G20 Development Working Group Submissions slide image

G20 Development Working Group Submissions

FOOD SECURITY Washington DC, April 2013 FINANCIAL INCLUSION INFRASTRUCTURE POST-2015 AGENDA G20 should help to: • • • • secure longer-term commitments for future investment, financial and technical assistance; build national capacity; establish a growth-oriented global trade environment; adapt new research to better assist the poorest countries; develop tools aimed at increasing productivity for smallholders; promote long-term sustainable use of natural resource proceeds; and broaden the set of development issues associated with food insecurity, including a more detailed focus on environmental factors. G20 should: help develop a more comprehensive information base and a core set of financial inclusion data, particularly for small states; and help share examples of best practice and innovations in Fl, including through funding and fostering new networks. LICs face structural underinvestment, therefore the G20 should explore options for: • diaspora-bonds; local currency bonds; risk pooling; expanding the use of guarantees; scaling-up of green infrastructure and green bonds; and expand access to longer-term counter-cyclical concessional finance as well as financing from sovereign wealth funds and emerging development banks. The G20 should help incorporate the economic aspects of growth into the Post-2015 Development agenda C COMMONWEALTH SECRETARIAT la francophonie COMMONWEALTH la francophonie la francophonie Commonwealth and Francophonie Submissions to the G20 Development Working Group 2011 Commonwealth and Francophonie Submissions to the G20 Development Working Group 2012 Commonwealth and Francophonie Submissions to the G20 Development Working Group 2013 75
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