National Port Master Plan

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Directorat General of Sea Transportation

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Directorat General of Sea Transportation







#1REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA RECCO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT MARITIME TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA (NATIONAL POLICIES AND STRATEGIES) "2023 ASIA-PACIFIC REGIONAL FORUM ON SUSTAINABLE MARITIME CONNECTIVITY" Bangkok, 30-31 Mei 2023#201. POTENTIAL OF SEA TRANSPORTATION IN INDONESIA 2#3ARCHIPELAGIC SEA LANES Indonesia is strategically located on the world's trade routes with 90% of international trade travelling by sea, of which 40% travels through Indonesian waters, which has the potential to cause very high operational, safety and environmental issues for ships. CONDITION OF NATIONAL MARITIME TRANSPORT CONNECTIVITY NATIONAL TRANSPORT CONNECTIVITY SLOC MALACA Kuala Tanjung ALKI-I Java Island Makassar The total number of ports in Indonesia is 1241 Bitung ALKI-III C ALKI-II ALKI-III ALKI-III B CONNECTIVES OF CARGO SEA TRANSPORT CONNECTIVES OF PASSENGER SEA TRANSPORT 3#4NUMBER OF VESSELS REGISTERED INDONESIA Updated: 2022 TYPE VESSEL RANGE OF GT NUMBER TOTAL GT PASSENGER 7 to 174 175 to 499 ≥ 500 3.600 182.529 516 680 156.789 2.123.458 4.796 TOTAL 4.796 2.462.776 TYPE VESSEL RANGE OF GT NUMBER TOTAL GT 7 to 29 26.662 499.208 TOTAL 98.195 30 to 99 16.866 833.889 FISHING 100 to 299 5.189 777.102 ≥ 300 504 579.203 49.221 TOTAL 49.221 2.689.402 TYPE VESSEL RANGE OF GT CARGO 7 to 174 175 to 499 ≥ 500 44.178 TOTAL TOTAL GT 1.560.485 2.423.281 NUMBER 22.607 8.784 12.787 44.305.049 44.178 48.288.815 Source: 4#5POTENTIAL OF INDONESIA SEA TRANSPORT NUMBER OF SHIP FLEET (SIUPAL) BULK 7000 6000 19,645 5000 4000 3142 3000 2000 CARGO 1000 0 292 403 22 79 717 CONTAINER DREDGER FISHING VESSEL LANDING CRAFT 529 529 OTHER PASSANGER RO-RO 226 877 TANKER Source: Directorate of Sea Traffic and Transport - DGST (Data as of November 2022) 6525 6303 2000 1800 1600 2,112 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 TONGKANG TUG BOAT 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 200 0 BULK 1 78 Directorate General of Sea Transportation NUMBER OF SHIP FLEET (SIOPSUS) 137 1 28 14 CARGO CONTAINER DREDGER FISHING VESSEL LANDING CRAFT OTHER 1716 PASSANGER 41 52 3 2 39 SHIPPING COMPANY DATA RO-RO TANKER TONGKANG TUG BOAT 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 5#6NATIONAL SHIPPING INDUSTRY 2.500.000 Capacity of Shipbuilding Industry (Ships Repair) 140 120 Number of Dockyard : ± 250 Unit 2.000.000 100 Output Capacity 1.500.000 Utilization : 12.000.000 DWT/year : 85 % 80 1.000.000 500.000 60 40 20 0 0 501-1.000 495.000 45 <500 Kapasitas (GT) 480.000 Kapasitas (DWT) 720.000 742.500 682.500 600.000 1.350.000 1.905.000 Galangan (unit) 121 1.001- 3.001- 3.000 5.000 455.000 400.000 5.001- 10.001- 50.001- 10.000 50.000 100.000 900.000 1.270.000 1.560.000 800.000 2.340.000 1.200.000 >100.000 25 6 7 6 3 1 300.000 250.000 200.000 150.000 100.000 50.000 Capacity of Shipbuilding Industry (New ships) 120 100 80 60 40 Number of Shipyard : 199 Unit 20 Output Capacity ° 0 Kapasitas (GT) Kapasitas (DWT) Galangan (unit) <500 21.000 31.500 99 501-1.000 17.000 25.500 27 1001-3000 10.000 15.000 3001-5000 37.000 55.000 8 9 5001-10.000 70.000 105.000 11 10.001-50.000 180.000 270.000 6 Source Ministry of Industry & IPPERINDO Utilization : 1.000.000 DWT/year : 45 % 6#702. NATIONAL POLICIES AND STRATEGIES 7#8POLICY DIRECTION OF THE DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF SEA TRANSPORTATION YEAR 2020-2024 1 2 3 REALIZATION OF CHEAP, EASY, SIMPLE AND COMPETITIVE SEA TRANSPORTATION Program: national fleet development, improvement of domestic sea transport service system and expansion of ocean-going cargo (beyond cabotage) IMPROVEMENT OF SEA TRANSPORTATION CONNECTIVITY Program: improvement of pioneering effectivity; Sea Toll; transport