PwC MSME Survey 2020 slide image

PwC MSME Survey 2020

Headline survey findings in Nigeria (1 of 2) 57% 22% 22% 48% 46% Cited multiple taxes & levies, lack of coordination of federal & state agencies and the absence of technology platform(s) as challenges in paying their taxes. Say obtaining finance was their most pressing problem. Finding customers (16%), infrastructure deficit (15%) and insufficient cash-flows (14%) followed closely Say the pressure to reduce prices is the topmost economic issue. Rising inflation (19%), low demand for products and services (16%) High interest rate (14%) High exchange rate (14%) All of the above (10%) Say family & friends are the most popular financing sources (vs 15% who obtained credit facilities) Say they would prefer private equity over debt financing (33%) to fund business growth PwC MSME Survey 2020 PwC I June 2020 11
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