Aeris Capital Raising Details slide image

Aeris Capital Raising Details

Overview (cont.) Fully underwritten $30 million capital raising Capital raising $30 million capital raising: Fully underwritten Placement and Entitlement Offer, comprising: • ~$13.9m Institutional Placement 1 for 4.73, ~$16.2m Accelerated Non-Renounceable Entitlement Offer ('ANREO') Offer price of $0.11 per share representing: - 21% discount to TERP as at Friday, 24 November 2023 27% to last close of $0.15 as at Friday, 24 November 2023 Net proceeds from the capital raising to be used to provide: General working capital and increased financial flexibility WHSP to take-up its full entitlement and sub-underwrite the entitlement offer up to an aggregate amount of $12.3m We are Aeris 8
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