of cattle; Rede & Pelra; domestic shipping network arrangement; providing sea transport to support tourism; underdeveloped, frontier, outermost, border areas (3TP), special economic zone (KEK), industrial area (KI), & integrated marine and fisheries center (SKPT) PROVISION OF COMPETITIVE SEAPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Program: continuation of port construction and development; construction of supporting ports for national priorities (National Strategic Tourism Area/KSPN), KI, remote areas, borders and islands (DTPK) & sea toll; compliance of port standard performance; modernization & efficiency of loading and unloading in ports; development of green port and port information system 4 5 VETRA 6 IMPROVEMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH MARITIME SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REGULATIONS Program: improvement of infrastructure & navigational service quality, institution & Human Resources improvement, and implementation of international regulation (standard) IMPROVEMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AT SEA Program: fulfillment the needs & reliability of patrol boats, increasing the fulfillment of sea & coast Guard personnel, increasing the number of vessel & port facilities comply with ISPS Code and strengthening Sea & Coast Guard institution (KPLP) IMPROVEMENT OF THE INTEGRATION IN ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT Program: bureaucratic reform, simplification of regulation, management of finances and state property optimalization, improvement of sea transportation human resources and integration of sea transportation information systems SOURCE: DGST STRATEGIC PLAN FOR 2020-2024 (DGST DECREE KP.936/DJPL/2020) 8#9NATIONAL PORT MASTER PLAN - LOCATIONS & HIERARCHY SABANG BELAWAN TARAKAN DUMAI BITUNG TERNATE KUALA TANJUNG BATAM PONTIANAK PALU PANTOLOAN BALIKPAPAN BANJARMASIN TELUK BAYUR PALEMBANG MAKASSAR AMBON TG. PRIOK TG EMAS TG. PERAK PULAU BAAI PANJANG BANTEN PATIMBAN BENOA THE DECREE OF THE MINISTER FOR TRANSPORTATION NUMBER KP 432/2017 ON MASTER PLAN OF NATIONAL PORT JO KP 30/2020 636 1321 57 PORTS SERVE SEA TRANSPORT: • 28 MAIN PORTS 164 COLLECTION PORTS 166 REGIONAL FEEDER PORTS 278 LOCAL FEEDER PORTS PLANNED PORT LOCATIONS TERMINAL (PART OF GENERAL PORTS) TENAU KUPANG - MAIN POLICIES NATIONAL PORT POLICY is directed to : 2. 1. SUPPORT PRIVATE INVESTMENT ENCOURAGE COMPETITION 3. 4. EMPOWER THE ROLE OF PORT OPERATOR REALIZE PLANNING INTEGRATION JAYAPURA SORONG 5. CREATE AN APPROPRIATE AND FLEXIBLE LEGAL AND REGULATION FRAMEWORK 6. CREATE A SAFETY, GUARANTEED AND MERAUKE OPTIMAL PORT OPERATION SYSTEM 7. IMPROVE THE PROTECTION OF THE MARITIME ENVIRONMENT 8. DEVELOP HUMAN RESOURCES www 9#10STRENGTHENING MAIN LOGISTICS NETWORK WITH THE HUB CONCEPT MALAHAYATI BELAWAN/ KUALA TANJUNG PONTIANAK KARIANGAU BALIKPAPAN PALARAN SAMARINDA BITUNG TERNATE TELUK BAYUR PALEMBANG PANJANG TANJUNG PRIOK BATAM BANJARMASIN SAMPIT JAMBI TANJUNG EMAS /SEMARANG PATIMBAN TANJUNG PERAK NETWORK DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL RAILWAY MASTER PLAN (RIPNAS) TOLL NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PLAN → HUB INTERNASIONAL PORTS →HUB PORTS HUB ROUTE →→FEEDER PORTS FEEDER ROUTE PANTOLOAN KENDARI MAKASAR AMBON TENAU KUPANG SORONG JAYAPURA KNITTING INTERREGIONAL CONNECTIVITY Improving the performance of inter-regional connectivity in supporting the regional economy 10#11MANAGEMENT OF NATIONAL LOGISTICS ECOSYSTEM Presidential Instruction (INPRES) Number 5 of 2020 on the National Logistics Ecosystem Management (NLE) improves the investment climate and increase the competitive of national economy. 