Energy Storage Value and Adoption Analysis
Approach and Key Value Drivers Evaluated
We utilize Brattle's bSTORE model to evaluate the key drivers of storage
value change as increasing amounts of storage is added to Nevada.
We quantify four key value drivers:
Production Cost Savings: Changes in NV Energy's cost of providing energy and ancillary services
Avoided Capacity Investments: Reduction in generation capacity needed to meet peak load
Deferred T&D Investment: Value of deploying storage to defer upcoming T&D investments
Avoided Distribution Outages: Reductions in load shedding by locating storage on certain
distribution feeders
Our approach accounts for likely limitations in the ability to "stack" these values
Location limitations: We assumed that storage can be deployed at certain distribution grid
locations either to defer T&D investment or avoid distribution outages, but we have
conservatively assumed that both value cannot be captured simultaneously
Operational constraints: Discharging storage to provide one service (e.g. to defer T&D
investment), limits its ability to provide other services 6View entire presentation