Chinese Zinc and Copper Market Analysis slide image

Chinese Zinc and Copper Market Analysis

Notes Slide 17: Steady Demand Growth & Increasing Zinc Intensity 1. 2. Source: NBS/CNIA, CAAM, ChinalOL, Wind, CEIC, Teck. Source: Mysteel, Teck. Slide 18: Environmental/Safety Inspections & Depletions 1. 2. Source: NBS/CNIA. Source: BGRIMM, Antaike, Teck. Slide 19: Zinc Mine Projects Increasingly Delayed 1. 2. Includes mine projects with zinc capacity >20 ktpa. Source: BGRIMM, Antaike, Teck. Source: BGRIMM. Slide 20: China to Require More Zinc Concentrate Imports Source: MyMetal, Industrial sources, Teck. 1. 2. Source: China Customs, Wood Mackenzie, Teck. Slide 21: Increasing Demand for Zinc Metal Imports 1. 2. 3. Source: SHFE, MyMetal, SMM, Industrial sources, Teck. "Smelter + consumer stocks" refers to zinc metal held in the plants of smelters and semi producers and those on the road; "Bonded stocks" refers to zinc stored in bonded zones and will need to complete Customs clearance before entering China; "Domestic commercial stocks" refers to zinc stored in SHFE warehouses and other domestic commercial warehouses not registered in SHFE. Source: China Customs, Wood Mackenzie, Teck. Slide 23: Steady Demand Growth & Increasing Copper Intensity 1. 2. Source: NBS, ICA, Wood Mackenzie, CEC, ChinalOL, Teck. Source: Government plans, CAAM, ICA, Teck. Slide 24: 13th Five-Year Plan Driving Copper Demand (2016-2020) Source: ICA. 1. 2. Source: CEC, ICA. Slide 25: Rapid Growth in Chinese Copper Smelter Capacity 1. 2. Includes mine projects with copper capacity >10 ktpa. Source: BGRIMM. Source: CRU, BGRIMM, SMM, Teck. Slide 26: China More Important in Global Copper Market 1. 2. Source: China Customs, Wood Mackenzie, BGRIMM, Teck. Source: China Customs, Wood Mackenzie, SMM, Teck. 27 Teck
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