Niger Delta Environmental Accountability

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#1PRESENTATION OF THE NIGER DELTA WOMEN'S MOVEMENT FOR PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT (NDWPD) BY AMB. CAROLINE USIKPEDO-OMONIYE FOUNDER/NATIONAL PRESIDENT NDWPD At the 14th Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF-14) 16-17 February 2013, Nairobi, Kenya Theme: "Promoting transparency and effective engagement of Major Groups and Stakeholders: Developing new models of participation in UNEP" ...#2INTRODUCTION ● I am Caroline Usikpedo-Omoniye Founder/National President of the Niger Delta Women's movement for Peace and Development, Nigeria Ambassador of Goodwill for Nigeria (International Human Rights Commission) One of the Women Major Group representative.#3BACKGROUND THE NIGER DELTA, NIGERIA ● ● The Niger Delta is located in the Atlantic Coast of southern Nigeria. it is the largest wetland in Africa. The region is highly susceptible to adverse environmental changes occasioned by climate change because it is located in the coastal region of the world.#4● HUMAN RIGHTS AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE NIGER DELTA Human Rights Violations are real in Niger Delta Oil Producing Communities. The ECOWAS Court judgment orders government to punish oil companies over pollution in the Niger Delta Nigeria. The Niger Delta Women and Communities welcomed this juridical action after decades of environmental maltreatment. It is only by holding the polluter accountable for its pollution, and making the polluter pay, that we can finally make steps to protect human rights in our countries. The centre of Nigeria's human rights crisis has been the treatment of the minority and indigenous peoples of the Niger Delta River where the nation's exploration and exploitation of crude oil takes place.#5HUMAN RIGHTS AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE NIGER DELTA - 2 The Niger Delta Region has over twenty million in population and its people have suffered maltreatment through political and economic marginalization, violence and environmental degradation. The denial of basic rights of Niger Delta communities, and violence against them, worsened as oil became the dominant income earner for the country accounting presently for almost 85% of public revenue. The fundamental freedoms and human rights stated in Nigerian Constitution are non-justicable thus rendering its noble objective on equality nugatory. The Constitution of Nigeria is silent on Environmental Law.#6. Economic, Environmental, Social and Cultural Rights The underdevelopment of the Niger Delta and what we believe to be criminal neglect over decades by successive Nigeria governments and oil exploitation has made the zone a graveyard for Economic, Environmental, Social and Cultural Rights. Especially the rights to health, water, food, and sustainable livelihood are not being respected. Also the right to life is dependent upon a healthy and safe natural environment, are also not being respected. The activities of the oil companies operating in the Niger Delta such as gas flaring, are affecting the integrity and wellbeing of most individuals in the Niger Delta. The gas flaring has caused life diseases and unimaginable environmental hazards - affecting basic human rights. The triple legacy of gas flaring, oil spills and effluent discharges by oil companies has make life in many part of the delta, where the Ogoni people live, impossible..#7•The IMPACT OF OIL IN THE NIGER DELTA, NIGERIA OGONILAND OGONILAND environmental restoration of Ogoniland could prove to be the world's most wide-ranging. •Drinking water, land, creeks and important ecosystems to be brought back to full, productive health in a Life Time. UNEP REPORT Abuja, 4 August 2011. OIL SPILLS Several years on ... fishing boats lie abandoned in oil- polluted waters in the Niger Delta, Nigeria#8IMPACT OF OIL IN THE NIGER DELTA, NIGERIA GAS FLARRING........ GAS FLARRING A MONUMENTAL WASTE GAS FLARRING TESTIMONIES Nigeria flares enough gas per year to power a good portion of Africa. Residents of the Niger Delta region, where gas flow stations are located, say gas flaring is ruining lives and livelihoods. While many villagers may not be familiar with the concept of climate change, they complain that the air around them is hotter and foul-smelling because of the gas flares ----Mrs. Tintin "If you put water in a basin, you see that the water will change to charcoal black and slippery. You cannot wash it out without soap. So if human being drinks such water, it will affect a human being. ----Mrs. Roseline. ...