1. Simplification of government service business processes in information technology based to eliminate repetition and duplication; 2. Collaboration of logistics system both international and domestic, covering logistics stakeholders in the public and private sectors; 3. Ease of payment transactions for state revenues and facilitation of payments between business operators in the logistics process; 4. Structuring the system and layout of the port and distribution lines. STANDARD Reduced logistics costs Industrial sector growth Fair industry competition (transparency, services standards) 11#12DIGITALIZATION IN MARITIME TRANSPORTATION SECTOR INAPORTNET Web-based application system which is used for port operational activities that collaborate all stakeholders at the port SSM PENGANGKUT Application managed by National Single Window Agency (LNSW) for inter-agency data supersets SIMPEL Application managed by the Directorate of Port for port data inventory in Indonesia NAVIGATION Navigation system managed by the Directorate of Navigation for ship positioning in the port area and in Indonesian waters PORT BUSINESS ENTITIES (BUP) Applications or systems managed by port business entities, either managers with port concessions or just pilotage * SEHATI i Application that integrates SimLALA, SimKPLP, SimKAPEL and SimPEL SIMLALA Application managed by the Directorate of Sea Transport and Traffic related to ship route plans ONLINE SHIPS Application managed by the Directorate of Marine Safety and Seafarers for checking data on Indonesian-flagged vessels SEAFARER Seafarers' application managed by the Directorate of Marine Safety and Seafarers to check crew certification data SITOLAUT SEA TOL Information System is used to monitor and support sea TOLL activities for goods and livestock SIMPHONI Application managed by the Directorate General of Budget, Ministry of Finance for PNBP payments TICKETING Web-based information system that integrates ticketing systems owned by passenger ship operators at ports DIGITAL COLLABORATION Directorat General of Sea Transportation 12#132016 INAPORTNET for Port service Inaportnet is an internet-based electronic service information system that is centralized and collaborates port operational service standards to serve vessel and goods activities at the port. Inaportnet will be the back-end service in port. 4 MAJOR 12 PORTS TANJUNG PRIOK MAKASSAR TANJUNG PERAK 2017 217 PORTS Loading Port 2019 16 PORTS Vessel Service 2020 22 PORTS Sailing Service Request Dock Board BOR Scouting YOR Cargo Doring Receiving/Delivery Stevedoring Unloading Port 2021 23 PORTS 2022 32 PORTS 2023 151 PORTS Goods Service MALAHAYAT KUALA LANGSA MELLABOH BELAWAN ANG SERING KUALA TANJUNG TARAKAN RLAUBIN B/C/H CY Gate Out Line 1 Gate Out Line 2 (Port Boundary) SIBOLGA GUNUNG SITOL TANJUNG NANGANG BATAM SINTETE PEKANBARUCH T PONTIANAK ANJUNG SELOR CHILLING REDEP SANDAL RANG BONTANG SAMARINDA MANADO FRUITOLTUNG FOBELO ENGGREKTERNATE KUALA CINAKU TELUH PALU MURA MUARA SABAK PANGKAL BALAM MUNTO CELIK VERAC MULA SHABALIKPAPAN R KETAPANG SORING MANOKWARI POSOLONEDALE SANANA TPS Line 2 Cargo Owner SKA PALEMBANG MANGGA SUKAMARANT ROTABARU BATULICI ALL SUNGA WAPER AKFAS JAYAPURA PULAU BAA AROLE BANDANAIRA ONE PANJANG ALMON ENGGAN MARUN MAKASSAR TANJUNG EMAS CILACAP CELUKAN BAWANG BACAS KALABAH LEMBAR LABUHAN BAYO UPANG WAINGAPU 13 MERAUKE#14SUSTAINABLE PORT MANAGEMENT (ECOPORT) IN INDONESIA DGST Decree on Ecoport Guidelines (Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Laut KP-DJPL 689/2022 - Pedoman Pengelolaan Pelabuhan Berkelanjutan Berwawasan Lingkungan) - Direction for the implementation of ecoport concept for any ports PEDOMAN ECOPORT Pengelolaan Pelabuhan Berkelanjutan Berwawasan Lingkungan 2021 KEMENTERIAN PERHUBUNGAN DIREKTORAT JENDERAL PERHUBUNGAN LAUT ASSESSMENT TOOLS ECOPORT Ecoport Technical Guidelines & Assessment Tools OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY SUCOFINDO 2021 Added Value SIRANI DIREKTORAT DEAL PENGAR LAUT coport/Laporan oport LAPORAN ECOPORT COOPORT O Laporan Ecoport Profil Pelacan put pont zoom_0 Pengembangan Kellembagaan dan Budaya Ecoport Pengelolaan Kualitas Udara Pengelolaan Kualitas Air dan Konsumsi Air Pengelolaan Limbah Kapal dan Limbah Pelabuhan Pengelolaan Energi Dan