% Sale of crops Agricultural waged labor 2% Money sent from friends and family... 2% Sale of assets Informal credits (from shops, friends,... 12% Savings 1% Cash from humanitarian organizations Gifts from local family/relatives Sale of livestock and animal products Sale of food aid (food vouchers or... Formal credits (from banks) Sale of non-food assistance 3% 13% 16% 5% 11% 1% 2% 4% | 1% 9% 19% SY | 1% 13% SY 13% | 1% 12% 4% 1% 14% Other 7% 3% Don't know Refused 8% 19% 2% 3% Ipsos Base Syria N=800, Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200#33IN SYRIA, MORE YOUNG WOMEN THAN MEN INDICATE THAT THEY DO NOT HAVE AN INCOME TO SUSTAIN THEIR HOUSEHOLD Similarly, there are more young Syrian women in both other country settings indicating that they do not have an income to sustain their household in comparison to young Syrian men. A8. In the last 12 months, what were the three main sources of cash/income used to sustain your household? Syria: Lebanon: 52% Salaried employment No Income 41% 16% 28% Temporary / contracted employment 1992% 12% Non-agricultural casual labor 4% Retirement pension 6%% Sale of crops 2%8 Agricultural waged labor 4% 170 3% 15% 9% 12% ,14% 9% I 1% 23% 2% 13% 19% 9% 14% 24% Money sent from friends and family who are living... 23% Sale of assets 1%% Informal credits (from shops, friends, hosts) Cash from humanitarian organizations 5% 35% 2% Savings 2% 1% Gifts from local family/relatives Sale of livestock and animal products Sale of food aid (food vouchers or parcels) 1% 1% 20% 8 13% -5% 2% ■Male Formal credits (from banks) Sale of non-food assistance ■2% Female 2% 2% 336% Other 3% 10% Don't know Refused Base Syria N=800, Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 81% 69% ■Male Female Germany: 44% 32% 6% 20% 26% 10% | 1% ■ 1% ■2% | 1% ■ 1% 10% 15% 6% 10% 3% 5% 179% Ipsos#34AMONGST YOUNG SYRIANS RESIDING IN SYRIA, THREE IN FOUR (75%) INDICATED THAT THEY OR THEIR HOUSEHOLD STRUGGLED TO MEET THEIR BASIC NEEDS Among young Syrians residing in Lebanon, nearly nine in ten (88%) indicated that they or their household struggled to meet their basic needs whereas just over half of young Syrians in Germany (54%) also indicated this. A9. Since the start of the conflict, have you or your household struggled to meet your basic needs? This include things like having enough food to eat, having adequate shelter, etc. Syria: 0% 16% 25% LE ■ Yes - I have experienced Lebanon: 12% 3% Yes - my household has experienced 56% Base Syria N=800, Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 ■Yes, both myself and my household have experienced ■ No ■Don't know 38% 5% Germany: 10% SY 10% 45% 46% 35% Ipsos#35THE MOST COMMON STRATEGIES FOR YOUNG SYRIANS IN SYRIA TO COPE WHEN UNABLE TO MEET THEIR DAILY NEEDS INCLUDE RELYING ON LESS NUTRITIOUS FOOD, SPENDING THEIR SAVINGS AND RESTRICTING FOOD CONSUMPTION Over nine in ten young Syrians residing in Lebanon who struggled to meet their daily needs have rationed their food consumption in order to meet their other basic needs; this is higher than those living in Syria as well as Germany. A further six in ten young Syrians in Lebanon have also withdrawn children within their household from school in order to cope with meeting their basic needs A10. What strategies have you or your household used to cope with not being able to meet your basic needs? Syria: Relied on less nutritious food because it cost 85% less Spent savings 76% Restricted food consumption 72% Borrowed from friends or family 66% Sold goods or assets 65% Had an adult family member seek work 55% elsewhere Had a female household member that was not previously working start work 36% Borrowed from other sources 29% Relied on children (under 18) to contribute to family income 17% Accepted unusual, high risk, socially degrading 16% jobs Withdrew children from school 9% Married children (under 18) 3% Other 4% LE Base: Respondents who have struggled to meet their basic needs since the start of the Syrian conflict Lebanon: Germany: 92% SY 85% 82% 90% SY 91% 80% 83% SY 74% 63% 70% 49% 55% 35% 42% 66% SY 57% SY 43% 24% 36% SY 60% (14%) SY 36% SY 25% SY 3% 7% Ipsos#36IN LEBANON AND GERMANY, YOUNG SYRIAN WOMEN MORE OFTEN THAN MEN INDICATE THAT A FEMALE HOUSEHOLD MEMBER HAD TO START WORKING TO MEET THE BASIC NEEDS A10. What strategies have you or your household used to cope with not being able to meet your basic needs? Syria: Lebanon: Germany: 84% 89% 87% Relied on less nutritious food because it cost less 85% 94% 84% 78% 83% 87% Spent savings 74% 81% 93% 70% 86% 78% Restricted food consumption 74% 97% 82% 70% 81% 70% Borrowed from friends or family 63% 84% 78% 66% 68% 63% Sold goods or assets 65% 58% 76% 54% 51% 48% Had an adult family member seek work elsewhere 57% 48% 62% Had a female household member that was not previously working start work 31% 28% 30% 40% 43% 55% 27% 68% 57% Borrowed from other sources 30% 64% 56% Relied on children (under 18) to contribute to family 19% 45% 19% income 15% 41% 29% 20% 40% 39% Accepted unusual, high risk, socially degrading jobs 12 31% 33% 10 60% 20% Withdrew children from school 9% 60% 29% 2% Married children (under 18) 3% 6% ■ Male ■Female 13% 4% Male 15% 11% | 1% Female 4% Other 3% 2% Ipsos Base: Respondents who have struggled to meet their basic needs since the start of the Syrian conflict#37IN SYRIA, ELECTRICITY IS INDICATED BY NEARLY SEVEN IN TEN YOUNG PEOPLE AS THE TOP RESOURCE THEY CURRENTLY HAVE MOST DIFFICULTY ACCESSING On the other hand, more than half of young Syrians in Lebanon lack food and financial means. At the same time, it seems that young Syrians in Germany are the least deprived of these three country settings - six in ten indicated that there are no resources which they