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Investor Presentaiton

QUALITY MANAGEMENT MONITORING, OVERSIGHT AND REMEDIATION DARS reviews each AAA and contractor in accordance with the requirements detailed in each of these sections and with a team of DARS staff who are assigned monitoring responsibilities as a core function of their duties. Centralizing this responsibility among the team allows for specialization and the develop- ment of a comprehensive knowledge of AAA operations, needs, and practices. The DARS monitoring process is divided into three functional areas: AAA and Other Contractor Administration Program Operations Monitoring of AAAs and contractors involves two distinct levels: on-going desk reviews Governance and Fiscal Operations periodically scheduled on-site reviews The desk review process involves an on-going, continuous review of AAA and contractor monthly statisti- cal and financial reports, analysis of spending patterns, and unit cost analysis. DARS staff periodically visit AAAS and contractors to conduct on-site reviews. These on-site visits are scheduled based on random selection with the final objective to review all 25 of the AAAS and other con- tractors within a three-year period (or at least eight per year). 7 On-site visits last a period of one to five days depending on the scope of the review, the size of the or- ganization, and the complexity of the operations. A schedule of the reviews is distributed at the begin- ning of each calendar year. Upon prior determination by DARS staff and management, a selected con- tractor may be incorporated into the interim or regular monitoring schedule based on the need for a vis- it. DARS provides a copy of the internal review/monitoring instrument to the AAAS and contractors in ad- vance of an on-site visit. DARS recommends that executive directors from the AAAs and contractors dis- tribute copies of the monitoring instruments and checklists to their staff in preparation for the on-site visit. DARS strongly encourages the AAAS and other contractors to utilize these tools for self-assessment and to incorporate appropriate requirements into their monitoring of sub-contractors. For desk and on-site reviews, DARS staff draft reports that identify any deficiencies, observations, and corrective action recommendations. Upon the completion of the on-site review, DARS staff and the AAA or contractor will also have an exit conference to communicate the deficiencies and recommendations noted during the review. As needed, AAAS and contractors are provided instructions for completing a Corrective Action Plan (CAP). The DARS staff follow-up on items identified as needing corrective action. DARS staff provide technical assistance, or if needed, arrange additional training, to assist with compliance as necessary. 7With the following exception: DARS conducts annual on-site visits to VPGCP contractors. 73
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