Q3 FY19-20 Financials and R&D Update slide image

Q3 FY19-20 Financials and R&D Update

22 Financials Contd.. Particulars Net Sales EBIDTA EBIDTA % PBT PAT EPS* Book Value Unaudited Q3 FY 19-20 Unaudited Q2 FY 19-20 INR Crs Unaudited Q3 FY 18-19 Standalone Consolidated Standalone Consolidated Standalone Consolidated 534 75 580 77 516 558 536 558 59 65 29 36 14% 13% 11% 12% 5% 7% 51 52 34 38 7 11 36 36 25 29 9 13 59 398 63 398 45 51 31 31 381 380 345 340 *EPS is calculated on the basis of trailing 12 months results - Key Highlights Q3, FY19-20 Results Q3 FY20 net revenue increased by 4% on YOY basis backed by better mix and higher volume. The improved performance is on account of higher sales of speciality films, strong operating margin on BOPP film (due to balanced demand supply scenario) and improvement in overseas subsidiaries operations. Last year results included Rs.8 crores of profit on sale of assets in US subsidiary following the relocation of plant. CF
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