currently lack, compared to none in Lebanon and only one in five in Syria. A1. What do you think are the three resources that [LEBANON: Syrians living in Lebanon/GERMANY: Syrians living in Germany/ SYRIA: people living in Syria] currently find most difficult to access to the amount or standards they require? Please select the three most important to you. Syria: Lebanon: Germany: Electricity 68% 7% GE | 2% Food 37% GE 54% 12% Economic/financial help 36% GE 66% 8% Water and sanitation 31% 11% GE Healthcare / Medical treatment 26% GE 50% 8% Shelter 20% GE 31% 8% Transportation 19% 5% 2% Security/protection 17% GE 24% GE 3% Clothing 10% GE 14% GE 3% Items for the home 8% 19% 5% Other 9% 7% 65% Don't know 1% | 1% 16% Ipsos Base Syria N=800, Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200#38IN ALL THREE COUNTRIES, THE MOST COMMON ASPECT PEOPLE NEED HELP WITH, INDICATED BY AT LEAST HALF OF SYRIANS AGED 18-25, IS INFORMATION AND ACCESS TO EMPLOYMENT For Germany, however, a significant majority of over half (56%) indicate that they need help accessing psychological support while in Lebanon humanitarian support is indicated by almost half (49%) A2. What help do you think that [LEBANON: Syrians living in Lebanon/GERMANY: Syrians living in Germany/SYRIA: people living in Syria] currently need the most? Please select the three most important to you Information and access to employment/jobs Information and access to education 36% Information and access to healthcare 36% Syria: 60% Psychological support 36% LE 17% Information and access to humanitarian support or assistance 33% GE Help finding separated / missing family members 29% LE 12% Other 4% 6% Don't know 1% Base Syria N=800, Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 Lebanon: 51% 37% Germany: 50% 39% GE 26% 49% 14% 10% SY 2% 45% 56% 40% LE Ipsos#39FOR BOTH YOUNG SYRIAN MEN AND WOMEN RESIDING IN SYRIA, INFORMATION AND ACCESS TO EMPLOYMENT IS MOST NEEDED In Lebanon, men more than women indicate that they need help accessing information to employment. A2. What help do you think that [LEBANON: Syrians living in Lebanon/GERMANY: Syrians living in Germany/SYRIA: people living in Syria] currently need the most? Please select the three most important to you Syria: Lebanon: Germany: Information and access to employment/jobs 59% 61% 58% 57% 44% 43% 38% 36% 50% Information and access to education 34% 39% 39% 37% 40% 22% Information and access to healthcare 35% 39% 29% 32% 16% 59% Psychological support 40% 19% 53% Information and access to humanitarian support or assistance 33% 49% 14% 32% 48% 14% Help finding separated/ missing family members 26% 13% 41% 32% 12% 38% 5% 4% 7% Other 4% ■Male 8% ■Male 12% 1% ■Female ■Female 1% Don't know 2% Ipsos Base Syria N=800, Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200#40FINDING AN ADEQUATE JOB, HAVING ENOUGH MONEY TO LIVE, AND GETTING A GOOD EDUCATION ARE THE KEY CHALLENGES FACED BY YOUNG SYRIANS IN SYRIA Over half of young Syrians in Lebanon indicate not having enough money to live whereas one in four young Syrians in Germany indicate language difficulties and not being able to get a good education. S5. Considering everything we have discussed, what is the greatest challenge you are facing right now? Syria: Not being able to find adequate job Not enough money to live 27% 21% GE Not being able to get good education 16% LE Inadequate material aid 3% Food (not enough, not good quality, not able...] 2% Safety (self and/or family) 1% Lebanon: Germany: 6% 5% 54% 1% 2% 13% LE 2% 11% 4% Feel very distressed (isolated, sad, scared,...■■1% Shelter (not suitable) 2% 11% 11% ■1% 1% 5% Physical health (illness, injury) 1% 4% Not enough support from community... 1% Displaced from home country |1% Separated from family members 1% 10% 2% 7% SY Language Fitting in 14% 5% Securing their future 3% 8% Proving oneself 3% Transportation 2% Clothing, bedding, blankets (not enough, not... Water (not enough for drinking/cooking) Legal rights, not being an equal citizen Issues with the documents 2% Competition at work 2% Electricity 2% Career development 2% Other spontaneous | 1% 2% 5% Other spontaneous answer 7% answer ■1% Do not feel respected Other 22% LE Don't Know 2% Refuse Base Syria N=800 Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 6% 51% | 1% 2% 1% Ipsos#4141 EVERYDAY LIFE O Ipsos | Mental Health Day Ipsos#42OVER SEVEN IN TEN YOUNG SYRIANS RESIDING IN SYRIA ARE CURRENTLY SINGLE There are more young Syrians who are single or in a relationship (not married) in both Syria and Germany than in Lebanon. H6. What is your marital status? Syria: Lebanon: Single 72% LE 46% Separated Divorced 1% Widowed In relationship 15% LE Married 12% Base Syria N=800 Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 2% 1% 51% 1% 22% LE 60 9% Germany: 69% LE Ipsos#43IN LEBANON, YOUNG SYRIANS ARE LESS IN CONTACT WITH THEIR FRIENDS BEFORE THE CONFLICT THAN THEIR PEERS IN SYRIA OR GERMANY. THEY ALSO USE SOCIAL MEDIA LESS FOR STAYING IN CONTACT THAN SYRIANS IN OTHER TWO COUNTRIES H8. Are you still in contact with some of your old friends from before the conflict? H9. [If yes] How do you keep in contact with them? They live in the same area as 15% I do Syria: 30% GE We are connected through social media 85% LE We speak by phone 11% GE We visit each other from time 70% LE 42% to time Other They live in the same area as I do 4% Lebanon: 31% Yes No We are connected through social media 65% We speak by phone 48% We visit each other from time 16% 69% They live in the same area as I do 2% to time 6% Other We are connected through social media | 2% 99% We speak by phone 2% We visit each other from time 14% to time LE Germany: 84% Base Syria N=800 Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 Other Ipsos Base Respondents who said they are still in contact with old friends#44IN BOTH SYRIA AND GERMANY, THE MOST POPULAR FORM OF SOCIAL MEDIA IS FACEBOOK. IN LEBANON, WHATSAPP H10. Which, if any, of the following social media do you typically use once a week or more? Syria: Facebook 71% LE WhatsApp 70% Instagram 20% YouTube 4% Lebanon: 36% 82% Germany: 78% LE 65% 15% 35% 16% 4% Twitter 1% Snapchat 1% 4% 5% 1% SY TikTok 6% Telegram 9% Other 10% 1% LE Telegram 7.5% 10% LE Other 2.5% Other 1% None of the above 5% 15% SY Base Syria N=800 Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 Ipsos#45IN BOTH SYRIA AND LEBANON, THERE ARE MORE MEN THAN WOMEN WHO REGULARLY USE FACEBOOK Young Syrian women in Germany use Instagram more often than young Syrian men in Germany H10. Which, if any, of the following social media do you typically use once a week or more? Syria: 78% Facebook 65% 20% 67% WhatsApp 72% Lebanon: 51% 81% 82% 20% 19% Instagram 20% 10% 6% 22% YouTube 2% 9% 2% 2% Twitter 1% 3% Snapchat 6% 1% 6% 5% 2% ■2% 6% TikTok 5% 13% ■ Male | 1% Male 12% Other 7% ■ Female ■Female 8% 5% 13% None of the above 4% 17% Base Syria N=800 Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 Germany: 79% 76% 63% 67% 26% 43% Ipsos#46THE MOST COMMON NEGATIVE EMOTIONAL CHANGES EXPERIENCED BY YOUNG SYRIANS INCLUDE ANXIETY AND DISTRESS Across the board, persons residing in Lebanon have experienced a negative emotional change in the last 1 to 2 days more often than persons in Syria and Germany S4. Have you experienced any of the following emotional changes in relation to the conflict over the past year? If yes, please indicate whether you last experienced this emotional change in the last 1 to 2 days, in the last week, in the last month, within the last 6 months or in the past year Syria: Lebanon: Germany: ■In the last 1 to 2 days Sleep disorder 7% %%% 34% 46% 29% 13% 13% 19% 10% 32% 5%%4 27% 61% 1% LE LE ■in the last week Anxiety 11% %%% 49% In the last month In the last 6 months Feeling lonely 5%%%% 30% 54% LE 27% 35% 13% 11% 9% 13% 19% 8%%4 36% 51% LE 26% 13% 11% 11% 0% 29% 5%% 36% 54% 1% In the past year Frustration 9% %%5% 42% 38% 31% I have not experienced this emotional change 10 69% 9% 11% GE 29% 49%8 30% 61% LE Don't know Distress 11% %%% 45% 31% 34% 12% 13% 9% 11% 22% 4%85 27% 60% 1% LE LE Depression 9% 4%5% 37% I have experienced an emotional change, but I don't know how to qualify it 28% 19% I have experienced an emotional change and received medical treatment 15% 93% 50% Base Syria N=800 Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 72% 42% LE 31% 106 10% 8% 11% 30% I 12% 7% 7% 6% 9% 59% 1% 14% 1%6%88% 82% 50% 2%19% 27% 64% 76% 3% I I 87% 4% 50%#4747 HOPES FOR THE FUTURE O Ipsos | Mental Health Day Ipsos#48MORE PERSONS IN SYRIA AND LEBANON SEE THEMSELVES LIVING IN SYRIA IN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS THAN PERSONS IN GERMANY. YOUNGSTERS IN GERMANY WOULD LIKE TO STAY IN EUROPE (85%) H11. Where do you see yourself living in the next 5 years? I see myself living in Syria I see myself living in Europe, for example Germany, United Kingdom, France, Netherlands I see myself living in a neighbouring country of Syria, for example Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq or Turkey Somewhere else (African region, Asia, 3% Americas) 8% GE Don't know 10% Base Syria N=800 Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 Syria: 19% 60% 1% Lebanon: 26% 30% 9% GE 33% SY 1% 2% 11% 5% Germany: 85% Ipsos#49THE MAJORITY, IN BOTH LEBANON AND GERMANY, WOULD CONSIDER SYRIA TO BE THEIR HOME However, though most people feel accepted in their current country of residence, over half indicate they feel 'very much' accepted in Germany while only two in ten say the same in Lebanon. Furthermore, there are more persons based in Lebanon who do not feel accepted than persons in Germany (30% vs. 7%). H1. Which country do you consider to be your home? - Lebanon (left) and Germany (right) only Lebanon: 21% ■Syria ■Lebanon Germany: 80% H2. Do you feel accepted in [LEBANON: Lebanon / GERMANY: Germany]? Very much Somewhat well 23% Somewhat poorly 13% 30% Not at all 16% Base Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 40% Very much 71% 48% Somewhat well Syria ■Germany 60% Somewhat poorly 4% 7% Not at all 3% 41% 53% 94% Ipsos#50THERE ARE MORE YOUNG SYRIAN WOMEN THAN YOUNG SYRIAN MEN RESIDING IN GERMANY WHO CONSIDER SYRIA TO BE THEIR HOME Three in five young Syrian men residing in Germany consider themselves 'very accepted' in their new country setting. This figure is much lower for young Syrian women in Germany, standing at 45% H1. Which country do you consider to be your home? - Lebanon (left) and Germany (right) only Lebanon: Syria 21% Lebanon 20% 79% 80% Germany: Syria 50% 70% 50% Male Female Germany 30% H2. Do you feel accepted in [LEBANON: Lebanon / GERMANY: Germany]? Very much Somewhat well 22% 23% 44% 52% 15% Somewhat poorly 12% 19% Not at all 13% Base Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 Very much Somewhat well 3% Somewhat poorly 5% Male ■Female 1% Not at all 4% 60% 45% 36% 46% Ipsos#51NEARLY THREE IN FOUR YOUNG SYRIANS IN SYRIA ARE OPTIMISTIC ABOUT THEIR FUTURE. HOWEVER, ALMOST TWO IN TEN ARE PESSIMISTIC Persons in Lebanon are far more pessimistic about their future than young Syrians in Syria and Germany. Furthermore, Young Syrians in Germany are more optimistic about their future than both other country settings H5. Are you optimistic or pessimistic about your future? Syria: Very optimistic Somewhat optimistic Neither optimistic nor pessimistic 10% 35% (73% LE 38% Somewhat pessimistic 9% 18% GE Very pessimistic 9% Don't know Base Syria N=800 Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 Lebanon: 1% 14% 24% 50% 26% 5% Germany: 24% 17% 6% 35% 6% 18% 1% 3% 63% (87% Ipsos#52YOUNG SYRIANS FROM LEBANON, LESS OFTEN THAN THEIR PEERS IN OTHER COUNTRIES, FIND HAPPINESS IN ANY OF THE SUGGESTED SOURCES H4. Thinking about your life now, what brings you most happiness? Can you assess which aspects gives you greatest happiness, which one gives you some happiness and which does not make you happy. Syria: Lebanon: Germany: My health/physical well-being My personal safety and security 88% 10%% 71% 25% 5% 95% 5%%% 78% 17% 5% 55% 35% 10% 93% GE My friends 73% 20% 4%% 50% 35% 10%5% 85% 7%% 10%-486 Having more money 70% 22% 8%% 60% 14% 26% 1% 67% 26% 7% LE Feeling that my life has meaning 66% 23% 10%% 49% 32% 19% 1% 88% 7%5%8 GE My hobbies/interests 65% 18% 8% 10% 46% 27% 12% 16% 77% 15%4%% Having a meaningful job/employment 64% 14% 14% 8% 56% 17% 22% 5% 89% 89220 G= Finding someone to be with 64% 18% 8% 10% 53% 23% 7% 18% 82% 10%7B% GE Feeling in control of my life 59% 28% 11% 46% 38% 16%1% 83% 12%42% GE GE Satisfaction with the direction my life is going 58% 29% 12%2% 40% 37% 24% 91% GE GE GE My living conditions (water, food, shelter) The wellbeing of my country 33% 50% 17% 33% 28% 39% 83% GE 30% 25% 37% 8% 55% 22% 15% 9% 80% 7%B8% 15%3% 10%10%% GE My relationship with my partner/spouse 28% 62% 64% 47% 9%3% 41% 60% 14% 9% 18% GE My personal financial situation 20% 51% 29% 28% 23% 49% 1% 61% 31% 8%% GE My children 11%% 88% 43% 285 52% 36% 9% 23% 32% GE ■Gives me greatest happiness Gives me some happiness Doesn't make me happy ■Does not apply to me Ipsos Base Syria N=800 Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200#53THE MAJORITY OF YOUNG SYRIANS WISH THAT THE WIDER PUBLIC KNEW ABOUT VARIOUS NEGATIVE EXPERIENCES FACED BY SYRIANS H12. What do you wish people knew about what Syria has been through over the past 10 years? Negative experiences with the conflict on Syria: 51% Events that has happened / problems/The situation was difficult/Difficulties and crises: 20% Conflict in general (without mentioning anything specific): 16% Destruction of housing and land/ Destruction:13% Subnet: lack of essential resources: 29% High cost of living: 9% Lack of all essential resources: 7% High levels of famine/hunger: 7% Homelessness/displacement in camps/seeking refuge: 6% Subnet: negative emotional sentiment: 33% Injustice / helplessness / Unfairness: 8% Fear: 6% Lack of security: 6% Nobody helped Syria/ offered assistance: 5% Subnet: emigration: 8% Subnet: personal injury: 4% Subnet: The Syrians' conditions: 16% The Syrians' suffering: 9% Subnet: loss of peoples lives: 11% Losing the lives of people/ killing people: 8% Net: cultural heritage: 2% Syria was heaven on earth/ Syria is a very beautiful country: 1.8% Subnet: positive emotional sentiment: 13% The Syrian citizen is good / kind-hearted patient/ resilient: 5% We shall overcome the crisis / We will be better than before(optimism): 5% Subnet: prevented from studying: 4% Subnet: the negative effect of the conflict on the children of Syria (when children are mentioned specifically): 1% Legend: - Red circles = negative sentiments Blue circle = positive sentiments Grey don't know/no answer Base: Country average reflects the simple average for three countries. Results are weighted to have country representation with equal shares Net: Don't know/nothing/ Other: 7% Ipsos#54YOUNG SYRIANS LIVING IN SYRIA ARE MORE LIKELY TO WISH PEOPLE KNEW OF THE LACK OF ESSENTIAL RESOURCES AND SPECIFICITIES OF SYRIA'S CONDITION THAN PEOPLE IN GERMANY H12. What do you wish people knew about what Syria has been through over the past 10 years? Syria: Lebanon: Negative experiences with the conflict on Syria Subnet: Lack of essential resources 42% 35% 34% GE GE Subnet: negative emotional sentiment 25% 31% Germany: 67% 46% 18% 42% SY Subnet: The Syrians' conditions Subnet: positive emotional sentiment 20% 20% 8% GE GE 20% 3% 17% LE LE Subnet: loss of people's lives 11% 16% 6% GE Subnet: Emigration 8% 13% 3% GE Subnet: personal injury 5% 2% 5% Subnet: prevented from studying 3% 6% 2% Net: cutural heritage 2% 2% 3% Subnet: the negative affect of conflict on the children of Syria (when children are.. | 1% 1% Net: Don't know/nothing/Other 7% 5% 8% Ipsos Base Syria N=800 Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200#55TYPICAL STATEMENTS FROM SYRIA H12. What do you wish people knew about what Syria has been through over the past 10 years? Events that has happened / problems /The situation was difficult/Difficulties and crises (22%) "The difficult situation, the crisis, the situation that people found themselves in, and the difficulty of living" / "a very difficult situation and suffering from displacement and we lost our security and stability" The Syrians' suffering (17%) Suffering and difficulties endured by the Syrian people. High cost of living/ the economic situation (18%) "About the economic and social situation of the Syrian society in general, and the destruction of the country and the loss of homes and children" The Syrian citizen is good / kind-hearted / patient/ resilient (12%) Despite the crisis and the poor situation, people still love each other and do good deeds" / "to know that despite the difficult circumstances, we remained unfaltering and clinging to our country. Lack of all essential resources (11%) "The lack of basic life necessities and the grave shortage of fuel and electricity, the suffering of the youth in particular, and the great psychological stress" Conflict in general (without mentioning anything specific) (10%) "On the war that Syria has endured, the displacement of people from their homes, the economic crisis that Syria has suffered from, and