Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

B ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENT AN IMPORTANT HIGHLIGHT OF 2020 WAS THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE ISO 14001 CERTIFICATION FOR THE ITAQUI COAL UNLOADING SYSTEM, ATTESTING TO THE MITIGATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS THROUGH THIS PROCESS. Because we have adopted a fully automated system not only in Itaqui, but also in Pecém II, we were able to reach this milestone. After removing coal from the hold of the ships at the port to the plants, the input is transported by a network of conveyor belts. This distance is about 6 kilometers in the case of Itaqui and 13 kilometers from the Port of Pecém to Pecém II. The track system forms a tunnel and prevents the dispersion of particulates from wind or movement during the entire route. For the same reason, we adopted controls to mitigate particulate emissions in coal piles by applying a polymeric material that creates a type of film. Asides from preventing the dispersion of particulates, polymeric minimizes the risk of coal retaining humidity, and consequently losing efficiency. ABOUT THIS REPORT LETTER FROM MANAGEMENT ABOUT ENEVA FIGHTING COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & MANUFACTURED HUMAN NATURAL CAPITAL CAPITAL RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2920 SASB CONTENT INDEX < > PAGE 64
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