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Investor Presentaiton

Simpler approach to climate-related scenario analysis An entity might use a simpler approach to climate-related scenario analysis The entity might initially use a simpler approach to climate-related scenario analysis, but would build its capabilities through experience and, therefore, would apply a more advanced quantitative approach to climate-related scenario analysis over time. However, an entity with a high degree of exposure to climate-related risks and opportunities, and with access to the necessary skills, capabilities or resources, is required to apply a more advanced quantitative An entity are required to disclose information about its climate resilience at each reporting date An assessment of the entity's resilience is required to be carried out annually. As such, an entity's disclosure in accordance with paragraph 22(a)- that is, the results of the entity's resilience assessment-shall be updated at each reporting period. In some reporting periods the entity's disclosures in accordance with paragraph 22(b) could remain unchanged from the previous reporting period if the entity does not conduct a scenario analysis annually. Page 24 9 August 2023 How to prepare a report in compliance with IFRS S1/S2? EY
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