the difficult access to basic needs / war, kidnapping, hunger, displacement, migration and losing safety and all signs of hope" Losing the lives of innocent people/ killing people (9%) "Losing people because of the war road blockage, deteriorating economic situation and lack of security / about the suffering of displacement and migration and the loss of many martyrs and people" Emigration (8%) "How we were displaced from our homes and endured suffering" Lack of security (8%) "Lack of safety and security, suffering on all fronts, and the difficult situation that everyone endured" Power outage (7%) "About the lack of basic needs of fuel and electricity, and about the difficult living conditions, the difficulty of transportation, the lack of bread, the high cost of living, and the bad security situation" Destruction of housing and land/ Destruction (6%) "War, destruction, killing, fear, and a bleak, sad period / The whole country is lost and destroyed. Many human losses and people have suffered a great deal of psychological pressure" We challenged the circumstances, the crisis and the suffering / holding onto our country despite the circumstances (6%) "We challenged the circumstances, the crisis and the suffering" / "about the situations we were exposed to and about enduring everything in order to stay in our country" Personal psychological injury (5%) The crisis had a great psychological impact, and caused depression and anxiety, especially for those who personally went through harsh conditions, not to mention the poor economic situation. Syria was heaven on earth/ Syria is a very beautiful country (2%) "That Syria is the most beautiful country and will return to its previous state" Fear (5%) "The fear we lived in as we did not know if we were ever going to return to our homes from all the bombs and explosions/fear, fatigue, lack of basic needs and a bad economic situation" Not being able to study (2%) "About the tight financial situation, people's displacement from their homes, and that most people lost their education Wasting the future of the youth (1%) "Syria is a spot on the globe that is no longer fit to be a home, but has rather become an exile and a cemetery for its youth" / "The crisis has mainly struck our souls before affecting the buildings and has rendered the youth's future unknown and somewhat dark, as there is currently nothing that can help"#56TYPICAL STATEMENTS FROM LEBANON H12. What do you wish people knew about what Syria has been through over the past 10 years? Conflict in general (without mentioning anything specific) (30%) "War, conflict, violence/war, the hard living conditions" Destruction of housing and land/ Destruction (28%) "My home has been destroyed, and I lost my friends and my school" / "homes were destroyed and the village has become ruins and families were displaced and separated from their children" High levels of famine/ Hunger (15%) "Famine, our children died of starvation, and no one feels for us. The horror we experienced. We left under the rockets and bombs and were left amid the war between the state and ISg" / "hunger and thirst, lack of electricity and there was nothing left" Homelessness/displacement in camps/ seeking refuge (14%) "We were displaced from our homes, our lands and our country / the people are living in camps under the rain and the bombing, displaced and feeling hungry" Emigration (13%) "There was suffering, displacement and cruelty, and we were left without food or drink. The city has become a ghost town" / "We were displaced from one place to another, we slept in the rain because of the devastating war" Losing the lives of innocent people/ killing people (12%) "The innocent people who were killed" / "how my sister was killed before my eyes" / "The traces left by the people who were killed on the streets" Fear (11%) I experienced fear and anxiety due to the situation / fear, terror, beatings, war, lack of sleep, food, drink, or work. Events that has happened / problems/The situation was difficult/Difficulties and crises (9%) "The problems and hardships endured, the people who were killed, the hunger, injuries, and people fighting each other" The Syrians' suffering (8%) The extent of the suffering endured by the Syrian people is unfathomable. The rape, kidnapping and displacement of Syrians. Persecution of the people / humiliation / insult (6%) "Humiliation and insults in the country I was born in❞ / "humiliation, conflict, killings and fear" Not being able to study (6%) "I lost my education and my home. My school was destroyed and I lost my personal belongings and everything reminding me of my childhood" High cost of living/ the economic situation (5%) Most people have lost their income. We were living in poverty and fear of conflict / Syria has endured economic crises, sickness, hunger and poverty. Violence/ torture (5%) The Syrian people was tortured, our home has been destroyed, and all our life's hard work is gone. Sadness / oppression (5%) "The saddest days of my life; fear and horror/ grief, distress, and scarcity" Poverty / Living Conditions/ cost of living (5%) "Poverty and the bad living conditions" / "I hope that people would know that Syria has endured hunger, poverty and devastation, and people have suffered from refugee problems" Separation of family members (4%) "Displacement and separation from family and friends" Tragedy (4%) "The tragedy experienced by the people" Lack of security (3%) "To realize how dangerous life is without feeling safe / the situation had suddenly changed, as we were living in peace. The conflict took everything, our future, our education, our dreams and even our livelihood" We shall overcome the crisis / We will be better than