Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano slide image

Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano

Overview KPMG However, we cannot lose sight of the need to implement strategic policies and structural reforms that enable a consistent resumption of productive activities and sustained economic growth. Over the past 10 years, the country's GDP has grown at an average annual rate of just 0.3%, while the manufacturing industry's GDP has shrunk by 1.6% per year, on average. We need to focus our efforts on two goals: Conquering the Crisis and Re-Growing. The construction of the bases for sustained growth should be done in parallel with actions to alleviate the effects of the crisis generated by the pandemic. To overcome the crisis, we need actions to alleviate its effects on companies, employment and income. Here, we already know the way: to reissue the measures that worked out last year, even if it is necessary to decree, once again, a state of public calamity. In addition to providing emergency aid to the most vulnerable, it is necessary to take measures to maintain formal employment, financing working capital, postponing tax and financial expenses and reducing bureaucracy for companies. In order to grow again, we need to reduce the Brazil Cost, which has been preventing the growth of the Industry and, consequently, of the country. For this, it is essential to streamline, among others, the approval of new legal frameworks in the infrastructure sector and the implementation of tax and administrative reforms. Only then will we return to sustained growth, at rates of 3% or more per year. Only in this way will we be able to reduce unemployment and raise the population's income and standard of living to levels closer to those prevailing in developed countries. Source: CNI © 2021 KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda., a Brazilian limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. BD210890 Página | 29 C
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