Investor Presentaiton
Governance Feedback from Meeting Series 2
Participants were asked how FRA and Amtrak could coordinate with stakeholders about
current and future long-distance services.
○ Themes for current and future service input included:
✓ Community and Rider Engagement: Increased awareness of services and related benefits;
coordinated marketing with states and communities; local first/last mile connections; rider
surveys; engagement with Tribal Nations, disability community, health care providers, higher
education, and tourism/chambers of commerce
Planning: Coordinated planning across states and corridor(s), including regional transportation
plans and potential multimodal connections/hubs; schedules; station amenities
○ Potential models of governance bodies included:
Congressionally-created bodies, such as SAIPRC and NECC; Interstate Rail Compacts,
including SRC and MIPRC
✓ Others, including: SPRC, Associations (APTA, AASHTO, CTAA), and MPOS
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Railroad Administration
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