#9ECOWAS Judgment - a key milestone for all You might have read in the newspaper about this ECOWAS* Judgment - it is a key moment for all of us at the Niger Delta in which local Farmers are trying to make the government and oil companies accountable for the pollution and damage in the region. In this case of the Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) versus Nigeria, the ECOWAS Court unanimously found the Nigerian government responsible for abuses by oil companies and makes it clear that the government must hold the companies and other perpetrators to account for the damage. * ECOWAS = Economic Community of West African States#10ECOWAS Judgment - a key milestone for all (2) . • This judgment confirms the persistent failure of the Nigerian government to punish properly and effectively oil companies that have caused pollution and perpetrated serious human rights abuses, and it is an important step towards accountability for government and oil companies that continue to prioritize profit-making over and above the well-being of the people of the Niger Delta region This is a crucial precedent that vindicates the human right to a healthy environment and affirms the human right of the Niger Delta people to live a life free from pollution. The court reiterates that the right to food and social life of the people of Niger Delta was violated by destroying their environment, and thus destroying their opportunity to earn a living and enjoy a healthy and adequate standard of living. The Court also said that both the government and the oil companies violate the human and cultural rights of the people in the region.#11ECOWAS Judgment - a key milestone for all (3) The Court recognized the fact that the Nigerian government's failure to enact effective laws and establish effective institutions to regulate the activities of the companies coupled with its failure to bring perpetrators of pollution to book, amount to a breach of Nigeria's international human rights obligations and commitments. We are rejoicing because for it is the first time that a sanction will be imposed for non-compliance with the judgment of the Court under Article 24 of the Supplementary Protocol of the ECOWAS Court of Justice, and Article 77 of the ECOWAS Treaty. Finally, since a precedent has been set from the ECOWAS court ruling, we were hopeful that the ruling in Nigerian farmers' case against Shell will mark the 2nd joyous moment in the History of the Niger Delta region and the World to hold oil multinationals accountable and for a global environmental responsibility.#12. Dutch Court Ruling Although there was a Landmark victory as the Dutch Court Ruled against Shell, holding Shell responsible for the pollution of farmlands at Ikot Ada Udo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, we are however disappointed that the court ruled otherwise with regard to the Goi and Oruma. That the court had doubts and concluded that there was no proof that the spills at Goi in Ogoni, Rivers State and Oruma communities in Bayelsa State were not cleaned up. Niger Delta Women expresses concern. Today Goi is a complete deserted land; people no longer live in Goi due to the spill that occurred since 2005 without clean up and Compensation. I hope that the work on Environmental Rights by UNEP and the international community, can avoid future tragedies as the one which we are confronted with in the Niger Delta.#13Goi oil spills#14OIL SPILLS IN NIGER DELTA 550,000,000 GALLONS IN 50 YEARS What in the World? An Oil Spill Almost Every Day FAREED ZAKARIA OPS#15THE NIGER DELTA WOMEN TRIBUNALS GENDER AND CLIMATE JUSTICE HEARINGS link: NDWPD / FEMINIST TASK FORCE (FTF) 2009 & 2011 WE CALL FOR CLIMATE JUSTICE!!! ka THE WORLD FINT 2015 END POVERTY NOW! FEMINIST TASK FORCE (FT OF THE GLOBAL CALL TO ACTION AGAINST POVERTY (GCAP) Presents NIGER DELTA WOMEN'S TRIBUNAL/PUBLIC HEARING ON WOMEN. POVERTY&CLIMATE JUSTICE ODI, BAYELSA STATE NIGERIA DATE: THUR 12TH NOVEMBER. 2009 TIME: 9.00AM VENUE: ODI TOWN HALL. BAYELSA STATE, NIGERIA#16Thank you.

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