Perubahan klim Pengelolaan Kegiatan Pengerukan, Pengembangan Pelabuhan Dan Operasi Pelabuhan Pengelolaan Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3) Dan Lahan Terkontaminasi Pengelolaan Lalulintas dan Kebisingan Ecoport Application hou hod Improved Port Efficiency improved port performance and productivity through equipment automation Port Economic Function Improvement Comprehensive and sustainable port planning and development, thus increase the regional economic growth Environmental Quality Improvement Ecoport implementation is expected to prevent / reduce the negative environmental impact of port activities Improving Port Competitiveness Increase the stakeholder's preferences towards more efficient and environmentally friendly port services 14#15ECOPORT Guidelines Technical Guidelines and Assessment Tools for Eco-Sustainable Port Management DGST Decree No KP-DJPL 689/2022 10 CLUSTERS IN ECOPORT Four Pillars of Ecoport PLIANCE COMPLIANCE Green Initiative Compliance ✓ Fulfillment of all regulatory requirements in the environmental field (compliance). Management System ✓ Implementation environmental management system (eg ISO 14001). Green Initiatives ✓ Implementation of green initiatives, such as energy management, water saving, using of environmentally friendly technology, habitat protection and biodiversity. Stakeholders ✓ Stakeholders involvement to support fulfillment regulation in the environmental sector and implementation green initiatives ports. Ecoport Cultural and Institutional Development Air Quality Management Quality and water Consumption Management Hazardous Materials and Contaminated Land Management Dredging, Reclamation, Development and port operation Management Traffic and Noise Management Ship and Port Waste Management Relationship with Local Communities Management Energy and Climate Change Management Native Habitat, Valuable Sites and Green Open Space Management 15#16WATERIN RECYCLE TERMINAL TELUK LAMONG MANAGEMENTS FRIENDLY TECHNOLD D ENINLAW THE FIRST GREEN PORT IN INDONESIA THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ECOPORT IN INDONESIA Teluk Lamong Terminal, East Java THE USE OF ELECTRICITY POWER GAS ENGINE POWER PLANT CTT CNG Truck OPERATOR ROOM SC CO₂ Decarbonization ENERGY SAVING ✓ Using Compressed Natural Gas for Truck fuel ✓ Equipment Automatization ✓ Develop the Gas Engine Power Plant Energy Saving Light Emitting Diode (LED) ✓ Solar Cell ✓ Exhaust Gas AC system ✓ Reducing fossil energy SOLAR CELL First Semi-Automated Terminal in Indonesia ✓ Increasing Safety Other Facilities ✓ Waste Management ✓ Incinerator ✔ Oily Water Separator ✓ Oil Spillage 16#17INDONESIA'S COMMITMENT ON CLIMATE CHANGE Paris: Submission of commitments to reduce GHG emissions in 2030 by 29% to 41% compared to Business as Usual (BAU) New York: The signing of the Paris Agreement at the "High- level Signature Ceremony for the Paris Agreement" held at UN Headquarters. PARIS2015 CUMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE .. COP21 CM PH • Global GHG emission • • • reduction commitments Climate change adaptation and "loss and damage" Transparency framework Means of implementation (Funding, technology, capacity building) PARIS AGREEMENT (Desember 2015) PARIS2015 COPEL CMPTI PRESIDEN'S SPEECH (Desember 2015) THE SIGNING OF PA (April 2016) Submission of the ratification of the Paris Agreement through Law No. 16 of 2016 which is equipped with Indonesia's First NDC document to the UNFCCC PA RATIFICATION dan NDC (November 2016) Submission on Updated NDC & LTS- LCCR 2050 ke UNFCCC UPDATED NDC & LTS (Juli 2021) PERPRES 98 Tahun 2021 (29 Oktober 2021) Presidential Regulation No. 98 of 2021 on implementing Carbon Economic Value (NEK) for Achieving Nationally Determined Contribution Targets and Controlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions in National Development has been enacted. Regulasi NEK sangat penting bagi Indonesia karena memberikan kontribusi dalam penanggulangan