Nordgold: A High Growth International One Million Ounce Gold Producer

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April 2020



#1nordgold more than gold Nordgold: A High Growth International One Million Ounce Gold Producer Company Presentation April 2020#2Content Nordgold at a Glance 3-5 Strategy 6 Sustainability Highlights 7-11 Operating Highlights 12-14 2 nordgold more than gold#3Diversified Asset Base Across Four Continents Pistol Bay Montagne d'Or Bissa Bouly Annual Production: 1 Moz (top-20 industry) Annual turnover: US$1.4 billion More than 8,000 employees Lefa Buryatzoloto Taparko Suzdal Taborny Gross Tokkinsky Uryakh Berezitovy Operating Mines Developing and Exploration Assets 3 nordgold more than gold#4r Solid Performance and Strong Position for Long Term Sustainable Growth Company Highlights: Nordgold is a global company. We operate a portfolio of ten mines with several development and exploration projects in Burkina Faso, Guinea, Russia, Kazakhstan, French Guiana and Canada. Since its foundation in 2007, Nordgold has grown into a one million ounce gold producer by pursuing a disciplined strategy of well thought-through investment, continuous operational improvement and commitment to community engagement and operating in an environmentally responsible manner. Nordgold is a growing company. Over a five year period, we have clearly demonstrated our development and construction expertise, launching three new gold mines, establishing Nordgold as an ambitious and experienced developer of major new gold projects. Bissa (Burkina Faso, 2013) Bouly (Burkina Faso, 2016) Gross (Russia, 2018) nordgold more than gold#5Leading Developer of Tier One Gold Mines Three large scale and highly efficient mines launched over 5 years. Confidence in the next development projects based on our track record in mine development, commitment to the environment and the local economy. Pistol Bay (Canada) Inferred open pit Resources more than doubled to 1.58 Moz of gold at a grade of 2.2 g/t. Advanced Tokkinsky project located near Nordgold's existing Gross and Taborny mines in Yakutia, Russia. - Greenfields projects exploration in the regions with existing mines in Russia, Burkina Faso and Guinea resulted in discovery of a number of satellite deposits, which extend the life of existing mines. 45x2 100- +x 45 X 2 flat *vo * pop *- Ca +91 vie Trept 5 nordgold more than gold#6- Nordgold Strategy: More Than Gold – value to ALL stakeholders Our People: recruit and retain the best talent, unlocking upside potential by driving continued personal development and sharing of best practices. Above all, protecting the health & safety of our people to achieve our Zero Harm objective. Our environment: responsibly manage the environmental and social impact of our operations through adherence UN Sustainable Development Goals, continuous engagement and support of local communities, and world leading environmental practices. Our operations: deliver long term sustainable growth, driven by efficient operations, disciplined development and ambitious exploration, supplemented by high quality strategic M&A. nordgold more than gold#7Sustainable Development is Central to Nordgold Business We are committed to work in line with: United Nation's Universal Declaration on Human Rights UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) including its Protect, Respect and Remedy Framework UN Global Compact International Labour Organization (ILO) Core Standards UN Sustainable Development Goals SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS 11 SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES 1 NO POVERTY 3 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING 4 QUALITY EDUCATION 5 GENDER EQUALITY 6 CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION 8 DECENT WORK AND INDUSTRY INNOVATION ECONOMIC GROWTH ANDINFRASTRUCTURE PEACE, JUSTICE 16 AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS PARTNERSHIPS 17 FOR THE GOALS 7 nordgold more than gold#8Education Healthcare Biodiversity HAPPILY ΤΟ SCHOOL 62 new schools built 25 schools renovated 23 schools received new equipment ABC 2+2=4 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 14 183 children given the chance to go to school, thanks to Nordgold 010101011 0101 0101 01 010101011 Q1 01 01 01 0 01 0101 011 010101010 01 0101 0101 6101010101 0101 011 0101010101 0101010101 00000 0101010101 01 0101 0101 01010101 E 01010 