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Investor Presentaiton

Cleveland Tin Project Tasmania Cleveland Tin Project (100%-owned) located in mineral rich north-west Tasmania. N Cleveland Mine Burnie - Kara (W, Fe) Mt Bischoff (Sn) Mt Lindsay (Sn, W, Mn) Cleveland tenement Major mine/deposit 20km ELEMENTOS 19 Tin & copper JORC Resources¹ Indicated 6.23Mt Inferred 1.24Mt 0.75% Sn | 0.30% Cu 0.76% Sn 0.28% Cu Total 7.47Mt 0.75% Sn | 0.30% Cu 1 All resources calculated using a 0.35% Tin cut-off grade. This information was first disclosed under the JORC Code 2012 on 31 July 2018. Tin & Copper Tailings JORC Reserve² Probable 3.70Mt 0.29% Sn | 0.13% Cu Total 3.70Mt 0.29% Sn | 0.13% Cu Hellyer (Cu, Pb, Z, Ag, Au) O Que River (Cu, Pb, Z, Ag, Au) Cradle Mountain TASMANIA 2 This information was prepared and first disclosed in 2015 under the JORC Code 2012. It has not been updated since on the basis that the information has not materially changed since it was last reported Tungsten JORC Resources³ (above 850m RL) 3 All resources calculated using a 0.20% WO3 cut-off grade, above 850m RL. This information was first disclosed under the JORC Code 2012 on 18 April 2013. Inferred 3.97Mt 0.28% WO3 Total 3.97Mt 0.28% WO3 Tungsten JORC Exploration Target4 (below 850m RL) Exploration Target 15Mt - 24Mt 0.24% -0.30% WO3 4 All resources calculated using a 0.20% WO3 cut-off grade, below 850m RL. This information was first disclosed under the JORC Code 2012 in 2014.
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