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Investor Presentaiton

32 MARKET CONTEXT Instant noodles consumption by channel (volume in tons) 2020 2021 17,541 18,469 14,420 13,975 15,544 16,108 6,890 7,150 42,849 43,535 Market (Cash) Hypermarket Large Supermarket Traditional Small Supermarket Independent Market (Retail) Source: Nielsen Retail Index - T. Brasil 2021 Instant Noodles market in Brazil recorded a 3% improvement in consumption, increasing from 145,580 to 149,893 tons; while the financial amount sold grew 18.7%, from R$ 2.4 to R$ 2.9 billion. Consumption growth in instant noodles was seen in both channels: Retail (2.1%) and Cash&Carry (4.8%). In terms of volume, Cash&Carry is less representative in consumption, however it shows the best variation performance when comparing 2021 versus 2020. WHEAT CONAB (Companhia de Abastecimento Nacional) estimates that wheat production in Brazil for 2021/2022 will reach 7.8 million metric tons (MMT), representing a 25.28% increase versus the previous harvest. Despite this increase, the quantity and quality of Brazilian wheat production are not enough to meet the market demand of wheat for milling. In the global scenario, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 2021/2022 harvest is estimated at a 777.89 MMT, pointing out 0.25% growth versus the previous period. With world consumption increasing by 1.57%, inventories are expected to decrease from 289.64 MTM to 278.18 MTM, a 3.95% drop. According to USDA data, Argentina is historically the largest wheat exporter to Brazil, and for the current harvest it has an estimated production of 20 MTM. 50,656 48,336 World wheat production China European Union India Russia USA Other Source: USDA 35% 17% 2021 INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT Wheat supply and demand balance in Brazil (in thousand tons) Inventories Product Harvest Inventories Production Import Supply Consumption Final 2014 (Aug 01) 2,414.1 Export Inventory (Jul 31) 2015 1,381.4 5,971.1 5,328.9 13,714.1 5,534.9 5,517.6 12,433.9 2016 1,070.7 6,726.8 2017 WHEAT 2018 2,838.7 2,036.9 4,262.1 7,088.5 14,886.0 6,387.0 13,487.8 10,652.2 1,680.5 10,312.7 1,050.5 11,470.5 11,244.7 1,381.4 1,070.7 576.8 2,838.7 206.2 2,036.9 2019 1,198.9 2020* 627.4 2021** 146.9 7,810.8 5,427.6 6,753.1 14,217.6 5,154.7 6,676.7 13,030.3 6,234.6 6,007.0 12,869.0 6,200.0 14,157.7 12,435.8 582.9 1,198.9 12,060.6 342.3 627.4 11,899.0 823.1 146.9 12,547.8 1,200.0 409.9 Note: Estimate in December/2021. *Estimate **Throughflow Stocks Forecast - Wheat July 31 Source: Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab) VEGETABLE OILS 17% Vegetable oils are used in the refinery to produce vegetable shortening and margarines. Palm oil is the main vegetable oil, representing 79% of the company's consumption in 2020. Brazilian production is not enough to meet the product demand, so it is necessary to import this commodity. According to USDA, 2021/22 harvest will set a new record in global production reaching 76.56 MMT, a 5.03% increase World palm oil production and consumption (in MTM) 49,948 52,547 58,206 57,294 55,345 59,284 56,369 58,899 61.75 58.89 61.5 65.3 versus 2020/21 harvest. World demand has also grown, mainly because of biofuels. The increase in consumption reaches 2% in 2021/22 period, compared to the previous period, and world stocks reach 12.9 MTM. 74,832 73.5 64.6 71,585 64.8 72.8 72.9 76.5 73.0 70.1 7% 14% 11% 2011 /2012 2012 /2013 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 /2014 /2015 /2016 /2017 /2018 2018 /2019 2019 /2020 2020 /2021 2021 /2022 Source: USDA - January 2021 Production Consumption
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