Burkina Faso Guinea Russia nordgold more than gold 8#9Education Healthcare Improving Access to Healthcare in remote communities of West Africa and Russia Biodiversity Chique Nordgold SMD Combatting malaria Medicines for pregnant women and infants, mosquito control in camps Ebola prevention Awareness campaigns, hand- washing stations, support to families, supporting national efforts in Guinea 2013-2015 nordgold more than gold#10Biodiversity Education Healthcare Research and Conservation of Snow Leopard In partnership with Snow Leopard Foundation Only 200 snow leopards (included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) now left in Russia Automatic wildlife cameras snapped photos of snow leopards on a nightly walk PC800 PROFESSIONAL RECONYX nordgold more than gold#11International-style Resettlements Resettlement Action Plans based on IFC Performance Standard 5 and other international standards e.g. Bouly Resettlement ⚫ 990+ new houses, ⚫ 7 schools, . 8 mosques, 3 churches, • 4 community centres, · 8 sports fields, a vaccination centre AV AV 8 nordgold more than gold#12Large-Scale Gross Mine Gross - Brief Overview and Summary Project parameters Location Location Infrastructure Mine type Start-up date Average production LOM average AISC Russia, Yakutia 5 km from Taborny operating mine, accessible by all-season road Open pit, Heap leach September 2018 200+ koz US$760/oz Gross mine general view Project Highlights Gross is the largest Nordgold mine - it produced 259.2 koz in 2019 exceeding its 2019 production outlook of 230-235 koz. The mine has large resource base with about 17 years life of mine. The Gross mine World class ore body: 9.7 Moz at 0.67 g/t in MI&I Mineral Resources and 4.4 Moz at 0.72 g/t in Ore Reserves (as per 31 December 2017) Straightforward low cost heap leach metallurgy with high recovery rate at about 82.5% Project has excellent economics with the costs in the 1st quartile of the cost curve and IRR of almost 40% at $1250 gold price 12 nordgold more than gold#13Producing at the Bouly Mine Bouly - Brief Overview and Summary Location Location Infrastructure Burkina-Faso, 5 km east from Bissa mine Bissa infrastructure is available to support Bouly Project parameters Mine type Start-up date CAPEX 2019 production LOM average AISC Open pit, Heap leach September 2016 US$140 million 102 koz, LoM 10 years US$744/oz Leach pad Project Highlights Located within 5 km from Nordgold's operating Bissa mine with key infrastructure already in place Large ore body: 4.8 Moz at 0.56 g/t in M, I&I Mineral Resources and 1.7 Moz at 0.52 g/t in P+P Ore Reserves Construction was completed on schedule in 13 months and under budget Bouly mine reached full capacity just in two months after launch in 2016 The mine fully paid back the investment within 3 years after the launch. Possibility of Life of Mine extension through processing of fresh rock ore resources and exploration at flanks 13 nordgold more than gold#14Expanding the Pistol Bay Project Pistol Bay Project Overview Location Project parameters Location Infrastructure Mine type Development Stage Resources Arctic Canada, Nunavut Territory, on the coast of Hudson Bay, 10km from Whale Cove town Accessible by air or by sea with about 5-month navigation period. Sea port, airstrip and access road to site Open pit, high grade Advanced exploration 1.58 Moz at 2.2 g/t Inferred Resources (NI 43- 101 compliant) Project location map Kilometers RANKIN-ENNADAI BELT Since 2010-0.63 M oz. Au produced ABITIBI BELT Since 1909 >150 M oz. Au produced Meadowbian PISTOL BAY PROJECT Project Highlights Pistol Bay project is wholly owned by Nordgold Nordgold more than doubled the Vickers gold deposit (part of Pistol Bay) Inferred open pit Resources to 1.58 Moz of gold at a grade of 2.2 g/t as at February 2020 from previous estimate of 739 koz at 2.95 g/t. The increase in Resources follows an extensive 2019 drilling programme to evaluate a potential extension of the high grade mineralized zone at Vickers. US$3 million 2020 drilling programme planned to further expand the project resource base. Baker Lake U Rankin Inler HISTOL BAY PROJECT Cullatentato Pistol Bay, Vickers ore body and pit shells 100 Kilometers Au Legend 10 0.5 Plunge +35 Azimuth 024 250 500 750 14 nordgold more than gold#15Thank you For further information on Nordgold please visit 15 nordgold more than gold

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