before(optimism) (1%) "That the country returns to its old state and even better" Happiness (1%) "The joy of the Syrian people"#57TYPICAL STATEMENTS FROM GERMANY H12. What do you wish people knew about what Syria has been through over the past 10 years? Events that has happened / problems /The situation was difficult/Difficulties and crises (29%) "Those were long and difficult years during which we suffered a lot" / "about what happened in Syria, the difficulties it went through, about poverty, hunger, lack of security and about fear" Nobody helped Syria/ offered assistance (13%) "To provide the greatest possible amount of assistance to the people who stayed in Syria because they are the most people in need of help / the world did not help Syria❞ Injustice / helplessness / Unfairness (12%) "Syria has been dealt a bad hand, it's a shame what has happened to us" / "Syria has been greatly wronged by the entire world, and the Syrian people is innocent in the end, regardless of all that is happening" We shall overcome the crisis / We will be better than before(optimism) (12%) "That it is possible for Syria to return to its previous glory with effort, work, perseverance and patience" Conflict in general (without mentioning anything specific) (8%) "War was raging and it greatly affected the country and the Syrian people" / "ugly war and negative impacts" Lack of all essential resources (8%) "I wish that the most basic necessities of life become available, and that they could eat basic things" Lack of love / Lack of peace (8%) "The Syrian people have been subjected to a lot of injustice and violence. I hope that the situation will become better and I hope that peace will prevail" Poverty / Living Conditions/ cost of living (7%) "The situation that Syria has reached, such as poverty, lack of education, depriving mothers of their children, and a bad psychological state" Tragedy (6%) "About the suffering of people in Syria, the lack of basic needs for life. The media does not depict reality, and there is also a lack of security" Lack of security (5%) "The challenges faced by the Syrian people ... and the difficulties due to the lack of security and safety and the lack of basic needs such as electricity, water and healthcare ...” Losing the lives of people / killing people (5%) "Many people were martyred and they had nothing to do with it. What happened in Syria was bad" Personal psychological injury (5%) "I have gone through many economic and psychological crises, and we hope that the whole world would help us with everything, including lifting the sanctions and things like that” The Syrian citizen is good / kind-hearted / patient/ resilient (5%) "The Syrian citizen is good and kind" Destruction of housing and land/ Destruction (4%) "The country is ruined and it needs people to rebuild it; that's the whole story" Sadness / oppression (4%) "It was very hard, causing despair and sadness" Violence/torture (3%) "We were subjected to torment during ten years, and our situation was very difficult in terms of securing the basic needs. I hope this nightmare ends" Separation of family members (3%) "I want to continue my education and meet my brother who is still in Syria. I want stability for my family and the ability to visit Syria without any obstacles or threats" Emigration (3%) "To know the amount of bombing, beating, terror, displacement, and migration that we were subject to" Syria was heaven on earth/ Syria is a very beautiful country (3%) "Syria is a very beautiful country and it does not deserve what happened in it, and we hope it will return as before and even better so that we would be able to return" Not being able to study (2%) "About the suffering and oppression that the crisis has caused, about the deterioration of the level of education, poverty and the importance of offering psychological help in this situation"#58MOST YOUNG SYRIANS ARE SEEKING STABILITY IN THE NEXT TEN YEARS. LARGE PROPORTIONS ALSO INDICATE THAT THEY WANT TO BE 'HAPPY' IN GENERAL, AS WELL AS HAVE A FAMILY H13. What would you like your life to look like in 10 years? Net: to have stability: 65% To have a stable job/ that my partner/my kids/my husband find employment: 35% Stable life/personal stability: 18% Good financial status/good financial situation: 10% To have a home: to have a home Improved living situation / better living status: 5% Net: to have a family: 33% Married/ have a partner: 18% To have my family beside me: 16% To have kids: 8% Net: to be happy (general): 39% Better future/ better life: 19% Live in safety / security: 9% Happy: 8% Net: About Syria/ country: 10% That Syria returns to its old beautiful self: 6% Net: to study more: 15% Resume my education: 14% Net: Health-wise and mentally: 11% Good healthy life/good/ health: 5% Base: Country average reflects the simple average for three countries. Results are weighted to have country representation with equal shares Net: BASIC needs and requirements: 5% Net: Don't know/nothing: 2% Ipsos#59MANY YOUNG SYRIANS RESIDING IN SYRIA WOULD LIKE TO HAVE STABILITY, GENERALLY BE HAPPY AND HAVE A FAMILY IN THE NEXT 10 YEARS H13. What would you like your life to look like in 10 years? Net: to have stability Net: to be happy (general) Syria: 68% LE 43% Net: to have a family 25% Net: to have the opportunity to study more 18% 9% Net: About Syria/ country 15% 5% LE Net: BASIC needs and requirements 10% 3% LE Net: Health-wise and mentally 9% Net: to move country 9% Net: Don't know/nothing 3% I 1% Base Syria N=800 Lebanon N=400 Germany N=200 Lebanon: 13% 23% 30% 40% 50% 6% 10% 10% Germany: 20% 19% 2% 35% 50% 77% LE Ipsos#60TYPICAL STATEMENTS FROM SYRIA H13. What would you like your life to look like in 10 years? To have a stable job/ that my partner/my kids/my husband find employment (39%) "To have work and be in a good health and psychological state, and not to be frustrated and to also have money / to have my own business and a happy family." Better future/ better life (20%) "I hope that my life would be better than what it currently is, and that life in Syria in general would get better” / “I hope that my life would be better" Resume my education (18%) "I wish to continue my studies and to travel to a European country” / “I hope to obtain a university degree and find a good job with a steady income" Stable life / personal stability (17%) "To settle down and have a happy life" / "living in stability and security, a stable and comfortable living conditions" Married/ have a partner (16%) "To start a family and have kids, to own a house and a private business" / "to get married and start a family and have kids and to overcome the financial difficulties" To have financial stability (13%) "Good income to support the family and to live in better conditions and provide the basic necessities for living and to be successful at work / to become economically self- sufficient, self-reliant, have a good job and a decent life" That Syria returns to its old beautiful self (12%) "For the situation in the country to get better and to end this crisis" / "For Syria to return to its previous state before 2011" To have kids (11%) "To have a stable private business - To have a family consisting of a boy and a girl" Improved living situation / better living status (9%) "That the conditions improve in general and life become so much easier" / "that the living conditions would improve, the people who left return to me and my mother is healed" To have a home (9%) "To have my own home and become financially stable and comfortable" Everything needed will be available (8%) "To be able to secure basic needs and have a good financial situation" Happy (8%) "Happy, financially stable, and mentally at ease/ to live happily and have peace of mind" Not to face difficulties / problems / comfortable (8%) "To feel reassured in general and to have a job and a happy family” / “peace of mind and psychological stability, and to have better finances than now" To have my family beside me (8%) "To be reunited with my family and to enjoy safety again and feel at ease" Live in safety / security (8%) "That I would feel safe, and that the situation in general would improve and I find a suitable job" Good financial status/good financial situation (7%) "Improve the economic situation, secure work and start a family" / "I hope that my financial situation would be better and that I get married and have children" Good spirits /morale/ mentally at ease (4%) "Better on the psychological and professional levels, to have an independent work and enjoy peace of mind"#61TYPICAL STATEMENTS FROM LEBANON H13. What would you like your life to look like in 10 years? Good financial status/good financial situation (18%) "To be better financially and to have a stable life for me and for my family / to have better finances and to travel❞ To have a stable job/ that my partner/my kids/my husband find employment (16%) "I hope to find a job and provide for my parents because my father and brother are both sick and i want to be able to afford their treatment / I hope to find a good job and have all the basic needs met” Better future/ better life (16%) "Better life and stability such as a house and furniture" / "I hope it would be better, safer and to have more stability" Live in safety / security (15%) "To have safety and the war ends, i.e. safety and security" Stable life/personal stability (14%) "A stable life. For my family to have a good standard of living" / "to have true stability, for my kids to grow up and to find myself some work" To have a home (12%) "To have a home, a wife and kids, and to live in my country, Syria” To have my family beside me (12%) "I hope to be reunited with my family and to have better finances and a good psychological state" Married/ have a partner (10%) "To be married and have my own house" Happy (8%) "Be happy and at ease and to live in a safe country" / "I hope to live happily and fulfill my dreams" Good spirits /morale/ mentally at ease (5%) "To be in a better mental state and for the war to subside and put an end to the disease" / "psychological and mental stability and to travel❞ To have kids (5%) "Start a family" / "I hope to have kids and to secure a happy life for them" To travel to Europe (4%) "To travel to any European country / I wish to travel to a European country" Secure education for my children (4%) "Prosperity and securing my son's education" Resume my education (4%) "I hope to continue my education and find a decent job / I hope to resume my education" Improved living situation / better living status (4%) "That life would be good and to have better housing and a new life" To travel / immigration (4%) "I hope to travel, secure my future / immigration, resume my education, get married and secure a decent living" For the conflict to end (4%) "For the war to end and enjoy safety and security and no longer live in camps"#62TYPICAL STATEMENTS FROM GERMANY H13. What would you like your life to look like in 10 years? To have a stable job/ that my partner/my kids/my husband find employment (51%) The desired job position and economic stability / professional and financial stability and to resume my education. Married/ have a partner (30%) To be married and have kids and to be content / I hope I would be married by then and have kids and that I would be settled financially and professionally. To have my family beside me (30%) To be reunited with my family and have a stable job. Stable life / personal stability (25%) More stability and start a family / to have a stable life and a steady income and that everything would be good. Better future/ better life (22%) Better life, development and to be surrounded by loved ones. Resume my education (20%) To finish my studies, to have work, a home, a wife, kids and to provide for my mother. To have financial stability (13%) Financial and professional stability / to be financially independent and start a family. Happy (10%) "To be happy no matter where I am, and to have everything secured in my life" To have kids (9%) "To have five children and a big family" Good financial status/good financial situation (6%) "Good income and to be able to practice my hobbies with someone I love / good finances, stability and to see my kids grow up" That Syria returns to its old beautiful self (6%) "That Syria would return to its previous state / Syria would be fine again" The German citizenship/ to have another nationality in addition to my original one (5%) "I want to live in Germany forever and go visit Syria if the opportunity presented itself" / "stability in work, life and obtain the German citizenship" A good social life (5%) "To enjoy social, familial and professional stability, to start my own family and have a private business" Live in safety / security (4%) "Security, safety, tranquility and calm" To have a home (4%) "To own a house in Germany, a decent and respectable job, and to be able to visit Syria❞ Everything needed will be available (4%) "To have a good job and have everything secured in my life"#63DEMOGRAPHICS Ipsos#64SAMPLE DISTRIBUTION Syria Lebanon Germany Gender Age 18-20 32% Female 50% Female 21-23 35% Male 50% 24-25 33% Gender 49% Male 51% Age 18-20 21-23 24-25 Gender Age 43% 18-20 4% Female 50% 23% 21-23 37% Male 50% 34% 24-25 59% Region BEFORE the start of the conflict Region BEFORE the start of the conflict Region BEFORE the start of the conflict Aleppo Damascus 25% Daraa 6% 12% Latakia 6% Aleppo Damascus 20% Daraa 4% 8% Latakia 1% Aleppo Damascus 13% Daraa 3% 39% Latakia 5% Rural Damascus 15% Tartous 4% Rural Damascus 5% Tartous 1% Rural Damascus 14% Tartous 6% Homs 10% Al-Rakka 1% Homs 17% Al-Rakka 8% Homs 10% Al-Rakka 1% Hama 9% Idleb Hama 9% Al-Hasakeh 8% Al-Sweida 2% Al-Hasakeh 8% Deir-ez-Zor 4% Al-Quneitra Deir-ez-Zor 12% Idleb Al-Sweida Al-Quneitra 8% Hama 5% Idleb 2% Al-Hasakeh 1% Al-Sweida 2% Deir-ez-Zor 1% Al-Quneitra 1% Current region Current region Current region Aleppo 24% Latakia 6% Bekaa 36% Berlin 36% Baden-Württemberg 2% Rural Damascus 16% Daraa 6% Beirut and Mount Lebanon 26% North Rhine-.. Hamburg 19% Bremen 2% 10% Hesse 2% Damascus 11% Tartous 5% North and Akkar 26% Saxony 9% Saxony-Anhalt 2% Homs 10% Deir-ez-Zor 3% South and Nabatiyeh 12% Bavaria 8% Hama 9% Al-Sweida. 2% Brandenburg 4% Al-Hasakeh 9% Al-Quneitra | 1% Schleswig-Holstein 4% Thuringia 3% Rhineland-Palatinate Lower Saxony 1% Mecklenburg-...1% Saarland 1% 1% Region type In a city In the countryside 58% 42% Region type In a city 47% In the countryside 16% In a camp 38% When did you leave Syria? 2001-2005 1% Region type In a city In the countryside 17% In a camp 1% When did you arrive to LE? When did you leave Syria? 2001-2005 2001-2005 2006-2010 6% 2006-2010 3% 2011-2015 71% 2011-2015 2016-2020 23% 2016-2020 83% When did you arrive to GE? 2001-2005 2006-2010 1% 2006-2010 1% 62% 2011-2015 73% 2011-2015 35% 2016-2020 27% 2016-2020 59% 41%#65SAMPLE DISTRIBUTION Syria HH size 1-2. | 3% 3-4. 5+ 30% 68% Number of children HH size None 90% 1-2. 8% 1-2. 8% 3-4. 23% 3-4. 3% 5+ 70% 5+ 0% Lebanon Number of children HH size Germany Number of children None 58% 1-2. 28% 3-4. 10% 5+ 5% 1-2. 51% None 91% 3-4. 35% 1-2. 8% 5+ 15% 3-4. | 2% Current job status Current job status Current job status Working full-time 16% Unemployed and not looking for work... 9% Working full-time 21% Unemployed and not looking for work due to other... 4% Working full-time 17% Unemployed and not looking for work because I can't... 1% Working part-time 8% Full-time student, not 40% Working part-time 16% Full-time student, Unemployed and working for wages Working temporarily, 4% Housewife, not Working temporarily, not working for wages 2% Working part-time 21% not looking for work due to other... 2% seasonally, or... 4% 10% working outside of... seasonally, or... Unemployed and looking for work 12% Disabled and unable Unemployed and Housewife, not working outside of 29% Working temporarily, seasonally, or Full-time student, 8% to work looking for work 13% home inconsistently not working for wages Unemployed and not 3% looking for work... Other 3% Unemployed and not looking for work... Unemployed and 4% Disabled and unable to work 4% 1% looking for work Housewife, not working outside of home 6% Highest level of education. Illiterate Uneducated 1% Primary/Elementary Secondary 22% Diploma 1% University PhD or Masters 56% Highest level of education Illiterate 5% Diploma Uneducated 4% 20% University 5% Primary/Elementary 75% Secondary 12% PhD or Masters 1% Income Low Medium 26% Number of people in HH earning money Income Low 65% None 6% 35% Medium 31% 1-2. 75% High 30% High 5% 3-4. 17% Prefer not to 5+ 2% 9% answer Highest level of education. Primary/Elementary 6% Secondary Diploma 3% University 70% PhD or Masters 2% Refused 1% 20% Number of people in HH earning money Income Low 26% Number of people in HH earning money None 6% None 29% Medium 23% 1-2. 78% 1-2. 58% 3-4. 14% High 25% 3-4. 11% 5+ 2% Prefer not to 5+ 3% 27% answer 45%#66THANK YOU STRAUSS Hana BARONIJAN Public Affairs Service Line Leader [email protected] Viraj RAJDEV Research Executive [email protected] GAME CHANGERS Ipsos

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