perubahan iklim berbasis pasar (market) di tingkat global untuk menuju pemulihan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan, diperlukan adanya percepatan dalam implementasinya PERMENLHK NEK 21 Tahun 2022 (20 Oktober 2022) Telah disahkan Peraturan Menteri LHK Nomor 21 Tahun 2022 tentang Tata Laksana Penerapan Nilai Ekonomi Karbon NEWATIONAL CONVENTION TER ENHANCED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION COP27 SHARM EL-SHEIKH REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA EGYPT 2022 2022 DELEGASI INDONESIA PADA COP27 SHARM EL-SHEIKH 2022 COP27/CMP17/CMA4, SBSTA&SBI 57 ENHANCED NDC September 2022 Venue-Scottish Event Campus UN CLIMATE CHANGE UN CLIMATE CONFERENCE UK2021 CHANGE 1-12 NOVEMBER 2021 CONFERENCE UK 2021 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH ITALY DELEGASI INDONESIA PADA COP26 GLASGOW 2021 COP26/CMP16/CMA3, SBSTA&SBI 52-55 C "Indonesia akan dapat berkontribusi lebih cepat bagi Net-Zero Emission dunia. Selain itu, carbon market dan carbon price harus menjadi bagian dari upaya penanganan isu perubahan iklim. Ekosistem ekonomi karbon yang transparan, berintegritas inklusif dan adil harus diciptakan." (Presiden RI dalam KTT Perubahan Iklim World Leaders' Summit, Glasgow, 1st November 2021) wwww 17#18MITIGATION ACTION OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN TRANSPORTATION SECTOR Minister Decree 201/2013 Determination of National Action Plan for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Transportation Sector 2010-2020 • Land sector: 16 actions • Sea sector: 7 actions . Aviation sector: 10 actions Minister Decree Number 8/2023 10 Mitigation Actions Plan in Sea Transportation Sector Determination of Mitigation Action Plan of Climate Change in Transportation Sector to achieve the National Determined Contribution 1) 2) Modernization of Ships Implementation of Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) 3) Implementation of Anti Fouling System for the ship-hull 4) Ship Telecommunication Services (Weather Forecast Information) Land Transport sector: 17 actions Sea Transport Sector: 10 actions 5) Implementation of Onshore Power Supply (OPS) in ports • • Aviation Sector: 11 actions 6) 7) Electrification of Loading and Unloading Equipment Facilities in Ports Utilization of Solar Power Street Lighting in Ports 8) Utilization of Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in Planning, controlling, data collection, calculation, and evaluation Transportation Infrastructure 9) The use of Low Carbon Fuel on Ships 10) Utilization of Aids to Navigation System (SBNP) 18#19MITIGATION ACTION STEPS ALREADY IMPLEMENTED Ship modernization and ship recycle 23 Authorized Ship Recycling Facility in Indonesia 1 ANTI-FOULING SYSTEMS tryne ban Implementation of Anti Fouling System for the Ship-hull the enforcement of anti- fouling implementation is increasing year by year 3 B30 The use of Low Carbon Fuel on Ships Utilization of Biofuel for ships using FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) 5 2 +4 SEEMP Implementation of Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) Implementation of Onshore Power Supply (OPS) in ports 52 OPS installation points are located in 20 ports in Indonesia 19#20INDONESIA NATIONAL POLICY Associated Government Ministry/Organization CARAKA BHUWANA Ministry of Foreign Affairs SHIP OWNERS ASSOC ENERGI DAN S A MINERAL DAYA SUMBER Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs KEMENTERIAN DAN PERIKANAN KELAUTAN DAN Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries NATIONAL NDONESIAN Indonesia National Shipowner Association K B. Ministry of Transportation Ministry of Environment and Forestry 1964 Indonesian Classification Bureau GOVERNMENT] Scientist/Academist JALA CITRA NE-S Hydrographic and Oceanographic Centre BRIN Indonesian Research and Innovation Agency 20#21Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia THANK YOU 21

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