Diversification and Growth Financial Performance slide image

Diversification and Growth Financial Performance

Diversification and growth Financial performance by segment Growth mkts CPL³ $m New Business Profit, HY22 HK Sing. Indo. Malaysia CPL3 New Business Profit Adjusted IFRS Operating Profit EEV SHF Long- term business¹ HY22 % YoY² HY22 % YoY² 30-Jun-22 217 (4) 149 3,302 Adjusted IFRS Operating Profit, HY22 Eastspring CPL³ Growth mkts &... Hong Kong 211 (31) 501 10 17,246 Indonesia 52 HK (7) 196 (12) 1,956 Malaysia 70 (36) 190 9 3,524 Indo. Sing. Malaysia Singapore 244 16 340 9 6,712 Growth markets & other4 304 22 522 13 6,225 Growth mkts 3 CPL Eastspring n/a n/a 131 (15) n/a EEV SHF LT Business, 30 June 20221 Sing. Total HK 1,098 (5) 2,029 16 38,965 10 10 Malaysia Indo. 3. CITIC Prudential Life (CPL). New business in CPL is included at Prudential's 50 per cent interest in the joint venture. 4. Adjusted operating profit for growth markets and other includes other items of $160 million (half year 2021: $167 million on an AER basis and $161 million on a CER basis; full year 2021: $217 million on an AER basis) which in the first half of 2022 comprised largely of the impact of the adoption of the Risk-Based Capital regime in Hong Kong offset by corporate taxes for life joint ventures and associates and provisions for sales and premium tax. 1. Excluding goodwill. 2. Constant exchange rate basis.
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