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Investor Presentaiton

Business Update Key Financial Highlights: Particulars Loan Book CRAR Tier 1 Net Gearing PBT PAT • Indiabulls HOUSING FINANCE Q2 FY21-22 Q1 FY21-22 Q4 FY20-21 64,062 65,438 66,047 31.2% 30.9% 30.7% 24.9% 24.3% 24.0% 3.0x 3.1x 3.4x 390 369 357 286 282 276 Strong balance sheet with strong capital adequacy, high liquidity and robust provisioning Quarterly earnings have stabilized and is showing trend of growth AUM to stabilize from Q3FY22 onwards Real estate sector is in strong upward trajectory thereby providing high impetus to the Company's borrowers in their businesses. Record all time high registrations in real estate in most cities 1 Cr= 10 Mn AUM: Assets Under Management 3 Amount in Cr
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